Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8 SIINTII MIIRIII RIDES AGAIN The santa Maria Auto Race Track was the venue for the SIc-Pokes M.C. promoted TT Scrambles of July 30. The event attracted 65 riders who did battle in a series of Motocro~s style races. All of the entries were hard put to show any speed around the tou gh twist and turn course that used one of the halt-mile turns and two infield jumps. The day's festivities were started at! in high style with presentation of the HOBAIA • SALES' PARTS· SERVICE EDDIE CI. ELL 10427 Prairie. Inglewood OR.3''1573 ... ill ... Ill: U oJ U >- U NEXT TIME TRY CYCLE CITY 19 E. W,omlnc, Las V.Ca. Competition Rid... W.leom. Local Ilaelnclnformatlon Writ. or Phon. 382-8156 ... ... .. Q C I- o lI- z : o LAWNDALE CYCLE INC ci. YAMAHA 0 VELOCETTE ):6*' Due A T I SALES·SERVia•PARTS·RENTALS 15324 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD LAWNOALE CALIF • THE I:="AMll Y SP 2 181.2 OS 695-46 ~U""" CENTER colors by the santa Marla saddelites M.C. After the ceremonies, the ultralightweights took to the track for the start of the actual racing. Firsteventofthe day was a combined Novice/Expert 90cc motocross taIIen by nine-year-old Lane of Bakersfield. Mille bad woo his class at the Nite 'IT scrambles in Bakersfield the ni&bt berore, truelled his Hoda1ul to santa Maria only to eventually finish out or the money. Arter the dust from the second moto had cleared, the point total showed the victory belonged to Rick Elissarras nmning a Hodalla tuned by Ken's Cycle• Only twelve riders showed up ,at the line for the 250cc NCi'ice, Amateur, Expert mota. Three tries they were given, and wben it was all over C.Z. mounted Expert Joe Brown was the top man with Amateur honors going to Don Harms aboard a Harley Sprint and Jay Valincia taking the Novice trophy for his Honda powered efforts. Nine BSA's made up the 350cc field which was eventually won by Expert Bob Miller. A Novice, Ed Ueckert, did in all the Amate~ by finishing second overall and winning the combined mota. As the (irst 500cc moto got underway Marvin Heath pushed hi Bob Wyman! Larry Ketzel·tuoed Harley into a good lead only to unload and finish ninth with his clutch lever napping in the breeze. Marvin came back in the second and third go 'rounds with a first in each to malle first Amateur and second overall C.sto. Sporti.g Porfil' Pick .. 154 HORSEPOWER I...... World F§Joe IIon_Uo, SpHd Indam,'.lll HNd Portlnc 5ervle•• Now Portlnc otorqel. Hud. O.lIv.ry In 7-10 Send thl. ad and.50. tor eatalC11!18 aDd decal to: D..1. CN da,. M ...1I1 Ptrtiag service Inc. . 2240 S. SepulVeda, LoA. Calif. 90064 Tel (213) 272-2801 or 478-5266 Santa lIarla SpHdwa, I. back In action, .. th... vl.w. of Jut, 31 happenlnc. prove beJOlld a doubt. behind the overall winner, Expert Ray Anderson 00 a Bakersfield M.C. prepared TrilBllph. Triumph powered Joe Dolezal made the winner's scene in the Novice class. The final event of the day was tbe open class which went to Expert Harlan Hinkley, and his Triumph. The Amateur class trophy went to Triumpb-mounted Don Bonkoske and the Novice honors were awarded to BSA rider, Jim Chisum. The SIc-Pokes M.C. prOVided the fans with a little extra in the way of thrills by staging a wheelie contest. The CUI'rent Wheelie Champion of the santa Maria track is Ken McLaughlin with Ed Uekert (350cc Novice winner) runner UP. In an effort to give Cycle ews readers a share of the tbrills, Dutch Fielder, AssistantAdverUsing Manageraod sometimes photographer, earned the "Guts Tropby· by racing two or thecontestants and immortalizlnc them on film as they holmced their wheels up lIIId blasted past him OD either side. Just sbnws the lengths your newspaper will go to give you the best seat In the house. (Results nn page 16) THE fINISH UNE By Roxy Rockwood Thursday night at the Webster Olty, Iowa ~ mile races Nixon served advance notice that this is his season by winning that main event before the largest fairground crowd in seven years, followed by Dick Mann and Swede savage. Novice LaITY Pruitt came east tram California with the Yamaha pit crew and brought his nattracker along and cleaned house both at Webster City and Memphis, Missouri. Fred Nix won the Expert final at Memphis. In the Memphis, Mo. Amateur heat El Paso's Tony Dlaz tangled with Mike Libbey of Long Beach, Calif., sending Diaz over the wall with a broken tack, broken leg and concussion. Libbey suffered a ocoken hand and his bike was a 70% wipeout. The 4D-mile Novice road race at Des Moines was taken by Art Nimci on a Harley-Davidson at a new track record average speed of 70,555 mph. Nimci took over the lead on the final lap from Jim Floyd, also Harley-mounted. Early leader Ron Muir on a Suzuki finished a distant 3 rd. CASPER IMPROVED Injured in last Saturday's Ascot 'IT, Caspar Grief was ~rted in "improved COOdttiOll" by Gardena Hospital. He was released from the bospital 00 SmIday after observatioo, Caspar suffered laceratioos, abrasions and a cerebral coocusslon from his fall early in the Amateur main event. ..................... i61LERAI = • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 511,. Llbs TT • • • • • • Grlpsf..s M e · = lllOCc Ami Ex Main = • • • ST • 5 1 AL GUZMAN 5 • • = = 5+' ~r:;E GILERA 5 = = • . . S!III = C.lete Ma.591-1389 = na LIIC Be_ BlvlL = • LIIC Belcb, • CYCLE CITY SPEED KIT • AI's bike is Sponsored and Tuned By: • • OSSA- BEllEW - SUZUKI I .

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