Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 11 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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You' II You'll • always alwavs see it FIRST in ..... ._•• •••• f!Jf'lrfJJ&B 6471 6477 N, Long Beach Blvd, Beach Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif, Calif, ' 42"-0431 Phone, 423-0431 Phone: ;r (Area Code 2131 Fro", L.A. Phones: Q6·8844 From L,A, 636-8844 Guest Editor ial Charles Clayton •••••••••••••••••Editor Editor Business Manager Sharon Clayton •••Bus iness Ma nage r Gil Brown ......A(Jvertising Manager Bro wn ••••••Ad ve rtising D. B. (Dutch) Fielde r .Asst. Ad. Mgr. (Dutc h) Fielder •Asst, Dennis Greene .......... Photo Editor ••••••••••Ph oto Edito r Gay Thomason .Circula tio n Manager . Tho mas on .Circulation Manager. Published we ekly except the first Published weekly e xce pt th e fir st and last we ek of t h e c a le nd a r and last week of the calendar ye a r by C&S Publis hin g Company . year C&:S Publishing Company. P .O. 498 , L on Beach. P.O. Box 498. Lon g Beach, Californi a . California. Second Class Postage Paid at Long P ostage Long Beach, Calif. Any part of this newspaper may be thi s us ed wi thout permission as long as used with out per mission credit is give n. Editorial contri bugiven. Edi torial contribucartoo ns . tions. cartoons. photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publi capald publicati on . Self-addressed. s tamped ention. Self-addressed . stamped envel ope assures return. velope assures return. Single COP)' Pri ce 15¢ Single Copy Price 15¢ Subscription s : One year 2nd class Subscriptions: One year 2nd class , . •• , mail . . . . . . . . .. , . .. . . $7.50 $7.5 0 Advertising rates will be sent rat es s ent on request. request. ~ !i!5!5!!=!!ii!!_E!!!Ii!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!!!5;;;;;;;;!!!5!!!!5E!!!_-~IE!i!i!iE!EIE~iiE~-".~ ~~~~====!!!!!!!!!5!!!!========!5i5====================aE==E!I ~ Please Read Before Fili ng Under ~ Word From Jack Wor d Fro m THE HELMET LAWS T HE By Ray E. Warner I would welcome a n oppo rtuni ty to be welcom e an opportunity the first person to vote for a mandatory lor helmet law for all motorcyclists. motorcyclists , hel met law and In t he con struction industry, and bethe construction fore fore World War Two, I hea rd the same heard sam e arguments about safety hard-hats that tha t I'm now hearing about safety helmets helmet s I' m tra nsition for motorcyclists. The same transition was bei ng mad e then, that is bein g made being made being law was passed that workmen now. A la w woul d wea r hard -hats at all times while would wear hard-hats on construction proj ec ts . The workmen co ns truction projects. Th e workmen reluc ta nt loog were reluctant to accept this for a long time. Then the War came along. Suddenly everyone was wearing a hard- ha t. hard-hat. These hard-bats were worn on the streets hard-ha ts wom with with dress clothing duriDg e vening bours during evenine: hours - even to night clubs and theaters and ni ght and daDcehalls. P erhap s dan c ehalls . Perhaps it will be difficult Ibr some people to bel ieve this. Howlbr some peo pl e believe How· har d-ha ts ever, it's quite true...The hard-bats,, of tha t course, indicated that the wearers were "in" an d ma king a contribution to the co ntri butio n and making war effor t, ••1 war ellort. ..1 can't help but speculate on s peculate o n doll a r what a multi-million dollar industry th e the helmet bus i ne ss would become if helhel met business woul d bec ome mets suddenly become the • in" thing met s su dde nly wea r. for people to wear. conAt the present time, men in the co nth e pres ent ti me, struction industry are eagerly willing to wear hard-ha ts. They do so, not because hard-bats. so , wea r it's a law, w t because they have leamed it' s but l ea rned that there's DOthine: more suitable for nothing headgear than a hard-ha t. And too, ha rdt han hard-bat. hardhats are the "in" thing for construction " in" workmen w<>rkmen to wea r. wear. These same chings are true about thin gs motorcycle helmets. Newcomers will soon learn - especially with this new lea rn with is mandatory hel met law - that there is helmet nothing noth ing more suitable'to cover a riders' s uitable to head than a helmet. It provid es perfect head helmet. provides from hea vy protection from the sun, the wind, heavy