Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• RATES $50 per year (50 issues) for each : single business li sti ng. Payable in advance, CENTRAL BIG CITY SALES. 714 W• • Los . /Cs. Ane. l.. 752-6723. N.w & Uso d M Compl. t. machl n. shop . Small & lare. cyllnd. r borlne . l\! C Parts & Accossorlos. M ILNE BROS. INC. - 1941 E. St•• Pasadena. Spec iali sts In ace..serl.. for BMW • Yamaha - BSA - Puch . Parts for all makes. Distr ibutor for Beck access ori es and Import er of Puch motar- cyc le s. 793·5153 . ..Sot Til Bryan t - CROWELL CYCLE SHOP for Matchl..., Hodaka . Bultaco. 10427 P. rry Av• •• lne l. wood. OR 3· 9573. CRENSHAW HONDA, THE Downtown Honda D.alor. V.ry compl.t. part s and Hrvlc. d.pts. All mak.. used bikes. fre. d.llv.ry. Across from Cren shaw Shopplne Cent er. 4 132 Cren sha w Blvd. . Los Ane.I... (213) 292-0478. HARLEY·D AVIDSON IN LOS ANGELES (Rich Budeller ~o . ) 2531 5. Ma in 5treet . LA. RI 9-623 5. " Lareost H·D s.rvlc . .,d parts bead~.ters In U. 5. A." Call lor pickup or d.llv.ry servl c•• CoB 1I0TORS - Bult aco sal ... W se rvice . • 11 m.k ... Vllilors spare.. Tr.lI , stre. t or sports, w. fill th. bill. Charll . Hockl. & BIll Thorwaldson. 1149 W EI Secundo . Blvd•• .(213) 756-1669. ORANGE AWARD MOTORS INC. D• • ler lor Triumph, Suzuk i and Duc.tI. Sp••d tunlne & compl.t. enelne work. Beach ••• r.clne h• • d~ .tor .. Open 6 days a WIN . 1680 N.wport Blvd•• Costa Mesa . (714) 642-4343. BUENA PARK YAMAHA, 6871 Beach Blvd. . In Bu. n a P ar k . naturally. 522-8036. " W. servlc. what WI sell." Y.m .h•• Hodak•• Ossa. Compl.t. w. ldInc . nd rep.l r shop. SpNd tun Inc. HERB F RIEDLANDER I MP O R T S . County' s lareest Honda and Tri umph d.alor. W. s.rvlc. wh.t w. s.lI. 13750 B.ach Blvd. , W ..tmlnstor. 893· 7566 or 430-4448. ROBERT M. LAW l\! C 5ALES & SER· VICE. 239 N. Anah.lm Blvd. (formorly Los Ane. l.. StrNt) Anah.lm. (714) 533-1309. lOW. In .It... sal .. •lrvlcl." Triumph, Yamaha, Grleyes. NORM REEVES - ANAHEIM. 224 N. Anah. lm Blvd. 535-3647. Or"ee County's blU..t Honda-BSA-Hodaka-Bullaco dea l· er. Compl.t. parts and service ROY'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP, 12461 Westmlnlst.r. Sant . An •• ''Or''e' County' s old..t llsh.d Hond. dealer s. " H 0 n d a , Tr iumph, Montesa. T. I'phon. (714) 531· 0742. IRV SEAVER MOTORCYCLES - BSA. BMW, Suzuki , Vespa Scoot ers , Cushman trucks. 2402 No. Main . S.nt. Ana. Tel. 542-8691. NORTHEASTERN CRESCENTA VALLEY SPORTS C Y C L E S . 3629 Footlllll Blvd., L. cent.. 248·229L Yamah., Hodaka, IIont.... K.w.sakl. S.I .. .,d Strvlc• • SpNd .~Ipment. compl.t. Ins urance. 