Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 15th TIME TRIALS •• For TT • Nationai at Castle Rock. Readers a. . .dvlsed that IIstln, In th is c.lendar Is a frM ser¥tce. Cycle News disc laims any ..sponslbillty for ca.. cellatlon or chanelne of nents by promoters without notice. SCRAMBLES •• By Shelton M.C. at Shelton Fa lrcrounds, Shelton, Wash. NIGHT FLAT TRACK • • At Dunes Speedway. Hauser. O"eon, 7 miles FRIDAY, JULY 15th, north of Coos Bay. Races start SCRAMBLES - Fresno M.C. at 8 p.m. National Riders Assn. clubcrounds. Chestnut and Clay· Sanctioned. ton. south end of Fresno. Nipt 50 • LAP TT CHAMPIONSHIP •• rac e. AMA sanction. National Championship contenden eo for those ble points at Ascot SATURDAY, JULY 16th. Park startlne 8 p.m. J.C. Ae.j_ NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TT Ian promotes this one at 189th RACE-30·Up Huvywel&ht AMA and Vermont In Garden.. TT National at Castle Rock. Wash. Nl,ht race. Amateur and Expert Class C. Eyent sponsored by MI. SAT. &SUN. JULY 23& 24th SL Helens M.C.. Box 51, Castle ROAD TOUR··SouthwlSt Chapar· Rock. Wash. rals MoC. 2nd Annual Camp WISCRAMBLES • AMA sanctioned shon Oftm1eht t.... R.R.C. san· Sportsman class, Action beelns ctloned point run. $2.50 mall entl')' at 7:00 p.m. Contact Hayward $2.75 post enll')'. Approx 200 ml from L.A. ne.. Sprlneyllle, Fun Motorcycle Club. 3792 Depot Rei, and e - s start at 8:00 p.... Sal. Hayward for Info. B.B.Q. dlmer at 4:00 p.m. TrophllS at 6:00. Family camplne SUNDAY, JULY 11th. ROAD RACING SCHOOL - For b.. erounds, flshlne, entertainment ' 1m.... Brln, your machine , hel- and danclne In CaOlp lodp. P ick met. ,loylS. eollies and lu the r up entrllS from dealers or call jackll to 12930 P ierce St. , Pacoima Bob: 32~2S or Hoss: 442-1646 (Whit eman Airpark). Conducted by Bob Stne GIbson. SUNDAY, JULY 24th. Hetzler and other memben of LIGHTWEIGHT TT SCRAMBLESassociated road racln, or,.nlu- Llehtwelpts. Inc. MoC. at Plrrls. tlons. oy.. paved 4/10-mlle track Small blklS only. For further Info with 6 turns and ,ood·s lzed contact Floyd E. Lewls, Sec. . 5702 stralptaway. From 10:30 ..m. to Parapet St.. Lone Beach. phone HA 9-0405. 6:00 p.m. Total f" 57.50. TT SCRAMBLES - Bay City M.C. at Champion Speedway. south of San Francisco. Sipup and prac· tlce 9-11:30 .. m., race at Noon. Admission $1.50 ride or watch. All classes If 5 or more. powder pulf for ,Iris (under· 100cc). EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES - So. Cal. II.C•• llmed from W,eon WhMI In Red Rock arll. Two cour.. s, AMA·sanctloned, entl')' fee $3.00. Trail bikes 8:00 ..m.. NoylclS 9:00 Amateurs 10:00 a.m., Experts 11:00 .. m. SCRAMBLES - Hilltoppers MoC. DlsL 37 points eftnt at Castaic Coone. Limed from Castaic Junction on Hwy 99. Sl,nup 8:00 ..m. ( li tt le bikes), ble blklS at Noon. Roup scr3lllble.. SCRAMBLES Commissioners Benlm Scrambles at Atascad..o SpMdway. north of San Lui s Obispo. TT SCRAMBLES •• Four Aces M.C. e_t at Prado Park. Llpt· wel&llt practice beelns at 8 a..... raclS start 8:30. He.vywel<t pract'ce (Illel. Ilo¥fce) 12 _ , races 12:30. DlsL 37 points. win troplry In thl s one and ell free .... t l')' Sept. 18. .C. at SCRAIIlBLES •• By Dilen M new lInp.. lal track. Take Hwy 101 to Imp. Beach-Coronado turnoff. Palm Aft. to 17th StrMt, lelt to end of 17th. Practice 9 ..m. SCRAMBLES - AlIA sanctioned Sportsman Cotati Drae Strip. fh e millS south of S.nta Rosa. SIp-up 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Practice 9:00 to noon. R.clne commenclS at