Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 11 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r .~ "~ WANT ADS s1 $1 $2 t lids offering tinytiling to Ads fJffering tlnyfhing tfJ give tlwtly fJr trade: FREE or trtldeWAIT AD RATES WANT 10 words or less. plus address and telephone number -- $1.00. telepbone _. $1.0 0. -25 words or less. plus address and telephone number •• $2.().'). $1,000.00 $1,'•. 00 10 woris words t Headlile II IIold type-- $1.00 extra. HuGI.. ill 111111 "" .- $1.M .1In. Picture (supplied by you) -- $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is noon. Mond fo r want noon . Monda REWARD 196f HONDAS 10'1' 19" KO..DAS 10-. to 25-. Discounts. All M IIIDlIel s T". 336-2111 au far Bob or come In _ models Tel. 336-2118 ask lor BnII to Hacienda Helpts Honda. 15833 10 Hacienda Heights Honda, 15133 Eo Ga..... Gale, Hacienda H.lpls. Calif. Hacienda Heights, For Inf_tl.. I"'., 10 anut & COlIylcU. InformaUon lead ing to arrest conviction of p• • • or .....s who slol. 1967 H.leypersons wIIo stole 19&7 Harleyvi person Oavldson II,'C. Moll.. FLH #1971. Lie. # Davld_ lI/C. lIodel #1971, LIe. III R l·A·22 Color: 8Iae & While. O_.d .., WIllt.. Owned by 01R l-A-22 Blue SI.J H• ..,·Davld_ and I_.d 10 C,cl. S&.J Harley-Davidson loaned to Cycle News. Stolen from o.n,' s R.staurant 4111 flOm Denny's Restaurant. 4th St" OoWlo. CallfDmla on Oct. 29. I",. 29, 1966. St., Ontario, Californ ia on $100.00 rew.d for IKOYIrJ of IUCIIIH DIll'. recovery machine only. 5100.00 reward c.tad C,cl....... Outell Flel_, Phone: Contact Cycle News, Dutch FI.............: 423.0431. (213) 4Z3-043L ".ws. 19 Inch 36-hole Alloy lion.... rim with used Inell 36-hDlo Allo, Montesa rim wIth 350·19 Scrambles tire. Trade for 3 ,allDa Scrambles Ure. Trade lor gallon c.n..r mount tank. YU ....737. 1446 ... E.. 4-8737, N. Eucenter _ t clid Aye., Ontario. clld Aft•• Ontar io. HAVE HONDA SO .,1.. 4 speed'S1' _ HAVE 50 engine speed 95-. com,plete, and !Ia_t of .Ise. Honda lSOcc ,arts. .... basket misc. 150cc parts. Will tra'" far ..011 , . or 7 VE W635 . _ 900635 eve. Will trade for hand gun Fa R SALE - 2SOcc Sprite Starubr sa_ FOR 5ALE 250cc Sprlt. 5tarmaker ser_ bles and 2SOC'c Sprl" 37/Atrlals maelll.s. 250cc Sprite 37/A trials machines. U..d only ·Cycle test. Big Used onl, In ·C,clo World" road BI, savings. 1446 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario. Coli siVtn,s. Ave.. Ontario. Call YU 4-8737 aft ... p.... YU ....737 aft. 5 Po... JAWA 250cc .toeIOSS 100-. dirt & .....rt. 2SOcc motocross 1~ IIrt desert. Has . , $400.00. Call 448-6708. 441-6701. mag 1965 IlULTACO TT In top coollition BULTACO lIetlsse condition Ph.1II new Plrelll tires. and v., fut $575. Has _ ywy fast 165-105'. Call 165-115'. ca.. TRADE: '65 Yamaha TraI"ast. for late -65 Y. . Trallmaster S _ s BasUt cue or 7 Call lIM-UiID. 864-1680. Greeves Bastet 1963 GOLD STAR DB034 Hunter's for_ #1 STAR DBD34 H......s former bike. All tile goodies , .. can think of plus bib. the poII.s you pillS .,.tras. Will "I for • • •00. trade for lat. sell tor $800.00 or late utras. - * l Greeyes ...del S _ & 777 After 6 ,... (714) 711 p.... 534-0360 ~ till. MI. FOR SALE -Micro Mldpt race car. fell to!SALE - MICID rac. car, full tor' .... bar. COlIIplete rebul". 15' allOJ Velo 111. 1S. alloy slon Fat _In ..ent car. CIII PL 21723. Fast main .YMf car . Call PL 2-6723. ..,1.. ..,1... -.Iete ... 55 HD XLCH, CUSTOM PAIIIT, &5 CUSTOII PAINT, CUSTOM CHROME CUSTOII CHROIIE EqI_k. ·Under 4,000 art&lul .I..s. _ ElIeln..stock. ·U original miles , _ owner. Pho.. 537-lS62 ..enlnes altar _r 537-1562 ~IIIS after _ 6:30 or . .1IkDnds .-,tIM $1.1SO. firm. weekends an)'llme $1,150. fl.... 19M HARLEY 74 OH. Loaded. full . . . . 