Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ FRIDAY, OCT. 7tb .... CLASS C Y.z MILE FLAT RACE cs; .... kly •••nt at Ascot Park, 1I3rd .. st. and V.rmont, Gardena, Calif. ~ g CLASS C TT STEEPLECHASE <.> o Hayward Sp••dway, Hayward, Cal. INDOOR SPORTSMAN S H 0 R T TRACK - M.C. at Gold r.J Cr••k Park, South.ast of Woodin· :i!: .i1I., "lash., on R.dmond Rd. r.J E.ery Saturday night through March ..:J D.c. 24 & 31. E••rett M.C., U 726 112th St. S.W. E••, Wash. ;>.. 98202. U ~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER Rtb INTERNATIONAL TT'SCRAM' BLES' 7th Annual Ensenada Grand Prix at Ens.nada, Baja Calif. Promoted by Mexico Dept. of Tour' ism and Ens.nada M.C. Races begin Saturday am, from 100cc thru 350cc on Saturday, plus Powder Puff (maximum 100cc). Current sportsman card r.quired for POKER RUN· 60 miles of delight· ful pa ••m.nt from the California border to Ensenada, Baja Calif. First and signup at Mexico side of International Bord.r at Tijuana, B. C. Entry fee S2. Pick up thr.e more cards en route, fifth card at fini sh In Ensenada. Trophiu for highest poker hands and 10' ball. Distincti.e pin for all entri.s. After parad. through town on Sun· day, trophies will be awarded. All poker run .ntries will be admitted to the Ensenada Grand Prix Motor' cycl. Races fr.e. Sponsored by Mexico otTourlsm, Ensenada M.C. and Cycle Officials: The Ace of Clubs M.C. of Southern California. CLASS C 1 MILE FLAT TRACKAltamonl Sp••dway, 17001 Midway Rd., Li •• rmor., Calif. 94550. 15th ANNUAL MEMORIAL CHECK CHASE - "llAIRY HOUND" by Checkers M.C. Limed from R.d Rock Canyon. Entry f.. $3.00, Starts at 10 am. SI x scoots make a scene! NITE TOURIST TROPHY RACE· AMA sanctioned Class "C" TT. Pra.ctic. and time trial s at 6:00 pm, rac,ng at 8 pm. At Hayward Speed· way, Hayward, California. BENEFIT DANCE-for InJur.d riders Rick V.tter and Jo. Schmidt at the Richmond Clubhouse at Pt. Richmond, Calif. Prins Includ. '66 Yamaha, B.II h.lmet & case, Bates solo seat, two $25 orws, $20. cash and a car carrl.r. Donations $1.00 (n••d not be pr.sent to win.) SUNDAY, OCT. 9tb, POKER RUN-Golden Bears M.C. at Manteca. SCRAMBLES-Richmond M.C. al Richmond. CLASS C TT STEEPLECHASE Altamonl Spe.dway, P.O. Box 1042, Li ••rmore, Calif. 94550. 8-HOUR ENDURO SCRAMBLES by Ra.en's M.C., for info. contact Ra••n's, P.O. Box 2231, Renton Washington. ' SCRAMBLES - by Sh.lton Trail Blazers M.C. at Sh.lton. For info. P.O. Box 531, Sheltonl, Wash. TT SCRAMBLES-Hi'Boots M.C. at Track near EI Cajon, Calif. Practice 10:00 am, Race at Noon. WILBUR CEDAR COMMEMORATIVE SHOP HOP & TROUT FRYlim.d from Cabazon, on Hiway 60 a tolal di stanc. of 50 mil.s East of Rlversld., Calif. Tick.ts at Skip Fordyc. store in Rlv.rside $1.50 'till closing date Ocl 2nd, Post .ntrles, S2.00. Motorcycles must be ridden to the .vent. Door prl ~.s. Troul fry will all the trimmings. SCRAMBLES _ by Los Gatos M.C. for Men only, no womens class. You must ha•• folding foot and thr•• number plat.s and all AMA saf.ty r.gulatlon .. AlIA