Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ '" = ... ATTENTION PUBUCITY CO..• ..ITTEES •• Be .ure to .end Cyele New. notice of your eomlne event. and we will II It thlIlII In thl. department fr... A po.t card Dr a post.. will do. Be sure to Include direction. to the event, .tartine time., etc. FRIDAY, JULY 29tll NITE SCRA"BLES. Ladl ILC. at lodl Cyele Bowl. SATURDAY, JULY 30 300 ..ILE ROAD POKER RUN Ca~out and flel d meet. By the Black Jack. M.C., Portland, Or.. Wrlle for entry to 9225 S.W. 80th, Portland. 97200. NITE SCRAMBLES, Ho.ted by Hayward M.C. at Hayward Speedway FLAT TRACK • Nlpt event at Dune. Speedway, Hau ..., Ore., 7 mile. north of COD' Bay. Natl. rid... Assn. Sanctioned. Race. • tart at 8 p.m. TT SCRAMBLES - Sprocket. ".C. nlehl race at Sprockets Park, Baker.fleld. Slenup 6:30 p.m. for all .Ize bike., race••tart at 8:00 p.m. Track I. located at the bottom of China G,ade Loop. Refreshment. available. SAT. &SUN. JULY30 &31st A.H.R.A. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Dr. Races, at Lion. Drae Strip In Wllmlneton. Gate open at 8 a.m. Bike elimination. start Saturday evenlne. Strip located at 223rd St., South of Alameda. SUNDAY, JULY 31 200·..ILE ROAD ENDURO· Greater Vaneouv.. B.C....C. 1630 Bo...• dary Rd., Burnab,. B.C. POKER RUN • By Norwalk Cen· taurs M.C. Dlst 37 Road Rider. polnls event. Call (213) 964-2674 for Information. HARE SCRAMBLES· Sliver City ".C. New area nev.. rldd... Typ· leal Nevada desert rac.. "ay be roup on outside 'Id.... Limed from SIIow Boat Hotel. Boulder Hlway. Start at 8:30 a.m. ROAD RACE· AFM Los Anee'es Chapter at Whiteman Airpark Stadium, (10500 San Fernando Rd, Pacoima near Van Nuys Blvd.) Practle. starts at 12:00 noon sharp, first race 2:00 p.m. All classes and production. P ......try $1.00 GP, $5.00 production. En· try at track $2.00 more, entry lree 0_ 200 mile.. 4M. of late purse. For Information and entries AFM, PO Boa 8352, Unl_sal City, Calif. 91608. Phone (213) 762-9175HARE SCRAMBLES - Desert Challeneers ".C. of Victorville present a run In the Ba,stow area. Start at 9:00 a.m. Entry fee $2.25. Limed 10 miles North of VI cto.. ville on Freeway. Course will be 6 loops (3 for trail bikes) each loop appro a. 10 miles around. Saturday nlehl eamplne but brine own water and eat.. Trophies for every 5 entries In a elas.. R. suits will be mailed. SCRAMBLES • at Santa "aria Speedway. New I~roved Infield with two jumps. A.ILA. sanctioned 36a rules. Slen up closes 12:30 Race 1:00. All elasse.. SCRAMBLES· Hosted by Palo Allo ".C. at Fremont. POKER RUN· Lodl ".C. at Lodl Cycle Bowl. SPORTSMAN HILL CUMB • Santa Cruz M.C. at Scotts Valley. GREYHOUNDS TT MOTORCYCLE SCRAMBLES-at Prado Park. July 31st, 80ee class to 250ee novices. Amat.ur & Eapert U:OO a.m. Novie•• 2:00 p.m. $1.25 donation $1.00 entry lee. A.M.A. 01 st. 37. "BOSS MOTO CROSS"-held at En· elnltas. 10:30 practice, 12 noon Motos. Limed from Interstat. #5, (Pacific Coast HI&!Iway 101). AlIA sanctloned-Dlst. 37·A point event. Sae.Hopper'. Club otter. craded course, no rock., partlall, wat..ed, lunch waeon, "heads' and ambul· anee. All Classes knobbles o.k. For Information call Bob Goodine 753·2907. San Dlero. ENGUSH TRAILS by the So. Cal. Trials Assn. at 25th & Western In San Pedro (bet_n San Pedro and "arlneland). Limed from Palos V..des Drive. Starts at 10 a.m. Good clean f... for the wllole tamll,. