Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 09 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ATTENTION PUBLICITY COliIIITTEES •• Ile SlI" 10 .... d C,cl. notice of ,DU' comlne events and we will II It til... in thi s apartment fr... A post card Dr a poster will do. Ile sure to Include d1rectlDII' tD the ev...t. .tartine times, .tc. SATURDAY, SEPT,l1th TT SCRAIIIBLES - Hiat Dell. Rac. at C.-"e .. u Safety FlI_. "Invlslbl. Clrcle'-b, A• •lc.n HDfIda. Loee Buch Police ..d National SMet, CDuncil, fua & eood rldlne practlc.s. On Ch.....1 13. Dn Sat_da,. at 7:301:00 p.. IlDautlful scen..,. narrated by Pet. BrDwn. TV star Df illlLareclo- • TULARE HALF-tlILE-b, Visalia Rambl... ILC. in coop.ratlon wltll 24t11 01 st. Aericullu,al Anoc. Fou,.tar. class C dirt track races. AlIA ...ct. Tim. trials at 2:30 pm. racine starts 7:30 pm. At tile Tulare County Fal', Tulare. Calif. 1/3 IIIL ACK - at Sant4 lIa,1 a Speedwa, Dn HI wa, near Santa lIarla. f.sslonal _\\e6 6:30 pm, ~ by IIIC s. AlIA s..ctlon. AliA SHORT TRACK-at California State FaI' Grounds on til. of the 20 mil. National. HD'se Show Grounds. California Stat. Fair Grounds. Sacramenlo. Calif. First rac. at 1:30. ARIZONA STATE M/C DRAG CHAIIIPIONSHIPS • at Tuscan Rac.wa,s. Souvenir medals to all blk. ent,ants. SIc mDn., awa,ds to wlnn..s. MDtorc,cl.s class.d by .Iaps.d tim•• ACA NITE TT-South Gat. Rac.. wa,. Racine unde, ACA sanction. Pit cat. opens 6:00 p.m.; p,actlc. at 7:00 p.m., racine at 1:00 p.m. ProIessl. .1 Class A ,ules, 50cc, 100cc, 250cc class... Soutll Gat. Sp.dwa" South Gat., California. t ... :.,.e\\e' &dj NITE SCRAMBLES - II.C. a t rm Fort IIITE SCRAMBLES-by Bakersfl.ld Sprockets ILC. AlIA sancL All classes sleIWp clos. at 7p.. First rac. at 1:30. At tile foot of China Grade. just below Bakersfl.ld CDIl'e•• Dlst. 36-A rul.s. Rubber fol dine pees. 3 corred nllDlber pia.... Food and refresh..ents awall. Trophies elven at rac.. NITE SCRAMBLES-Haywa,d ILC. at Hayward Speedway. SUNDAY, SEPT. 18th TT SCRAMBLES - Fou, Ac.s II.C. at Prado Park. Ucbtwelchts practice 1:00. at 1:30. H.avywelcbts(Novlc.s Included) practic. at 12:00. heats at 12:30. A 01 strict 37 Point Run. A.ILA. SanctiDfled. EUROPEAN SCRAIIBLES - b, G.-dslul....s 1Le. Iheed fro.. Us V.eas Blvd. So. and Sprlne IItn. Rd. Start at 1:30 am. All t,pes of t.,aln. Free ,.f...hments for all .ntrl... HARE SCRAIIIBLES, ItII ANNUAL SISSY RUN-by ILC. AlIA sanctlDned, District 37 point.. Sica up at start at 9:30 am. 11m. 1I..1t flnlsh. F.. $3.25. UlDed froll HIwa, 395 and HI VI.ta, n.a, Lancast.r. CaJIfDfllIa. 