Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 01 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- TRY THE ... ;0 '" "" 0.. <0 0> ... Ads offering fJnytlling to give fJWfJY or trfJde- FREE ~ c '" '" '" ... '" CI) ~ WANT AD RATES ~ 10 words or less, plus address and telephone number·· $1.00. 25 words or less. plus address and telephone number •• $2.00. Col ~ u >.. u $2 T ADS s1 WA Q> Q() NEW 250cc CZ MOTD-X $850.00. Telephone (213) 321-9400. MUST SELL TO PAY FOR NEW VICTOR- ENGINE 175cc Montesa, excellent in all regards. W. D. BI.....I.., 861-8545. SWAP: Set Honda Scrambler forks, incl. trlpl. clamp and crown. TS5 rear hub ~omp. X-6 stock mufflers, X-6 stock heads. as new. 30mm amal. carbo New Dunlops road race. tires and lubes. 3.00119 and 3.25119, triangular. Call 861-8545, W.O. Blakesl... ROAD RACE GLOVES. Chamois backed. Uchtwelght, yen ted. US Racer, P.O. Bos 163, Down.y, California. 19' G.E. PORTABLE T.V. L1k. new. Works perfecl $50.00 or best offer after 4 p.m. call (714) 534-0360. 1963 (really) GOLD STAR DBD34GSo S.t up for Prado like tracks. Super fasl and cl.anall goodies $650.00 or best offer. After 4 p.m. eall (714) 534-0360. FOR SALE-1956 Triumph 650cc rebuilt eng1_, fully equipped $475.00. Phon. 836.s304. CRUO HONDA SOcc Road Racer. On. race only. New condition. $625. Ph: EX 7·2954. FOR SAL E-500cc B.SeA. Gold Star, Catalina rebuilt, many .stras, Inc. $350. Or will trade for Bultaco 250« Matad.. eng1.... Call Br.t, 801·392·2366 after 7p.m. IIIIIACULATE 1966 Ducatl Diana. G.P. styl. custom mods, glass seat, alloy rims, Thruston bars, tach, lights, etc. 230 Ib! N.ver raead. Super fast strIIt bI k. with production ewnt possibilities. $575. 475·1554 've.. or _bnd.. MOTORCYCLE. MOTOR SCOOTER Liability Insurance, low as $19 year, (motorcycle. motor seooter Insuranc. our only business) Phon. 295-2054 or writ. for application, California Motorcycl. D.alers Association, Box 43262, Los Ang.llS. 90043. 1966 BULTACO-175cc. Uk. new. 500 miles $375.00. Suzuki of Santa Monica, 800 Santa Monica BIYd., Santa Monica. Phon.: 393-8485 FOR SALE: 1965 Triumph Cub 205cc esc.lI.t concltlon. 3800 mil... HIli climbing sprocket Includ.d $490.00. Phone (213) 9419517. K.D. Miller, Jr., 12818 S. Stanhlll Dr., La Mirada, Calif. 65-5/6 BULTACO PURSANG moto, IIcelient condition. IItras, $575. ST. 6-4947. fO wortls Headline in bold type •• $1.00 extra. Picture (supplied by you) •• $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is noon. Monday. TRADE Triumph Cub - needs work f.. parts for 250cc, 441cc BSA, Hodaka or leathers for 6'2" rider or ? Phone: 444-3011 EI Cajon, 137 Scenic Dr. 92021. KIM KIMBALL SAVES $68.00 A MONTH HODAK'" 1966 ready lor desert competition or trailing. Earned No. 11 last year in 8 rides on blk•• Purchased new in July. 66. 767·5902 With Jim Manning Life Insurance. Phone: 627-0445.530 W. 6th St., Los Ang.les. Calli. BTC Boring Bar 350cc .. wlli trade f.. used trail bikes 125 Honda road racer $350.00. Tohatsu SO engine and spare parts $75.00. 2 new Montesa Scorpions - Dirt cheap. Phone: (805) 495-5617. For 650cc eng.-brand new. stili In box. Color red including eyerylhinf but wh.. ls. forks & engine $650.00. Call (2 3) 321·9400 days. HONDA engine CB 160 complete A-I condo $100.00. VE 9-0635 alter 6 p.m. FOR SALE-61 XLCH eng. and mise. part.. Bi II, 780-9864. METISSE FRAME KIT MANX NORTON 500cc for sale. Best offer. Cali 473-3731. Parts aYallable. DUCAn 2SO Roadracer - falred, tach., Dun· lops, 30rnm Amal. Make offer EX 9-2179. FOR SALE-Yamaha 250cc Sports Twin. N.w Mtr. & tires. Escel. condo $395.00. Phone: 696-1674 E.... Randy, 1965 HONDA 305 Scrambler. Very clean $575.00. 16411 Bahama, 5epuIY'da, Calif. Phone: 894-2860. MfCHANIC WANTED YAMAHA 80 set up for desert. Completely rebuilt, many .stras. and unbelieyable Perf.ct second bike. lor wife or son L $250. 782·9527 Ell. 25 weekdays, 989-550~ alter 6 p.m. and weekends. For Honda. BSA, must be IIperlenced, guar· anteed salary plus commission-top waglS. Long Beach Honda #4, 11747 E. Carson. Lakewood, 860·1354, ask lor Day. Sabin. WANTED-Scott Flying Squl rr.l. Condition more Important than Ph: 714-466-2233 WANTED BSA 21", 30". 40", 1955 to 1962 any condition. DA 0-5303. P.O. Bos 102. Lomita, California. 