Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TRY THE WANT ADS s1 Ads offering fJnytlling to • give fJWfJY or trfJde- FREE WANT AD RATES 10 words or less. plus .t1dress and telephone number .- $1.0'. 25 words or less. plus address and telephone number .- $2.00. PROGESSlYE DEALERSHIP FOR SALE e.trall)' located la the Fastest I'!!'.'!'In, " a In till U.5. (Oran,. Counl)'). Must "II" due In poar hUIth. Good sIIow rOOlll and I.,. ouilide dlsp")' a".. S.",lca Dept. lIIat II filiI)' .qulpped. Will consider an)' " _ b l e oter. Wril. 10 Box S. .. C)'cle Newi. 6477 N. Lon, Blvd., Lon, C"lItOlDI.. FOR SALE-l966 Bultaco ...11.... Musl sell raced th"e 11M" $550.00 or best otfer. S. at: 4421 Slpul..da Blvdo, Cul_ r.II)', Cal. 391-6217 ask for Chip "9 SERYI CE MANAGER WANTED ar service writer for Hoada, BSA. musl be e.,eri_ced, ,uarant.d salar)' plul commI ilion - Inp wa,... Lon, Beac:ll Honda #4 11747 E. Carson, Lak.wood 160-1354, ask for DlYe $avln. FOR SALE-Yamaha 250cc Sporls Twin. New IIlr. & IIr.s. Excel. condo $395.00. Phone: 696-1674 Eve.. Randy. HONDA-KAWASAKI MECHANIC WANTED BuS)' motorc)'cle shop In Los Ang.les n••ds two full-tIme, experienced mecllanlcs. EI' c.1I0111 pa)' and good working conditions. Please submit resumes 10: BOI H, C)'cle News,6477 N. Long Beach Bl.d., Long Beach MOTORCYCLE, MOTOR SCOOTER Llabilll)' Insuranc., low as $19 )'ear, (molorc)'cle, molor scooler Insurance our onl)' business) Phone 295-2054 or write for application, California Molorc)'cle Dealers Association, Bol 43262, Los Angeles, 90043. TOHATSU PARTS W.',.. &lI1 them all-fasl COD s.rvlc.. Oc.lot En,ln.rlnc. 950 K.dall Av... San Berna.. dlno, Calif. (714) 882-1019. CERIANi"FORKS&-REAR-UNITS You'.. heard about ·Im-Wl'•• gol '.m! Unlls for street, scrambl.s, road racln, d..ert IIptwelcht, dragllers. Lllarature ~w avail: abl.. SI..n's, 1635 W. Valle)' Alhambra t , Calif. 213-8229, WANTED-Used 1966 Ossa 175cc s·crambl.r. Wolfe, 13260 Tripoli. Svlmar. EM 7-2016. 1966 SUZUKI 80cc Trail blk. $270.00. Phone GA 3-5880 afternoon & ..enl ngs. WANTED BSA 21", 30", 40", 1955 10 1962 an)' condition. DA 0-5303, P.O. Box 102, Lomita, Callfornl.. 1956 TRI UMPH 650 dirt bike $350.00. 1965 250 Honda ready to rac. $250_00.1 sel Harll)' KR c)'lInders 20 over $50.00 and mise. KR parts. Call 243.0391 after 6 p.m. GOODYEAR DIAMOND Tires, 400118 front and rear, new, $12.00 each. Call 767-6984. 1958 FORD RANCHERO 352 V8 aulomatlc in IIcellenl condition $600.00. Phone: 334-5912 or 962·5788. FO R SALE~4 Greeves Square Barrel, Alpha Boltom end, skid plales, Gr..... luned .1' haust. Ver)' cood overall condition and ver)' reliable $450. Ph: 469-2358 after 6 p.m. 1967 MAICO 360cc Molo-cross $795.00. 