100.. IInanc lne. er.. HONDA OF GLENDALE. "Whor. you lnI.tth. nlc..t plOp l• •" L.ree stock of parts. Fln..t m.chanlcs and court.ous p.nonntl. Sure would Ilk. to you at 905 E. St. In GI.ndal• • Just across from Bob's Ble Boy. 246-246L S. E. CHUBBUCK H·D 5ALES - Hom. of th. Ro.d lOW. Specialize In P.rsonallzed S.rvlc . ... 1361 E. Wa lnut St•• Pasaden a. (213) SY 2- 1300. SPORTS LIFE (Ro. hr Bros .) 341 N. Glenoak s Blvd•• Burbank. 842-484 7 or 849-492L U.S. Distributo r for Van Tech motorcycl. s. Duc.tI. Norton. Matchl. ss , Hodak. . Roy. 1 Enlleld , James. V.I .. Yam.ha, OSSA. Mont esa. Open 7 day s • w••k 9-9. SPORTS MOTOR SALES- 420 So. Brand Blvd•• Glendale. 243- 1704. S. I.S. Motorcycles- whol esal e -retall-rldlne and raci ne accessories. EASTERN NORTHERN ALLIED CYCLE SALES - ·6868 Lankl" shi m Blvd. , Nor th Hollywood. C.II 765-611L BSA - BMW DI.I.r. Co",llletl & EllIc len t Parts & Servlc. Departments. Hlch CI... lin. of AcclSsorl ... NORTHWESTERN CASEY'5 CYCLE REPAIR- BSA-Bullaco. St rvlco for most makes. Compl.te machin. shop. Open TulS. thru Sat. 9-6. 10249 5an F e r n and o Rd•• Pacoima. 896- 1046. BUD EKINS M OTORCYCLES In Sherman Oaks. 14460 Ventura Blvd. . t el ephone 872-2110. " Buy from Bud. " Tri umph & Hond•• l~TERN"TION A L MOTORCYCLE COMP NlY. 7;133 Cano ea A... . ICano ga Park. Phon. S46-3700, 1000's of uSl d part s. Cylinder _ rlne. Tri umph. Yamaha, Hod..... A. J. LEWIS - 400 S. Atlanti c Blvd•• Los AnCO I... 264-0544. Compl.t. machi ne shop . tlif you want It special , WI ma k . It spe cl.. I." Triumph and Yamaha. BELLFLOWER MOTORCYCLE SHOP INC. 9135 E. Compton Blvd. (2 block s East of L.k.wood). Bellf lower. 925-509 3. " W emphasize .arvltla" Tr iumph, V. e maha, Rabbll. BALDWIN PARK CYCLE SHOP-Norton. Ducatl , Roy.1 Enll.ld. Suzuki. Match· I..s. 0 .... Full lin. of p.rts and .cc.ssorl .. for all mod.1s. Best s.rvlc. dept . In town. 14845 Ramona BlVd., B.ldwln Park 337·0604. Opln 9 til 7:30 Mon. to Sat. CITY CYCLE CENTER- 8421-23 Ros. m••d Blvd.. P Ico-Rivera, ph. 861-4139. Triumph and Yamaha sal .. and super sorvlc• • Skip Clark . proprl.tor. JOHNNY GIBSON MOTORCYCLES INC. 901 W. Whittier Blvd•• L. H.bra, phon. 691·2661. Complt.nt ..I.. and parts. Strvlc. for . 11 · mak... Triumph, Y.maha. Bullaco. ED KRETZ & SONS CYCLE SHOP, 417 E. Garv.y AVI•• IIont.rey P.k. AT 0-8244. Triumph . Hond• • BMW and Suzuk i. Completl parts and slrvlc. . Espert tunlne .,d mechanical work. LE BARD & UNDERWOOD , 221 E. Imperial Hwy•• L.• • phon. 714/ 879-8252 or 2131691·3104. "S.rvlc. Is . ur mldd ll nam. ... BSA, Honda. BMW. JENKINS SPORT CENTER , Ar•• 's uclus lv. Yamaha Diller. Co.... pl.t. servlet for all maklS . Open Sun 1-1, WNk days &.Sat. 9-1. In Norwalk at 13200 San Al\.ton lo Dr. at Santa An. Fry. (213) 868-9997. MACKLIN'S MOTORCYCLE SERVICE1167S E. Flreston., Norwalk. 