Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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continued lrom week be lore last. ~ THIS IS T HE - .:; v.l 3:: ~ t.J DIARY 01 two " typical Amer· leeRaeerS, " Jim Nicholson and lIarty (lIark) lIacDona ld, who left California bound 'Dr Vermonl or busl , wllh lhe lr bikes in a lrall., towed behind lhelr rickety old lruck. e n nd our heroes on the threshold a new advenlure, as J im cootlnues the tale: • ay 20, 1963 - M onday I ClIII 0' t:3 ::... u THE SHI VER Mark woke up about 5:30 or got up . 1 was too cold to get up and was awh ile bef ore Mark intis ed me t o get up. We got in the boat and went about 50 ft. from s hore and dropped an chor. Mark started fishing where we caught so many last night. I just sat there shive r in g. I was too cold to catch any stupid fish . Abo ut a ha lf hour l ater Mark got colder and we both s tretched out on the bott om of the boat with an ol d blanket covering us . we went to s leep a nd didn' t wake up until a bout l l : 00 and th e n fi sh ed at the s a me s pot again. W ca ught a bunch of Blue-ail] e perch and a c ra ppie but it tu rne d out to be a Rock Bas s. Oh- ya you shoul d hav e seen me t oday, as my face was covered with s moke soot fro m th e fire las t night, dog-gone-it , talkin g a bout fi re , last night I decid ed to have a Ba s s dinne r we had not cook ingim plime nts s ci I decid ed to cook it T om Sawyer style. so I went down to the bank a nd got a handful of gooy mud and packe d it tightly around th e fish. T h e n I p laced i t on the hot coals to cook. I took the mud block out about an hour later and fou nd that I was 30 minutes or so lat e, as the fish crumpled between my fingers. After catching a supply of P erch an d Crappy which took a ll day, we turned our faithful tub toward shore and headed ho • e had a heck of a time standing on land after bein g in the boat so long. e took a hot shower and June cooked us up a good ho t dinn er, which was our first food in two days, other than a box of sugar cookies and a piec e of salomie. May 21, 1963 - T uesday THE SURPR IZED AWAKENING June wok e us up this morn in g s aying that she just got a call from the She riff sayin g he was going to be ove r in half an hour to ta l k to us . We cou ldn't fi gure out what in heck was going 00 until we remembered about th e man chasing us out of th e old house. The Sheriff a rrived just when we were eating breakfast. We finished and we nt out to hi s car and be as kedus e ve rythi ng that happened. H e said the hous e owne r claims t ha t we brok e some wind ows. We told him it wa s rediculus (Le.) and that we di dn't de s t roy a nything. T he cop drove us to th e owners house and talked t o him and asked us s ome more questions. After he dr ov e me down to the station. Mark followed us in ou r truck. Th e cop t ook us ove r to the co urthouse as we we nt inside a gro up of guys walked by wi th cha ins clamped on th eir ankles. Th e s he ri ff s a id he was going to give me a Ii e-detector test , but I knew he wa s just tlYin g to scare me t o be sure I was telling hi m the truth. Aft er the sheriff talked to s ome guy for awhile then we we nt d own an e leva tor operated by a good looking woman, then we went ove r t o th e s he rif f station and they fined us only ei ght dolla rs for malistjeft ( Le.) behavior. we told them we only had s ix dollors on us an d th ey took it and let us go. Boy did we get out of that in good shape thanks to th e sh eriff that apprebende d us . I was just gettin g us ed to the idea of s pe nding my first day in the can . We d rove down to Cla rk Lake to s e e what it was like. When we got t o th e house Mark dec ided to pul l a dirty joke on Jun e . He t old her that we had t o pa y a $50.00 fine or go to jail. I wis h I cou ld hav e talked t o her fi rs t so I co uld have warned her. When Mark t ol d her our sob s tory sh e could have s aid , "thats good we don't wa nt you guys bunking around he re for an other wee k any how." (Continued Next Week) Sr/1t 'P&*D~O SSeRS7 SeRr/11t~L&S By Maureen Lee San P edr o M.C . threw their run prac- tically unannounced, at Prado P a rk on Sun day and ran a good event. T hey had a good tu rn-out of lightweights but there were not so many big bikes. Racing was all over for the day just after three o 'clock. The loocc scrambles class is feat ~ ing ba tt le s every week that can develo p into fights every bit as exciting as tbose i n t he heavyweight divisio n. Hodaka-mounted Da vid Ham. Hon damoun t ed Kirk McDow e ll a nd Ke ith Ma shburn