40-80 cu. In. Rools super charger $50.00. Brian Febre, NE 6-9761 da)'s, TN 2·1823 nlghls. HONDA of Pomona's 450TT Racer. Frame modified, extra cears, engine fresh, tires for Prado. $900.00. Conlacl Ton)' Simon, 714624-D187 after 6:00 p.m. 1966 GREEVES CHALLENGER Molo-Cross Scrambler, spotless Ihroughoul. Phone: 792-4894. DIRT IIIKE - 1954 Dol Scrambler 200cc $150.00. Phone: 428-2380. TRADE: 30.06 Springfield rifle for c)'cle or BOI Trailer; Monlesa Scorpion sprockets 51T, 61T, 80T lor Hodaka fronl wheel and hub; larce Bales sold saddle lor small. Call 347·5651 Elt. 3434 Moble)'. TWO LEFT, new1967 Dol Scramblers $700.00 each. Musl make room for Ihe all new 1967\2 Dol Scramblers. Van W)'ck Enlerprlses, 8841 Brookhursl, Anaheim, Cal. Phone: 776·3309. '66 MX3 Faclor)' Works, GREEVES Challenger Phon.: 341-0694. '65 BU LTACO 200cc Melralla. A sl.k road bike In IIcellenl condition. The Spani sh f1)'- welghl wllh amazlnc performance and real class. Jusl $375. Phone: (714) 546-8158. -_. -NORTON E.5.2, 500cc single, looks cood , runs cood, 67 license $375.00. Consider smaller C)'cle in trade. Ph: 596-5944. '0 .oris Headlin ia 110111 type -- $1•••xtra. Picture (supplied by you) •• $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is n_oon. Monday, HONDA 350TT Racer. Frame modlfl.d, IIlra gears, engine lresh, tires for Prado. $475.00. Conlacl Ton)' Simon, 714-624-0187 after 6pm. 1963 TOHATSU sel up for dirt. Good condl· tlon. Make offer. Phone: 635·2079. 1962 TR-6 Desert Bike, fabulous condition. Complelel)' rebulll to 1966 spec. Call Larrle al 899-9511, da)'s, or ask for Dick, al 8964741 aft. 6 p.m. & weekends. IMMACULATE DUCATI DIANA 1966 Mk. III. Allo)'s, Thruxtons, Fiberglass saddle, Tac:ll. Near new and never raced $575. Call 4751554 e.... or wknds. 1967 BULTACO PURSANG ".C. NeYer raced, elcellenl condo Make offer NE 5-7934. WANT lale model SOOcc Triumph Desert Bike comp.lIlion equlpt. onl)' ha.e 1961 Triumph 650cc & cash 10 Irade. Call eves. EX 8·2295. 1954 FORD PICKUP \2 Ion, good condition. Phon.: 462-3826. WILL TRADE 63 Ford Econoline lor promlsing 2SOcc Flaltracker in good condition. Will trade 64 Modified Sherpa for?, Roberl Parr, Phone EX 3-5423. "RACING FAIRINGS" far most bike.. Featurln, luper a.row & super fasl TD1B & C l)'p. falrlnc. All Bultaco fiberclass partl. Guaranl.ed raclnc seals, TT & Rnad raclnc. Bruk It and replacement FREE. Phone 633-1627. : WRITE AD HERE- $1 METISSE FRAME KIT For 650cc _c.-brand n.w, stili In box. Color red Includa, eYer)'lhlnf bul, forkl & en,lne $650.00. Call (2 3) 321·9400 da)'l. FU LL DRESS 1963 IIIIW Sbl.ld, bai.. $140. seat. lpeclal OIIc1ae part.. c:lIr.... OIId, 17,000 mi•• runs like awalc:ll. Tumlndlealnrs, S. It and It's soldo $995. tak.s all. (213) 591-1339. 2142 L.B. Blvdo I I Lc. 66 BI G BEA R Scrambler-tun.d & Vir)' fasl 5,000 SIr.1 mll.s, n.ver raced. Lc. 65 Yamaha 125cc completel)' overhaul.d. Call 943·3491. FOR SALE 1965 Honda S90 sel up for TT scramlll.s. 26mm carb., Honda 250 pisinn. Weber cam. FAST! Plrelll IIr... IIlra gla.. Inc $325.00. Call 714-987-2823. TRADE Two "Dueatl SO" wII.., assemblies. rear fork, Illes for hand lila or ? Lots of other odd parts Il)'ln, around. Barr)' Sulkln, 3973 Bentle)' Av••, Culver CII)', Calif. '64 BSA 350 Enduro. N.w OIIcln., str.I or dirt $425. Phon. 597.7367. 