Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... , ....,. secoDd Clau Poatqe paid .t LOIIC -THE VOICE OF CWFOR " -" Cllulea claytoa _ FIRST I. li411 N. LIIIC Beaell BI Yd. L_C Beacb, Calif••105 or: Box 4SI, LIIC Beacll, Calif. PhIIe: 42Hal (Area CHe 213) F... L.A.....s: ...144 •• Beach. calif. Editor Any part of this newspaper except sauu. cla7tc- •• IIaIliJle_ Maacer GO 810_ .-•••Advent,.. M.uacef Robert lkadford ••_---Aset. Editor Detmis GreeIle ••••••• _.PIIoto Editor GIlye 'I1IoaIasm ••••• Circul.Uon Mer. coPYfiibted matter may be used witbout permission as long as credit is given. Editorial stories. cartoons. photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication. Ad, dressed. stamped envelope assures return. SiD&:le mpy price •••••• ~ •• 25t SabscripUCOIS: ODe year 2nd class oail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $7.:10 Adventsinc rates will be Sl!Ilt on request. Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Company. Post Office Box 498. Long Beach. California EYERY SATURDAY NIGHT Lets co to a IIIItlrcycle TT RACI.G und. tho IIPt. II EI.llIOn ~ce TracIl. Just orr Hl&IIwlr 71 East of P... Sport-. lroplII.. for III c l l _ $poclIlDr. wel_ event FRIDAY, FEB. 3, U&l TV 5IIOW- Rldo, _ I•• to 10tJaduco smdost & Road ~ce. to V.p.. 00 CU.. HI 3 116 & 11 pom. Dra,. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, un I.OOOR SHORT TRACK CHAliPlONSHI P Lana Belell Indoor Hllon clo••• Practlc. _n to 4 Pollio ~c •• stlrt II 8 polll. PII. upoo 115. clo.. 116:30. AoMlln clllloplonllllp wlll • 20 lips. Milo clIIIDpIonllllp 15 lip.. Lee. It . . of LoB. F - r 00 ae- & Laq 8udI IIoalwri S DAY.J FEBRUARY 5, B&l SCu.BLU-FootIIIII FoIlI.. ., Ito Slodl· ... Le. AlIA ullclo trac*, fa ... - Clar_ ClII ord II (20') 45W55I for ..nelIoo.. 51pop , to lll:3l1 .... prlellc. III 11 ..... , rice It _AH 1ocIt. SIal. cla_ TV SHOW- Ract.. 1lIO"II•• to IIItIodoco sm• 11 Dra. & Road 1lIc•• to lI. V..... 00 a...1!1t6&11 ..... TIlIALS S.ett• • ~ I.e.T.A. II . . c.. , . CIIOIt _ 01 Rl_ u.. ". c.lrIl A_ . . . . 01 . . RI ...,. .. .......... btl., II. . 10: . . . aMA SMtnOllED SCltAlllLES .. lIr •• Tift cyclo C..... I. . TracIl ... CIIId '6 west of IIIItCGfllo PrIctIce It .......... up cia... It 11:. . Flnt rICO IIl2:J1 TropIII•• 11_11_ DlaIIIct ...... 3IA TroplIJ....... boo TT STUPLECIIASE- At Aaat Pift, lIInI • V. . . . . . . . L.A. . . . . . Z,..PIt . . . . . . . 11 _ MA ..a.. J.C.,.... HARE SCRAMBLES - P d.oSl Rancb Inn. 15 lOll. . .lIt of LlJIClit Aft. J. RI~ ... m",ln, 9:45 ...... first race II 10:00. rala ... 1b1... N•• COUtH. t. . l5-tn1l. loop•• _ loop trail bl..... Tropbl.. to ~ of _tit... IOUYMIr pins to all 0IIt1rDllo N.... lleonHd ok, .ntry $3.00! EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES. A.M.A. uncllon br lb. S.t..Hopp.,s M.C. First .nnUlI "Rlt Rice." Practlc. It 10 a,m•• first rael al 11 a.... Expert. of all clll•••• SlIeond rac. ,t 12 n _ .ovlces of all dll.... Um.d rro. llItorsIte 5 (Hwr 101). Endnltl. I.d II. ROId, AlDbullllCD IlId all rac11111,.. $3.00 ,"wltllno adlaluaclIIrp. FlO' lafII call Bob Goodine (714) 753-Z!l07. Ita_. EUROPEA. SCRAMBLEs.