Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 10 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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You'll alwavs • see it FIRST in c.; .... ... o ~ :c: "THE VOICE OF CALIFORNIA" Charles Clayton Editor haron Clayton Business Manager Gil Brown ...... Ailvertising Manager D. B. (Dutch) Fielder .Asst. Ad. Mgr. Dennis Greene Photo Editor Gay Thomason .Circulation Manager• Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&:S Publishing Company. P.O. Box 498, Lon g Beach, California. Second Class Pos tage Paid at Long Beach, Calif. Any part of this newspaper may be lIlSed wi thout permission as long as credit is given. Editorial contributions, cartoons, photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication. Self-addressed, stamped envelope assures return. Single Copy Price l5¢ Subscriptions: One year 2nd class mail $7.50 Advertising rates will be sent on request. ~ ...:J ~ Guest Editor ial By Chuck Clayton MEANINGFUL LEGISLATION Part m By Robert O. Fee In 1965 a mandatory helmet bill was introduced into the California legislature. Fortunately it failed to pass. In 1967 another mandatory helmet bill will be introduced into the legislature. It will not be a motorcyclist who introduces the bill, but some well intentioned amateur do-gooder who believes that a helmet will instantly curtail all motorcycle accidents and the resulting injuries and death. The Committee for Better Motorcycling at their August, 28th meeting, discussed legislation and compiled at tbe following list that they will recommenu to be introduced in the 1967 legislature. These are not cure-alls and do not impinge on the right of any cyclist to court disaster if he so choose s. But they will help protect someone else from being taken along with him. 1. All motorcycles sold in the state shall be equipped with safety rims. (The Highway Patrol furnishes each of their motor officers with this protection.) 2. A special endorsement of the operatorS license shall be required to operate a motorcycle on public streets. (The endorsement would consist of a special driving test performed in traffic at the direction and under the supel" vision of motorcycle police officer.) 3. Require motorcycle oriented su~ jects in high school driver education classes. 4. Require renters of motorcycles and motorscooters to furnish a helmet with all rentals at the time of renting. (This does not keep the rentee from refusing to use it if he so chooses.) 5. Require the seller of a motorcycle to inform the buyer that a safety helme t is desirable protection while operating a motorcyc Ie bY a. A sticker on the speedomete r with a warning similar to the warning carried on a package of cigarettes. (When the buyer pulls the sticker off, he has been informed and the choice is his.) b. A signed statement from parents of riders under 21 attesting that they understand the value of a safety helmet while operating a motorcycle. (By their signature they have been informed and the choice is theirs.) 6. Require a stiff sole to be worn bY the rider in such a manner as to be interposed between the foot and operating controls. (If a rider wants to risk his foot in thongs or slippers, it's his foot. However, for the safety of others he should be able to apply the brakes in a positive, unflinching action.) The CBM would like to hear from any rider who feels he has a point that should be considered. The CBM's undel" lying philosophy is: No individual should be mandatorily required bY the government to take any action, to buy any item or wear any apparel that does not directly contribute to the safety of other motorists or the general public. Send your comments to: The Committee for Better Motorcycling, 105 No. Vermont Ave., Glendora, Calif. 91740. The CBM plans to present the foregoing slats to legislative representatives immediately after the November election. CN will relate their reactions and furnish information how you can participate in next year's legislative process. FOURTH FUNISH THE FINNY CONTEST WON BY CLETE HRUSI{A We thought we really had a toughie of an unfinished funny for you guys this time, but you came up with mare goad jake lines for this laanl. cartoon than any of the ather three. The only tough thing was picking the winner. Five dollars and the fram.d original p.n and ink drawing of Herman's goes to CI.t. Hruska of Brea, Calif. for his funniest funny. Sam. of the runners up were: "Man, I dig that crazy Crash helm.t!" Don Coach. "Will you honor my AMA card? .. Dick Brawn.ll. "Tak. m. to your d.aler! .. Carol Coolbaugh. "Tak. m. to your sponsor!" ..David Aldan.. "Mind if I go for a spin?".. Bob Williams. Watch for anath.. Finish th. Funny InCycl. soan asH.rman splash.s dawn aut of orbit. If anyone ever wants to sparKle up II motorcycle show, I strongly recommend that they engage the services of the Ace of Clubs M,C. Drill Team as we did last weekend for our first attempt at organizing a bike tour. These gentlemen (and two very acrobatic young ladies) are carrying on the tradition of precision riding instilled in them by their late President Darrol Peacor. They played their entire repertoire before the citizens and officials of Ensenada and won enthusiastic applause for their thrilling maneuvers. In addition to providing a show to compete with Sunday's races, which were about to begin on the other side of town, the Ace of Clubs capably manned the checkpoints of Saturday's poker run and handled many of the other chores so necessary to a run of this magnitude. Quietest Night This was the first Southwestern intel" national motorcycle tour, and the first road ride put on in conjunction with a motorcycle race in recent memory. To begin with, we were advised agains t even having the run bY a number of people whose opiniolls we respec t. ·You are bound to have trouble with the ·element,,· they objected. ·It might turn out to be another black eye for motorcycling,· they said. We worried about this unnecessarily. as it turned out. Sr. Eliseo Garcia, the Chief pf the State and Federal Tourism Department remarked that last Saturday night was one of the quietest nights he'd seen in Ensenacfa, even though there was a convention of camperites and a dog show happening in the town in addition to the tour and races that weekend. ·Your riders are even better behaved than our local boys," he confided. Indeed, the stately roar of the Harleys and BSA's was far less grating on the ears than the usual racket of the unmuffled Islos, Vespas and Yamahas that Ensenada is used to. Professor Hermida, the Mayor of Ensenada, was one of those who expressed misgivings about the tour. When I asked him Sunday how he liked the motorcycle riders IIOW, the mayor replied with much energy "Magnifico! Magnifico!