864-7468. Hodak. sailS and sorvlc•• STEVE HURD MOTORCYCLES-BMW· M.tchl . . . . Norton' Gre.vos - Duc.tI· Mont... • Hod.ka. Ibtchl... p.rts e.lore. W. sorvlc• •nd stock p.rts for whatw. soll.1405 Olympic Blvd.lIont. bello (213) 724-0466. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP. 22420 0.1 Vall • • Waodland Hills. 01 8-7865. Your frl.ndly n.lchborhood d.aler lor BSA, Hond. and Bultaco. Compl.t. parts & s.rvlce NORM REEVES-DOWNEY . Honda-BSABMW-Bullaeo. Downey . . . . only BMW DI.ler. Compl.t. parts & S.rvlce Dept. 9536 E. Flreston. Blvd. 869-0600. MASON MOTORS. TRIUMPH-YAMAHA. Complet . Ins urancI p roeram for all m..... .,d mo d .l s. Complete sa l..• p.tI·sorvlce. Open 9-6. Tu. ... Wed•• Th... .., and Sat. - 9-9 Fri_. 3360 E. Colorado Blvd. . P . . . d.n a . (213) 7'5-0267. HONDA 0 F TEMPLE CITY. 9228 E. L.s Tun.. Blvd. Tempi. City. AT·75949 . Hond• .,d Grllv.. for tho Nortbeastorn .... Parts e.lor• .,d sorvic. too. Show roo.. opon lion. thru Sat. 9-6. Shop open Toes. thru Sat. 9-6. «O LBE CYCL E SHOP. 7514 ROSlda Blvd•• Res . d•• 345-8678. Your frl...d ly n.l ch borhood dealer for BSA. Honda, and Bull aco. Complet. parts and sorv lc • . dept. SOUTHEASTERN NORM REEV ES - PARAMOUNT. Honda. BSA, BMW. Bullaco, Hod a k a , Lo sAne. l. . .rea' s BIGGEST Mall order P art s Hue' Servlc. Dept. 15745 Lak ewood BlVd ME 0-4313. •• S&J HARLEY·DAVIDSON - 16211 S. L.klwood Blvd•• Bollflower. T.I. ME 4-1222. Pau l Lass. L.e. so loctlon of n.w .nd uSld motorcycles. Mall ord.r p.ts both nlw & used. SOUTHERN ARTES IA CYCLE CENTER - Yamah•• Hod.k. S.les-S.rvlc . all makes. spo.d bunInc, 19210 S. BlVd., Artosl • (213) 865- 1152. FL OYD BURK MOTORCYCLES. 15514 So. 'Atlantlc Av•• , Los Ane.l.s, NE 9-4520. Hond• • Norton and Ducat l. Evtr)'th lne In parts and acc ... sor l.s. Fln..t Slrv lc. anywher • • Come on In and SN. Open 9-6. lion . thru Sat. DALE BROWN MOTORCYCLES, 2441 Lone Blvd. . Lone Beach . 427-894L Ducatl , Norton . & Mustane. Co... plet. parts & Slrvlc• • Asic .bout our discount club. CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CENTER. Ront.I-S.I.s & Servlco. Yamah•• MIM I· blk.s, Tot'CO.ts, IIotorcycl. tr.llers, CUstom acco .. SN us belore you d••I. W. buy, SI ll , and trodo. 15721 S. Atlantic, Comp,-, Calif. (213) NE 6-1957. CYCLE CITY - D•• ler for Suzuk i Roy. I Enf l.ld - Gller•• Custom racing machines built to sp.cs. V.ry co.... potltlv. prlc... 0.1 Orto c.rb our sp.clally. 2142 Lone B••ch Boul.v.rd. Lone B••ch 591·1389. HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH. 3654 Lone Beach Blvd.. 42&-71OL H.loyD.vl dson diller for tho Lone Beach Ar... Full lin. of p.rts and .cc.ssorlos for both Road and Comp.tltlon riders. Top ",.lIIy serv lc. In our fully .