75-t11LE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACE - at ca,l.bad Raceway. southeast Df Carlsbad, Callfornl .. Ta". n01 DftOwn to PalDOlar Airport RDad, east .._ S4OO.00 parse. Gates 0 ..... 9:00 am. ,ac.s at N_. FInals 1:30 plio G-. a_lsslDn $4_00, children (1-12) S1.00. under I fr... ..II... sou" SPORTSIIAJI SCRAIIIBLEs-b, San Francisco ChamplDn Speedwa,. at Brl~, Calif. (across fl'DlU Candl.stlck Park). All classes 90cc and op. Pit cates op_ at 1:00 .... pradlce 10 to 11:30. racIlle starts at lloon! Ins_anc. ~ pulsDrY! AIIIA. POKER RUII - Art.sla lIotor Joc..., SlOtll _ual Poker Ruuo StallS: 1:00-9:30 • • at Harley-Davidson of Lone Ileach. 3654 ... Lone Ileach Blvd. Lone 1IDacb. Calif. Tropbl••• CO"H and Doauts and special Bun F.asl. FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd ~ III LE RACES - At AscDl Speedwa,. Gardena. Calif. TT SCRAIIBLES - Ladl II.C. at Lodl Cycl. Bowl. Loll. calif. Dist 36 AlIA sanction. Sicaup aad practlc. 6:00-7:00 p.... Call 361-7112 fo, furth. Infonnatioa. AlIA CLASS A PROFESSIONAL SHORT TRACK RACING. R.plar Friday Dlebt show atVa'lejD Speedwa,. Just across til..... bride. ffOlD San F'MCISCfIo TI. . trials: 7:00 ..... first rac. 1:15 ...... SATURDAY, SEPT, 24tll lllTE CHAIFlOll SPORTSIWI RACE -lit. IIaUr 1Le. at 1Ie1ll.,. ..... • aalll.... ev. SUNDAY, SEPT. 25th 0 18 _LE IlATIOIIAL C"i."~~NSHIP - at Sea Jo... ..t. t." AJ:..A. NATIOIIAL POINTS ROAD RACE, WIlIDw Sprlnes Int.matiOllal Raceway. RDS_d, Calif. Pit eatas opea 1:00 all. practice " 9:00 - 11:30. first .vent at 12:00 ..-All c1ass.s lneludlae prodac· tlon. AdmlsslDn $2.00. ILLIIlOlS-INOIAIIA CHAlllPlONSHIP MOTO CROSS-by Ch....lp U"a II.C. at FI.h•• illinois. TT SCRAIIIBLES - by So. Calif. Sidellac:k Ass'.. at PradD Park. Llehtweleht~ am. beavywelcht -12:00. All clas..s (almost)! All rl_s nlco_ Tropbl.s. DlsL '.37 PDlnts. S - & hot doc" "Anywa, TDU HACKIT. it ouclrta b. eood! _ and somethlne unlqu•• which Is nonnal for til. croup. 2H1JLE IIATIONAL CHAIIIPIONSHiP-at Sacram.nto Stat. Fal, GroWlds. Sac,a_to. Cal!f. AliA sanctlon.d. S6ooo.00 purs•• Quail· f,lne-12:00 Noon, Races at 2:30. Gates open at 10:00 am. POKER RUN - lst FI,lne Wheels II.C. at lIanteca • Callfornl a 2ndAIINUAL SCRAMBLEs-lla.t.r· links II.C. at Hanford. Calif. STATE CHAIIPIONSHIP HARE ANO HOUNDS-b, Shamrocks II.C. Start. 10:00 ...... Eatry $4.25. Limed from Red Rock Can,on. AlIA Point Run. Trophl ... FRIDAY, SEPT. 38tll NlTE SCRAlllBLES - Fresno II.C. at F....o. FRIDAY NITE 1/5111LE SPORTSMAN SHORTTRACIl-by Llvenn... ILC. at AI.-1It S peedwa, at Trac, L1_.. on California HIway #50. Pit eate opea. 5:50 pm, closes 7:30. Practlc. 