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th MONDAY, AUGUSTSth SATURDAY, AUGUST 20tll NITE SCRAMBLES· Lodl ".C. at Lodl Cycle Bowl. A.ILA. DIST 36 REFEREES Ass'n meet Inc at Capital Cit, ".C. -241413th. St. Sieramento, Calif. at 8 pm This Is jusl north 01 13th and Broadway. NITE SCRAMBLES • Sprockets ILC. at Setroekels Park. Bak..sfleld SATURDAY, AUG. 6th POKER RUN • Hosted by C,ele News and Includes at the eonelus· lon, the showlne of ele Action "ovl _0& ele News --.\\p eh B Co ds at th Air station at 1: ntry lee Is $2.00 Inc· ludlne admission to the movie theatre. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th NITE SCRAMBLES· Madera Braves M.C. at Cluberounds. NITE SCRAMBLES - Lodl M.C. at Lodl C,ele Bowl. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th TT CLASS C-Ml. St. Helens ILC. al Castle Rock Falrerounds, Ca.tle Rock, Washlncton. NITE SCRAMBLES-Hayward M.C. at Ha,ward Speedwa,. SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st POKER RUN· by Throttle Hound. M.C. Leneth 01 run, 100 miles. Free food at end 01 run. Man Mile Trophy. Troph, lor hip poker hands and low ball hands. Dinner and cash awards. Entry lee $2.00 Sicaup al 10:30 a.m. First one out at U:OO a.m. Startlne plae. '1. the Falreround. In Santa "aria. NITE SCRAMBLES· Explor" Post 305. "ad"a Falreround.. BENEFIT RUN • HI·Wa, Kines benem for Bo,'s Home. Call (714) 522-1982 lor further Info. SATURDAY NITE FLAT TRACKDunes Speedway at, Oreeon Nat'l. Riders Asso. sanctioned. NITE SCRAMBLES-Ha,ward M.C. at Ha,ward Speedwa,. NITE SCRA"BLES-Hayward M.C. Hayward Speedway. TT SCRAMBLES· HI·Bools ILC. al Dehesa Track. Practice 10:00 a.m. racine at noon. TT CLASS C-IIt. St. Helen. M.C. at Ca stle Rock Falrerounds, Castle Rock, W ashl neton. SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th POKER RUN - Roadrunners M.C. at Bakerslleld. NITE TT RACES· Selma Speedwa, SCRAMBLES • Hosted b, Oil"• M.C. at Dehesa Track. SAT. & SUN. AUG. 6 & 1th POKER RUN· Married Wheels for A.H.R.A. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Information call (714) 983-3216. Drae Raees. Second week for this event. Held at Lion. Drae Strip SCRAMBLES-Far We.1 M.C. at at 223rd St., South 01 Alameda In "eKlnleyvllie. Wllmlneton. Starts 8 a.m. f.UROPEAN SCRAMBLES-Du.ter. UO MILE NATIONAL CHAMPlOIl· ".C. Trial bikes 8:30·9:00. Novices SHIP ROAD RACE. Event at Green- heav, and IIpl at 9:15·10:15, Amawood Roadway, Des Moines, Iowa. te.. lIeht and heavy 10:30·11:30, 50·mlle amateur and 4O·mlle novice Eapert 11:45·12:45. Limed East road race.. Practice and time from HI VI sta and ...t from 395. trials Aue. 6 & 7, Entry blank. Entry $3.25. Two courses. from A.IIA. GRAND PRIX AND PRODUCTION ll/C ROADRACE-an A.F.M. NaSUNDAY, AUGUST 1th tional Championship Point. Race SCRAMBLES • Gripsters M.C. at Cotati Raceway., 40 miles N. present a no-point scramble. In a 01 San Frane Iseo (al Seba.lapol, new area on a new track about 2 Rohnert Pk. Turnoff from U.S. 101) miles N. of Corona. Track will be Daredevil sidecar racine, cash lor watered with IIptwelehls at 8:00 tlrst place GP WIM.... AFM coma.m. ble bikes at Noon. There Is petition lIeen.e required. For info., plenty of .hade, plus a swlmmlne contact H.I. Fine", 637 Goup, Iake and a trout flshlne lake. Take San Francisco. Tel. 567·3389. RIv.. slde Freeway to Norco tumott and Co Nortb to "Sliver Lak...• POKER RUN - Easl Bay Wheels ".C. at Oakland. SCRA"BLES • Hosted by Atas- SCRAMBLES - Capitol Cit, M.C. cadero R_blers ILC. at Atascadero at Dlaon. Speedway. FORMULA A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HILLCLI. . . IIuskecon "lc:II. and will be held at MI. Gar· field. All ellclble riders will be notified by the A.ILA. TT SCRAMBLES· Ventura Co. Twin Wheelers & the Oanard Sports· Festival present an AMA sanctioned .vent. Location Is Huenllllle Road at Arcturus Blvd., Oanard. 