Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 01 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• TRY THE ~ Q) ClD 01 Q. $ t-- co 0> Ads Dfferin, tlnythin, tD • live tlwtly Dr trflde- FREE 0> ~ § i "" ~ WA T AD RATES fo;) :I: 10 words or less. plus address and telephone number -- 51.00. 25 words or less. plus address and telephone number .- 52.00. fo;) -J 10 woris 25 words Hea Ii e in btlll type .- $1.00 xtra. Picture (supplled by you) -- $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is noon. Monday. U :>. U 1964 XLCH HAR-DAV•••xe. condo. 3.000 SELL/TRADE: Road Raeer 6 Ipd. Bultaea USee C ••lnc. Jet/nc. $pears for $750.00 or 250ec G.P. Road Rac•• Call 430-9447. (1IaIIIIattan Buc:b. Callforola). FOR SALE OR TRADE - 1965 Bom.."'•• 5tronc IIICln•• clas. tank. Hat. Extra let Alloy wIIe.ll. compl.t. Ht of parlne. Esp.rt main nent machine $1100. C.all (213) 395-1469• 1111... Tach.. w11lt. lutller .UI & pad. alloy rI••• ca.... paillt, tuHd pi,... spec. carb" $12118.. or lII.t lilt•• Call (213) FR 2.1684. 19lii& BULTACO-175cc. Uk. new. 500 mil •• $375JlO. Suzuki 01 s.ta lIanlca, 100 Santa BI¥II.. SaDta lIonlca. Phon.: 393-1485 . 64 YAIIAHA 10 Trail or Str_t. BIC tl ..s & utra sprockets low ..lIup Ilk. _ $195 or trad. for 1is.250cc 1IIr1 IIIk.. Call after 4 ..... Ask for Ron 379-4979. MfCHANI C WANTED .,.,.,!-ed, F. HCIIIlIa. BSA... ust III pa,. ...... salary plu. commlulOlt-top wap•• 1.aD& Beach Honda #4. 11741 E. ear.on. Lake_d, 1&0-1354. ask for Dav. Sabin. WILL TRADE 19&5 $-tO Honda for 1965 Trail to H. . . TliepIIone: 421-2310. FOR SALE-'65 Honda 305 Scrambl.r. pod c.cltlon 5495.00. Call 358.2639. MEn SSE FRAME KIT For 650cc lillo-brand n.w••tlll In bolo Color .... laeluclne "erytbllll but wb.i .. forks & . . . . $650.00. Call (213) 321·9400 day.. FULL DRESS 1963 IlIIW $bl.hl. baCs, $140. Seat, special IIIpn. parts, chrom. rur .d. 17.000 ..I.. Ilk. a watch. Turn InIllClto... lIIUffler.. S. It and It'. soldo $!IS. tall. . all. (213) 591·1389. 2142 Loll. Blvd, 1taI..... run. TRADE - 250cc Parllla Gran Sport Road _ _ 2100 lII'es, lapl tIIr land In 1Ia,...........portatIon to _ . or $400. S. after 6 at Apt. 37. 71361111.s, Huntlneton Park. ~DA SCRAIIBLER 160~etal flake paint. Rlv. . ueo ..I.... like new. lIu.t .11 $475. side 614-9046. CRno 50ec ROADRACER. I ........ double ......... cam Honda, Falrlnc. ex. COod condo Dulop tlr... sbow condo rac.d only _ tim. tbIs year. lst at Cntall $525.00. 295-7295 . ,•• 244-6505 nI ctrt.. BSA Flattrack_-enclne cood. fra... vi rpn. U17 Harrl.on. Berk.l.y or 415-527.0466. FOR SALE: 1965 Triumph Cub 205ec .xc.11- CO.cltlOII. 3800 1111... Hili clllllllnc sprock. Incl....d $4!IO.OO. Pbo. (213) 941. 9517. K.D. 11111•• Jr.. 12811 So Staablll Dr•• La IIImda. Calif. d ....... _d Flberclau tank. Drafted mak. offer. "": (213) 395-6384 or (213) 754-1796. HONDA 350TT Rac•• Frame modlfl.....xtra curs. _Cln. f...h. tI... tIIr Prado. $475.00. Contact Tony Simon. 714-624-0117 aft. 6pm. 1962 250 HONDA ..ady for raclnc $250.00. 1 .et Harl.y KR cylinder. 20 DYer $50.00 and ml.c. KR part.. 243-0391 after 6 p.... BULTACO - 1966 250 TT. Rebuilt 1/5/67. Extra HI of wh•• I~ Compo s. $550. Pllan.: 439.2447• YAIIAHA 250cc Sport Twln.Newlitr. & tI .... Entl.. bike In .xcl. condo $395.00 or trade for Yamaha "10" or 7 Randy 696-1674. CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER - 10248 Cul_ Blvd., Cul...rClty.C.allfDrnla 839-9000 COIIPRESSION RELEASE FOR ALL 2· STROKES. W. also specialize In tunlne and rebulllllne BULTACOS. MATCHLESS FLAT TRACKER for sal. or trade. TO 6-1673. '65 TT SPECIAl:J. .xceptlonally Belt offer. Call 286-0"'2. WANT lata mod.1 500ec Triumph D• .