6 tD 7:30. Rac.s start I plio 5000 spectatD' suts, a_lsslon U.50. All class.s. 50cc to 250cc .scep! ladl.s SEPT. 3 : OCT. 1st, 2111. CYCLE ACTIOIl THEATRE-tllree hows of lI0t0rcycle racine fllID.. Las Veeas ConvenliDfl I ..... Paradise Rd. and Con_ tlDD C.ter Dr. Sept. 30. Oct. 1. I ..... MOTORCYCLE IIISPECTION QD SAFETY CUIIIC-Las V'eas Ch_ber of Com_ce. Convention Cent., Parkl ne LDI. J,. OCT. 1, 2 p.m. MOTORCYCLE RIDE-Ride tD Day Ranch. 2465 E.W... Sprlnes Rd. Swlnnlne. Daaclne (II ve musIc), Ranch Dlnne,. IIleht Ha, Rid., frH CaolPlnc facllitl ... Entry$2.50 for adu"s,$1.75 for children. R.aders . . ad¥Ised tIIM listlne In this c.1_da, Is a fr.. service. C,cl. disclaims an, ,.spDllslblllt, fD' can· C.llMIDD D' chanetne Df ev.nts b, prDmDl..s without nDtlc•• SATURDAY, OCT. 1st SUNDAY, OCT, lItb. Saf.ty Film "Invisible Clrcl." by American Honda. LDfle Buch PaIl c. Dept. ..d NatlDflal Safety CD...cll Fun & eood rldlne- On Ch..nel 13. on SM.-da,. at 7:301:00 pm. B.autiful scen..,. nar· rated b, Peter Brown. TV star Df "'Laredo- • POKER RUN~DI'" Ilears II.C. MII..tec... TTSTEEPLECHASE-,.plar flr.tSatu,da,-of-montll TT Racine. As, cot Park. Gard...a. Calif• SAT, & SUN, OCT I-2nd. NORTHWESTERN CHAIIIPIONSHIP TT - S3.4OO purs•• PD.t .ntrl •• cia.. Sept 17 til. at Champion Speedwa,. at Brisbane. Calif. (across from Candl ••tlck Park). Amateurs qualif, Sal. ani" noon to 2:30, Esp..ts qualify Sun. Onl,. Oct 1st. tim. trials. practlc. and Novic. Event.. Oct. 2nd. p,actlc. and l00·lap TT. Gat.s op_ I am, practlc. at 9: .raclne at 2 pm. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21d. Class A SHORT TRACK - at Ill_a Fal'erounds. off Hlwa, " No. of lIad.a. Calif. AlIA sanct., $600. purse. Rac. at 2:00 pIIIo SCRAIIIBLES-San F,anclsco II.C. at Uvas Dam. SCRAIIIBLES....a'ln CDDDIy ILC. at NDvato. NORTHWEST CHAIIIPtOIlSHIP SCRAMBLES - by Seattl. ILC. at Jail, Roeers II.C. G.-d.. 2110 S. 142nd SI.. seatll.. Wash. Pho.. CH 2~13 for Informallon. HARE SCRAIIlBLES - two 16om1l. loop. startlne at 10 all .harp at Panaro sa Inn. 15 III. Eo Df Lancast.r. Calif. on Av•• "J'. ND AlIA or DlsL #37 ca,ds nHded. PI.. plale numbers O.K. OVDfDlcht campers welcom.. Picnic tables. BBQ pit.. country bkf.lo. beer. soft d,lnks, sandwlch.s at stand. N.w competition trail blk. class added wltll .eparat• •tart ahead of NDVIc. trail blk... ThrH flo trophy. POKER RUN - b, D.lta Falcons II.C. at Plttsbure. Calif. CACTUS DERBY NATIONAL CHAIIPIONSHIP ENDURO-RIverside Bombers II.C. AIIIA sanction.d. Will run-,aln. shin. or heat. Start and flnl sh I mll.s south Df Bar.tow. T.... central Barstow Dff-ramp - nD IHII. to start, FI,st ,Ider luves 7.01 ..... LEGAL EQUIPMENT R£QUESTED. wat. p,ooftne mlcht be n_a...,. Classes-O-250cc (A&8). 