Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, .. .. . .. . ...... . ... .. SCRAMBLIN' from pag~ 13 T~~~ 1knJda can't partici pate, that' s not fair when you work i n the in dus try , but maybe I can feed carrots to t he Bun ny or something ! Anyway , yo u could be a real Dumb Bunny if you mIs sed thi s one. so j ust keep March 5th open and watc h for detalls i I t'll be a gasser! C-z (t. Husqvarna Com plete Serv ice. Part s. :::tl§}~!~. MOT lin • AlIIIOst Over for Another Year 5 2422 E. H U:-'T I N(;TON D RI VE UL'AIlTF.. CAI.I FO Il;ll IA te leph o ne 3 5 9 ...454 1 " . .. SUZUKI COM PLETE PORTI NG SERVIC E FOR ALL BIKES OUR SPECIALTY !! Closod Sun. Tu... • Fri. 9-9 S.t. 9· 7 ARTESIA . nd Mon. CYClf aNTfR 12539 E. C...on, Artesl •• C.III. Tel. 860-1314 INTRODUC ING TH E ..AELY FU T TRACK SPECIAL RACING BOOTS. S'" hi .h, fac ed, w eicht 2 lbs. per p ';r e $15.95 plus e.e.••. post• KE MAELY the shoeman Route 2. Box 758, Corona, Calif. ItJi tit, M~1t wit, Ulurr 1 22. 50 - lit, .' Sen d boot o r c. rdboard cutout. HueD Puts SAFETY where the ACTION is! SEND fOR BUCO f REE 'S SAFETY HELMETCATALOG BUCO PRODUCTS off will be based on number of entries and displacement . Produc ti on cla sses will be run on a sports man basi s and the classes will be: 100cc, 175cc , 250cc , 350cc , 500cc , and open. The product i on poi nts will count as South ern Calif . AFM Prod. point s as AFM produ ction races wl1I be regional i n 1967 . W wish to commend AI F erl!llda for e the fin e appearan c e tha t hi s t eam Varnahas presen ted at the AC A VSGP and the season AFM closer at Cota ti Nov. 13. They are a credi t to the sport. Th e AFM plans to expand Its acti vities In 1967 to include other forms of motorcycle sport as endorse d by the FlM such as motoc ross , trials and road ralli es. More on this will be fo rthcoming after the winter meeting of the board of director s . Well we only have t wo more point runs for sc rambles poi nts this ye ar, and then we can collapse for proba bly all of three weeks or so! Th en back again next year with shiny new number plates. 1 don't think t hey make a pla te big enough to carry the number I' ll get! It is still i n doubt as to who will carry our big -bo re number one pla t e.P oi nt s are being tallied very carefully, and Jim Hunter (pinned leg and all) says that if he has to , he's goi ng to rid e the next two at Perris, which he just may have to. BI1I Riley and Larry Wilburn are right in there with him! Sure Is tough trying to figure out who I woul d like to see win when all three are so dese rving, real tough competitors. a credit to the sport and all such nice guys to boot! AFM SCENE By Tom F in l ay We attended t he annual points award s banquet hosted by the San Franci sco Chapt er AFM at Cot ati. California , 45 mIles north of San Franci sco. All In attendance enjoyed the proceedi ngs as the many awards were presente d to the 1966 AFM champi ons and outstanding course officials. A special award was present ed to Herb F in ger for bei ng " Th e member cont ri buting the most to the sport of IOOtorcycllng: . H erb was instrumental In seei ng to t he smooth running of the races held by the- SF chapter. Hi s many duties I ncl ud ed clearing the course before each race, answ eri ng complaints, assi sting at sign-in, handling th e prerace publlclty, and seeing tbat results were forwarded to the Na tional Offic e. Our vot e was c ert ainly for Herb and hi s fine efforts. H erb has announc ed his retirement from elected office and we will all mIss him. 1967 L icense Time With the close of the ye ar approac hIn C, time has come to renew your AFM license for 1967. This license I s a l\DCUS Natlolllli license and I valid at any l\DCUS affiliated club. The cost. together with your membership. Is $8.00 (Memb, $2.00 - Lie. $6.00 ). You must have a val i d l\DCUS license (AFM. A CA, FlN I nt erna tional. etc . ) to participate In any AFM national event In 1967. Contact the National Secretary at 1133 Bell Ave •• Sacramento , Calif. for Infonnation. 80X 1065 NORTHLAND CENTER SOUTHFIELD. MICHIGAN 48076 UyOllt aI the Star....t International Rx eway In Las Vecas. By Roxy Rockwood THE FINISH LINE Old man w eather k nocked out t he TT at Ascot last Sunday afternoon so the t roops will all be ba ck aga in this Sund ay for another try at closing the c ur t ain on the 1967 season at th e Gardena speed bowl. The well worn raci ng path was a sea of mud that may have made f or a good show but hardly to p caliber racing o f the type t hat we are used to se eing. Things will be ste pped up this Sunday wi th the novice heat races starting for the ride rs with past and present road at 1:30 p.m, Instead of 2:00 or 2:15 p.m, race experience and another for riders as has been the case in past daytime who a re non-pro f essional and riders who TT rac es. It will be the last one at are new at pavement. Ascot until F ebruary. The t wo event s will also serv e the AMA riders as t wo practice sessions for T he in door rac es up at San Franci sco the 1967 Daytona Championships . L ook got underw ay l ast week with Mert L awfor Yamaha, Suzuki and the newly-formed will again winning the bi g one. Th e Ka wasak i team to be out in forc e for Fris co F l y er now has won two st