Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nat Ilage SPORTS COMMITTEE from froat • • SPROCKETS from made, that of Maur een Lee by Don Kemp (St ripe d Crus aders ) and s he wa s a ppointed to fill thi s position. The Shamrocks M.C . , letter was rerea d. This was in rega rds to a cha nge in t he poi nt system of desert e vents . It dealt in brie f wit h points being paid for a ri der s ' twel ve top rid e s i n a seas on, cutting out the necessity for running In ev ery race just to keep your poin ts up, A check ha d been made us i ng this system by the Compe ti ti on Committee a nd it had been found that the pre sent top five riders would remain just where they. were in point s ta ndi ngs i f thi s syste m had been i n effec t. Buck Smith explained again what he tho ught had been misun derstood about the suggesti on. A rider could s ti ll ride as many e vents as he wished in a s eason, but he would rec ei ve points towards hi s following years' number for his best twel ve rides. It s eemed that th ere had bee n some co nfusi on with som e rid ers thinking that they would hav e to pick twelve ev ents out of the whole deser t calendar and rid e tho s e. The Competition Committee concu rred with thi s id ea and it motion was made to accept with thei r find in gs . A roll- call vot e was taken but the motion wa s defeated 31- 20. T ex Myers (4-Ac es) made a motion that enduros go back on th e des ert point list , a motion was made for thi s which also lost, 28-16 . When Se cretary-Trea s ure r Bill Adams read correspo ndence after the opening roll-c al l, several l etters of not e were read , including one from the DlrtDig gers M.C . co mplimenting ev eryone on thei r behaviou r and performance at the Hopetown (Co rriganville) event an d for helpin g to make the e vent the s uccess that it was. T hey also asked for an eval uati on of their status now that tha t particular we ekend wa s over. J ea n Car ter s ai d t hat they would ha ve to ge t a charter before they co uld be admitted a g8.ln to th e District . An excellent l etter from Gar y Webe r of the Si deha ck As s oci ati on was read , copi es of which had been sent out to Various branches of the ne ws media. He was compla ining a bout the lack of publicity tha t C orri gan ville rec ei ved each year In s pite of the crowds attendi ng which co mpa re d .favora bly with ballgame s, golf tourna me nts etc. , a nd tha t the media chose to i gnore motorcyc l e eve nts de s pite re cei vi ng publi city releases abo ut th em. A let ter from th e Spoke bend ers was re-r ead in whi ch tbey su ggested that there be a vol untary medi ca l re lea s e at sign-up of des ert eve nts , to be signe d or not a s the rider chooses . Thi s woul d grea tly help the ha ndling of the a mbulance as to wheth e r it be s ent out after an Inj ured man or not. Th e evening ende d wit h the voting on National, Re gional and Dis tri ct Champi on ship ra ces, a nd wit h clubs res erving da tes for ot he r eve nts on the Da te Boar d. When the Grips ter s M.C . rec ei ved the body's vote for ' t he Dis t ri ct #37 Cha mpions hip Sc rambl es , It was a s ke d a gain a bout the return of Na ti ona l scmmbl es and how unfair it was that t he des ert s ti ll ha d Nati onal events but the scrambles had bee n harred from Nati onals . P re s id en t J ean Car ter aske d Na tional Committeema n Ea rl Fland ers to explain A.M.A. ' s policy on this an d Fland er s repli ed that we can hav e a district Champions hi p, but none out of the Distri ct. T he meeting closed with t he follow ing ride rs being tran s ferred : #1 79 Am to E xp #195 Nov to Am #437 Nov to Am #144 Am to E xp #758 Nov to Am #115 Nov to Am #479 Nov to Am los e their spirit once they got rollin g. Expert Ran dy Matthews a nd hi s poten t Brid ges tone c ontin ued their domina ti on of t he "Tiddl ers" wit h another win in the 500cc class. Matth ews was chased all th e way by F rank Ros e ber ry on a beau t ifull y prepared Re x, but Randy was just too li ght and to o fast for him. Da vid Matthews joi ned hi s broth er i n the winner' s ci rcle after finishin g fi rs t In th e novice div is io n. Newcom er Dar rell Smith gave a grea t account of himse lf by fin ishing a cl ose s e cond. Ta ft Wrecking Crew Fo ur young men from Taft arrived at the track with four new Sherpas tucked in the back of Bill F oster' s wil d lavende r truck. At the e nd of the day these four young men wen t home with four first pla ce finishes , three second place fini sh es, and one th ird pl2lOe fini sh . E verett Binkl ey wa s Oawle s s in th e 200 Novi ce go as he winged h is wa y to an impressive hea t win and held off hi s teammates fo r the top spot In the main. Art Tull won hi s heat ah ead of Guy Smith an d sel.tled for th ird behin d Guy in the main. Tracy Bri ght won his heat an d j us t mis sed takin g the main in the 200 Am. class. Ron Marn ey made his first s ta rt as an Amateu r and made it a good on e as he hel d off Bri ght by a s ca nt foot to ta ke home th e gli l.ter. Jay Carter on a Montesa proved to be th e class of the 250 Novi c e round . He he ld orr Ray To be s Bultaco and L eo n atts' Honda for the win . Mike Tayl or W los t his Spri nt on t he li ne an d aft er reco veri ng quickly moved up to third plac e. overslid, and re ceived a la rge motors coote r in hi s la p for hi s e fforts . He had beat en Ca rte r in the heat, but this ju st wasn' t to be his day. . Eager 250 Amateurs The 250 Amateur race was t he wildest a ffai r of all. T ake Ascot novi c es Danny ayn Reed a nd Joe Roseberry, throw in W e Schmidt, Midge Griffith, and Don Hughe s and th e action comes naturally. As they lin ed up, ten sion s eemed to rea ch into the s ta nds . Tb e starter's job was not an env ious position , si nce no man wa s going to give t he a dvantage orr the lin e. A split s econd before the Oag came , Roseberry's Ben elli began to paw the alr and as the nag co ntin ued li D , Joe was go ne. Man! talk abo ut a hol e shot! He was gone and th e rest of th e group sat there in stunned disbel i ef. By the ti me the res t of t he pack got going . Ros e berry had a big lead and was well into th e first tu m. Th e starter evide ntly would ra ther fa ce one guy who pulled offt he perfect start , than an angry pack caught wit h thei r clut ches i n, s o he Qipped out the restart fla g and it all bega n over again. After some wild scrambling for position, Wayne Schmi dt came out On to p a nd seemed to be well On hi s way to vi ct ory , but a guy named Danny Reed ha d other id ea s a nd began pus hing ha rd. SChmi dt did a great Job of maintaining hi s pos iti on for several laps. On th e well known la s t turn of t he las t la P. Re ed made hi s move and it wa s Roya l Enfield ove r CZ by a whisk er at the fi ni s h. Th e 250 Ex pert class bel onged to J oe E. Brown a nd CZ all the way. T he roughe r the going tbe bett er he s eem s to like it an d this day was no exce ption. Brown's lead was n't bi g enough for him to give one of his famous whee lie de mons t raiio ns , but he bad t he ra c e well i n han d. Don Harms came borne s econd a nd Ron Miller retu rned after a long layoff to cop third ahead of Fr ank Roseberry , who is fi nall y bac k on a 250 after some grea t showings in t he past. Mi ke Keen mounted on a C85CS Matchless continued his winning ways in th e 350-500 Novice