· Ensenada also boas ts a veIY fine police department under police Chief Camachn. His officers are trained to assist, rather than arrest people. The Chief decided to enforce an Ensenada law against drinking in public, and thus any trouble which may have occurred was easily prevented. I think the tour proved at least one thing we have always suspected, that motorcycle enthusiasts as a whole are one of the finest groups in North America, and as long as a courteous but (jrm police force is tending to business, they should be at least as welcome to any fair city as yachtsmen, dog fanciers or camperites. I think we also demonstrated that the disruptive power of the'element' has been greaUy overrated. Let those who say you can't let motorcyclists gather~ read our story and reconsider. Here we had 140 road riders and 350 racers and their entourage convening in a Mexican town of 42,561 population and not a single one ever saw the inside of the calaboose, nor was there any trouble at all. Yet the annual yacht race in May fills ttle jail up every year. Maybe the bad cYclists have taken up sailing? There were a fair share of predictable goof-ups on our first Tour. The silver Aztec Calendar pins that we gave to each entry failed to anive from Taxco on time for the start and had tn be passed out at the parade on Sunday. M Two Campgrounds Then the riders were misdirected to the campgrounds and when the campsite was finally found,a.4ew of the less skillful riders co~ined they could not navigate the dirt road leading into it. So another camPsite was arranged. this one on a beautiful beach close to town, accessihle by a hardpacked road. There were free showers and restrooms and even a laundry room at the second camp, but it was nearly dark by this time and the impatient riders had discovered that motels were cheap and so they elected tn spend the night indoors, leaving left the Mexican guards to stand watch over empty beaches and prairie. Gripe Session Enjoyed By All Probably the most enjoyable part of the weekend's festi ities for many riders was the Saturday evening Grip Session. This was such a popular event that we are planning to make it a regular feature on the program. The first annual award for the Biggest Gripe of the Year went to Pappy Ward of San Diego for the immortal statement, • And I thought the Mickey Mouse Run was mickeymouse'· Meanwhile back at City Hall the Ace of Clubs M.C. members directed bY Road Captain Vern selby organized the tour hikes in categories for the Most Beautiful MotorcYcle Contest. Judges were the Chief of police and the Ensenada motorcycle cC'rps. It was a difficult choice, FINISH the FUNNY CONTEST but when the winners were annnunced manana everyone was satisfied with their decisions. (see results on page 16). We may have discovered a way to end protests here. I certainly wouldn't want to try arguing with the Ensenada Chief. Apparently no one else wanted to either. $600 Loss Cycle News spent nearly $1.000 on this year's Grand Prix Tour and took in about $400. Next year we may have to spend more to make it an even greater success. We tip our helmets to Oscar Gomez and Ernie Aragon 01 the Ensenada M.C. for their competent race organization. Voice of California Viva Vegas! It was again my familys pleasure to enjoy a motorcycle weekend in Las Vegas Sept. ao, Oct. 1 & 2. We enjoyed Cycle Action movies Friday night, trailing Sat. afternoon, toured the local entertainment sports Sat. night. Sunday was spent at the Sunrise Raceway TT Scrambles sponsored by the Silver City Scramblers M.C. Its a shame more Southern Calif. riders don't try this fine TT scrambles track. In my humble opinion it is one of the finest TT tracks that I have ever ridden. The course is always well prepared, maintained and exciting to ride and watch. When the sponsoring clu b states that the races will start at a certain time. you can bet they will, which in itself is unusual. JIM PETERSON Dirt' Diggers South Rowland Heigh ts Ed's Note-And congratulations to you, Jim for winning the Open Expert Class (again) at Vegas! Edge Of The Coin 250 riders could not be wrong. True the Shamrocks start was not the best. But the ones that did make the false start, did they see the banner drop or did they take off like one sheep following another? You always ba ve a few who are over-eager. I was just as far back as anyone else. After the cards were marked at the start. one of the Shamrock riders rode up to the truck to let them know every thing was set. The banner was then RAISED, not DROPPED and this was when the false start was made. What some riders have to learn is the difference between dropping a banner and raising a banner. It takes time to mark 300 cards.,A rider should learn to relax. It's possible to have a restart for scrambles and TTs. But wbat would be the answer for a restart for a hare and hound? Let the false starters make the first loop and then start everyone over again? BILL A. ZAREMBA Covina STATE CHAMPIONSHIP? Just read your article, ·Shamrocks State Championship Hare & Hound~ by Dick Wright. Are you guys for real? I read CYCLE NEWS because it is S1J~ posed to give the facts as they really are. Let's set the records straight. At the riders meeting prior to this farce, it was stated that· the banner will be behind the riders·, so all could see. Where was it??? - you guessed it - where at least two-thirds of the riders couldn't see it. Why did the majority of the riders start? Check with the people who held, or better yet, balanced the banner. A more fancy bit of cape work I have never seen. One would think the immortal bullfighter, Manolete, had returned to the ring. If this was a false start, why weren't the riders turned back at the smoke bomb? Why wasn't there any radios at the checks to advise the riders? WbY this and why that? Let's face it. The Shamrocks, who put on some nf the best desert races, just goofed. State Championship - my Bates seat! GARY GERLICH EDlTOR-See·Once Around the Course· by Larry Haley in this issue for a participant's viewpoint.

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