251cc & up (UB). 100cc class 100 .1I.s lone. under MId Dve' 16 ,..s, sidecars (6 entrl.s ...... a class). Entrl.s cia.. $apL 11. 1966. RIdInc _bars by drawiDCo lIali entry $5.00. PDst entry $7.50. Address entries to: G_ Lladley. P.O. Bos 1002. Cheny Vall." calif. 92223. .tandard entry bl_k accepted. An, SATURDAY,OCTOBER8~ POKER RUN - 60 .Iles of dell&btful from the _ _ to. En_ada. Baja Calif. FI,st cHck and .lcnuP at lIDdco side Df InternaliDflal at Tijuana, B. Co Entry f.. $2. P1c11 up til,.. cards .. fDIfte. fifth card at flnl sh In En T ....I.s fDr h IcfIe st pD". h..ds and , . ball. Olstlnctlv. pin for all entrI... Afte, parade tllroueh town 00 Sunday. trophl.s will be awarded. All pok.r run .nt,I•• will be a_Itted to til. EnSllllada Grand Prls 1IIetorc,cl. Races f.... Sponso,ed by lI.slco DepL of Tourl SIl, En_ada II.C. and C,cl. Officials: Th. Ac. of Clubs II.C. of Soutllern Callfornl ... Bor'" DID'. OCT. 2, 1:30 _ . POKER RUN-Las V.eas IIDt... cycl. Deal.s AssoclatlDflo TropIIl.s. _dlandlse prize.. PIck up fI,st card at .., II.C. sIIop. Ride earls at Srmrl .. Rac.way. EIltry--$l.00. INTERNATIONAL TT-SCU. BLES - 7t11 Annual En_ada Grand Prls at EnSDllada, Baja Calif. PI_t.d by lI.slco Depl. ofTDur· 11m and Ensenada ILC. Rac.s beeln SMurday _. from 100cc tIIru 350cc oa Satu,day. plus Powder Puff (..ullDulD 100cc). eu".t sportsman card required for 1I0vlce. OCT. 2, 11:30 a .... TT SCRAMBLES-S1I_ City II C S-Is. Raceway after the P...... ~:-: ~~"cta·"'·Ca cacti lass. --- - ss tr DD Powder PIIIf Race. NITE TOURIST TROPHY RACE· AlIA sanctlDDed Class "c" TT. P,actlc. -Id tI•• trials at 6:00 pm. ,acl.e at plio At Hayward Speftway. Hayward, CaJlforul... ,_declo Weekly SCRAIIIBLES-Rlch..Dlld Ramblers ILC. at RlchrnDfld. I-HOUR ENDURO SCRAIIIBLES b, Rav...·s II.C•• for InfD. cDDlact Raven' s. P.O. Bos 2231. RentDn. Washln&lDfl. SCRAIIIBLES - b, Sh.ltDfl Trail Blu.s II.C. at SbeltDfl. FDr InfD. P.O. Bos 531. She liD". Wash. TT SCRAIIIBLES-HI-BDDts II.C. at Track nu, EI CajDn. Calif. Practice 10:00 am. Rac. at IIDDII. WILBUR CEDAR COIIIIEIIORA· TIVE SHOP HOP & TROUT FRYlimed froon Cabazon. on Hlway 60 a tDlal dl st..c. of 50 mil•• East of Rlv..slde. Calif. Tickets at Skip Fo,dyc. sto,. In Rlversla $1.50 '1111 ciasine date Oct 2nd. Post entries. $2.00. IIoto,c,cl•• Ilust be ridden tD the .venL DDO' p,I~.. Trout fry will all til. trltwmlnes. SCRAMBLES - by LDS Gatos II.C. for . . . DDI,. lID _ _s c1as.. You IlUSt MY. foldlne IDOt and tine n bar plat.s and all AlIA safety Iallon.. AlIA sanco 1I._ed. S1Pl1f1 DfIDIIs 1:30 all• •d clDs.s 11:00 ... Practice 9 tD 11 allo Class ·C' tl.... Re(resluHnts .d IDls Df cood tnlfllII... H.ld at F , - ' Drae Strlp Just off D...ham Road, F _ t . calif• TT SCRAMBLES, by Taft II.C. at Taft, AIIIA sancL Practlc. 