1964 HA~ dress ~ ..w tires. 1Iap. Mat see 10 . ._10 chroN, _w tires, bags. lIust _ to apprecl. . Co.,I.t. 0...._1 $1300.00......... at.. COllplete oyerhaul $1300.00. Phone UN 3-3417. U"~7. TRADE-~s Sidecar TRADE-Stebbens Sld_ for !lOcc Honda 90cc HDIIIla Trail BI... Call liE 3-8892. Bike. liE 3-11'2. BUSI NESS OPPORTNITY OPPORTNITY 1967 IIAlCO 360cc Scrambler 3 ..... old wks. lH7 IlAlCO ScratUIer $850.00. • 50.80. 91" Super Cllarpr $50.00. Call 5lIpor Charger $SO.llO. TH 2·1123 after 7 ..... 19lili _Iller. less 1966 VELOCETTE 500cc scrambler. I... than 100 ..... _ mi., neyer raced, 1"5 JAWA 12Scc raced . 1965 125cc trials, eoo d cDlld. OL 3-8909 an. 6:30 Po... &DOd cond. aft... p.m. 3-1_ Trlumpll-Yamaha-Bultaco deal.shlp TrI.., dul....,p for sal.. sale. Good establIshed store the Orange county Good . . .bII_d star. In 1II. Ora,. count)' "'~ IWICHERO 4 ...... $1200.00. ' " Trio area. Cycle 64 spel. $1200.00. '66 T rl. .a. For Information "to 10 Box G, C , c . . .'. . RANCHERO 4 IIIftlrIutIcle write to Baa ....s. 6477 ... Long Beacb Blv.... Long .pb T"C $950.00. Tel. 763-4905, 4716 umph TliiC Te l. News, N. Beach Blvd., Beach, Calif. N. Hollywood, Calif. Baacll, Beck, ... Hollpood, Calif. Lon, wor4s 25 words Lon, *rr, co.. CHEVY truck IT ton - lonc bed - cherry e.lTton long dition. 6331071. dltlon. 633-6078. FORKS & CERIANI FORKS' REAR UNITS YOU'YI h••d ' . -.. ve cot ' em! Yoa'ft ....d about 'em- we'·ft lOt '.m! Units for street. sa.... I.s, lOad racln,. des.t, street, scrambles, road racing, desort. IIplwel_t, dra,_s. Ularatur. now avail· lightweight, dragsters. Literature now availabl. Steen·s. 1635 W. Vall.,. Alhambra, Valley, Alhambra. abl.. Steen's, Calif. 283-8229. 283-1229. . FIXER·UPPERS - Pack.,. Oeal-l BMltaco Package Deal-l Bultaco FIXER-UPPERS scr_I.,. 1 Parllla 200cc, 1 Ducatl 200cc, 2OOcc, DucaU 2OOcc, scrambler, 1 DucaU SOcc, 1 Indian Warrior. 1 Motlbl Ducatl 50cc, Warr Ior, 1I0tob! Sc:oolerL Scooter, all for $7SO.OO. Jack Balclwln lI/C $750.00. Baldwin II,'C Sal.s. 2705 Plco (In Santa Monica). Sales, zr05 PIco lIonlca). NEW Gl5 MATCHLESS 300 JbAOOcc 500cc ALL IIE1J GIS IlATCHLESS . . .Ibo, . . . . Ace Btb SIIop. 1100 Eo Artesia slnel.. Bike SIlop. Artes ia Lorig 1IucII. Calif. Beach, . LlIIi, BULTACO METISSE. Oesert bike, en&l_ METISSE, Desert bib. englne modlfl.d for .xtra wide power ra.... just p _ rance, jusl modified extra overhauled, large tank, everything In OYorIIau..... lar,o ps tank. .ftfJtIIln, I. good conlltlon, arrance flnanclne. poll condition , can arran. financing, $700. (213) 330-0531. 3311-0531. 65 BULTACO (Sherpa) 2OOcc, an. 5. Call (SIIetpa) 200cc, aft ... 714-52100901. 714-521.0908. DOT ~ barrel 1964 DOT Square .....1 excellent rail and desert bib. $425. (714) 544-4727. s bike. $4J5. 1965 ELECTRA HARLEY, Full '.000 dress 9,000 HARLEY. camull, drlyen miles. Ne_ raced, - ..carefu lly llrlven mil......_ helmets leathers. 724down. Also h.lmets and '.atllefs. Call n4751•• Vista. 7588, Vista, Calif. 19lili BOltltEVILLE TT Bib. 2 races $995. 1966 BONNEVILLE Bike. 4-7179. Call ST 4-717'. CAlIPER 1ll;i W.atw., $1500.00. Ducatl CAliPER 1~ Westway ScrUlbI. 65 $450.00. 521-7563 Boeu Park. Scrambl... $450.00. 521·7563 Buena P~ TRADE-1965 C.R.S. TRADE-l"5 C.R.5. Sprint. ported & polished poll ...... Bt, Valfts, racln,, class C tI..s. ne_ tlrea, _ Big Valves, rac ing seat, raced, than mi. on blk. 1965 rac.... less tlla 50 mi. . . bike or 1"5 250 Va.....a Yamaha Ascot, .alnt. coadltl_for 250 8010 exlnt. condition-lor 2SO Bultaco lIetlsse, ... condit ion. 71.....7-117. taco "Uss•• isame condition. 714-887-1178 San Bernanllno. Calif. Bernardino, IIONTESA 1965 2SO Diablo SCrambl.... 250 MO..TESA"_ _.... ~ cle.. $450.00. raced, very clun 5450.00. 