Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-GIVING AIAY MOTORCYCLES "Yes, VIr&lnla. " e I. a CJcle lews," a. Bill AlIIIot (left) and tlarrel Wllcoll (rleld) 11 . . . tIIey _ to clalll tllelr prIa. In _ ree.t llacltl.. iii V_ Dre... c.est. Pu1111 .... CbucIl Claytnn Is flanked by tile wtnners nn tIlelr prIas, a H...lIa 450 cIIosen by Abbot and lIIe Trail 90 selected by ....n. .up WllcoL Abbot's wlnnlne wry was mailed NGYmber 25. so flrst prize was up for crabs almost until tile last llinute• ... AND MONEY! . . . .. . .... ... . .. . . . . . . T~Nonda e-z (t. Hwqvarna I- Complete Service. Parts. ~ .:::{r/& e······:··:····· M Q! . MOT' :'.;.: In • 5 2422 E. HUNTIN(;TON DRIVE Dl.'ARTF:. (;.oI.UFORNIA 'olophono 35_541 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Finish the Fumy Oontest #6. announced in our last Issue of last year, brou&bt more chuckles into our hectic 'lives than we can even stand almost. It was tough decldiag a wimer. but then we don't expect this job to always be easY. Anyway. die wiDning line appears below, written by John Snider of El c.ion. He gets die ori&inal Herman drawinC and $:1 In coin of the realm. A few of die funDier finishes were: "OK Eldns, build me a Melisse!" Capt. K.C. Kleiber "I tried Haulll8ll's line at OorTtganville!" -M. LlIJIde "What's lbatundemealll.the sidecar?" --J. Hedin "You know Sam. I think we sbuuld ~t ~ut that 'uncondiliooal warranty" Jazz! -D. Reisner "Last race? Nope•••next art show-" -E. Krumm "I started to fix it myself but heck I ficured you fellows prob'ly needed the business!· -B. Knerr FINISH THE FUNNY CONTEST NUMBER 6 RT~ ........ ..............••..•....••. 46400 523-45~ MEET THE MER BEHIND THE RACING MACHINES EAST FIRESTONE BLVD LA "'IIlAOA DICKO'BmEN',PioDeer of Raciag P~~ 2707 - W. lst StrNt $aau Ana. ,CallI. NATIONAL MOTOR SUPPLY CO. DISTRIBUTOR FOR I , I • Largest stock on West Coast Dealer QUALITY MOTORCYCLE I....rles ACCESSORIES ALSO I."tlll IN STOCK /~'I: fJ ~1:"1ifl) PHONE: "The Boss wants you to tune the demonstrator again'- -By John Snider MANN TO RIDE FOR HAP JONES COMPANY 213 633.5178 15710 Garfield Avenue, Paramount, California 90723' tiAJ[HlE55 ~O\ HODAKA ~ SALES "PARTS· SERVICE EDDIE CROWELL 10.. 27 Prairie. Inglewood OR.3·95'J DIck ManD, left and spoasor H.., J_s. Dick Mann. 1963 Grand National Champion and three times number 2 rider. has announced that he will be hack in tull competition in 1967. A year ago Dick moved to Hawaii and competed in less than half ot the National events in 1966. Having now returned to Northern California he will be sPo~l~d by the Hap Jones Distrl- buting Company of San Francisco. Dick reports that he will be out to capture the "number I" position. Since 1955. one year after he became an expert rider. Mann has always been in the champion point standings tor six years never lower than fifth. His titst major success as an expert came in 1958, riding tor HarleyDavidson, when he took second place at Daytona. And again in 1959 he repeated with another second. Throughout 1963 it was a see-saw hattie between the top contenders with Mann scoring in seven of the 13 pOint events. Final decision came in the next to last event. the 50-lap 'IT at Ascot, when George Roeder, current leader in the standings, tailed to qualify and Mann went on for the win. With only one race to go the 25 points Mann won placed him one precious point beyond anyone's reach. Dick's first introduction to the 2wheel spOrt was in 1949 at the age of 15, when he purchased a BSA Bantam to deliver his paper route. Three years later he started racing professionally as a novice at the Belmont (now closed) track on the san Francisco Peninsula. His titst hig win was at Bay Meadows, famous Northern California horse racinl\ track, when he captured the 1Q-mile National Amateur Championship. Dick has opened his own business in Richmond, California. called Dick Mann Specialities. His com\llUlY wUl specialize in the design and man ufacture of cycle frames for competition. 80m in Buffalo. New York aDd raised In Florida from die time be was a year old. ...til he went 10 work for HarleyDavidsoo Motor Co. in Wi&' COlI sin , Dick O'Brien is mamed and has two daucbters. One is in senior hl&b school and the other is a Registered N..-se. The dllef tuner for H-D, Dick is sort spoken, yet with a tone of voice that is run of knowledge and authority. His love for racing was probably stimulated by his father. ..m raced Indian motorcycl es. 0' Brien grew UP widl motorcycle racing, takiag any lUnd of job to stay In the circles that revolved aroomd it. In 193:1 Dick raced motorcycles himseJ f, worked on and built compelitioa motorcycles for others UP until 1940. During dlis time he cot into ear racine. in 1938. starting willi stock ears and workln g his way UP Into drl vine champiooship cars. He raced in the Southeastern part of the United States IIIIUl 1941. Widl the outbreak of World War D he went with the U.S. Army Air Force in 1941. He worked for them at ihelr test center until 1943. From here he went with the Naval Air Force Test Center, where he remalned until 1946, doing vital work ror buth nr the services. From then until 19:17 O'Brien stayed In motorcycle racing game. In 19:17 the 0' Brien ramily moved dleir Florida roots 10 Milwaukee. Wi&' consin when he joined Hadey-Davidson. He has now been with H-D 10 years in die Racine En&ineerine Deparlmellt. Here the research, development IlDd the des! go of Harley-Davidsoo's racine motorcycles Is done. This deparlment is also responsible for the compilinc and publicatioo of Hadey-Davidson coqleUlion literature. During the course of a year Mr. O'Brien has a big busy job. to whidl be Is rully dedicated. Widl the introduction of the Hadey-Davidson Sprint be now has to make an annual trip to Italy. This he has done ror the last three years. He also does a ereat deal of lIavelinc throughout the United States, attendlne meetings wi th dealers, COlng to various places to do testing of new parts lmd the setting '-' or Hadey-Davidson racing clinics around the country, desiped to belp the Hadey-Davidson COIIIIM!Ulion racers and meehaDics. He attesads all AMA atiooals and tries 10 fit In odler race meets on the weekends whea Upermits. Dick O'Brien also spends a great deal of time worklne willi tile AMA. He now has in 9 years of devoted volunteer service widl die compeutJon aIId teebuical departments of the AMA. Dick 0' Brien Is a raan woo has devoted mudl of his life to the betterment or motorcycle competition for the racer, the mechanics. the Improvements of the machines and the motorcycle world in general. -A. .ette C _

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