rain, rain. mud, dirt, smoke, noise, etc. Along s moke. e tc. Al on g wit h all of these things, a helmet will,, hel me t will with protecti on from of course, provi de safety protection from provide unexpected accidents. And then too, ac ci dents. motorcyclists wear helmets mostly as a headcover - not because th ey expect to they expe ct cmsh, or become involved in an accicrash, becom e acci dent. Most riders would nev er ride a bike never rid e bik e on the streets if they thought they were if the y going to be hurt or injured in some way. injur ed wa y. Hard-hats for construction worker s workers have proven to be the greatest single hav e th e grea tes t s ing le safety contribution that ever came along. co ntribunon e ver cam e al ong. At the same tim e, this mandatory helmet time, helm et law will pro ve important la w " ill prove to be equally as impo rta nt motorcycle helm et to the moto rcycle industry. A helmet will pro ve to be a constant remin der to prove reminder ride safely - to take safety precautions all the time - to leave a huge margin time l ea ve hu ge In doubtful for safety in every doubt ful situation. If the legislators do make it mandat he l egisla tors mak e i t ma ndapro tecti ve .tory for all cyclists to wear protective tory al l headgear, they should also make it a hea dgear, th ey s hould anyo ne very serio us orrense for anyone to s teal serious offens e steal a safety helmet. The helmet manufacThe helmet tures could also very easily s tamp a co uld also stamp every prominent identification number in e ve ry Identification helmet made. These two provisions provis ions helme t would,, to some extent, eliminate helm et helmet would s teal i ng. stealing. Incidentally, I ca n very truthfully say can very s ay that safety equipment and safet y prean d safety cautions have saved my neck at least a hav e ne ck l ea st dozen times during the last twenty years doz en while earning my livelihood as a conearning as struction worker and while pursu ing work er a nd pursuing many some-what dangerous recreational s ome- what dan gerous activities with the use of hoats, horses, activ ities with tbe us e boats, airplanes, and motorcycles. Furthermore, ai rplanes, motorcycle s . Furthermore, younge r, really when I "was much younger, I rea ll y had I ,was no conception of what it meant to get hurt , th e inconvenience, the loss of los s hurt, the inco nvenience, wages, and things like that. As I look lik e )lack now,, I was proba bly as reckless probably reckl es s . bac k now as any of tbe young people toda y , and I the peopl e today, a nd concerned s a fety. was not concemed with safety. I was more concer-ed with fooling around and concer oed wi th fooli ng a nd lot ha ving a l"t of fun. Young people are like tha t, It's iIiffi cult for them to realli ke tiaat. iJirrtcult the m ize th e consequences of a p erman ent the consequ ence s or permanent inj ury th e injury,, or tbe embarrassment of a physical handicap,, and the pro bl ems of comha ndicap an d the problems peting in the work-a-day world under the. these co nditio ns . It is, in my opinion, a the s e conditions. is. opi nion, pla in fact that safety must be , forc ed on tha t plain be-.forced ot herwise some peop le who are otherwise not conso me people cemed or indifferent towar ds safety. cerned indirrerent towards s a fety. W ith manda tory helmet law, th e With a mandatory helm et law , the quality of helmets would be impro ved , improved, qual ity the price of helmets would probably helmet s proba bly come down,, and many dealers would down a nd man y deal ers woul d start gi ving helmets away free with ea ch giving hel mets each sold. most important new bike so ld . And, mos t important of of peopl e wo uld all, many of our young people would be -ri ding mor e in ten i'riding more comfortably, more intellige ntly an d safl!ly. genUy,, and much more safely , "THE VOICE OF CALIFORNIA" " THE VOICES How To Ride and Win Thank you for the fine article ·Worthfin e articl e "Worthless Gold· i n this week's ·Cycle News·. wee k's "C yc le News", l ess Gold" in I've foun d most of the news in Cycle I' ve found News worthless, but as of late the re ha s la te there has worth less , been and about road racing. bee n more ancl more abo ut roa d raci ng. I' m so rry did n't meet I will say I'm sorry I didn't get to me et Dea th Val l ey you at the 12th annual Death Valley Farce, sorry I mean Run. F ar