raight, final shakedo wns . All t hree teams have one at Long Beac h, O ne at the Co w added and changed some faces for the Pala ce. comi n g campaigns. Th ere will be no UP there, they ran all the novice ri ders I n the f ront rows of t he heat less thanf1 ve national road rac es I n '67. races and the amateurs and experts I n Yamaha will be comI ng out for next the second rows. T he green pla t es won season with t he new YDS-5 model tha t the majo rity of the heats but could not will be teste d at Ca rlsbad and proved at Dayt ona. Suzuki will use the same maover come the experi ence of the pro' s I n chines they raced la st seaso n whil e the big one where expert Swede Savage Kawasaki Is eagerly awaI ting shipment ran seco nd behi nd Lawwl1l. of thei r rotary valve 250' s f rom Jap an. 50% of 40% Up North? We Discount Em ' New 67 Hondas Two Big Locat ions GARTNER ENTERPRI SE 2073 W, Pac, Cs t, Hwy, - 326-3810 6101 A t l a nt i C Blyd. - 583 ·3 409 I F. .,•• • , . . . . . . . . . " I I ••••• CUSlOm Sea ts - MOlOrcycle Paintin g Pickup & Deli very Service S dec:ors _e • 1966 addition to the AFM I sc_ and oppear to be here to st.y, MOllY new rlcs are be'nc built rIght now for next 14640 D. EA ST F IR E STONE B LVD 523-4540 L A MIRADA PpMt:~ 2707 - W lst Street . S. nta Ana, c.m. TELL TH EM YO U SAWIT IN CYCLE NEWS . suson. The !lrst AFM National Championship Road Race Is pl anned for February 19, 1967 at Stardu st Raceway In Las Vegas, Nevada . E ntr i es are now open for this event which feat ures a $1500.00 guaranteed purse agai nst 40% of the gate. Entries must be made by mall only , as there wiII be a penal ty fee for entries made af ter F eb. 6 . Y ou are urged to ente r now so t hat we can begin processing them. Send ent ries to: AFM, 5300 Parad i se Rd. , Las Vegas , Neva da 89109. T he " L as Vegas Grand Prix" will be the opener for the 1967 AF M seaso n. Thi s event will be conducted I n a professional manner and all participants wi ll , ha ve to present a neat and clean appearance . T he purse will be paid to GP classes , which are determined strictly by displ acement . The classes. by cubic centimeters are: 50cc, 100cc, l25cc , irsee. 250cc , 350cc , 500cc, 1000cc and Sidecar to 1300cc. The pay- THE motorcycle ;~i__ \:~~;' BI~~ ,,,.~,~.~.~SE a::~~s:r~:s ~ Dept, tore. HONDA/TRIUMPH 'G~ I ,?tjJ; """"- --- ?: M 0· "z. 1257 S.LA BREA otC entury e lngle w ood e 671 -04<) 6 e 678·5035 ,; \ / Frisco has a different payo ff setup whereby the rid ers received a $900. 00 pur se. The same crowd down at Lone Beach . und er their payo ff plan, would have pai d the ri ders ov er $1800. 00. ProlOOt ers ha ve to make money to keep racing. It Is questionabl e why one promot er pay s one ty pe of purs e and the other promot er pay s anoth er. The next raci ng In So. Calif. will find th ree st raight Satur day nights of indoor sho rt tracking at Long B each In January and all ride rs must have a new 1967 racing license . The official applications are now available from Columbu s so ri ders are or ged to get cracking as the time Is less than a month away . Same price as in past years to race for the $$ In the AMA . W ord from Sandy Belon d at Cari sbad Race way i s that there will be two sportsmen roa d races at Ca rlsbad. T he first on January 15th, the seco nd on F ebruary 12th. Open to any and al l riders. licensed or not , on all size machines from 50cc's on through the open cl ass es for th e bi g bikes. New Iron From H-D H-D has again changed the Sprint model for the coming seaso n so all but Suzuki will be on new stuf f for the January 15th go at Carlsbad. Th e 250's for '67 will again be limIted to a five speed gear box as the AMA agai n voted down t he idea of using a six spee d box, even though It comes on produc tion machines. Don't knock the bl ock , Suzuki riders. T he last TT at A scot this Sunday will declde overall high point ri der In the expert class betwee n Mul der, R0mero and Van Lee uwen. T he same in the amateur cl ass with a t wo way affalr betwee n Ji m .Berry and Rich Thorwal dson. A good run for Mik e Linthicum In the novic e class can shoot him past le ader John Sprague when these two take t heir final light weight di rt track rid es as green plate riders. A real good art i cl e on Bart Markel ls in the current Issue of CYCLE magazine. We need more stuff like this to l et peopl e know what a cbampton is real ly made of and what he thinks . It is a good start i n t he ri ght di recti on. Welc ome Pa vement Newc omers Carl sbad sta rts I ts seco nd se ason of cycle road racing and along with It come some changes . T her e will be a new short course for machines under25 0cc 's . Another change will fi nd the 250' s and the big bi kes bei ng split with one class GOOQ(jEAR BLUE STREAK MOTOR RACER :-.ow Availabl e in These Sizes 2.75x18 & 3,OOX18 3.00x19 & 3.50><19 · SHEL8 Y Spec ia l Dirt Tra~k Tires Co m tn~ Soon Artesia BIM. ENT• 113! ••(2U) 321-6166 Gardena, Calif S uzuk i THE NEWEST GR EATER COVI NA AREAS SUZUKI DEALER WELCOMES YOU TO VI SIT OUR SHOWROOM & SERVICE FACILITIES " T he Best Service in Town" tj'talt SpfJ-'t t IMPORT MOTORS 19525 EAST ARROW HIW AY GLENDORA. CAL I FORNIA (213) 963-5333 • •

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