Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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....,. Y-II 'THE VOICE OF CALlFOR.A' _II FIRST In Cbades Claytoa ••••_ •• SIIama claytoa .. BasiDe &411 N. Lllg Beacb Bin. LOIIg Beacll, Calif. !lOllS Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Pb.e: 423-0431 (Area CelIe 213) FI1lII L.A. PIIe_s: 13&-8844 ._ECUtor 1IIaDag~ Gil 810 AdverUsing Ma8ag~ Robert BracHord ....Asst. EcWor Denais Greene 11010 Edilor Gaye Tboma_ C1rculaUon Mgr. Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Company. Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING under lhI IIpt. at EI.IIIDI'I Rac., Jult off Hlpw., 71 Ea.t of Perri. turnoff. Sport_a tropill•• for .11 Spectator. welcom.. SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 19&1 TROPHY PRESENTATION-DlrtDI• •1 II.C. pass.s out till In.. for Acton and Hopwtown . _ t.. At AOIIrlcan L.eton H.II. 3208 •• 15th St.. Incl.wood. Ewrybody welcom•• mo.les. unclnc. rafrlllun.nts. INDOOR SHORT TRACK-AlIA sanctl_d. flnal point r.c••t Cow P.lac•• Sal F, Novlc•••mateur••xpert limited to 250cc machln... 1966 TROPHY A.ARDS AND DANCE' RRC of Southern C.llf.p". .lslhelr ......1 unc. and of1Icer Installation .t I p.rn. .t till An....... Bowl. 1925 •• Lincoln Blvd., Ana"'lm Admission S1.50. Plc:iI up y_ 1966 t_ nns, no .dmlsslon _lIury for that. SUNDAY, JAN 29, 19&1 SCRAMBLES. A winter scrUlblll on • unctr for men wIIo Ilk. Ian. rala or shla.. No IIIIIchln. and. 200cc .1I0wed! Practlc••nd sipup 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 • .m. R.c. at noon. All rider••nd ...cbl.... malt compl, willi AlIA .nd DIstrict 36 rul.s! For fwtIIIr Info contact Bob •• JIII.... 324 N.II.ln St., Salin... HARE AND HOUND. Hllltoppers II.C•• AlIA unction, .lut••t 10 ....t Lot"", V.II.,. C.Uf. Limed froII "Y" la Lucwrne V.lley. Cours. Is 7S mllll of de..rt. SAND TRACK SCRAMBLE5-S.lInu R....• bI. la Sallu.. Practice ac. at • no IIIIIcbIIll under OOcc Bob .arllllln .t 324 N. Main St.. mo.. Into. SCRAMBLES - Fort Sutt. !LC••t H.lvetl. P.rk. Sacr.mento. 2nd lI.rcb '" Dlm.s Beneflt.AII clusel 6Occ-650cc••ICnup .nd pr.ctlc. 9:00-11:00 _.. rac• •t noon. SI. mil.. west of SacraOllntO on Hwy 16, conc.sslon.. sh.d.d AlIA s.nctloned, C.II GlOrI' Carter (916) 331· lUI after 1:00 p.m. for mOAt Info. .mUll' MATCH RACE-Twla Triumph Doubl_li.' fu.1 bumlne 150 plu. mph plu. squ.ra off for 2-out·of-3 .lImlnatlons .t Irwtnd.l. Dr.c strip. About 2 p.m. Scotty and Perri ••ersus & Cook, 1Iurr., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,19&1 MEEnNG-MlC Drac RaclnC Ass.. Election at of1Ic... l.ter.sled .U-II.sts 1.'lId, At PancH. H...... In N. Blvd.. L. Paent.. 9 Pom. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 19&1 INDOOR SHORT TRACK CIWIPlONSHIP LooC Such Indoors ....on close.. Practlc. _n til 4 p.... Races .lut at I polL Pili op. . .t 5. clo. at 6:30 ......111 til. south repla Its Cloty? Turn on. tu. ap. drop In. At LonC Be.cb Blvd. & Oc.... SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 19&1 TRIAL5-Sanctloned b, s.c. T.A. .t th. Can· yon C".t .,.. '" RI_sld.. U ..ed from Cantr.1 A".. tumoff of the R1v.sld. Fwy. In RI_sld.. Starllnc II•• 10:30 ..... ~,,~~ ~~ . ~..O "Q,f- Any part of this newspaper except copyrichted matter may be used without permission as long as credIt Is g1 ven. Edi torlaI stories. cartoons, photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication. Addressed. stamped envelope assures return. Single ropy price , , ••••••• ~ Subscr1pUOIIS: One year 2nd class ma.ll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 7.~ AdverUsing rates wtlJ be seat on request. Lets gt 11 a IIIItwc,cle IVH1t11ls week_ AMA SAJIICnONED SCRAMBLES IpoRlOrad by th. T.ft MolDrcycl. Club, Inc. 10c.t.d 12 mil. Wilt of M.rlcop•• Practlc. .t 10 ....... sian up clol.1 .t 11:30. FIrst r.ce .t 12:30 Po... Trophies et.en .t rac•• District 36A rul ... II. 1111. Tropby. R.frwshlMllls on ground•• TT STEEPLECHASE- At Ascot Park. 1Urd & Vennont. south L.A. R.c. li me 2 p.m. Pit pt. closes .t noon. AlIA unct.. J.C. AC" "omot.l. HARE SCRAIIBLES - Ponderou Rancb Inn. 1S mlllI •• st of Lanca.ter on Ave. J. RI~ llMtetlnc 9:45 ...... first r.c. at 10:00. rain or .blne.N.w course. two 1S..",II. loops. loop tr.1I blk... Tropbles to ~ of _ entrl.s, pins to .11 .ntered. NonIIC111sed ok, entry $3.00. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES. A.II.A. unclion by tb. SaC..Hoppers II.C. FIrst .nnu.1 "R.t Race." Pr.ctlce .t 10 • .m•• flr.t r.ct .t 11 • .m. Experts of .11 clul'" Second rac. .t 12 aoon, Novlc.s of .11 cI...... Um.d from Intersat. S (Hwy 101). Enclnlb ••nd San lI.rcol Ro.d. Ambulanc• •nd .11 f.cIIltl... S3.00 entranc. f.. wltb ao .dmllbnc. c:barp. For Info c.1I Bob Goodlnc (714) 753-2907. "'S EUROPEAN SCRAIIBLES.·. Point. No ..socl.tlon .ffillatlon. PI. plat.1 o.k, S3.00 entry f... 3 ..parate one ho.. races. 10 • .m. for trail blk.s, 11:1S for .11 small bikes .nd 12:30 for .11 blC blk... E.lnt camperounds and picnic .rN. Scenic rock formation. .1I0w lobI vi sI bllIly of couree. Turn off Hwy. 66 at Lac_ V.lley cutoff. bud Nit to la_seellon of Hwy 11 In Appl. V.lley and you .,. t"'ra! A.C.A. THIRD ANNUAL OPENER ROAD RACE Willow Sprlnc. Int.m.lion.' Rac.. way. i1.lIon.1 points ...nt••11 Intlflllltional cl..... Includlnc 100cc and Production. u will u sid. c.r.. FIr.t . _ 11 • .m. Pr.ctic. 9 to 11 ...... TT STEEPLECHASE - A.cot P.rk. 1I3rd & V.mon!, G.rdln•• First AlIA prof.sslon.1 TT r.c. of ....on;•••m.t.ur, expert. SUIDAY, FEB. 12, 19&1 ROAD RACES. A. F"" unction, .t CoUll. All cl...... $I entry f-. $8 for Grand Prb, S3 for production. Fr. ..try to riders trav.llnc 200 mil ... ow. TT SCRAMBLES - Ea.tslde Cycl. Park In Tacun, Ariz. Second Sunday of ..cb month uatll till "., bot w..ther. C.llfornl. riders .Iwayl W.ICOUl•• Co.....rly .nd r.ce .11 day! Pr.ctlc. from 9 ..m. to noon. r.ces from noon to 4 p.... TT