ce, so rry This was my fi rs t DV run a nd (last) ... first and I took my famil y, s ix in all ages two to family, six In a ges and fifty-four, all riding on bikes and all a ll dressed in IDENTICAL CLOTHES and dre s s ed In each paid ent ry to DV. We also entered entry al s o ente re d co ntest, as the largest family contest, which as you l ar gest smallest present, know was won by the s mallest pres ent. We al s o thru program W also sat thru a two hour program e of trophy presentation and found out we t rophy pres entation and had to draw a number at the sign in t he In dra w qualify t rophy, whic h point to Q.ualify for a trophy, which is a secret except to a chosen few. few, When sen t our e nt ries the (inc. ) W n we sent OUI entries to the (inc.) he they were ve ry specific about declaring very speci fic abo ut decl aring the events we wished to enter, but at e nte r, the run they didn't req uire anything, and require didn't even bother · to as k if we had ask if did n't eve n signed i n. Or anyone else as far as that in, els e goes. goes . like say, the So lik e you sa)' , the gold is worthless. Maybe I should have jammed my sho uld ha ve less . daughter's foot in th e s po kes of my bike i n the spokes my da ughte r's trophy year. and ensured a tropby for next yea r. LLOYD A. CLIFTON L LOYD CL IFTO N Lone Pine L one P ine Enclosed my subscription: I can't Encl osed can 't always count on seeing it each week count it eac h arou nd the E a st, around th e East, 'cause not all dealers carry it - the fools.. If I win that BIG it fools tbat it out HARLEY yOU may keep it out there for me and put a few miles on it until I come it me and C BI 60 to claim. I'll ride my CBI60 out, tie it claim, I' ll On the rear carrier of the Big Thing, on t he ca rrie r Bi g T hi ng, then home again W hat the n come horn e again.. What you should do is offer a prize to the guy who can figure out a way to get rid of the bums who ha ve cost us every important ra ce have e very race from Cataline to SPringfield - 10 y rs, of Sprin gfield yrs. from Catali ne Progress. Just whe n we were getti ng a when getting P rogress. limited acce ptance on tv , these jerkeroos tv, th es e jerke roos li mite d acceptance put us ri ght hack where we started in right back s ta rted ha ngin gs the post-war y rs , A few hangings would post-war yrs. help but would discriminati on. hel p hut that woul d be discrimination. JACK MERCER Melville, N.Y, Me lvill e, N.Y. E d. Note- Jack ! Is that any way to talk Ed. Note-Jack! any about our race officials? ra ce MULDER, BATMAN & WHEATIES BA TMAN &WHEATIES Babe Ruth , Joe Louis, J ohnny UniBa be Ruth, Loui s, Johnny Unldas-hero es a ll to th e ge ne radas-heroes all tu the younger generations of this great country of ours . Here, ours. t his ver, photo nine howe ver , is a phot o of a little nin e year idolizes person ye ar old who id oli ze s only one pers on in this whole world,, and that should be whol e world sh ould the numher a nd even obvio us by th e number plates and eve n ohvious style. Mr. Edd i e Muld er , the styl e . Look out Mr, Eddie Mulder. you just may run up against this youngste r (and many more ju st like him) somester (and. just li ke day ...This little guy competes in all ... This local sporting IT events in the San local spo rting TT area Diego a rea and like his counterparts among among the baseball and football enthusiasts, does nothing oot eat, sleep, but and talk motorcycles. and tal k BROWN REPLIES (EDITOR'S (E DITO R'S NOTE- The followin g letter following lett e r was received the day after the California Elections.) El ections. ) November 4, 1966 Novemb er Dear Mr. Clayton: Thank you for writi ng to me concernwriting ing your interest in promoting safer int erest In operation motorcycles, which ope ratio n of motorcycles , whicl! historically ha ve not enjoyed an enviable safehave enjoye d an s a fethe ty record. I can assure you that the California Tmnsportation Agency alCal ifornia Transportation Age ncy is al· ready working at my request on a legisworkin g requ e st On lative program des i gned to improve this designed record, reco rd. publi sh er we ek ly As the publisher of a weekly newspaper dedic ated the s port mot orpa pe r dedicated to th e sport of motorcycling cyc li ng you, too, hav e a splendid optoo , have sple ndid readers encourage portunity to enco urage your read er s to act as emissaries of traffic