213-697-2567. Mad.....lur.. Trade fastest TD-1B Made amature. Trade Yamaha To-IB flattrack_ al Ascot. C Main wlnner·Long Main wlnn.·Lone f1attracker at Ascot. Bucb. Heat wlnn...·Ascot. 31_ carbs Beach. wI...-Ascot. 31mm carbs a..s ....Is, ,.arlne. braOll new spar. Barnes wheels , gear ing, brand spare engIne compl". dial Indicators, and meters _,,_ complete, Indicators. for tunl •• EverythIng for a whole Hason, far tuning. EftfYlblq wbol. season. Tr Trade all or ... for big TT, flattract, or part bI, TT. flallraclt, scrambles blk.. T." (714) 735-4641. scr s bike, Tel. 5UZUKI X-6 miles, excellent, SUZUKI X-li 4000 mll.s, exc.llent, must sell $550.00. Eftnln,s 762-9751. $550_00. Even! ngs 762·9758. ~---------------------------------------I ~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -·I TRAOE-Hodaka hleh compression ....d and TRADE-Hodaka blp compress ion head ud .lIlIuslon cbamber-for slral,b! car , •• or 1 gear 7 expansIon chamber-lor straIght AI Baker, 5herman Oaks, AI Bak•• 3646 Knobhlll Dr. Sherman Oaks, Calif. I I N~e.. ......... ......................................... I I.e............ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TRA DE - 1950 IIG T.O. classic for Bullaco MG T.D. Buttaeo TRADE '250· Matador or TrIumph T iger Mountain '250' M ador at TrlU1llph Ticer Mounta in Cub. T.lephon. 714-827·7576. T e lephone 71....27·7576. : WRITE AD HERE· HERE WR'TE ENCLOSE CURRENCY ERClDSE CURRERey $1 & $2 Ten Words - $1 Twenty FeBOLD TYPE iv wards-$2 Headline in : I I Twealy Five WDrdS • $2 Headline in BOLD TYPE $I extra I $1 I . Picture $3 extra. extra, Address •••••••••••••• •••••• •••• • ••• ••••••• •••• ••••••• •••• I Ad~ss.................................................. I FREE WANT ADS W ANT ADS I If you have something to give away have ads are free yOI1 I City•••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • •• •• ••••••••••••• State... ••••• trade etc. want ads are (ree to you City•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• State..... ••• trade I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I : MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 4SI, LONG BEACH, CA LIF. 90881 TO : NEws, 498, CALIF. 90801 _______________________________________ JII I ____ ___ _____________ _ __ __ ______________ J I...ACULATE I.ACULATE 6 SlId. Bullaco TSS 125, spd. Buttaco Avons, Smith' s Ta ch, latest top e nd. AYons, Smllll's Tach, ' lop .n'" Spares and extras ,alore! Sparse ly raced and never galore! $parsel, raced droppod! Will consider partial trade for 2dropped! Will consi der lor 2· stroke trail bike. 475-1554 alter 6 or wlmds. bIke. after wknds, keep trying, IlHp trJl nlo USEO 66 Husqvarna $895 like new. Tel : USED 66 Husqyarna $8'5 lIke n.w. Tol: 662-11139. 662·0839. ' 66' MONTESA 5tre eVroad racer '66' IIONTESA Street/road racor 1200 milos, miles, HO eatras, $325.00. Tel: HO 5-0289. e xtras , FOR SALE-l"4 Harl.y Sprlnl $425. Honda Honda FOR SALE-1964 Harley Sprint 50cc $125. PhDne OR 4-4682. Sportster SOcc $12S. Phone 0 R 4-4612. FOR SALE'-62 CHEV. Cornn, new ext.lor & FOR SALE 62 CH EV. COrYan, ext erior Int., eng. Int.. Monu .nlo just rebuilt, 4 SIIMd trans, r....llt. speed heat, perfect lor hau ling small radio rallo & "at, perfect for haulln, 2 or 3 ...all bibs or 2 bI, ones $795.00 or best offer. big ones bikes 534-0360 after p.... Call (714) 534-0360 aft. 6 p.m. new ROAD RACING HONDA with new 305 _ RACIIIG e.. glne of spare ,Ine and 250 ••Ine plus locker full or ..250 e,.lne plus IDell. .-Is Includlne a .maS.lllls 5-20.000 Rpfi parts Incl.... qa estraSmlths5-20,000 RPM Tach. Only $410.00 797-8592. l"acIl. Onl, $4Ill.OO,2.

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