round. He was foll owed around most of th e way by endall Arrag on on another Ma tchle s s W and Lo uie Wood on a "Littie Ol' Honda ·. A great rac e develope d in the 500 Am-Exp. go betwe en Ra y Anderson and Clarence P ittma n. Tb ese two traded the l ead s ev er al times. but it was Anderson who came aut on top after th e points we re tabulated. Ra y is curre nt ly number two in poi nt stan di ngs and wan ted thi s win ba dly to s tay ahead of his neare s t rival in t he s tandi ngs . Lo ngac re t hough. He pUt forth a great e ffort for the win. T he 650 Amat eur final had to be th e most s lam- bang affa ir of the day. Ski p Saylor, Don McKay. Butch · Biv ens , T om Lyn ch , an d "The Bea rded One " Mi ck ey Cox fought it out all the way. At one time Cox was forced to take to the " Booni es·. but he kept it turne d on an d trave led out s id e th e brim for ha lf a lap without losing too much ground. McKay kept a cool head and avoide d confusion to tak e home the gold . • Elec-Trickle Banana" A welcome addition to tb e Open Expert Class wa s nati ona l numbe r 32 Sid P ay ne on his " Not So Mellow Yel low" Triumph. Afte r a "j us t for kicks " faise s tar t with Jake Gri ffi th, Sid s ettled down to the job at hand and easily outdistanced the pack for tbe win and the group one e xpe rt trophy, Jim McCracken won out ove r Harlan Hi nkley for the Group Two prize. Harlan. who i s s l ated for the bi g red numbe r one plate ne xt seaso n, was nurs in g a set of so re ribs s us ta ine d in tb e first heat. Wh en the action ended, tbe large crowd on ha nd s e emed well satisfied and e a ger to return for more action in Dec ember . It is always a pleasure to a ttend an e vent sanctioned by th e Sprockets. A s pe cial thanks to P a t Rose berry fo r her invalua ble assistanc e with the results. Cau ght in the Cl ut ch F rank L onga cr e managed to come out on top of the 650 Novi c e group t hanks to a bes ita nt c lutch on Leroy Is s ak' s Tri umpn, Leroy was makin g hi s fir st appearance on a big one and looked like the man to beat until his power rel e as e began to act up. Cred it ca nnot be deni ed Ugllts, Sera mblers,Acfion•••flsinorel On a full moon-li t ni ght , a goodly c ro wd of ri d er s , t heir wi v es and s pectators kept warm a ro un d bonfires. whic h see ms to give a fes tive and exhilarati ng autumn air to Elsi no re Ra c e Track . From t he hills ov erlooking t he course , t he ni ght is re dly lit. Hard Cha r ge r Sco tt O ne of t he be tt er kn o wn ride rs on t h e So. Cal. s cene , St e ve SCo t t s ho we d up to giv e the on loo ke rs a gli mpse of hi s s tyle. With SCo tt wi nni n g the 100 E xp e rt a nd 25 0 E xpe rt events and t h e S we epstake s . T e rry Don ah er we nt o n to win t he 25 0 E xpert , 3 rd Moto. Sc o t t on hi s Bultaco rode 4th i n th at eve nt. Do nahe r s ay s he di dn 't e xpect to wi n this race , and was ve ry ple ased to do s o . The 100 No vice Main was a fi e rc ely competitive ev e n t with 12 bi kes s tart i ng ab re a st , funn eling down s li ghtly in t he swe eper , a nd ov er th e hill wi t h S. Ri s pi n, Ya ma h a mounted , mak i ng a n e ar p e rf e c t start a nd taking t h e le ad, R. B uc kut , Hod ak a mo unted a nd V . Du nn o n a B rid ge s t on e were fighti ng it out fo r 2nd and 3 rd. P op ul ar open expe rt ra c er s M. Harp er, BSA mounted had to settle for a 2nd pl a c e to D. Hai nzi n ge r on a Triu mph, fo llowed by R . Mar quis o n a Honda. The open E xp e rt was a hard-ridd e n ra c e - by all c o ncern e d , a nd is a l ways one of th e favo rit e!' ( mm a s p e cta t o r' s viewpo in t . (Results on page 12) W e've also heard rumble s tha t SUZuki will