•• Point. • 0 1l1OC111I. . .fflllatlon. PI. pl.I•• 0.... S3.oo entry f_ 3 Hparate one hour rac••• 10 for trill lilt••• 11:15 for all IlIIIII III.... lad 12:30 for all lIIe III..... blat ca"Ji"IIIIId. ad plcalc .... Scenic IOCt flInIattoo. Illow total vl .. llllltr of caurc:.. ,..,. off Hwr. 66 II Luc_ Vall., c:atofI. IIoJd out to la_HclJoo of Hwr 18 I. Appl. V.II., atId rou Ir.lIlan! .olII. A.C,A. THIRD ANNUAL OPENER ROAD RACE Willow $pIfap I.terulloaal ~c.. .." ii.aoo.1 point.........11 Intonaatlooal cI..... l.clJdlIll lOOcc ..d Pnlduetton. . . well,. llde c.r.. Flr.t .wont 11 _ . Pr.clice' to 11 ..... SUIDAY, FEB. 12, :un clI._ sa ROAD RACES. A. F.II. _ctI00, .t Cotallo All Mtrr f. . Gr_ PrIx cia.... $3 for pnoIlIctI_ 1'_ ...., to rhIan tra...... _ ZllO ..10.. sa ... . . . . . . 1 III irst , '" of the Year S e. 5 Ih GATES OPEN 12 NOOtf··~ FIRST, RACE 2:00 PM . TT SCRAMBLES- Lo. P.dres M.C. It 81r Mlre.AII now surall" und. n.w m.nse.m.nt. T.... VOIIturl Fwr. 10 Moor Plrk Ro.d In 11rou d O.t.. North to Hwr 118.. 1.« to Balco Conran Rd, For furlllor lafCVftlllloa call 642-8458 or 642-2158 ..,.1I1.e" PROSPECTORS HARE SCRAMBLES-F.oa. Prospector. 1I.e. 11111 01' lIIl-r ... III. dot II 10 I .... LocIll... I• ..,...d froOI Adelanto In lb. D• .-t, Swparato . . . , . lilt. cour.. for 100'.. AlIA DIIto 37 point.. $3.25 -trr. r.ln or .11. 183rd & V",rmont - Off Harbor Freeway SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 19&1 AlIA SPORTSMAN ROAD RACE laWnlltlooal RIC...,. LI. v.P" ••¥IIdi. Pr.ctlc. It , _. III cl...... Entrr $5.00 p. DIIch1na. rldor .nd _ mlle.....le. For Iurthor Info contlct R., Sllaldrlct.P.O. Bol i796 LI. V.eas. N.vadl. Pre D.rton. w.nn up • po.t onlrl•• $2.00 Iddltlonal. ._1 , MOTO CROSS #2 In SII_ Cup ••1••• slID la br flrll Moto 10 I .... ElcII rid. will participate In 111_ ._t.. Amat_ III cll.... plu. 250cc IlId 500cc Prof..II.I' cll'" TropIIl Jtaollllr trlelloa. 2 . 3 ..... pill Al CI.talc P.rk located . . . of Lo. Aa' o. HW)' " . \rtnI1. p••1 H_ or F.,. Tum loft and ID well 011 Hlllor· • Claron Road 5 1111•• 10 lrac:ll• TT SCRAIiBLES-Llclllwalabll Moe. It P.,. r',. AlIA IInclloned Dllt. 37 poIot run. SIen.. clo... 8:00 _ . for ....11 lilt... followed IIY practlCl; bl, bit••11ftUII . . . . It _ HILLCU_- At Outlaw C.roa ...... Hirt .... P.t ..d LIk. MIIII on Almd HlITall Hwr. 10 mil••••E. of Be...raft..... fir .....1•• Moe. Prac. 8-10 _ U. wlo 10 - . HYr. wlo II _ All d ..... 90cc & up. 2nd A_I E-.o .1 TobIc:apI. U • • nd flIP, tum orr II R-.ado DoullM $1.50,10:30 _ . Ilarto TropIIl. IIId prim.. SCRAMBLES- br tho Polkl Dot. M.C•••act. II HoIvotll P.... IIcr.ooto (6 mil.. we.t 01 IIQlo .. Hwr 16). $1 wItdI or rl.... SlJNIII , I .... raco III p... For lafII pilon 416-6110 A.M.A. SHORT TRACK RACI.G. Aleat Park In G_danL 250cc·....Ir. Novlce, AIIIIt_ .d Expert. Pit pte. up_ It 10:30 _ ... clo... It - - . Flrll r.c. It 2 ..... an.' ..... TT SCRAllllLES - 10 lI. V........... IIr Vop. V.I", Le. . . . 0I1ad _ . . cia.. C !nettM . " . PrK. U . . . . - II _ AIM ..a. Loco 4 •• S 01 lila T _ _ HoWl 00 old Lo. Aaplo. Hwr. 3-HOUR TAG TEAIIItARATHON- WIIIIlIIr" cl..... of ercl... TropIIl•••d F.E.R.s.A. ........ LOCo 7 .11••• of Spokan•• WIlli. All I."ItOll, r.ce. Itart at _ . rlla or 1lrI_ SPORTSMEN ROAD RACI.G- AlIA llaeII. . It C.. IlIa.. 1lIc..., (tom ust • Pal_r R'" ,... Colli Hwr. 10 t _ of clo• •1 11:30. ClrI ....d). Pit. . . . , ~cI.e for III cll.... 50 cc • lbru up. . Also pnMllletlM cI••• for Itnol _ cIIJ. . . 250cc .d DOd•• 1lIc. II ... 1:30 PoID. . ,~ . .-;. POKER RUN AnaUlI sW.~if!i.~~ lI. V.p. Rldln, · -:'-'\I!II.I StIrt. II Knarr'. H.I., SIIop In lot IoIIlo Jnd. willi IIun feed .... ft 01 d _t. .p. SATURDAY, FEB. 11, lJli1 DRAG RACES AT STARDUST· Flr.t tI•• ."., II~. Stardull Hotal dr., 1trIp, • lI. V.p -, ROI SlIaldrlc:ll ,,_t.s. 1I... EIIalIIlCo t.. .v. R MAN ROAD RACES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY'" . ALL CLASSES 51ce TO 1,100cc REGISTRATION RACEWAY PRODUCTION CLASSES 9-11:. A.M. ~~LJ~~: ,iRPORT ROAD 7 MILES E~ST:JF HIGH'r\~Y"C' (UNDER 251ce) PRACTICE TIt 1:18 RACING AT OPEN TO ALL RIDERS, PROFESSIONAL LICENSE lOT REQUIRED CARLSBAD 1:. weekenlL HILLCUIIB- Br Camp.1I MoC. II H.II'. Rancll, UYII Dam It !IorPII Hili. pilon. 378· 9567. CII.... for 200cc & up. Pracll ce , to l20 Go for elorr .t .oon, rain or 1111 . ...~~ ~ ASCOT ACTION Ascot Park TT SCRAMBLES • EI.lllde Crc" Part In Tac-. Arlx, SIICOIld SandaJ of ..c:lI - ' I I _til lila nil bot wutIror. Clllforal. Itdor. 11_,. wwlcc... Co... -Ir ad r.c• •11 dar! Practlc. froID , - . to _ , rae•• IrOIl _ 10 4 PollIo ~Is . PLUG FOWLER & FRIENDS (C.fiB." I,.. .. sf wee') cI... 511 III........... 6 l00cc ootrt•• for Po. . Puff. EDb7 $11o. • ...I•• 1oa $1.25. I. ENDURO - Skip CIIIk·. CIlJ Crel. C. . .-.1.. . . IIOOSE RU. HARE SCRAMBLES- 4-Ace. MoC. IIoIla lila MPl_1II _aal ... DlIto 37 _ _at. a - __ II 10 _ LoutIoo " . lila Wa 21 01 1101_ 011 Hwr. 14• ear,. _taI. H.... E.dur0 Br C.I Polr P..pta. L Moe. Eat" F. $3.uu If rJeeIYOd b....n F.... 12. POit Ell" $5.00. Itld.. MMlI., 7:15 Saudlr . .rnI01 lstrld. out It 8:00 ..... AltA 1IIIclI_d, T." SHti lIarpriti OIIt 7 .1. -.III of Sao Lul. 0111Il1O oa HI.., 101 fellow 11_ aad ..... , . . ilion to RI_da GIIost T _ For IIIfo: Cli PoIr p .. ltC, ASI Ball11, Cal P.", Sao LoI. 0111 ..... ClII,. SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 25'• MOTOR MAIDS COLORADO lUVER RU. put on br tho lIotor Mild. Ine. r1dln, club, It til. Colo. ilion. Entry donation $2.50. ca.,lneSOtp. lilt.. Cblldroo ootend, $1.2S. H_ dl_, p .... Iw.rd.. III'" coat••1I, lud&la, tJoplIIu for .11 cia..... SerrlI ontrt•• for 10I-U.. to lval_ T...,. 10046 Van R..laD. Ballflo_. ClII'. Du~ lIa. F.... 20• "'111 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2&, 19&7 CROSS COUt!f.RY TRlAU- T. . lip, or 30 mil••••eII••Dlrty, oburved trial •••clloa.. Entry S20 darll&llt road .qulp_l. b.llnet, ploplat. for numb.... front roquln'" .$lID.'" ...... lIottomofOld Mill ROId, Limed 'I,!IIIIJlalHlooa Ber IOUIII aad TuDlta. Cnok ltd. ..... 011 C.llf. Hwr #l (Coast Hwr). Put _ _ Paclftc 1.....11. .1 Trial. SocIatr• Bol 2272. 11_10 Park, Clllf. 8y~.rrnan

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