safety. The s a fe ty . Th e a ct a s emissa ries State of California, throu gh the Departthr ou th e ments of Motor Vehicle and California Ve hicle Ca liforni a Highway Patrol , stand s read y to support Patrol, stands ready an accele rate d traffic safety progmm program a n accelerated and encourage standards an d to e nc oura ge high s tandards for the sport of motorcycling. motorcycli ng. I am a ware tha t the number of motoraware that cycles within California is steadily incy c les creasing and that a la rge numbe r of these large number creasi ng and vehicles are used for re creati on pura re recreation poses . Th e State Depar tme nt of Parks P arks poses. The Department and Recreation also info rmed me that informed Rec reation there is a shortage of recreation riding s horta ge motorcyclists, grounds for motorcyclists . One of our recr ea tion primary objectives in our recreation obje cti ve s i n insofar planning program is to provide ins ofar as possible, areas a nd facilities to meet a reas and fa ciliti e s legitimate recreation demands of Ca lifCailfle giti ma te recreati on fornia's popula t ion. I think you realize torruas population. realiz e that while th e requirements for motorth at whil e the cycle trails are not great in terms of a re i n te rms cyc le elaborate facilities, cha rac te r elaborat e fa ciliti es , the character of the use is oft en i nco mpa ti ble with oth er often incompati ble with other recreational purpos es . Howe ver, you may re crea t ional purposes, However, every be assured that eve ry effort will be made these to include th es e facilities as integral parts re creation program . pa rts of our total recreation progmm. After comAft er just co mpleting s uccessful ye ar ci rcuit pl eti ng a successful year on the circuit (he made five main events) , he is now ma in events), is looking forward to hi s ten th birthday his tenth raci ng. and second season of racing, He claims s econd the secret of his success (?) is watchhi s s ucces s s ecret ing Batman, in g Eddie Mulder. Batman , and eating eati ng Wheaties. His youn ger broth er , age 7 is younger brother, ag e at the moment restricted to a custom moment rest ricted s c oot er, s een buzzscooter, but can always be seen buz zthe ar ea when ever an y s porting around t he area whenever any sporting activity is aLtended by the family.. Ing a cti vity a ttend ed family The nine-year-old's name is Earl Ea rl. T he nine-ye a r-old's Roloff and yo u can bet his dad is real you bet proud of him, him. EARL E. ROLOFF SR. E. Spring Vall ey . Calif. Sprin g Valley, Please Rea~B~:~~riling Under T (trash) 'Worthless gold' our tr ophi es may be. • Worthless gold" trophies be, but we're proud of all 8 of them . (But we prnud them, would accept a better method of winning them . ) them.) True Haye you eve r talked with a Tru e ever ta lked with Have Road Rider? I think we love motorcycles l ove motorcy cles better than the Racers because they'te the Rac ers they're afraid to ride on the highways , I believe, ri de highways, believe. Road riders don't just ride to win rid ers trophies, We a re , in my opinion, trying to trophies. We are, my pa rt prove to the PU blic thai we are part of public t hat socie ty , tax payers and we do care what ca re ~ociety, ta x happens in our State, I thi nk we are the State. think a re di rect traffic , use flar es first to help direct traffic, us e our flares extinguishers or fire extinguis hers in t he event of an accident on the highway. Auto drivers dri ve rs are try to use us for target practice but a re us e time nee d. proud to see us in time of need. awa rds Merchandi s e and cash awards will Merchandise soon fade away. but trophies will bring soo n fade away . hack happy hours and friends you met back the ot he r day . the otheI day,. GABE PALMER PALMER San Diego .5. enjoyed the En s enad a P .S. I enj oy ed t he ride to Ensenada you put on but didn't like campsite (used did n't motel), Motorcycle horrible, mot el ), Motorcycl e judging was horri ble , poker hands were not recorded correct. han ds re corded co rrect. But I thank you and your group so much tha nk you r for bringing the 74 back to San Diego for brin gin g hack Die go member a membe r of our group, So here is my group. is subscription for one year. year, s ubscri ptio n fe e, My opinion on AMA membership fee, for Roa d Rid ers a $4 fee would be okay Road Riders for me with the