SCRAMBLE5- Los P.dres M.C. at B.y Ma".AII new surefire under n.w m.n.c....nt. Ventura Fwy. to lloor P.rk Road In Thouund O.k.. North 10 Hwy 111•• I.ft to Balcom. Canyon Rd. For farther Inform.tlon call 642-1451 or 642·21~ •••nlnc.. PROSPECTORS HARE SCRAIIBLES-Famous Prosp.ctorl 1I.e. scrambles tb.t 01' bunny on th. dot .t 10 • .m. LocatIon II marked from Adelanto In tb. D._t. S.p.r.1I t.enybike cour.. for 100'.. AMA DI.t. 37 points, $3.2S ..try. r.ln or m. st. SPORTSMEN ROAD RACING- AlIA unelioned .t C.rl.bad Rac.wa, (tum ust on P.lom.r Rd. from Hwy. In town of Carllbad). PIli open 9 ....... close .t 11:30. RacinC for .11 cl.sses from 50 ec on tbru op... Also production cl..1 for .t,..t macb'M'. 2SOcc and under. Rac. lime 1:30 p"". POKER RUN. Amu.1 Sw.thurt Run,- B, Lu Rldlnc 126 mll.l. Starts .t Knerr'. H.I., Shop In 1-9 ..m. end. with bun f.d .nd fl.ld me.t. SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 1961 DRAG RACES AT STARDUST - First tim. ...r .t F.mou. Stardust Hot.1 dr.C Itrlp. L.. V'ps, N.v. R.C Sb.ldrlck promOtll. u.l.ted by Bob Ebellne. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 19&1 AlIA SPORTSMAN ROAD RACE lallrutlou' Rae...,. u., N.nda. Practice .t 9 .m•• 11 cl...... Entry SS.oo per m.chln•• rider .nd on. mechanic. For further Into contsct R.C Sb.ldrlck. P.O. Bo. 1796 Las V'C.s, N•••da. Pr. D.yton. w.rm up • post ..tries S2.oo .ddltlonal. MOTO CROSS #2 .vent In SII..r Cup ..rill. Ilan In by first lIoto 10 Each rid. will pullclpat. la th_ t .. Alllllt_ .11 cl 1 plu. 250cc and 500cc Professlon.1 cl Trophl... Knobby traction. 2 Ink.l, 3 Nhr. pl.tes. At C••blc P.rk loc.ted north of Lol An,eles on Hwy 99. \2-mll. p..t Honor F.faIo Tum I.ft and IP west on H.s1.,·. Canyon Roed S mll.s to track. TT SCRAMBLE5-LI&hlwllpll !LC••t Pit" rli. AlIA unctlollld Dlat. 37 polnt run. SlCnup closes 1:00 a.m. for sm.1I blk.s, Immedl. .t.l, follow.d b, pr.ctlc.; blC bike .Ipup op... at noon. Six bikes make • 6 100cc ..tries for Powd. Puff. Entry sl.60. .dmlsslon $1.25. ENDURO - Skip CI.rk·, City C,cl. C.nt. 2nd AnnUllI Enduro .t T....capl. Umed .nd red f1.C', tam off .t Rosamond. Donall on $1.S0. 10:30 ••m. start. Trophies and prlz... HARE SCRAIIBLES - Four Ace. II.C. Dlst. 37 point run. 1I0ra Info to follow. or writ. Bu 922. North HolI,wood, C.IIf. 91603. A.lLA. SHORT TRACK RACING. Ascot Park In G...... 250cc's onl,. Novice, Amat.ur .nd Ellpert. Pit C.te. open .t 10:30 •• m. and clo..s .t noon. First r.c••t 2 p.m. HARE SCRAMBLE5- 4 Aces II.C. DI.t. 37 PoInt Run. ••tch for debll .. 1I00SE RUN HARE SCRAIIBLES- 4-Aces II.C. bost. th. umpt_th annu.1 desert bash, .nd DI.t. 37 point. Banner w s .t 10 sh.rp. Loc:atIoa IIIIIrll.d from t... ••&OlI 1 C.... 20 mi. N. of 1I0j... on Hwy.14. SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 25ti19&1 MOTOR MAIDS COLORADO RIVER RUN put on by t... lIotor Maldl Inc. rldlnc Club, .... nc .t till Colo. shor.. Entry doUtlon $2.50. camplnc SOt p. blk.. Cblldr....t_d, Sl.2S. H.m dinner. C.OIIS, .w.rds. bike coatest•• judetnc trophies for .11 cl Send .ntrl.s for Inform.tlon to , ••1 T..n.y. 10046 Van Rulbn. Bellflower. Calif. De.