-t Blk. comp.tltlon equlpt. only ha.. 1961 Trlllllllh 650cc & casb to trade. Call ..... EX 1-2295. TDHATSU PARTS GOODYEAR DIAMOND tl"'1 allll tnlnt & rear. new $12.00 uch. 767-6'14. 1954 FORD PICKUP \2 ton. pod CDnllltl_ Ph_: 462·3826. W.·v. cat th... ali-fait COD .ervlc•• Ocelot Enclne"ne. 950 K"'all A.... San Berna,. llno. Calif. (714) .2·1019. 65 HONDA SUPER HAWK f. trade tIIr cood Dirt Bike. Call 713..640. CERIANI FORKS" REAR UNITS SELL-1964 500ec Trlumpb D. . .t Bike. Good .hape. Trade-Want Bultaca for 1964 500ec D• .-t Trlu...... 761-3231. You've burd about· . .- . .·v. cot' ....! Unit. for ........cranl road racial. d.sert. 1Ictrt-lcJrI. draCll Llt.ature _ avail· abl .. St_·s. 1635 W. Valley. Alhambra. Callt. 283-1229. &SA 350ec Enduro Star. Almost new-I••• than 1.000 1111•• on complet. blk.. P.rfect condl. tlon. Extra.. $675.00 Bell h.lmet (7.1/1) $25.00. (105) 544-3599. WANTED BSA 21". 30". 40". 1955 to 1962 any condition. DA 0-5303. P.O. Box 102, Lo..lta. California. 1965 GREEVES250ec Trail 300 mil... Esc.l. cond, $550.00. Pb. 596-1022. SELL OR TRADE-Illmaculat. Harley chop· per. Ed Wade. 136-6450 .venlnC" 1966 CRTT Sprint Roadrac•• Complet. wltII fah1ne. Enclne Just .. built, $100. F.. d Nt.. 620 So 16t11 St.. Lawton. Okla. Phon.: EL 3-6105. -----------------.• • ame •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• & $2 • Te Words· $1 • Twenty Five wonls • $2 • Headline in BOLD TYPE $I extra • Picture $3 extra. , • • • • •••••••••.•••.•••...•••••••..••••••••••• • • • • •----------------------------,, • • , ress •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE WANT ADS ~ State _a" a , If you have something to give away trade etc. want ads are free to you I ---------------------------, ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 49 , LONG BEACH, CALIF, 90 01 1956 TRIUIIPH 650 IIrt bike $350.00. 1965 250 Honda rullY to rae. $250.00.1 set Harley KR cyllod•• 20 0_ $50.00 and 1IIsc. KR parts. Call 243.0391 aft. 6 p.m. BULTACO - 1966 250 TT, R.bullt 1/5/67. Extra s.t of ""HI.. Compo .. $550. Phon.: 43902447. 1966 CRTT $print Roadrac•• Complet. with "Irlne. Encln. Just completely r.....llt. $100. Fr.d NIx, 620 S. 16tb St., Lawton, Okln. Phone: EL 3-6105. $1 WANTED BSA 21". 30-. 40-. 1955 to 1962 any conlltlon. DA 005303. P.O. Boa 102. Lamlta. California. 1I0TORCYCLE. 1I0TOR SCOOTER Uabillty Insurance, low I I 519, (mntorcycl •• motor .cooter In.urance our only bu.lnelS) Phon. 295-2054 or writ. for appllCitlon. California IIntorcycl. Dul•• Auoclatlon. Box 43262. Los AnC.I.., 90043. 1966 VELOCErTE 500ec Scrambl_. I.IS than 200 mi.....r raced $500.00. 1965 Jawa U5cc Trlall $150.00. Call OL 3-1909 after 6:30 p.m. STOLEN WANTED-UHd 1966 Oua 175cc sera_I... Wolf.! 13260 Tripoli. 5vl.... Ell 7-2016. 1966 SUZUK'lOcc Trail bike $270.00....... GA 3-5.0 aftanl_ & "enlncs. Bu.y motorcycl. Ibop In Lo. AnC.I•• _ds twa full·tI .....sp.rlancell ...chanlc.. Ex· c.llant pey and lOod worklnc conlltlon.. Pl.... submit to: Box H. Cycl., 6477 N. LonC Beach Blvd., LonC Beach '58 VELOCETTE 500 w/l\2" G.P. Carbo Clau tank• • xt. flit. "In the prov.rblal Ba...t· trade fa: you name It. Pllan.: 213379-4097. From Nick Nicholson. R.ward $100.00 for Information. Trial. mod.1 GrHves. FRAME 2411X3B1313. Call PO 4-1674. 1967 BULTACO PURSANG II.C. N.ver rac.... Illc.lI ... condo lIak. orr. NE 5·7934. HONDA-KAWASAKI MECHANIC WANTED 1965 HONDA 160 PI ..llI's $475. or IIIst off.r (lOS) 495-1761. WltII JI.. lIamlnc Uf. Insuranc .. Phon.: 627.Q445. 