all s eem to be riding eQuatly fast ma chi nes and when yo u throw i n ot he r rid er s su c h as Hay ward Mendenhal l on bis Yamaha and Dal e Smith on a Honda. you have a pretty tou gh class. Thi s Sunday Kirk McDow ell emer ged as th e winner after a three-heat scrap whi ch sent Keith Mashburn off t he half-mil e turn Into the weeds in a bi g clo ud of dust. No damage t o Keith, j ust to hi s new l eather pant s! The 250 Novice class was won by Gordon Johnson on a Greeves who turned in a really goo d ride. Mounted on one or t he ne w Greeves Challengers, he got of( the li ne in second place and then just shot into the lead, and ,,'ith plenty of power for the straights plus the Greeves handling ability in the comers, he really wailed on th e rest o r the pack. The 200 Amat eur-Exp ert cl a s s had J eff Runy on on his new Bul taco as th eir leader. J oe Hami lton , an Amateur , att empt ed to give Expert Run yon a real hattie and did mak e him look ove r hi s IF YOU'RE OT SELLING CYCLE NEWS, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO GET WITH IT! YOUR CUSTOMERS wlll come back eve ry week for CYCLE NEWS because each issue is filled wi th fresh . original reports of ha.Ppenings on two wheels. Big bikes. little bikes. Ascot, customs , desert , drags. fun b ike s , road bikes, scrambles. short track. TT's. trails, transportation and trailing. CYCLE NEWS is partial to tbem all. CYCLE NEWS, Motorcycling' s weekly ne wspaper. is Fl RST with comp e ti tion results, FlRST with th e news o fintere s t to We s tern riders. YOU MAKE 5¢ on every copybougbtand you have f ull return privilege, so why not gi~e i t a tr}'?Mi ni mum order i s 10 copi es and we pay shipp in g. "Kin!!: of Whitem...• Bi ll lIanley Slarted on a lwin, finish ed as 3 sl nelL Our next e ve nt i s on July 31 st at Whiteman stadium and thi s e ve nt will the first annual' King of White man " race in conj unction with po ints races in all classes. The • King or W te man" prehi mises to be a thriller to end all thrillers. The top fou r finishers in the 250, 35 0, 500 and open classes will compete t getber in a free-for-all for the money. with the top five fi nishe rs getting prize money. T his race, combined with an e xcit in g sidecar tilt lIomises to gi ve all spectators a day's worth of ra cing action. The sidecars ar e really sh ow s tealers. Read our column i t .. edts or the beODlling 01 a series on ' to watch a road race. sh oulder a few time s , but i n the e nd the ye ar s of e xperi ence Jeff has paid ott, 3-Way Ti e When th e points we re counted fo r the 250 E xpert class , DOug Ye rkes, carl P at ri ck an d Ri ck James all e nded up wit h t he s ame number of poi nt s. So what to do ? They sent th em out agai n fo r a match race between the three of th em and th ey zappe d ar ound t he tr ack s ome more. This time Doug Yerk es was th e winn er although "Pat" P atrick was really trying to cat c h th e flying Doug and wa s gai ni ng bit by bi t when th e c hec ke re d fla g unfur led. Twin Beco es Single The 500 Experts had the ir jollies ridiOl: with the O p e n Experts. Bill Riley, Larry W ilburn and Bill Manley all went at it hot an d heavy, swapping p0sitions lor fi rst, second and third with some of the top 500 machines mixing it ~ ..i th them for good measure. In the third moto, ..ith Bill Riley really making the track hum, Bi ll Manley on a BSA slipped under him and then OIl the first tum . back shilted an d blat! There went one side, and Bi ll bad to finish the race as a 20 " single! Still, his lead he ld and he finished up the over-an wi... er, The 500 Novi ce class was won by Mike Chambe rlai n on his new Triumph. That's two weeks in a row now for Mike. Ed En ochs, t he man to wa t c h in the Open Novi ce clas s , won that on his Triumph, but not without having to do a little ha rd riding. A slow start in the second mot a put him back i n tbe pac k. illard schwartz leading t he gang. wi th W But one by o ne En oc hs overhauled t hem all a nd le d th em home. ( Res ults on page 16) JAWA GETS NEW DISTRIBUTOR FOR THE WEST Italy Sports Cy cles, In c. will be the new wes tern di s tribu to rs of Jawa moto rcycles as o r Se ptember, 1966. The western area will cove r all slates west of the Mississi ppi ri ver. In a ddition to the ItaI·Jet li ne , th ey will manufacture Jawa at thei r l tale mone zela ractory in Bologna, Italy. Called ItaI-J e t Jawa, the Jawa engines will be used with Italian motorcycle styling. There will be five models of Ital-Jet Jawa. ........ ~ By Tom Finlay The", have been six 1\FM points rac es held as o r July lOth and we are be giming to ge t a pi cture as tu wbo th e Californi a road ra cing stars are. In t he 50cc class , Haruo Koshin o has a big lead wi th 32 points. The roocc class is lead by Re g P ridmore. follo we d by Don Ans elm . In tbe 125 c lass , pe teuni al c ham pion Rick SChell bas a s cant one point lead over upcomi ng stev e McLaughlin. 175cc class champion Ralph Leclercq has a big40 points and is odds-on favorite to repeat as 1966 175 champion. The 250 class lead is held by Ro n Grant, followed by Haruo Kos hi no i n second place. Grant is in second pla c e in the 350 cla ss a nd gaining on first plac e Dick Kilgroe. In th e revivin g 500 class, Al Whitne y is ho lding off Dick Kilgroe with 27 poi nts t o Kil gr oe's 22. In th e 100 cc class , Tom St eele ha s a large lead and Re g Pridmor e and Erni e Caesar lea d the sid ecar clas s with 34 points. AFM points are awarded as follows: First place 8 points - s econd place 6 poi nts - third 4 points - fo urth, rUth and sixth get 3 . 2. and 1 points respectively. t. m STORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLE LAND SPEEDWAY. CHICO, CALIFORNIA By John 'e rrsi ge!' Cyclelan d Spe edway in Chico. Calif. was put into ope ration two years ago by the owne r s Bill Browne ll, Dent on Hi ll. and Di ck McMee. This o ne-s ix th mile short track is run und er t he dir e cti on of th e Valley Motorcycle Club. Paradis e. CaliL Races are s a nc tio ne d by th e American Motorcycle Assoc iation, and op erate WIder District 36 supervision. Races ar e held e ve ry saturday night during th e months of June thr ough September. Points ar e kept weekly and determine th e overall winn er for th e season for e ach c lass. starting p osition for th e rid er s is determined by a handicap s ystem whereby Novice riders be gi n a t zero yardage, Amateur riders a t ten y ar ds , and Expert rid ers at twenty ~'ard. W h each win t e it ri de r is put back an additional five yards. This syst em seems to ev en out rac e position at the en d of th e race, and stops th e more experienced rid e r from running away with the race. The classes have been brok e n d01l"l1 into 60' s, 90' s. 125·s. 175 's, 200's. and 25Occ. Rac es are strictly sp ortsman fla t track competition , and t ro phies for the fir s t three plac es are awarded. Late Results T he races h e I d July 9t h saw 63 rid ers i n a ction. The 60cc class ",as ..ron by Da vid Kline of Reno, Ne vada o n his potent Honda. Second. was Mike Rockwell. Or oville , on a Hond a , and third was Gene Freize, Oroville. also on a Honda. The 90c c class wa s agai n dominat ed by Paul Minor Jr. Sacramento, wi th thi s lad wiuning from a starting position of some 35 yards behind the front row. Second plac e was Mike Corcoran on a Moto Beta. from North Hi ghlands , and third on a Bridgestone wa s Larry Bruckstein of Orland. both c h a s ing Mr. Minor's black Honda at some distan ce. The 125 cc c lass was won by Mike Ellis. North Highlands follow ed by Bob Va ugha n. Oroville on a Honda a nd Hank Roberts, Chico on a Yamaha. Th e 175cc c lass was dominat ed by 160 Hondas ridd en first by Windy Foreman, sparks, Ne v. ; second J erry Hybarger , Reno, Nev.; and third by L ia ne Park. Reno. Ne vada. Action in the 200cc di vision was won by Expert Da vid Veffre do on a Bul tac o, fol lowed by s econd place finisher J ohn Dotson, Rio Vista, on a Bu ltaco. and Bill Bur ba nk. of Gridley , on a Bultaco. Geor ge McCarty from Red Bluff won the 250 cc event on a Honda, and was follow ed across t he li ne by Bill Sa ltzman. Reno , Nev. on a Bultaco, and Bil l Kopping, Chico on a BSA. Italy Sport Cycle Newly Appointed Distributor for JAWA ITAL JET West of the Mississippi DealerslJips AYDilaWe I Contact: L. Cow.... Nanoul 1I!!:t. 3415 E. Firestone Blvd. South Gate, California SEN D 11IIS COUPON IN TO DA Y! I - - - - MTI N. LIIC Buell Blwll. LIIC Beac:ll, Calif. 9.-s . - - I OK. I los e. SIart DIY store sellI tac CYCLE NE1I'S with tile nut issue. I bill I . ....cIerstaDd you will privileos _lilly . I bave fall retum ces on .... I sold -'""' to' tearinC o lf th e price lac I MIl _dine it in with DIY check I.. th e ..,...... 0 or send me a ODe Yl!lIf I _ bscriplioo ($7.:10). Check enclosed. Address I ,.., CI!eck ""..,...., .,- wall.- PrIce,- $2.50. alSo I CJ rack . . " JOlI Aut wbat caD Send CYCLE NEWS 10: Na. . 0store ' PROFESSI I I I I I -, , City. Stale _ _ Zlp- , rlzed by I I ---------------------------_. ROAD RAe WHITEMAN STADI PACOIMA 10500 SAt-! fERMAWOO RD. •

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