65 HONDA 5-90 low mlleac. $250.00 or besl offer. 985-1969. TRADE 57 225 Dol In baskel for Hodaka. 347-5651 Elt. 3434, Moble)'. KIM KIMBALL SAVES $68.110 A MONTH .65 TRI UMPH TR-6. Trad. TT Pipes for cross-o.ers or high plpl" Phon.: AT 8·1487 or AT 4-3566. TRADE-MY 1964 Bonn ••llle C)'lInder head, carburelors and all assoclal.d parts In excellent condition for TR·6 head carburelor & assoclal.d parts In same condition. Phone: (213) 370.0741 or (213) 37100826. With Jim Mannlnc LII. Insurance. Phon.: 627-D445. 530 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Calli. DOT '66 f.atur.d AUlUsl C)'cle Worldo Xlnt. condo enclne recentl)' r.bulll, Bamel clutch. Albion gear bol-read)' 10 rac.. V.ry reliable. $625.00 (714) 541-2598. IMMACULATE BULTACO 6 speed TSS 125. Llltle run. Man)' spares. Cash/lrade. Phone 475-1554 or wknds. "PROFESSIONAL MOTORCYCLE SALESMAN" 5 )'ears elperl.nce, Dale Camece trained. Desires sal.. position, So. Calif. area. Refer..c.. available, Bob Forresl, 4801 N. Lister, Kansas City, Mo. SELL OR TRADE~mmaculal. Harle)' chopper. Ed Wade, 836-6450 eVOlllngs. 1966 CRTT Sprlnl Rnadracer. Complete with lalrlne- Engine jusl complelel)' rebuilt. $800. Fred NIx, 620 S. 16th 51., Lawton, Okl.. Phone: EL 3-6105. FO"CED TO SELL '66 BSA VI etor & Trailer, both $700. Road equlppedo Call 763.0679. NORTON ATLAS '65 Sireel model 750cc. Just rebuill, man)' exlras, Fairing, Slenal lights, (Crash bars), (Fronl & back) $700.00 cash. Call evenings 451·1122 llnl. cond. $2: I ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 4S8, LONG BEACH, CALIF. !l0II1 FREE SAMPLE~olorC)'cl.lIaob.lcs lIIuslral.d-200 pholos monlhl)'. tunl.,. CIlStnDlIz. Inc, cOlllpltlnc. repalrln,. tourln" preventative Krumm, 3388 No. Modoc:. Keman, Calif. 93630. ($4.50 )'•• 1)'. British). 6514 BULTACO SHERPA·5 $425.00. 63 Gr.v.s Sq. Barr.1 $385.00. 345-6240. HONDA CB450-Imllllculal•• Barnett clutc:ll, "E" serl.. carbs, wng. In cear rallos Included, and Flberclass ... k. Drafled make otfer. Ph: (213) 395-6384 or (213) 754-1796. I I I I 1966 "R&D 3500 mi., sllll und. warrant)'. Falrla" .xlra pipe.. leat, luua,. rack, & mirror. Exc.1I0111 coadltlon. $ave $200.00. Prlc. $1425.00 firm. Call 438-2112 dalS, 431·9541 nlpls. T.R. 6-TRI UMPH Des.rt Blk. 65. Wm. J. Jarl, AT 8-1417. CRll0 50cc ROADRACER, 8 speed, double o.erhead CII' Honda, Fairing, IX. cood ClIIId. Dunlop tire.. show condo raced onl)' one lime Illis year. 1st al Cotati $525.00. 