Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.' 508cc I. D. Kilgroe,! A. Bauman Ho n 450 2. S. Park/G. Ryan Hon 450 (a treme nd ous d ice for l st in class a nd 1s t overall was held Qy Dick Kil groe's 450 and one owned Qy Fred Muhl berg a nd ridden by Fred and Dave Bur c ha rds . These two teams went back an d forth from 1st to 2nd until in the 70th lap, Fred 's 450 brok e a cam cha i n and was out of the race.) OPEN I . T . Pavey / J. Perkins H-D 900 (Thi s team had me chanical difficul tie's after th e 3rd lap, but instead o f removing th eir bike from the racing pit position, kept it there until th e end of the race and when the win n e r too k the ch eckered fla g, pushed the ir bike a cr os s th e finish line for a 1st in class and Last overa ll. One of th e most inte resting an d co lorful teams in th e derby was the fir st al l- gril ra ci ng team to co mpete i n this type of ev e nt . The girls wer e Geor gann e 'Geor gie' Muhlber g (wife of F red M luh berg on the ill-fated Honda 450 ) an d J an . Arian (wife of Ric h Arian , who cam e in 2nd in th e 175 cla s s) . Geor gie is an ol d hand a t ra cing havi ng co mpeted in all the rac e eve nt s at Cotati this s eason , and ha vin g taken 3rd place in th e under 100cc Derby only minutes before. J an is a new racer. and is now th e officia l score r of the SF chapter. T he two girls rode a Honda 160 painted red-white and blue for the occasion , and were doing quite well until the bike s eized up in the 50th la p and was forced to reti re. ROAD RALLY RESULTS Bi g Bear. caur., July 9, 1966 EAR 'E D TROPHI ES : Best Dressed Cl ub: I 'e ver Readies M.C. • Riv erside , Ca li f. Best Dressed Family: Dean. Pauline, Riachard & Chyre J ennin gs , Re s e da Best Dressed Couple: Ben and Millie Strongman. Oxnard Best Dressed Dog: Duke. owned by Darrol Steen. Gardena Best Dressed Man solo: I st, Ross Cayer; 2nd Hamid Shepherd Best Dressed Lady solo: l\Iarjorie Clark. Ri verside. Largest Club present: rst, Rebel Rousers, 32 members; znd, Oxnard M.C. 23 Long Distance Club: Oxnard M.C. Loog Distance Rider: Don Muse. Yuma. Arizo na Oldest Rider: John Toussaint. 59 years Youngest Rider: David Hanner. 16 years FIELD EVENTS: Slalom: E d SChreck Clothespin: Ed SChreck, r st; Priscella Whiteside , 2nd Boot Race: Ed Carlin. 1st; Burney E. Clark 2nd Barrel: Burney R- Clark. 1st; Glen Clark. 2nd Egg Race: Jim Hickson. tst; Ed Carlin, 2nd Plank Ride: Nick Nicolo Wienie Bite: Ed SChreck DRAW TROPHIES: P a sse oce rs : I. Clyde Clark 2. Karen Bo te 3. Chris , lc Combs 4. Bar ra Conard 5. Glen Clark 6. Lydia MCCombs lIao Sol a I. Chuck Parker 2. Bob Sutton 3. Robert Ful bright 4. Robert Hester VICTOR ....J SPEaAL • • • • • • • I fJD§ ~ B",,~A 811""11 k.4. Ik ~ 1966 BSII Ji-,.

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