~Ipp.d .ervlc. departm.nt. Op.n Tu... thru Fri. 8-6. Sat. til 5. JAMES DISTRIBUTOR - BN Supply Boz 6S1. L. M ... C. llf. VIIII. s parts. Cu.. . tom m.d. parts & acc ... EIClus lv. J.m.s dlll.ships open now. JOE KOONS 5ALES & SERVICE - BSA, BMW. Suzuki and Ves pa. Full line of parts and acc . ..orles for all makes. Lare. ~allty se rvlc. d.partm.nt fully staff . d wllh tralned an lc s. Bring in your blk. and so. what w. can do•• 1350 East Anah. im. Lone 437- 1359 op.n Mon. thru Sat. 8-6. HONDA OF GARDENA, 15515 S. W est.rn Av• •, Gardena. Phon e 770-0603 or 3238314. Beelnnlrs prlvat . trai nInc eeursa, fr.e rldlne Ins tructi on. Mon th ly fun ri de durlne rldlne SI"on. Come In or c.1I for full Informati on. JENK INS S P O RT CENTER . Yamaha Deal er for Lone Ar. a. Near top of Slena l Hili . W sorvl co .11 m.k ... Also . opon Sundays 9-6. In Lone Beach .t 2620 E. P a c III e Coast Hwy. (213) 433-9987. LONG BEACH TRI UM SALE S. 624 W. PH Pacilic Coas t Hlchway. Lone Beach• 436a0158. u Best servi ce availa ble, speC" lallzlne In tun e-ups ." Triumph. Yam.ha. Ducat l. RIVERS IDE SKIP FORDYCE MOTORCYCLE CENTER . "We·v. bo.n told li s ·Am erlc. ' s most complete and mod.rn motorcycl e centor." Honda. Harl.y·Dav ldson & Trl. umph. Main at 14th Sts. In Rlvors ld• • OV 4-4747. BARNES CYCLE SERVICE -HODAKA. We sorv lc• •11 mak.. of motorcyc le s. 1535 L. Caden a Dr. , RI.ors ld• • (714) 684-8830. THE T W HEELER Moto rcyc ll City. O-W Suzuki. Bullaco d• • lor. Hueo parts Inv.ntory. Ar. a's #1 Bultaco dea ler. 1655 W La Cadena. River side (714) 686·0604. . SAN BERNARD I NO HARRISON RENO-Bank IInanclne, 10 .... cost Insu ran c.. HONDA, BMW, LAIf. BRETTA sailS and servlc• • p.rts & acc lSsorle.. 208 E. B..e Line. San Bernard ino . TU 9-0504. SAN SOUTH BAY HOND A, 1212 S. P acillc Coast Hwy.. R.don do Beach. SELFSERVICE PARTS DEPARTMENT. bank lI nanclne. Open 9-9 sl z days a week. Phone 378-9257. WESTERN JACK BALDWIN MOTORCYC LE SALES ..w tock tho P . ts and servlc. wh.t •• WI S.II." 2705 Plco Blvd•• Santa Mon ica. Phon. EX 4-7365. Matchl..s . Hod.k., BSA, Duc. GrNvI•• Roy.1 Enllo ld. Nort. CROWELL CYCLE SHOP. 10427 Pralrl. Av•• , Inel.wood. OR 3-9S73. MatchI.... Hodak• • Compl.t. p.ts & Servic. for . 11 mak. .. Op.n 6 days 9-7. LAWNDALE CYCLE- YAMAHA, BSA, VELOCETTE. DUCATI. "Best d••ler In town! SpNdy l· day leryl c. Is our slandard. 15324 Hawthorn. Blvd•• Lawnda le , Ca lif. SP 2·1822 or OS 6-9546. MISSION HILLS MOTORCYCLE SALES & SERVICE- 8730 Sepul..da. BSA & Ducat l. lOW. stock tho parts for what WI SIll . " St. our n. w store. 785-4289 . sp., TED 'S IMPORTS: WIst LA. Tri umph S.les & Servlco . "We will take In trade!" Also I.ctory dlll.r for Land ROVlr " TH E Best Four·Whl.I Drlv. car you c.n buy". 