295-7295 da)'s, 244-6505 n1chts. Ten Words' $1 exc:llan,.. Phone: SPORTSTERS-Two XLCH models 1965 and 1966. All chroln. and lacquer, $1200 for 65 $1300 for 66. Will consider tradlac 65 for BSA Spltflr•• Phon.: (714) 82S-D37a. HONDA SCRAMBLER 160~"'JIIake painl, 1700 mll.s, Ilk. new. Must sell $475. Riverside 684-9046. I Name........... •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Twenty Five words' $2 I Headline in BOLD TYPE $1 ema Picture $3 ema. I Address •••• •••••••••• •••• ••••••••• •••••••• •••• ••••••• •••• I FREE WANT ADS If you have something to give away I I City•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• State ••••••••• trade etc. want ads are (ree to yOI1 HODAKA IOOee KIT 1966 NORTON ATLAS 750cc IXc.llent condl1I0l1 $1.000. Call 447.0813_ TRADE - 250cc Parllla Gran Sporl Road Racer 2100 miles, Itreet far land In Marquesas. transportallon 10 same, or $400. S. aft. 6 al Apt. 37, 7136 III1.s, Huntln&lnn Park. & 64 Sprint CR ROId Racer w/talrla, $&00." Bultaco TT IIltllla $&25. 66 Honda CL-1&O. 600 mila.. Wabco sI de pipes. ,lass taU, Bates seat. $595. 61 BSA C.15s $275. Deliver within 300 mile.. Dick Hintz, 1312 N. Brnadwa)'. Urbana, II II noll 61101. Troph)' Winner $50.00 DU 2-6427. ._-------_._--------------_._-----------~ : 25 .oris MIDWEST READERS LOOK CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER - 10241 Cul_ Blvd.. Cul_ CII)', Callfomlal3~ COMPRESSION RELEASE FOR ALL 2STROKES. W. allo spedalln In lunlnc aad "bulldlne BULTACOS. BULTACO - 1966 250 TT, Rebulitl/5/67. Ellra sel of w11l1rs. Compo releas. $550. Phon.: 439-2447. 1959 FORD RANCH ERO 352' eng. o.erdrl••, radio &healer, .er)' clean $575.00. GA 8-4419. $2 I II I • I : I I I I I ~ Clean 66 Bultaco PursanL w/exlras, racld 3 times. lroph)' winner, $SO & T.O.P. - LI· c_sed 66 Bullaco Ma..dor, $600. or w/full racing equipment $700.00 - like n.w colored racing leathers, 2 pieci $70.00. Jackel oal)' $35.00-250 Yam. J&R heads $20.00. Phon.: 773-8844 or 5941lA Loveland 51., Bell Grdns. WANTED: Allo)' luel lank and Lucas compeIItion magenla for BSA Goldslar and m.glphone and lachomeler, wllh drl.e. lor 250 Ducatl. Musl be reasonable. 1512 W. Fern A.e., R.dJand, Calli. PY 2-6244. 1966 MONTESA LaCross. V.r)' clean, never raced, extras $595. TO 1-3303. TRADE Sup.r Hawk for good deserl blk.. It has a 350cc Kit and Is real rellabl•• Used for TTs. Onl)' rac.d Sll limes slnc. Ill. en,lnes been rebuilt. Has H&C cams, runs real good. Preferabl)' Bullaco or Hodaka In good shape. Phone: 535-3647. FOR SALE: KR Roadracer. Has lale OIIglne with aluminum clutch hob, n.w carburetor & lower OIId Is a sanltar)' rig. Ph: 443-7309 .venlncs for Cliff. 2 J&R Heads for X-6 $25.00. 2 J&R muffl.1 for X-6 $40.00, all Ilk. n.w. 2 300117 KIIobb)' tires $20.00. 1 300118 rear Goody_ Rac. tire $20.00. Ph: 834-1883 .... 1 Leather Levi's 30-30 $25.00. llicHal Helmel 7.1/8 $15.00. 1 Sports wInd scre. $25. 834-1883 .... 65 HONDA CB160 exc.llent condlll. . WIndshield, luuace rack. new cranksallft .d rlnCs. $525.00 cash or take 0_ paJ"'s of $32.00 p. . .onth. Ph: (714) 737-6041. Marco, Calif.

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