Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.' ., MEET THE RACERS ~ ATTENTION By An nette C a mp A.J. Lewis is now the ; Largest Ariel Parts Dealer ~ In The Western U.S. ; Complete Stock for All ~ Models plus Yamaha ~ and Triumph and Complete Machine Shop 400 South Atlantic Los Angeles Phone 264-0544 0> ... :. Jack McNairy, Amateur #20m Jack was born in Mineral W lls. Texas. but c urrently hails from Dal l as. e " t wenty years. he is one of th e youngest of the circuit racers. He began At racing in 1965 . sim ply because racing motorcy cles - rea ll y t urned him on " . He and a T exas novice cam e to the midwest to rid e only a co uple of rac es. but li ked it so well t hey deci ded to stay. He lives in Waukegan. Ill i nois. His room is in a garage full of motorcycles. It' s no t very luxurious . this li fe of a ci rc uit racer. bu t J ack bas no c omplaints. He made all hi s Ama teu r points in one year and all an s ho rt t rack. He never rode a half-mile or bi g bik e until three week s ag o. He is fast becomin g o ne of the nati on ' s top Amat eu rs . He rid es a BSA and a Sprint on short track. Bi ll E r s hi g , Exp ert #43x Bi ll hails from Burbank, Californi a an d is a veteran National Circu it racer. His first year on tour was 1960. then he came back again i n 196 2. 63 . 64 and tbis year. He started racing bikes in 1959. simply becau s e he liked it. Bill is also interested in midgets and some day hope s to own an d dri ve one. Bill i s 27 and also has a younger broth e r. Be rt . who shin es at Ascot. Bill rid es BSA on di rt track and road races . He ri de s a Spri nt on short track . Bi ll also lives in W aukegan. with P bi l Ha wk and th e gang. Re Red was born i n Buc key e. Arizona . but now hails from Paramount. California. He s tarted racing prof essionally in 1956. He rode s crambles pre vious to tbis an d more or less - got pushed i nto rac in g", F rie nds kep t saying. " when ar e you goin g to race. Red?- When he f i n a lly turned pro. he started at Garden a Sp eedway a nd it too k him seven wee ks to quali fy for th e program . He is married. an d he and wife Judy deci ded to mak e the circ uit thi s year. as it was one of Red ' s racing ambitions. " • .. .. • By Tom Slo ckstill Saturday night July 9th . marked the fir st A.M. A. s a nct ioned sport s man lightwei ght short- track t o be run o n the Santa Mari a SPEEDWAY oval. " Th e Bantamwei ghts "..e re out on the track t o sta rt the s how at 8 p. m. T he li ttl e bikes all ran together . mot o cross style. wit h s ix 90 cc Novices. one 90cc Amat eur . a nd one 90 cc Expert. It was E xpert 8 B Mike Lane from Bake rsfield all the " 'a)' , taking all three Molos on a Kawa saki. First Novice was Gerald Knech t on a Hodaka . with 50cc honors goi ng to Tommy Francisco on a Bri dgestooe. Bi g gold in th e 200cc c lass , went to a pa ir of Taft boys. GuY Smit h. 8Ultac o was fir st Novice wit h Tra cy Brigh t a lso on a Bultaco s natchi ng the Amate ur win . All t he 250cc Novi ce rid ers got a look a t was t he bac k of Ronn ie MUier 107f. as he piloted his H-D sprint to the win. Th e 250 Amate ur win . went to Ch uc k Strnhme nger , Monte s a. afte r Midge Griffith. Duca t i, with the faste st time of the ni ght (I 9.38) won the first two Amateur Mot m , but failed t o get the flag on the 3rd . placing him 2nd. Joe Brown 250 Expert. Jawa mounted. loo k home a ..bole box or gold by winni ng no t only the 250 E xpe rt class , but going on 10 win the Swe ep stakes e vent and a whe elle contest. Th e San ta Maria speed way shows great promise as a motorcyc le track. Th e o val i s '4 mil e on the pol e and CLAY, CLAY , CLAY. The Speedway manag eme nt is co-ope rat i ng with th e SIo-Poke s M.C. 100%, and a ne w rr Sc rambles co urse is now being rea di ed for the ne xt s ports man s cramble s to be he ld a t the spe edway Ju ly 31. RESUL TS: soee NO\l CE Above: Te l'l}' Gibb s, Stev e Allen a d drummer. Below. Steve sit s In. JAZZY WAY TO SEL CYCLES By George Maness • LOM POC SLO-POKES M.C. SHORT TRACK AT SANTA MARIA McK e e n , Exper t #2 7x En tertainer- musician-motorc yc le dealer St eve All en gathered up som e of t he peo ple from his o l d "Toni ght" show and put on a fi rst class jazz conc ert at bi s Honda Agen cy on Santa Monica Boule var d in W est Lo s Angeles last weekend . The t wo hour concert on Sund ay. J uly 17 featured the T e rry Gi bbs sexte t (wit h Ste verina on the piano of course). A lt bough not widely publi cized. it was an unqualified succe ss . at tracting s e veral hundred motorcyclists cum jazz fans. St e ve let it be known t hat "more such events are plann e d for the fut ure. If you like buying yo ur motorcyc les accompanied by swinging sounds . watch th e pag es of Cycl e News for th e da te of t he ne xt concert. Tommy Francisco ~~~~M-'fI ' ~ .~ Specializing in H O N DA 620 N. Main-Corona, Calif.-13&-5600 Kaw 200cc NOVICE GUy Smith Largest Selec tion In the Largest Showroom Race T,Ilnlng for BSA and Yamaha IS OUR SPECIALTV 9-9 Mon.-Fri. Sat. til 6 Sun. 10-4 4351 E. 14 Street, Oakland, Ca lifornia M ention this ad for special cons iderati on Suz 90cc EXPERT Mike Lane in Oakland, California is Northern California' s largest BSA Dealer Bri 90cc NO\lCE Gerald Knecht Bob Elisanaras CYC LE STOP ~§A and YAMAHA Bul Hod 200cc AM ATEUR T ra cy Bright Paul Sales Dav e Ei chert .'lion 250cc NOVICE Ronnie Miller Ca rlos Romero H-D BSA 250 AMATEUR Chuc k Strohmenger Midge Gri trith .'lion Due 250Cc EXPERT Joe Brown Alvin GrifIllb Jawa Due Bul Bul BANTAM SW EPSTAK ES E Kaw Mike Lane LIGHTWE IGHT SWE EPSTAKES J oe Brown J a wa Pract ice 6 pI! • Races a pm TT's Cemiac Sun J ust off tile Long Beach Fr...ay belwfta FI_ce and Flrest..... " Home Of The Hillto;.ppe .s.... . .r • • •(Coors on tap .. House 01 PiJ!.ers Tavern ALL RIDERS wekrnne! 46&3 LIBg Buell Bln.- 42H84&

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