noon. Class C traction. No knobbles. For Info call: · LI 6-3903 or 5-2187. THREE· STAR TT •• At Chablis. Washln&lon. 20 millS from Castle Rock. . WEDNESDAY, JULY 20th ONE, STAR TT •• At SpMdways. Inc. , Portland, O"eon. C.II 232· 9253 In Port land for detail .. JULY 22 - 24 GYPSY TOUR •• Starts at Roy. Washln&lon. By the T.coma Yellow J acklls M.C. 1918 S. G Strm, Tacom.. Phone SK 9-3979 or UN 3·1 S86. SATURDAY , JULY 23rd TW ILIGHT TT • • 1 • Star Class C TT race by the Ranns M.C•• P.O. Box 2231. Renton , Wash. Phone BA 6-2319. a.m.. TWO • STAR TT • • Class C e¥lllt by Gray's Harbor II.C. at Elma Falrerounds, Washln&lon. Write c/o P.O. Bo. 507. Cosmopolis. Wash. SATURDAY, JULY 30 300 MILE ROAD POKER RUN· Campout and flel d l1li11. By the Black Jacks II.C•• Portland. Or.. Write for intI')' to 9225 S.W. 80th. Portland. 97200. FLAT TRACK • Nleht eYlnt at Dunes Speedway, Hauser . 0 .... 7 miles north of Coos Bay. Natl. riders Assn. Sanctioned. Racls star! at 8 p.m. ROAD RACE· AFM Los Ane" les Chapter at Whiteman Airpark Stadium, (10500 San Flmando Rei, Pacoima nur Van Nuys Bhd.) Practice starts .t 12:00 noon sharp. first race 2:00 p.m. All classes and production. Pr..entry $8.00 GP. 55.00 production. En· tIY at track $2.00 more, IntI')' free 200 mile.. of eatl purs.. For Info""atlon and entries AFM. PO Box 8352, UnlYersal City. Calif. 91608. Phone (213) 762-9875- 0_ 40" HARE SCRAMBLES • DlSert Challenprs M.C. of Victonllle p..sent a run In the Barstow aria. Start at 9:00 a.m. Enll')' fee $2.25. Llmld 10 millS North of VIctor· ylIIl on F..eway. Course will be 6 loops (3 for trail bikes) each loop approL 10 miles around. Saturday nleht camplne but brine own water and eat .. Trophies for e¥lry 5 entries In a clas.. R.. suits wil l be mailed. SATURDAY, AUG. 6th POKER RUN - Hosted by Cycle News and Inc ludes at the conc lusIon. the showln, of all new Cycle Action Moyle.. Starts at the Cycle Nlws office, 6477 Lone Beach BIYd. , at 10:00 a.m. and ends at the EI Toro Marini Air station at 1:30 p.m. Entry fel Is 52.00 Inc· ludlne admission to the moyie thutrl. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7th SCRAMBLES • Grlpsters M.C. prlsent a no-point scrambles In a new ...a on • new track about 2 millS N. of Corona. Track will be watllfld with IIptwel&hts at 8:00 ..... ble bikes at Noon. There Is plenty of shade. plus. swlnmlne lake and a trout flshl., I.e. Take Rherslde FrMway 10 Norco turnoff and eo North to "S1IYer Lake.." TT SCRAMBLES • V..trua Co. Twin Wheelers & the Olllard Sports FlStlYal p....nt an AlIA sanctioned 1¥In!. Locallon Is Hoeneme Road at Arcturus BIYd•• Oxnard. 0-2OOcc SJen-up clo ..s at 9:30 p.m. with racine at 10:00 p.m. 2SO-0pen classes slen-up closes at Noon, races at 12:30 p.m. A. mission. $1.50. Raee entry fee .so. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DRAG RACING - Lions Drae Strip, 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 9:00 a.m. on Sundays . Trophlls and E.T. brackel .. Strip Is locat l d al 223rd Str"t. south of Alalllda. VOICE of CALIFORNIA In Defense of Wes I was quite disturbed by the letter which was pu blished in yo ur pa pe r written by L o re n H. W son of Los An ge le s . Il He seemed to di slik e W s Cooley and e he also said t ha t he thought that We s Cooley had proclaimed himself an expe rt on the A.M.A . I have not seen in this paper or any whe re else. any s uch claIm made by Mr. C ool ey . and I be lieve t hat anyone who says this is very much mistaken. Mr. Wilso n also implied that the Ri verside