saneti.on.d. Signup opens 8:30 am, and closes 11:00 am. Practice 9 to 11 am. Class .C' tir... R.freshments and lots of good trophie.. H.ld at Fremont Drag Strip just off Durham Road, Fremont, Calif. Readers"are .,dvlsed that listing in this calend:H 15;1 tree service. Cycle News discl:llms Jny responslb'lIty fa, c;encell.ltion Of changing of events by promoters without notice. OCTOBER 19th & 30tb. TT SCRAMBLES· by Taft M.C. at Taft. AMA sanct. Practic. 9 am Signup closes 10:30, rac. at 11 a~. Man mile trophy and others gi.en at rac•• Food & refreshm.nts avail· able. 1/4 mile West of Maricopa. Disl. 36A Rules. ENSENADA GRAND PRIX' International TT·Scrambles brings. on the big bores wi th classes for 500cc through Open. Fifth rac. of the day will b. 3·lap sweepstakes for all class winners(lsl& 2nd place). II two or more sidehacks enter, th.y will be the first race on Sunday. TT SCRAMBLES-by P.rrls Vall.y M.C. and Am.rlcan L.gion Post #595 at P.rrls, Calif. Trophl.s from last rac. award.d. No .nglnes before Bam.AII Ltwt.9·12:00, H.y· wi, Am. & Exp. 12-2pm., All No•• EXCEPT 250, 2pm 'til ? Reg. # plates r.q. no subs. 6 .ntrles make a class. Point run. Nov., Am. & Exp. cards mu st b. shown. AMA CLASS ·C· TT - at the new San Gabrl.1 Valley Rac.way. 2 mll.s N. of the San Bernardino Fre.wayon RI ••rgrade Road(#605) In the city of Irwlndal.. Gates op.n al 6:30, qualifying at 7:30, racing starts at 8:15. No••, Am., Exp. MONDAY, OCTOBER IOtb. DIST. #36 REFEREE'S MEETlNGto b. h.ld at the Hayward M.C. Clubrooms, 3792 Depot Rd., Hay· ward, Calif. 8pm. N.w 1967 Rul. Book will b. flnaliz.d at this meet· Ing! Bring your sugg.stlon .. At· tend! WEDNESDAY, OCT, 12th. ACA SHORT TRACK rang. County Speedway. D"·~-~.ns 6:00 p.m. . \ 1\ p.m. 50, C".ee\ e al.d off • south at Tusl s rom EI Taro Air Station. THURSDAY, OCT, 13th. ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gat. Sp••dway. Pit gat.s op.n 6:00 pm., racing starts 8:00 p.m. 50, IDO & 250cc prof.Sllonal •••nts. Locat.d 1 block south of Fireston. and 1 block west of Garfield. FRI DAY, OCT. 14th. CLASS C Y.z MILE FLAT TRACK Weekly .v.nt at Ascot Parl, 183rd St. and Vermont,, Calif. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th NITE TOURIST TROPHY RACE· AMA sanction.d Class "COO TT. Practic. and time trials at6:00 pm, racing at 8 pm. At Hayward Sp••d· way, Hayward, California. ENSENADA I CLASS C 'h MILE FLAT TRACK Altamont Speedway, P.O. Box 1D42, Liv.rmore, Calif. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th TT SCRAMBLES-by Hayward M.C. at Hayward, California. POKER RUN-by Masterlinks M.C. at Hanford, California. SCRAMBLES-by Sprockets M.C. at Bakersfl.ld, California. ACA SHORT TRACK - at V.ntura Fairgrounds. Pit gates open at 10 a.m., practlc. Noon, First rac. at 1 p.m. SPORTSM"N SCRAMBLES - by Fort Slitter M.C., AlIA sanct. at H.I••tla Park, Sacrlmento, Calif. HI #16) W f S to way (6 m. • a ac on I Signup 9·11am, rac. at Noon. Rain or shin.. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES _ by Buzzards M.C. IIm.d from Kram.r Junction "Four'. Start at lOam rain or shin.. Point Run. Entry $4.00. Lots of trophl... POKER R.uN ·byCaliforniaEagle's M.C. Scenic tour of less than 100 miles, No freeway riding - any size invited. Slart 8·9:30 am. Norm Reeves 15745 Lakewood Blvd. Dress competition by. R.R.C rules, fam,.ly games, spec,al award for outriders. 12th ANNUAL DEATH VALLEY MOTORCYCLE TOUR-By Motor· cycl. Tows, Inc. AMA sanct. Big' gest tow of them all! 5000 from stat. & country. 100 custom trophl... Ent.rtalnment, parade ofantlqu. cycles,McLagl.n Drill Team performs, continuous mo.les, Cifts for ••ery official .ntry. G.t official .ntry blanks at your motorcycl. deal.r. Only offl· clal mall entries fully complet.d and signed properly, received b• for. Saturday, October 15, will be accept.d. .'8\Y THURSDAY, OCT. 20th. ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gate Speedway. Pit gates open 6:00 pm, racing starts 8:00 p.m. 50, 100 & 250cc professional events. Located 1 block south of Firestone and 1 block west of Garfield. FRIDAY, OCT. 21st. CLASS C 1'2 MILE FLAT TRACK Weekly event at Ascot Park, 183rd St. and Vermont, Gardena, Calif. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd NITE TOURIST' TROPHY RACEAMA sanctioned Class "e" TT. Practice and time trials at6:00pm racing at 8 pm, At Hayward Speed.' way., Hayward, California. ENSENADA I • CLASS C 'h MILE FLAT TRACK Altamont Sp••dway, P.O. Box 1D42, Livermore, Calif. SUNDAY, OCTOBE R 23rd SCRAMBLES - by Golden Bears M.C. at Manleca, California. SCRAMBLES'by South County M.C. at Dam, California. TT SCRAMBLES-by Nomads ILC. at Prado Park. All small bikes 8:30011am. Big bikes 11-2pm, Exp. and Am., 2 'til? Entrl.s cia .. 'h hr. before rac. tim•• AMA sanct. Point run. $1.25 donation. $1. entry. ROAD ENDURO - by Washington '99" M.C. For Info., write: P.O. Box 623, S.attle, Washington. SUNDAY,OCTOBER ~th BOYS CLUB BENEFIT RUN - by Tacoma Yellow Jackets M.C. For info. write: 1918 S. G St" Tacoma, Washington. TT SCRAMBLES-Hi·Boots M.C. at Dehesa Track near EI Cajon, Calif. Practico 10 am, Racing at Noon. SCRAMBLE5 - North Bay M.C. at Santa Rosa, California. 2nd ANNUAL BEAN RUN-by Whit· tI.r R.j.cts M.C. starts 8·11 a.m. at L. Bard & Und.rwood. 221 E. Imperial Hlway, La Habra. Calif. AMA point run. Sign-in for returnIng D.ath Vall.y riders will be at the Wrightwood turnoff In Cajon Pas.. (free coffee & donuts at start). G.t dlr.ctlons at start. Finish will close at 3pm. Meal tlck.ts will be a.all. for lat. arrivals. Trophl.s for poker h..ds, bean count, & s_pstak... No machine judCln&- Beans, breael, be.r, coffee & pop "MId. Entry $2. THURSDAY, NOV. 3rd ACA SHORT TRACK - Soutll Gat. Sp••dway. Pit gates Opell 6:00 pal. rlclng starts 8:00 pm. SO. 100 & 250ccproNssionaiCIass A e.ents. Located 1 block south of Flreston. and 1 block ... st of Garfield. FALL TIRE CUMB-by Blue Barons M.C. For information, writ. 3312 Forth Plain Road,, Washington. CLASS C FLAT TRACK - Ascot Plrll, 183rd St. Ind V.