530 W. 61b St.. Los Anc.I••• Calif. IIiMACULATE DUCATI DIANA 1966 Ilk. III. Alloy•• Tbruxton•• Flberclau saddl•• Tach. new and ..ver rac.d $575. Call 4751554 ..... or wknd•• FOR SALE-Ya..aha 250cc Sports Twin. New IItr. & tlr.l. Escll. condo $395.00. PlIone: 696-1674 Eve.. Randy. THAT SUPER-SANITARY 1966 Trlumpb 650cc TR6 .,Ittlll up and plcut..d In Cycl. N.w. last fall I. It III clun. and bitter than new! Will sacrlflc. tills ..ost Illc.lllnt motorcycl. for $1.175.00. If you'. . .erlou. call now lIIfa.. I chanc...y mind. Dan Cot. t....n. (213) 334-3517. KIM KIMBALL SAVES $&8•• A MONTH c·~ 1962 TR-6 D.... Bike. fabuioul condition. rebuilt to 1966 sp.c. Call Lanl. at 899-9511. dayl. or uk for Dick. at 1964741 aft. 6 p.m. & . . .kllld.. cood ov.rall condition. & ...ry ..lIabi. $450. Phon.: 46902351. FOR SALE-64 G...... Squar. Barr.l. Alpha Bottom 1IlId, .kld plate. tuned Illbaust. very 65 HONDA 5-90 low $250.00 or off•• 985·1969. I 1963 TOHATSU ..t up for II rt. Good condItion. lIake orr•• Phon.: 635-2079. MOTORCYCLE. IIOTOR SCOOTER Liability Insurance, law as $19 year. (lIIDtorcycl •• motar scoot. Insuraac. our only Phon. 295-2054 or writ. for application. California lIotorcycl. Deal.1 A.soclatlon. Box 43262. La. AnC..... 90043. TRADE TwO ·Ducatl 50" wbHI ...embll••• ... fork. axl •• for hand pn or 7 Lnt. of ...... odd parts laylnc around. Barry Sulkln. 3973 BlIltley A.... Cul_ City. Calif. WRITE AD HERE - HONDA 01 Pomona's 450TT Rac•• Fr• • IIOclfl.", .xtra C_I. _Cln. fr••h, tI... for Prado. $900.00. Cantact Tony Simon. 714624-0117 aft. 6:00 p.... IIANAGER want.d for busy shop In LA. area. lIust know Enellih _d Jap_H Cycl... Good pay and Cood worklnc condition .. Cui. - Cny Cycl. C..... 839-9000• centrally locat.d In tbe crowlne are In the U.s. (Or_c. County). lIult retl.. due to poor health. Good sbow room and larc. out.ld. dl splay aru. Servl c. Dept. that Is fUlly Will consld.r any ..asonabl. off•• Writ. to Box S. l' Cycl. N.wI. 6477 N. LonC Beach Blvdo. LanC Beach, California. FOR SALE-64 Gr Squar. Barrel. A1pba Bottom _d, skid plat GrH'" .-d ... hau.t. Very lOod ov_all condition and very r.llabl. $450. Pb: 469·2358 aft_ 6 p.m. '64 YAllAHA 250 Dirt Bike; scrambl.r pi,..; 52 Toolb rur sprock.t; Trlllllph rur lbocks; ha... IIreet runnl ne par; IIIst offer OYer $300.00. Ph. 651-4116. PROGRESSIVE DEALERSHIP FDR SAL~ HOIIDA CB450-IlIIIIIlIculat•• BanIett clutch. aE' ••1 cm•• chanc. In C- ratios In•• 1958 FORD RANCHERO 352 VI _ _ tic la .xc.lI... condition $600.00. Phone: 334-5912 .962·5711. • 1967 IIAICO 360cc lIoto-croll $795.00. 4O-ll0 cu. In. Roots super charcer $50.00. Brian•• NE 6-9761 days, TH 2·1123 nlcJrl" 1959 FORD RANCHERO 352" -e. ov.drl... radio & heal_. very $575.00. GA 1-4419. l!&& GREEVES CHALLENGER 1I0to-Cross Scrambler. throu&llout. Phon.: 792-4194. DIRT liKE - 1954 Dol Scrambl. 200cc $150.00. Phon.: 428·2380. TRADE: 30-06 $prlnc".ld rlfl. for cycl. or Box Trailer; 1I0nt... Scorpion .rocket. 51T. 61T. lOT for Hadaka fronl . . .1 _d bub; larc. Bat. . . . Id saddl. for .mall. Call 347·5651 Ext. 3434 Mobl.y. TWO LEFT, n.w 1967 Dot Scrambler. $700.00 uch. Must make rooll for the all new 1967\2 Dot Scrambl... Van Wyek Enterprl .... 1141 Brookburlt. Anaheim. Cal. PIIa..: 776-3109. '66I1X3 Factory Works, GREEVES Chal"ne. Phone: 341-0694. '65 IlU LTACO 200ec lIetralla. A liNk road blk. In Illc.lI..t condition. The Spanlab fly. welcJrl wItII amulaa p. . . . . .c. aDII r.1 cl.... J ••t $375. Phone: (714) 546-1158.

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