pu t forth a n a ll-out effort for t his eve nt. So , it looks a s t hough the manufactur er s a re goi ng to take a real i nteres t in t he produc ti on classe s at Ri versi de to try to di sprove th e rumor of fa ct, whi chev er It might be. that the Kawasaki i s as fast as It showed on its fi rst outi ng, This will be e s pec iall y t rue on Jam e s Deehan' s par t. He was th e rider who did s o well on the machin e at th e last e ve nt ; howev er, this weekend James will be moun ted on a Yamaha. e' W re ver y s orry to annou nc e that the possiblity of getting an i nterna ti ona l event whicb we s poke of last wee k di d not mat eri alize , so the fa ns a nd rid ers alike in tbi s ar ea will not hav e t he opportunity to see Mr. T orsten Hallman perform before he ret urns to Europe. W have it on good autboril3' tha t e Lon g Beach Hond a ' s ace mechanic and racer J ohn Rice was flown to Mexico City for an Interna ti onal Motocross he ld on December 4th. Sinc e John is an International rider , he bad the oppo rtu nity to compete In Mexico City at this event. By Wes Cooley This weekend will bring to a close the competition season for the A.C .A., ...i th a road rac e to be held at Ri ve rs i de International Raceway. This rac e w 111 be the last oppo rtunil3' for so me of the top roa d racers to compete for the 1966 seaso n. Quite a good deal of interest has been s timulate d i n th e 250cc produc ti on cla s s . We ha ve It on good authori ty that Suzuki and Yamaha were qui te di s turbed with the Kawasaki ove r-al l win at the ill U.S.G.P . at W ow Sprin gs in November , a nd Yamaha i s putt i ng s ome of thei r bes t road racers on the 250cc produ ction ma c hin es to see if they can show that the Kawasaki is not ail that fas t. THE FANTASTIC TELESCO FORKS Largest stock on West Coast PHONE: 213 633-5178 15710 Garfield Avenue , Pa ramount . Cal ifo rnia 90723 ' Sc rambles or Road Raci ng Also Available - A Complete uspenLine of 5-posltion Rear S sion Units! Adaptable to Mos t Moto rcycles. From $ 120.00 u.s. DISTRIBUTORS 12 7 ANAHEIM M /C SALES s, MAN CHESTEI AVI ., A N AHEI M,. CALI•• r. ....on.: 71 "'·772.-63 3 0 CYCLE NEWS, M Otorcy cling' s weekly news paper, is FlRST with co mpetition resul ts, FlRST with the ne ws ofln te res t to Western rid ers. YOUR CUSTOMERS will come back ev ery week for CYCLE NEW S becaus e ea ch is s ue i s filled with fre s h, origi nal reports of heels. happenings on two W Big bik es. li ttle bike s, NATIONAL M TOR SUPPLY CO, O Dealer QUALITY MOTORCYCLE InqUiries ACCESSORIES ALSO Invited IN STOCK .. By Don Wa llen IF YOU'RE NOT SELLING CYCLE NEWS, , HERE'S YOUR CHANCE 10 GET WITH IT! DISTRI8UTOR FOR .... .... - A sc ot, customs , des ert , YOU MAKE 5¢ on every drags, fun b ik e s , roa d copy bought and you have bikes, s cram bles, s hort t rack . TT' s, t ra il s , tran s full ret urn pri vilege. so portation a n d trailing. wby not give it a try?Mi nCYC LE NEWS is partial to imum order is 10 copies and we pay shippi ng, t he m ail . SEI"D 'rm s COUP ON IN TODAY! - - - - 6471 N. Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, Calif. 90805 • - - II OK, what can I lose. Start my store sellling CYCL E NEWS with the next Issue. I I understand you will bill us mon thly and I have ful l r eturn pri vil e ges on unI sold pap ers by tearin g orr the pric e tag I and sendin g It in with my check for the balance, 0 or send me' a one Year I subscription ($7.:10). Check enclo sed. Send CYCLE NEWS to; Na,"" 01 st ore Address : -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - City, State - -- Zlp_ I I I I , I I ~~"d_: - - - - - - - - 1 ...

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