-mont, Gal" denl, Calif. Weekly 'h mil. Practlc. at 6:00 p.m•• racing at 8:15 p.m. PACI FIC·SOUTHWEST CHAMp· IONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES - by Spoke Benders M.C. Llm.d from Stoddard Wells, B.II Mountal n Rca d. Fl.. miles North of Vlctor.fll., Calif., on Hlway #66. Separate trail blk. cours•• Trophl.s. Starts 10 am. fee $4.25. Dlsl. 37 point.. 3 loops of approx. 30 mi. All class.s. Strlpp.d Crusaders welcom.! SIdehacks w.lcom. too (If you sha ••!) SATURDAY, NOV. 5th. ~EDNESDAY, OCT. 26th. ACA SH ORT TRACK - Orang. County Speedway. Pit .ns 6:00 p.m., ra . .. .m. SO, 1 C_.....\\e" .d offt pvuhof Tusti m EI Taro Air Statio • THURSDAY, OCT. 21th. ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gat. Spe.dway. Pit gate op.ns 6:00 pm, racing starts 8:00 p.m. 50, 100 & 250cc prof.sslonal Class A events. Located 1 block south of Firestone and 1 block of Garfield. FRI DAY, OCT. 28th. CLASS C FLAT TRACK - Ascot Park. W ••kly Y.z mile show at 183rd St. and Vermont,, Calif. Practice at 6:00 p.m., racing at 8:15 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 29tb. CLASS C TT-Hayward Speedway. Practice at 6:00 p.m., racing at ,8:00 p.m. Hayward, Calif. CLASS C 11 MILE FLAT TRACKAltamont Speedway, P.O. BOX 1D42, Livermore, Calif. THURSDAY, NOV. 10th. ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gate Speedway.Plt gat. opens 6:00p.m.. racing starts 8:00 p.m. 50, 100 & 250cc professional Class A ...nts. Located 1 block south of Firestone and 1 block west of Garfl.ld. FRIDAY, NOV. 11th. FRIDAY, NOV. 4th. SPORTSMAN HILL CLIMB - by Bak.rsfl.ld M.C. at Outlaw Canyon between Hart Memorial Park and Lake Mlng on the Alfred Harr.1I Hlway, -ten mll.s N.E. of Bak.rsfl.ld.AMA sanctlon.d. P ra c· tlce 8·10am, Ltwt. lOam. Hvywt. Noon. All class.s, gocc and up. Skydl.lng at lunchbr.ak. GRAND PRIX ROAD RACE - lrd annual ACA U.S.G.P. at Willow Springs Raceway. Profe..lonal ev.nt, 51,000 guar. or 40% of gate. Class.s: 50, 100, 125, 175, 2SO, 350, 500, Op.n & TrophI.s in all prod. class.s. Inq. Box 247, Full.rton, Calif. or phon. (714) 847·7629. Post entries after Oct. 31, $25.00. 20 LAP STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX TT STEEPLECHASE Wlnn.r will b. California Stat. Champion for 1966. Ascot Park, 183rd and V.rmont, Gardena, Calif. AMA Class C e••nt, first race at 8:00 pm. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER6tb. WASHINGTON STATE CHAMPIONSHIP COWBELL ENDURO - Mt. Baker ILC. at Bellincham. Ill. Baker ILC•• 600 DuPont, Beilin,. ham. Wa~ 98225. HARE SCRAMBLES-Pacific Coast Championship by Polu Dots ILC. at Willeysvill•• Calif. SPORTSMAN HILLCUMB-by Explor.r Post 305 (th. motorcyllnc Boy Scouts) at Oakhurst. Explorer Post 305, 424 So A St., MaWa, Calif. HARE AND HOUND-Cascade Moe. of Bend, OreCOlI. Stlrt at 9:00 a.m. rain or shin.. Follow til. mlrk... from the Inters.ctlon of Highways 97 & 20 (3rd .d Greenwood) In Bend. Entry fee: $2.00. For .ntrles and InformatlOll contlct Cascad. MoC. 136 Greenwood A•••• Bend. Or.gon, AC S J