500cc NORTON single knobbles, newly chromed parts, 67 license. Needs clutch will trade lor smailer bike. Phone: 439·7415. TR6 TRIUMPH 65 Desert Bike $795.00 (Special built lor desert). Wm. J. Jarl. Phone AT 8-1487 or AT 4-3566. CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER - 10248 CulYer BIYd.. CulYer City, California 839·9000 COMPRESSION RELEASE FOR ALL 2· STROKES. We also speclaliz. In tuning and rebuilding BULTACOS. PHOTOGRAPH ERS: who were on the Banner Truck at the Jackrabbits H.S. and got a shot of a Shamrock being run oYer (twic.). Cali John at 84-2244 days, 65-7241 ..... TOHATSU PARTS 1966 Chey. EI Camino-al,.buckets, console, 396" 4 spd.: pos I. pwr. strg., mags. tonneau, elc. Also Sequin Built" 650 trl T. T. rig (1960), eyeryllling new, all possible modifications, many spares, fast and reliable. Both machines are p.rfect! $3400. (both) .. sepa,. ately $2795. and $795. AIso have 1-plece leathers (6 fV165 Ib..) and size 11 Mal.y shoe! Ike, (213) 645-6285. DIRT RACERS-PACKAGE DEAl! We'Ye got th.m ali-fast COD serYlce. Ocelot Engineering, 950 K.ndali AY••• San Bernardino. Calli. (714) 882·1019. CERIANI FORKS & REAR UNITS you·Y. h.ard about·IIII-...·Y. got'lIII! Units for street, scrambl.., road racl nCo d.serl, Iight...lght. dragster .. Literature now avail· abl •• St....·s. 1635 W. Vall.y. Alhambra, Calif. 283-8229. FOR SALE-'65 H-D Sprint, ellras $450.00. 276-5152 after 6 week days, anyll me wkends. BULTACO - 1966 250 TT. R.bullt 1/5/67. Estra set of wheel .. Compo releas. $550. Phone: 439-2447. BSA 350cc Enduro Star. Almost new-less than 1.000 miles on compl.te bike. Perfect condl. tion. Estra .. $675.00 Bell h.lmet (7.1/8) $25.00. (805) 544-3599. MANAGER WANTED for busy shop In L.A. are.. Must know English and Japanese cycles. Good pay and good working conditions. Phone: 839-9000. ROAD RACER Cotton with 38 hp Honda 350cc motor. Machin. de.. loped by Gordon Jennings. Complet. with fairing. $750. Phone HOllywood 2·1739. S. at Willow Springs, February 5th. 1965 HONDA Shorttracker. Ready to race $275.00. Phone: 243-0391. ROAD RACER BULTACO 125cc 6 spel. factory machine, lots 01 gearing and spares, fresh engine, new Dunlop R.R. tires. Sell $700.00 or trade. 714-982-8951. J. C. Agaianian Presents First T T of the Year Sun Feb. 5 th 1964 DUCATI 250cc Scrambler. Good condition. Broken klckstart... Estras. $350.00. (213) 679-4681 Est. 370. 1966 YAMAHA Big Bear Scrambler. like new. 800 millS, ali street. 250cc. Must sell $550.00. Call 827-4563 or 527-3387, Ralph. 1966 250 HARLEY Sprint C.R.5., Ylry good all around. Two seats complete gearing, IItra plugs, carb j.ts and slide $750.00. Call and Inquire lYenlnes (714) 224-5005. GATES OPEN 12 NOON FIRST RACE 2:00 PM STOLEN From Nick Nicholson. Reward $100.00 for Information. Trials model Gre.Yls. FRAME 24MX3B1313. Call PO 4-8674. ASCOT ACTION Ascot Park 183rd & Vermont - Off Harbor Freeway i:-------------·-------~--$--1---&---$--2-----:1 WRITE AD HERE' Be.................................................... II...................... c,"tv I Ten Words $1 . I Twenty Five words' $2 $1 I Headline in BOLD TYPE extra Picture $3 extra. I THAT SUPER-SANITARY 1966 Triumph 650cc TR6 written up and plculred In Cycl. News last fall Is stili cleaner and better than new! Will sacrilice this most IIcelitnt motorcycle for $1,175.00, If you',. serious call now before I change my mind, Dan Cotterman, (213) 334-3517. FREE WANT ADS I Ir you have something to give away I 1965 HONDA 160 clean. Plrelli's $475. or _be_st_o_ff_er_(8_0_5)_49_5-8_7_6_L _ I State ••••••••• trade etc. want ads are free to yOll I I I I I I. 1961 TRIUMPH 800 MILES want myoid 160cc HONDA. WE 9-3197. I I N I I Address.................................................. I I I I 25 wortls ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO' CYCLE NEWS, P.O, BOX . , LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90111l I I I I I I ~ '58 VELOCETTE fast. w/1W G.P. Carbo alass tank, ext. 500 -In the proverbial Basket" trade ler: you name It. Phone: 213379-4097. 1966 VELOC ETTE 500cc Scrambler, IlSs than 200 mi. ney.. raced $500.00. 1965 Jawa USee Trials $150.00. Call OL 3-8909 alter 6:30 p.m. MATCHLESS FLAT TRACKER for sal. or trad•• TO 6-8673.

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