9 am, SI c-p closes 10:30, rac. M 11 ara. lIan mil. tnIfIhy and DtII... etven at ,ace. Food & refr.shments availabl•• 1/4 mil. West Df lIaricop... 01.10 36A Rul.s. ENSENADA GRAND PRIX - Inter· nall_al TT-$c,amllies "'Ines on til. hie bor.s wi til class.s for 500cc tllrauch Open. FlftII 'ac. Df the day will he 3-lap s-,stakes fa, all class wl_s(lst& 2nd place). II two or IIID.. slMacks ente,. til., will be tile fI,st 'ace DfI Sunda,. SATURDAY,OCTOBERl~h NITE TOURIST TROPHY RACEAIIIA sanctlDn.d Class TT. Practlc. and tim. t,lalsat6:00 pm. racine at I pm. At Haywa'd Speedway. Hayward. California. "c" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th TT SCRAlllBLES-by Hayward II.C. at Hayward, Callfornla. SCRAIIl BLES-by Fort Suiter II.C. at Saer. . . . . Callfonll.. POKER RUII-by lIasterilaks ILC. at Hanford, California. SCRAIIlBLEs-b, Sprockets II_C. at B....sfl.ld. callfDfnla. POKER RUN' by CallfDnlla Eael.· s II.C. Scenic tou, of III.. 100 Illl.s, liD freewa, ,I line • an, slz. Invited. Start 1-9:30 am. Norm RHV.S 157.5 U..-d Blvd. D,.ss cODlpetlllon by R.R.C rul.s. famll, I-S, special award fD' DutriderS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22Dd lllTE TOURIST TROPHY RACEAlIA sanctioned Class "c" TT. P,actice _d time t,lals at 6:00 Pll. ,aclne at I pm. At Hayward Sp.edway. Hayward, California. lllTE TOURIST TROPHY RACEAlIA sanctlon.d Class "c" TT. Practice and tim. trials at6:00 pm. racine at I pm. At Ha,wa,d Speedway. Hayward. California. SUNDAY, OCTOBER Z3rd SCRAIIIBLES - by Golden Burs II.C. at lI..teca, CallfDmla, SCRAMBLES-by SDUtII County M.C. at Uvas Dall. California. FALL TIRE CUIIS-b, Blu. BarILC. For Info....tlon. writ. 3112 Forth Plain RDad, Vancouve,. Waslltnetoa. DD' EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT A.C.A. SHORT TRACK - Orance count, Speedwa,. Pit eate OP'" at 6:00 p.m. First .v.nt at 1:00 p.m. 50. 100 & 250cc Classe•• Track Is located Dff the San DleeD Fwy. south Df Tustin, acrDss from EI Taro Air Station. EVERY THURSDAYNIGHT ACA SHORT TRACK - South Gate Spe.dwa,. Pit cates op.n at 6:00 p.m•• close 7:00 p... Prof.sslonal Clas. A rules. 50cc. l00cc and 250cc class.s. Tak. Fi ..stDII. cutoff .ast of Lone Ileach Fw,. to Garfl.ld. south on Garfl.ld one block to Southern. west on Southe,~ to track. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SCRAMBLES· Lodl II.C. at LDdI C,cl. Bowl. 01 st 36 AIIIA .portsmen sanction. Slenup ..d practlc. 