KAS ENDURO - by the Foothili Hlwks ILC., 81m. Start Noon. & finish at Red Mountain. L1m.d from Red Mountain, Rid. the trails of single blanket JICUU prospectors, In adventurous run thru the historic Rand Mountllns and Summit Dlggln· .. An table classic for those wIlo hav. ridden past ...nt.. License and muffler req. by Dlsl. #37. Appro", 100 mi. All classe.. Point rullo Club tum .. One loop for lOOcc clas.. Unique frylnc pan pins for all .ntrle.. F.e: $3.00 (mall) $4.00 (post). Mall entries must be postm.ked before mldnlte, Oct. 22nd.. to 7813 So. Bllckford, Whittier. Calif. You don't ha.. to belonc to ANYTHING to rid. this . . .1. CLASS C \2 MILE FLAT TRACK....kly ...nt at Ascot Park, 183rd St. and V.rmont. Gardena. Calif. SUNDAY, NOV. 13th. CLASS C TT STEEPLECHASE AI tamont Spe.dway• P.O. Box 1042, Li •• rmore. Calif. CROSS COUNTRY BRUSH ENDURo-Lacky Spok.s ILC.. Rio 1. Box 010. Brush Prairie. Wash. 98606. EN DU RO - 20th Hayward Cowbell at Upper Lak.. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15tll. ACA SHORT TRACK - Orang. Coonty Speedway. Pit cale opens 6:00 ....... racing starts 8:00 p,m. SO. 100 & 2SOcc classe.. Located off tile San oleco Fwy. south of Tustl... across !nom EI Taro Air StltiOn. THURSDAY, NOV. 11tb. ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gat. SpeedwIY. Pit Cites ope 6:00....... rlclnc starts 8:00 ....... SO. 100 & 250cc professional C lass A ...nts. Locat.d 1 block south of Flreston. and 1 block west of Garfl.ld. FRI., SAT. & SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 15, 20tb. INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE AND SPORTS SHOW - by Trojan Enterprls.s at Long Beach MemOf'o lal Arena. foot of Rainbow Pier, Long Beach, Calif. NOVEMBER 19th & 20th. 8th ANNUAL DIRT DIGGERS GRAND PRIX-lst INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MOTO CROSS AND SCRAMBLES-at Simi Ranch. ( formerly Corrigan.llle. 6543 Los Ang.les A.... Santa Sus.a, Calif. No•• 19th - Ltwt. 2SOcc and under. trophl.s for N_ Ice. Amatew. Expert, Sportsman Exp.and Pro and Intemall.E ....ts. $1000. purs.. No•• 20th - Hywt. 260cc and o••r. trophies for NovIc•• Amat.... Exp., Sidallacks and Pro. aod Int.rnat'l E.ent.. $1000. purse. All riders, recardless of affiliation Ire In.lted to particlpat.. lIall 57.00 .nn to Dlrtdl,. gers 1Lc.. P.O. Bx 1513, City. Calif. before mldnlte Oclo 29. Start position determined by post· mlrk. Enclose 2 .n..lop... (Post entrl.s will be $100.) Foreign & ou~ofostate rid... writ. for d.talls, we assign riding #' .. R.qulr.ments: 3 numb.r plates. folding foot optional traction, rider & mach. fr... Spectators $l.SO. SUNDAY, NOV, 27th. MUD SCRAMBLES - Olympic P.nInsula M.C., P.O. Box 723. pt, Ang.les. Wash. 98362. ATTENTION PUBLICITY COM· MITTEES •• Be sur. to send Cycl. notice of your coming ••ents and we wi II II st them in this d.partment fr••. A post card or a post.r will do. B. sur. to Include directions to the e••nl, starting times, .tc.

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