Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WEEK OF OCTOBER 6 through OCTOBER 12, 1966 Mamerica's only weekly newspaper covering the motorcycle sport- TULARE PICTORIAL PAGE 13 ••••• , ••••• , •• , , . , , , , , • , • , LAP CHARTS ON PAGE 16 HI-JINX POKER RUN -------------------------------------------.- PAGE3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 NIGHTS OF A.SCOT ••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••• I ••• •• PAGE 6 PlAYBOYS FIELD AlEET ........................ ---------------------------------------------PAGEIO short track tt ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PAGE 28 ENSENADA BECK ONS ROAD RIDERS & G.P. SCRA LERSTHIS WEEKEND Wbat are you doing this weekend? Chances are that you will join us and several thousand other motorcycle lovers in Ensenada Baja Calilornia lor a double day 01 racing and road riding lun. Cycle News, Tbe Ace 01 Clubs M.C., the Ensenada Motorcycle Club and the Mexico Dept. 01 Tourism bave been working together lor weeks to make sure you'll have a ball south 01 the border this weekend. The Ace 01 Clubs and your newspaper are jomUy operating the Poker Run that starts Saturday Morning at Tijuana and guides you safely down the 65 miles to Ensenada. Cbeckpoint #3 is located at Raul's restaurant on the Tijuana-Ensenada road. We recommend anything on Raul's menu lor wncb. On Saturday and Sunday there will be Grand Prix Scrambles racing a la Catalina. on a pavement and dirt course just south 01 Ensenada. Tbe Ensenada M.C. will conduct the competition, aided by the Ace 01 Clubs. Both Poker Run and Races will accept post entries in you baven't sent in your entry already. On Saturday alternoon at 3 p.m. judging contests lor the road ride participants will begin. Dazzling cycles and their riders will line up in front 01 City Hall lor the judging. Tbere will be unique brass trophies lor Stock & Custom, Men and Ladies over and under l,OOOcc in addition to 14 Poker Hand trophies, a Sweepstakes award, and trophies lor the youngest entered rider and the rider wbo came the larthest distance. Thirty-siX trophies in all lor the Tour alone. ·_-------------------------------------------PAGE18 DUSTERS DESERT DASH *******************1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• PAGE20 ORANGE COUNTY CHAMPS WANT ADS RESULTS PRECISION RIDING BY ACE OF CLUBS Sunday morning at 10 a.m. the riders will line up at City Hall lor a magnificent parade through town, led by the Ace 01 Clubs and the Ensenada Police Color Guard. The parade will end at the Grand Prix course where trophies will be awarded to the road riders, climaxed by a demonstration 01 precision riding put on by the Ace 01 Clubs Riding Team. Tourists are advised to lill gas tanks before crossing the border as Mexican gasoline is o[ low octane. Free campgrounds are provided, but reservations [or hotels or motels "should be made in advance by telephoning Viajes Mon[ord, 8-3216 in Ensenada. That is also the number to call to arrange car insurance While in Mexico. Motorcycle Insurance can be purchased at the border on Saturday morning [rom Maytorena Insurance Co. [or 83.07 [or three days. lVIH31VW 031VO SSV1~ ON003S WEEKENDS ON WHEELS --------------------------------------------- PAGE 5 50806 'J!!I:) 'q:llaa 211o, 'pAla q:lna JII, 'N LIt9 SM3N 31;)~;) I

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