~ lin. F.... 20. PLUG FOWLER & FRIENDS «(.Ii...d f,. fa sf weei) \'\~" t' ~ ~\.\)C~ second Class Post&ce paid at Long Beach. C&llt. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2&,19&1 TRIAU - S.C.T.A.-_tl_d ...nt .t the D.n. Polnt.rIa. Startln, time will be 10:30 ..m. sharp. trophlll prwHllted .ft........ TT SCRAMBLE5- .t Sprocket. Park. located .t foot of Cblna ne.r Ollul•• Spon.. by B.kersfl.ld Sprockets II.C. ..tcb for d.bll .. TT SCRAMBLE5- In us tpon .. by V.II., II.C. N.w oll.d course, CI... C tr.ctlon only. Pr.c. 11:00 ••m.. r.c• •t noon. AlIA sanct. Loc. 4 ml S. of the Trop!cana Hotll on old Los Anclles Hwy. SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 19&1 TT SCRAMBLE5- b, 4-Ac.s !Le. ••tcb for detail .. DI.t. 37 point .. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 19&1 2nd ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT. IIoden C,cl. m.pzla. prallnt. thl. famll, hln ....t. Gr.nd Prize will be S10oo. 0tIIer prizes Include motorcycles••CceiSOrill .ed coodl... Contlsbnt. will ...rch for CDftoo tallllrs lIIlIt haw bIIlI dropped on the desert from .n .Ircr.ft. The" will b. unlbry f_ IlItI.s, Insuranc.....bul.nces .nd police on hand, ••tch for furlIIIr d1b1l .. SUNDAY, APRIL 38, 19&1 TT SCRAMBLES- by 4-Ac.s !LC. Dlst. 37 point....tch for detail.. FREE FUN FOR VEGAS FANS Since the first publicity regarding the All Bike Drags and the motorcycle roadraces in Las Vegas was printed, a tremendous amount of interest has been shown by local merchants and business concerns. So far many things await contestsnts and fans. For the racers, in addition to tile usual trophies. there will be many merchandise awards for all classes including transistor and clock radios. watches. racing oil etc. These donated by business people to show their support for motorcycle racing here. Local sbOwgirls from the Las Vegas Strip Hotels will act as trophy girls for the two events. That's pretty good••• but that's not all. Every race entrant. magster, roadracer and their families and frlenda. will get a gift certificate of ten ($10.00) dollar value good for meals. drinks. Ooor show and casino free plays at the Nevada Club. BUT! there's more yet!ll The Nevada C ub (in the Casino Center) will host a Victory buffet dinner complete with drinks (bar) and the noorshow after th e races on Sunday. Fun starts at 6 p.m. till midnite. For those who plan to leave early dinner is at 7 p.m. AND IT'S ALL FREE! Compliments of the management. Gift certificates and the dinner invitations will be mailed out to all entries as they are received. They will be available at the promoters' offices. 3135 Industrial Rd., suite 110 Friday afternoon, 1 P.rn. till 7 p.m. Feb. 17th and at the stsrdust Track from 7 a.m. Saturday till 6 p.m. Sunday. By Herman