Road Race was a fa rce bec a use it did no t have mon ey for a pri ze . I think it will be a sad day whe n money is tbe only reaso n fo r ra ci ng. This. i n my opinion, is not the only 'fa ct or whi c b constitutes a good rac e. I think a good rac e is accomplis h ed when good rider s A.C.A. SHORT TRACK - Oranee county SpHdway. Pit eate open at 6:00 p.m. First Iyent at 8:00 p.m. SO, 100 & 2SOcc Classls. Track Is locat ed off the San Dieeo Fwy. south of Tustin. across from EI Toro Air Station. EVERY THURSDAYNIGHT CUSTOM SHOW • " A World on Whllls" at Pasadena Rose Bowl. Swap mell, Custom Show, FashIon Show, Ite. Flw caleeorles for SATURDAY, JULY 30th. TT SCRAMBLES - Sprocklls II.C . beauty bikes. For entl')' blanks. al&llt race at Sprockets Park. contact Cycle Nlws. Bakersfield. Sl,nup 6:30 p.... for all size bikes, races start at 8:00 p.m. Track Is located at the bottom of China Grade Loop. ATTENTION PUBLICITY COMavailable. MITTEES - - Be surl to send Cycle News notici of your comlne SUNDAY, JULY 31 events and . . will IIst them In 200-IlILE ROAD ENDURO· G..atth is department free. A post card Ir Vancouver B.C.M.C. 1630 Boun- or a POStllf will do. Be SUrl to dary Rd., Burnaby, B.C. Incl ude direc tions to the Innt, startlne times. lie. POKER RUN· By Norwalk Clntaurs M.C. Dlst 37 Road Riden po ints event. Ca ll (213) 964-2674 for Informati on. SCRAMBLES - at Santa lIar ~ Speedway, New Imprn ed I.. field with two jumps. A.M.A. sanctioned 361 rule.. Sip up clo..s 12:30 Raci 1:00 all clas..s. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT and goo d motorCYCles can com pete wlcer a reasona ble and fai r set of rules. The A.C.A . provides tbese things whet her the prize is money, a t rophy. o r me r el y the satisfaction of knowi ng that you won . I am a membe r of the A .C.A. and t he A. F .M. I also do not believe that the othe r members of these clubs are hoodwi nked into belonging to such an o rgani zatio n , as he implies. Mr. Wilson also says that all the ri ders tha t can not turn Ie ft at Ascot a re tbe ones who have ridden in tbe above me ntioned event . I pe rsonally do not care to ride a t As cot, a nd I am s u re that ther e ar e many othe r rid er s who feel the s ame way. Ther e are many good riders amo ng th e mem ber s of the A.C.A.• a few are: Ron Grant , Don Vesco. Buddy P arriott. ACA SHO RT TRAC K - South Gate Speedway. Pit eates open at 6:00 p.m., close 7:00 p.m. Professional Class A rules. 50cc , 100cc and 2S0cc classes. Take FI..stonl cutoff last of Lone Beach Fwy. to Garfield. south on Garfie ld one block to Southern. west on Southern to track. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SCRAMBLES· Lodl LC. at Lodl Cycle Bowl. Dlst 36 AMA sports· men sanction. Slenup and practl ce 6:00·7 :00 p.m•• 6 or morl riders makl a c lass. Class C traction. hleh point trophies . 11 clas.. s, Eyery Friday nl,ht throu,h Aue. 26. Call 368-7182 for further Informatl on. HALF-IIILE FLAT TRACK-Ascot Park.183rd andVlIfmont InG.rdena. TIM Trials 7:00 p.m. First race 8:15 p.m, CLASS A SHORT TRACK-Vallejo Speedway,Va lle jo. AIIA·sanctloned. Time trials at 7:00 p.m•• first raee 8:30. Just across new brldel from San Francl see, S9 miles Wist of Sacramento. DRAG RACING - Carlsbad Rac.. way. opens 5:00 p.m•• ellmln.tlons at 8:00 p.m. Handicap system, larel Top Bike trophy. Pac. CsL Hwy. 101 to Palomar Airport Road lI.. noff. thin east airport to Raceway. PRACTICE SESSION - South Gatl Raceway ( FI rlstone and Lone Beach Fwy.) NO Llc...... or _ blIfshlp neclSsary. SOOcc sln,'es only. no brake .. For furtller Information call (714) 842-3813. ask for Mike. DRAG RACING·Fontana Drae CItJ. San Bernardino Fwy. to Etiwanda t ... no«, north to Foothill. rlpt on Foolhlll to strl p. GatlS open at 5:30 p.1II. eliminations start at 8:00 p.1II. SATURDAYS DRAG RACE -Irwindale Raceway. 