magazine (American with the Motorcycling) but my wife and daughter and daughte r don't need a copy so I think their fee copy s o thei r don 't should $2. s hould be only $2 . Help W Wanted ante d Most acoidents that happen to the ac cid ents Competition Rid er on the Track are Rider T rack ar e usually considered part of th e Racing the usu ally 'Game' and,, as unfortunate as it is when a nd as it happ ens to be a bad accident, the accident , it happens chanc e tak es Rid er knows it is the chance he takes Rider knows when he goes out on the T rack. Like Track, Lik e the re most everything else tho, there is a time ev erything matter when something happ ens that no matte r something happens how hard you try you can't find an excan' t it, a ccid ent cuse for it. Such an accident happened Sal es durin g practice to young Paul Sales during practic e at the last Short Track at Atascadero Atas cad ero Speedway, Oct. 1st. Oct . I s t. . An apparent ''Spectator' slipped hy Specta tor' by the th e posted Deputy and ran out onto the le a ving track in front of Paul leaving him no tra ck alternative but to try to lay the bike bik e the ' s pect ator'. T he down to miss the 'spectator'. The ensuing collision left the 'sp ectator' with co llision le ft 'spectator' comparison OUT minor injuries in co mpari so n to our inj uries Rider, Rid er , who didn't come out of it quite did n' t it so lucky. so luck y. Paul is in the Salinas Valley Memorin ial Hospital, he ha s und ergone major Hospital , has undergone surgery for head injuries and is still on s ti ll sur gery critical li st at thi s time. happens the c rit ical list at this time, As happ ens to our Sportsman Riders now a nd the n, and then, Sport s man Riders he has no insurance to co ve r the heavy cover ha s insu ra nce expenses he and his family are bei ng a nd being faces with. fa ce s being A fund is being set up by the Atasfund cadero Ramblers M.C. and any contribuRa mbl ers cont ri butions,, large or small, will be grea tly greatly s mal l, tio ns appreciated. Make app reciated . Mak e checks payable to: Paul Sales Fund, and send to th e Atasthe P aul Sal es cadero Rambl er s M.C. - P. O. Box 838 , Ramblers P.O. 838, Atascadero, California , 93422. California, 93422, All money received "ill be forwarded rec eived will in the Donor's na me unles s othe rwise Donor' s name unless otherwise specified. s pe ci fied. BARBARA ELISARRARAS, Sec ty . secty. BARBARA Ramblers M.C., Inc . Rambl ers M.C. , Inc, Box 838 Atascadero, Calif. Atascadero, Calif, EDMUND BROW Governor N. EDMUND G. BROWN. Gove rnor Sa c ramento Sacramento Who Hid John? Jo hn? Where W e were t he toile ts at the Hi Vista her the toilets th e Vista Hare Scrambles Har e Scr ambles that the Dyna-Mites put nice on Oct, 30, 1966? It was a very nic e Oct . race have been ni ce r if th er e rac e but it would hav e be en nicer if there we re toilets. were toilet s . GUlLIANY LOIS GUILIANY El Monte E l Mont e (·You are right, Lois. Sometimes those ("You a re ri ght, desert events are positively uncanny!") unca nny!") 120 mph HONKING THE HORN THE Left, Spitfire Hornet.Abo.e: Spitfire Mark III. Loft, Spltflr. Hornet-Abo..: Any thirteen-year-old kid these days can sit on a curbstone and mtUe off acAny thirteen-ye ar-old curbs tone rattle off curately the name of every motorcycle that passes. Not bei ng fortunate enou l;h to e very U1at being fortu na te enouJ!h curatel y th irtee n-year-old kid, Cycle News has Ith en ga ge th e servi ces of a thirteen-year-old kid, Cycl e News ha s to mak e do W a engage the services make WIth 30·yea....old Editor, week the Hornet the 30-ye a r-ol d Ed itor, who last wee k mistook a picture of the 1967 BSA Horn et for th e BSA and thu s proba bly co nfused bunch readers. cQuld BS,\ Spitfire Mark III model and thus probably confused a bunc h of reade rs. How co uld ho rn lig hts " Fearless· Farnsworth honk the hom through t he Laguna Salada lights when the the L a guna • Fear les s · but machine shown didn' t (o bvious ly) hav e one ? Okay , we know it's hard to believe, bu t mac hin e s hown didn't (obviously) have one? Okay, it's true, Fearless was riding a box·stock, street setu p MARK lD at that fantastic t rue, riding box-stock , setup MA RK III fan ta s ti c sp eed. speed. Just the ma chine you need to run to the beach and back on your coffee break. machine d CJ G

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