0-200ee Slca'up closes at 9:30 p.m. with racine at 10:00 p.m. 2SO·0pen classes sica-up close. at Noon, race. at 12:30 p.m. Admission, $LSO. Race .ntry fee .SO. CUSTOM SHOW • "A World on Wheel s" at Pasadena Rose Bowl. Swap meet, Custom Show, FashIon Show, ete. Five eateprles lor beauty bikes. For entry blanks. contact Cycle New.. SCRAMBLES-Sacramento Track..s ".C. at Sacramerrio. SC RAMBLES - Marin County ll/C Association It Novato. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK-Wanderlust ".C. at Antioch. 6th ANN UA L IIOTORCYC LE BLESSING AND BENEFIT RUNHosted b, the HI·way Kine', proceeds (Donation $1.50) to San Antonio Bo,sTown ollhe West. Starts 8:00 A.... at Andy's Santa Monica Harle,-Davldson, 12418 Santa Monica Blvd., L.A. AMA sanctioned. Trophle. and free r. freshmenl .. ENDURO - 100 mi. H/T - Santa Clara Cavaliers M.C. at Santa Clara. HARE SCRAMBLES-Starts 10 a.m. at Ponderosa Inn, 15 miles E. of Laneast. on Ave. J. Trail bike and ble bike classes. No rider class... Trophies to ~ of entrle. on overall basi. awarded at end of race. Two 16-mlle loop .. Picnic area, lots of shade. Entry fee $3. for Informallon contact Jack Ross (805) 942-0838. 150 IIILE NAT'L ROAD RACE "eadowdale, illinois. SCRAMBLES - Palo Alto M.C. at Fremont. AUG.10,U, 12, 13 & 14th 26th. ANNUAL BLACK HILU MOTOR CLASSICS. Aue 10, Gyps, Tour leaves Stlllels, S. Oak. at 9 a.m. lor an all·da, eseourted tour to Devil. Tower In W,omlne. Aue. 11, ..aln Gyps, Tour leaves Sturel s at 9 a.m. for an all·day escourted tour to "ount Rushmore. Sylvan Lake and otber beautiful spots In the Black Hills. Sportsman Short Track In the evenlne. AYe. 12, Sportsman Hili C11mb In the momlne. Sportsman Scrambles In the afternoon. Free Food to all by tbe Sturel. Chamber of Commerce In tile cit, park. Procram In the ev. nine. Aue. 13, We are plannlne a short road tour In the momlne to the Homestake Gold "Ine In historic Lead, S. Oak. A.ILA. 1/2 mile dirt track races In the afternoon at the falreround.. Sportsman short track In th. evenlne. Aue. 14, Attend church of ,our choice In the mor· nine. A....A. 1/2 mile dirt track racine In the afternoon. All Sportsmen Events are for trophy onl,. A.ILA. sanctioned dirt track races are lor $2700.00 prize mone,. General Admission ehare" for all Sportsroen and Class C race events run from $1.25 (sportsmen) to $2.SO (C lass C). We have eamplne facilities at tbe City park and there are several motel. and to accommodate every vl.ltor to our city. For help with reservations or an, questions feel free to write: Doreen Alii son, 1215 Junction Ave. Sturels, S. Oak. or Slureis Chamb.. of Comm..e., Boa 504, Sturels, South Dakota. MONDAY,AUGUST15~ "OPERATION MOTORCYCLE" Blood Bank. Call (213) 442-1646 or (714) 522-1982 lor Info. SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th ROAD RACE RIDING SCHOOL, at Whlleman Air Park, Pacoima. Y.z III LE & TT COMBi NATION RAC' ING-liesa Speedwa, located in Chula Vista just south of San Dleeo, limed from Pacific Hlehwa, 10L Practice start. at 9 a.m. This Is Grand Openlne with exhibitions by Travis Pelton, jump contest $1.00 per foot to winner. A"A sanetloned. 50 MiLE NATIONAL - at Sprlne' field, Illinois. POKER RUN - Modesto M.C. al "odesto (Obi ve Pt.). SCRAMBLES- Richmond Ramble.. M.C. at Richmond. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26th NITE SCRAMBLES - LodIM.C. at Lodl C,el. Bowl. SHORT TRACK NATIONAL-Sanla Fe Speedwa,. NITE SCRAMBLES-D.lla Falcons at Lodl Cycle Bowl. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21th SATURDAY NITE FLAT TRACKDunes Speedway at Hauser, Oreeon Nat'l. Riders Assoc. sanctioned. TT RACES - Nlte at Selma Speedway. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28th TT NATIONAL-at Peoria, II II nol.. ANNUAL CEREBRAL PALSY BENEFIT SCRAMBLES-at Salinas. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd NITE SCRAMBLES-Delta Falcons at Lodl C,ele Bowl. SATURDAY, SEPT. 3rd. NITE SCRAMBLES-Explor.. Post 305 at Madera Falrcrounds. NITE SCRA"BLES-HI·Hats M.C. at Ha,ward Speedwa,. SUNDAY, SEPT. 4th SCRAMBLES - los Gatos M.C. at Alviso. (the Voice of California) 6411 N, Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 213) From L.A. Phones: 636-8844 Published weekly except the first and last w ek of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Company. P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, California. Charles Clayton Editor Business Manager Sharon Clayton Gil Brown. Advertising Manager D.B. (Outcb) Fielder..Asst. Ad. Mgr. Dennis Greene Photo Editor Gay Thomason ..CircuJation Manager CONTRIBUTORS: Car I Bartlett, Dale Boller, ArInette Camp, Wes Cootey. Mike Crowley, Bob Ebeling. Robert O. Fee, Larry Haley. Hermao. Maureen Lee, Joe Lopez, Walt Mabony. George Maness. Bill Pet· tigrew, John Ramos, Dan Reynolds, Roxy Rockwood, Earl Roeseler. Second Class Postage Paid at Long Be acb. Calif. (uly llart of this newspaper may be Used Wl thout permission as long as credit is gi ven. Editoriai contrihutions, cartoons, photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon puhlica· tion. Seif·addressed. stamped en· velope assures return. J5¢ Single Copy Price Subscriptions: One year 2nd class mail • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . $7.50 Advertising rates will be sent on request. HONDA!! SUNDAY SCRAMBLES - Dunes Speedway at Hauser, Orepn Nat'l. Riders Assoc. sanctioned. SEPTEMBER 4th and 5th 4th ANNUAL SCRA"BLES - SloPokes ILC. at Santa Marla. SEPT. 3, 4 & 5 (Labor Day) LONERS MEET - 2nd Annual Ble Sur Prize meet lor Loners IIotor' e,el. Club. At Limekiln Creek Campe,ound near Ble Sur. No entry lee, no oreanlutlon. No Member· ship dues. Ju.t IVy. and eals who like to ride motorcycle. and read C,el. Brine your own entertainment (CUltar., harmonicas, etc.) Dirt and street rldlne nearby. Ov..nleht camplne. Beach, lore.t, trail. at eamp.lte. •••• EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTS..AN SHORT TRACK Valley M.C. at C,ele Land Speedway, 14 miles south 01 Chico on H.,. 99·E and Gaee Shippee Rd. Pit cat. elo••• 8:00 p.m. Races start 8:30 p.m. Contact Dick Me Afee, 6633 Pent, Rd., Plradl.e, Calif. lor more Into. TT SCRAMBLES· Elsinore Race Track. Every Saturda, nlehl startInc July 16th. Practice start. approalmately at 4 o'clock. Entries elos. at 7 o'clock. No points, but trophies elven, with opportunity for plent, 01 fun racine. FRIDAY, AUGUST 19th NITE FLATTRACK RACING at Dunes Speedway, Hau... Oreeon. NITE SCRAMBLES· Fresno M.C. 7 m lie. north 01 Coos Sane' at tloned by N.R.A. Racine start. at MITE SCRAMBLES - Lodl ".C. at 8:00 p.m. Racine will be every Saturday nit. eaeept Aue. 6th. Lodl Cycle Bowl. Ba,. NORM REEVES EIPERIENa INTEGRITY THREE LOeATlONS AT YOUR SERVICE Nann Reeves Anaheim 224 N. Anaheim Blvd. 535-3641 Nonn Reeves Downey 9536 E. Firestone Blvd. 869"'600 Nono Reeves Paramount 15145 Lakewood Blvd. ME. 0-4313 HONDA-BSA-"'BULTlCIHIODAKA •