1:00 p.m. on Saturday •• Trophll•• plus cash bonu..s for str.t. fuel _d cas clas.... Take San Bernardino Fwy. east to Oranel. North on Oranee which become. Irwindale ... AY to Raceway. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Ora, racine I¥II')' first and t11lrd Saturday. Ne'" ....1 June 18th. Gates open at 12:00 Noon. TT STEEPLECHASE-First Sat...• day nlpt of each month at Ascot Park, 183rd and Vermont. Gardena. AMA Class C nent, first raCI 8:00 p.m. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK Valley M.C. at Cycle Land SpMdway. 14 miles south of Chico on Hwy. 99·E and Gaee Shipp" Rd. P it eatl closes 8:00 p.m. Races start 8:30 p.m. Contact Dick Mc Af•• 6633 Penty Rd., Paradl ... Calif. for more Info. TT SCRAMBLES· Elsinore Race Track. Eyery Saturday nlehl startIne JUly 16th. Prac tice starts approximatel y at 4 o'clock. Entries close at 7 o'clock. No points. but trophies elYIn. with opportunity for plenty of fun racine. Walt F ult on, and Ralph LeCle rcq . The above mentioned riders would rank among the top in any organization. Mr. Wilson also advised Mr. Cooley to " go out to Ascot a nd see what good racing is all about. " If Ascot is the supre me exam ple of good raci ng and a goo d t rack , the n it is too bad that riders such as Jim Redman and Mike Hallwood have ne ve r been t here. I enjoy C ool ey ' S Col umn very muc h and I hope that your paper will co ntin ue to print it. BRUCE SHAW Glendale A Lore n E . Wilso n who wrote yo u compl ai ning about and questioning tbe validity of Wes Coo ley ' S column had many que s ti ons which he seemed to want answ ers to. I do n' t claim to have all t he an sw er s but I thi nk I can he lp him out a little. L et me preface by sayi ng that I do n' t a lw ay s agree wit h Mr . Cooley or thi nk he's always ri ght but I do t hi nk t hat a (the Voice of California) 6477 N. Long Beacll BI Yd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Phlne: 423-8431 (Alea Cede 213) From L.A. PIlI.,: &3&-8844 P u blishe d we ekly except the first and las t wee k of the calendar year by C&S P u blis h in g C o mpa ny . P.O. B o x 49 8. L on g Beach, Cal ifornia . Cha rle s C la)·ton Editor Sharon C layt on 8uslne ss Mana l:er Gil Brown. \dvenlsing Mana ger D.B. ( Dutc h) Fielder..Asst. Ad. MItf. Dennis Greene •. . ••... . .. Photo E dit or Gay Thomason ..C irc ul a t io n Mana ger CONTRIBUTORS: Car I Barl1eU, Dale BoUer, Annette Camp, Wes Cooley, Mike Crowley, Bob Ebellne, Robert O. Fee, Lany Haley, Hermao. Maureen Lee, Joe Lopez. Walt Mahony, Geocee Maness, Bill Pettigrew. John Ramos, Dan Reynolds, Roxy Rockwood, Earl Roeseler. App licati on to mall at sec ond c las s postage ra tes is pending at L one Beac b. Callf. Any part of this ne ws paper may be used witbout pe rmiss ion as lo ng as c red it is gi ve n . Ed itor ia l co ntri butions . c artoons . pbotos ar e we lco med and will be paid fOT upo n public ation. Se lf-add ress ed . sta mpe d e nve lop e assures return. . Sinde Co py Price 15t ubscription : One ye a r 2nd c lass mail • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •• $7.50 Adverti.. ln g rate s will be sent on request.

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