11726 S.nta Monica GR 3·1101 op.n 7 d.ys • wllk. HONDA OF VAN NUYS - 14229 Victory Blvd. 787-0110 . Th. Valley's on ly Hond. W. prld. ours.IVls on our alt. ..I.. serv lc • • Com. In and Sit our compl.t. lin. of Hond. parts and accessorl..._ n .7 d~s. Op. POSSMAN SCOOTER & CYCLE CO. N.w .nd USld sa l... P.rts and Sl rvlc. lor Brlde..ton•• K.was.kl. Gller• • 0 .... V"P'. Lambrett• • nd R.bbl t . 2701 Plco Blvd. (27th St. & P lco Blvd. ), S.nt. Monica, Calif. 392·1723. ONE STOP CYCLE SHOPPING- Autho;' lzed d.alers for Honda, Triumph and GrN.... S.I ... serv lc • • parts & Insur· anel . Bill Kraus. Honda-Triumph. 1257 So. L. Br•• Blvd. . Inel.wood. 678·5035. INGLEWOOD HARLEY·DAVIDSON 901 No. L. Bre. Blvd. (1 block louth of Cent ....I. ) Authorlzld H. loy-D.vldson de.l. for tho Inel.wood • • a. ne In Rood rider. acc ...orl.s .,d parts for . 11 mod.l .. FUlly .~ Ipp.d .... vic. department wit h f.ctory tr.lned . .ch.,lcs. Op... Tu.s. thru Sal. 9-6. C.II 671-7609 . DIEGO GUY URQU HART - T riumph. Yamaha sai lS. Triu mph, Yamaha, Indian. Arie l & Cushman part s - 1 day mall order ser- .I ce. 1041 Columbia Street. CORONA CORONA MOTORCYCLE CENTER , T rl· umph & BMW. Contr.lly locat.d lor Oranco & Rlversld. Countl ... Just down tho ro.d from Park. 620 N. 1I.ln at Rlvor Road. (714) 735-5600 Corona. BARSTOW S.y "HI" to H.nk .nd Solo Suzuki . t tho DESERT CYCLE CENTER, 1600 W. Main St•• B.rstow. Th. frl.ndll ..t shop .nd only Cyc l. de. ler In Barstow. If your name was In thl I..... cot • fre. copy from us. Mon. thru S.t. 9 a.m. -6 p.rn. T. I. 2.6-2489. • USED MCs& PARTS Jill'S CYCLE SHOP "Us.d p.rts H••dquarters In th. WISt." W. buy and SI ll u..d M/C p.rts, cust om lank. and whHl.. Chromo uchane" Used M/C' s Sal.. & B.lterlls & ti re.. 15 y.ars sam. location. 11155 AtI.ntlc•• • LynWOOd, Calif. NE 2-4298. SERV ICES BARNEY'S MACH INE SHOP, 15745 Lak.wood Blvd. . Paramount. 634-3545Cylinder borlne . any size. W. m.... any· thine . prlclS., manifolds . fork br.CIS. Alloy crowns , Skid plat... BUCHANAN'S FRAME SHOP fram• • fork and whit I s.rvlc•• Custom I. clne and cu.tom spok.s. Tire skinner and .I.ctronlc b.l.nclne. B.fore you throw that frame .w.y, SN us! 629 E. Garvey . IIontorey P .rk. (213) 280-4003. HERB LITCH. 5105 AtI.ntlc Blvd. . Lonl Blach. GA 3-1433. Complet. machlnlne facllltl... Borlne. slllvine. v.IVI & crlndlne· V.alv. SlatS .,d part. m.d. to order. MOTORCYCLE S E RV I C E CENTER, BULTACo-HODAKA. We Servlc. A14 motorcyc l... Complet. machln. shop"f1Ir custom work. 220 E. HunUneton Dr.. IIonrovl .. Opon 6 days, 8-6. N.II f . . .s and Gary Griffin. Prop .. (213) 357'2274 Take your business wh er e it is appreciated . For the finest new and used motorcycles. funbike s, parts. repa irs. service s and custom work , pat ron ize the local businesses listed here. f