6:00·7:00 p.m•• 6 or mo.. rlars make a class. Class C traction, hleh point trophi.s all clas.... E_, Frida, nleht throueh Aue· 26_ Call 361-7112 for further Information. HALF-IIILE FLAT TRACK-Ascot Pa,".U1,d .dVennont laGardlola. TIme T,lals 7:00 p.m. FI,st ,ace 1:15 p.m. • CLASS A SHORT Speedwa,. Vall.Jo. AlllA-sanction.d. Time trlals at 7:00 p.m•• first ,ace 1:30. Just across new brldce !rom San F,anclscD. 59 mll.s west of Sacr-mo. DRAG RACING - Carlsbad Rac.. wa,. 5:00 p.m•••Ilmlnallons at 1:00 p.... Handlc.p sy.t.... larce Top Bike troph,. Pac. Cst. Hwy. 101 to Pa.lomar Airport RDad l1a'lIDff. tIIen .ast past airport tD Racewa,. PRACTICE SESSIOll - SoutlI Gat. Rac.way (FI ..ston. and LDne Ileach Fwy.) NO Llcen.. or .._ be,shlp aec.ssar,. 500cc slnel.s oal,. no !wak... FD' further InformatlDfl call (714) 142·3113, ask fo, III .... DRAG RACING-Fontana Drae Cit,. San Bernardino Fwy. to Etiwanda t_ff. nortll to Foothill. ,Ictrt em Foothill to st,lp. Gat.s open at 5:30 p.... .lImlnatlons start at 1:00 p.m. SATURDAYS DRAG RACE -Irwlndal. Raceway. 1:00 P.IL on Saturda,.. T,opbl.s. plus hDnuses for street. fuel and cas clas.... Take San IlemardllID Fwy. east tD O,anp. lIortb CIa O,ance which becomes Irwlndal. A..... to Racewa,. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Drae racine .YW1 fI,st and third Sal1a'day. _ t Jun. 11th. Gat.s DfIDII at 12:00 Noon. TT STEEPLECHASE-First S...• day nleht Df each _tb at Ascot Park. 1.3rd and V.... ont. Gardena. AlIA Class C . _ . fI,st ,ac. 1:00 p.... EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT . SPORTSIIAN SHORT TRACK Van., ILC. at Cycl. Land ~ wa" 14 ..Il.s south of ChlcD on Hwy. "·E and Gae. Shipp.. Rd. Pit cat. clDs.s 1:00 p.m. Races start 1:30 p.m. Contact Dick IIc Af... 6633 Pent, Rd., Paradl se, Calif. fDr mar. InfD. TT SCRAMBLES· ElslnDr. Rac. Track. Ev." Saturda, nlehl .tart· ne Jul, 16th. Practlc••tart. approslmat.l, at 4 o·clock. Entries close at 7 o·clock. No points, but traphl.s elven. with opPDrtunlty for plent, Df fun racine. NITE FLATTRACK RACING at D....s Spe.dwv. Hau•• O'.eon. 7m lI.s north of Coo. Sanc· tion.d by N.R.A. Racine starts at 1:00 p.1L Racine will be Saturda, nit••scept Aue- 6th. sa,. ev.., FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS ROAD ENDURO _ b, Wasllinetoa DRAG RACING· Lions D,ae Strlp e pBeach.. 3:3rophJ0 '99' ILC. For Info.. write: P.O. Sat. T p-..sonandF,IE.dayT· Bos 523. SUltI•• waslllaetoao' • ~::~ 221rd St., South Df t.: GET ALL 'l'BE FUN OUT OF YOUR IIOTORCYCLE INVES'l'IIENT -- GO FOR A KIDE SOIIEWbEiUi, PAR'l'ICIPATE IN A 'fOUR ATTEND A COIIPETI'I'ION EVENT LISftD IIDB. '

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