Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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WEEK OF JUNE 23 through J UNE 30 , 196 6 > VOL UME III NUMBER 24 RECORD BROKEN AT LIONS DRAGS By Bob Ebeling .. Triumph has long distinguished it self with an array of ribbons , trophy gold and record certific ates , but none have been as specta cular or acc laimed with spectators' cheers as .was Murray and Cooks World Record Quarter-mile run of 9,72 seconds elapsed time and 157.06 miles per hour! At Lions That record was a major part of the Money Meet, Sunday, at Lions Drag Strip and there were bikes of every displacement , spe ctators who _ appeared for the sole purpose of supporting the program, suc h as Mike , • MS&ATA OPEN WEST COAST BUREAU FOR INFORMATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , spika, Bruce Miller, Mike Tucker, Nira Jo hnso n and many others. All I ca n say Is that if It didn' t please Mr. Hart and the Lio ns Association, It s ure wanned the very depth of my soul and made all past errorst of s upporting dra g racing well pai d In full• Dic k RIDs and the " Two Timer ," winner Buddy Elmore has racked up another resounding P erry and SCotty with " Sta gefright" and as shown by the record book, M urray first place in the Laconia, New Hampshire 100-mile road (Continued on pa ge 10) BUDDY ELMORE WINS LACONIA Daytona success - race held last Sunday, June 19th. The Texas Flyer, mounted on the same Triumph that carried him to victory in the Florida 200-miler, was followed to the checker by three Harley aces • - Bart Markel , George Roeder and Roger Reiman. It was Elmore's first outing since breaking his collarbone at Carlsbad, May 15th. • California Assemblymen (Irom left) Philip L. Soto (D·La Puente) and Richard J. Don- ovan (R-Chula Vista), Joined In bl-partlsan support 01 the " Lights on for Safety" call1Jlalen launched to help Improve the nation's safety record. • • • A full time Mot orcycle & SCoot ers Inform a t ion Bure au wa s opene d in Los Ang eles on June 16 to se rve th e burg e oning Weste rn U.S. mark et , it was a nnounc ed by W ll iam E . i Ke nne dy, pr e siden t of the Motorcycle SCoot e r a nd Allied Trade s As soc ia tion. The ne w bureau Is located at 6253 Hollywood Boul e va rd . Suite 907 , Los Ange les 90028 . Telephone numb er is 469-14 71. MS&AT A wa s found ed in 1965 from the merge r of two i ndus t ry groups and is de dicated to the interests of moto rcycle and scooter rider s and the industry behind t hem . T he group's function is to deve lop dynamic programs that wi ll uphol d t he in d ustry's respo nsi bi lities while se rvi ng as a liais on betwee n th e riders of two-wheeled vehicles a nd officia l agencies . The new Info rmation Bureau will c omplement its c ounte rpart in New York and the Ms&ATA 's headqua rters staff in C olumbus , Ohio . Ken ne dy said the Los Ange les office will offe r s peedie r di s s e min a ti on of ne ws conce rni ng t he As s oci at ion , t he ri der s, a nd the i ndustry to weste rn news media. I n for fift h, af ter c ras hi ng i n the heat race, was de fending L ac on ia c hamp Ralph White . a board one of Bob Ha ns en's immacul ate Matc hl ess G-50s. White and Ha nsen t eammat e Dick Gar iepy of Barre , Mass . , tangl ed durin g th e preliminary eve nt . wit h Ga ri ep y windi ng up i n th e hospital. Ralph ma nage d t o remount and finish , t hus qualifyin g for the 1DO-mil e final. San Die go Harley ride r Cal Rayborn had a rough day. After traveling cross-country to th e eve nt, and working his way UP to second place in the final , he was s ide li ned with a fla t tire. Salt Lake City' s Chris Draayer, also H-D mounted . made the final but unload ed durin g the race. Nixon Knows How In the 250cc event held on saturday, it was all Gary Nixon. Riding his Yamaha with verve and style, Nixon set a torrid pac e . lappi ng all but second pla ce Rayborn (H-D) before It was over. Ralph W , hite Yamaba-mounted, took third In the little bike go. No Hassles This year's Laconia l00-mller was a noD-National eve nt. due to the much-publicize d doling by hoodlums at the 1965 race. Althou gh th e bum ele ment was in evide nce this time, too, proper policing kept thin gs under control , and no problems resu lt ed. It i s hoped that by 1967, Na tional status can be restored to t his tradi tional New England event . (Resuits on page 14) I n addition, the bur e au will be a foca l poin t of pr o gram activity and info rmatio n for s uc h eve nts as the "L i ghts on fo r Safety " cam pa i gn which was als o launched J une 16. MS&ATA is urg ing all rid ers of two -wheeled vehicles to "J oin the Li ght Brigade " and turn their headli ghts on eve n i n t he daytime to foc us a tte ntion on improvi ng the na tion 's traffic safe ty rec ord. ---.....:...----- TWO- IF BY LAND -4-_.....;.;.;;."..;::;.:;.;;.;;..;.;;...::=..;~'_ _ Want escape from humdrum Ii ving? Then tum your wheels to Mexico next vacation. Here'sa woman's eye view of 2wheel touring south ofthe Border- By Doroth y M. Se a ve r T wo wheels , t hat is! The best way to re ally see a country , a ny co unt ry , a nd we ha d chosen to see Mexi c o by motorcycle . The fou r of us: E dwin a a nd Bo b Li vi ngs ton of Orange, C a liforni a: a nd my husband , I rv Se ave r (a motorcyc le dealer in Santa Ana) and myself, spent almost t hree mont hs planning this tr ip - trying to " pre- tht nk " any eme rgency . First we got a book and map on Mex i co from the Aut o-C lu b - a rea ll y fine boo k, which was ou r biggest help . And, if you want a map of Mexico , get it her e - yo u can' t fi nd one in Mex i co ! From this book we le a rned a s mallpo x shot is req uir ed t o get i nto Me xic o and to re tu rn to t he U.S . , what pap e rs a re for ourse lves a nd ve hi cles, condi ti on of road s , money exc hanges , t ra ns lation of roa d signs, lists of appro ved motels in eac h city, an d muc h , muc h more . . . _ . up and ride out. Pack lOg was the major problem for us women, while the men worried about Sat urday - lIarcb 5 havi ng the motorcycles in top I<0nditlon. P romptly at 3 o'clock we were ready Bob' s machine Is a 1965 BSA Thunderto roll; out of the drive, down the st reet bolt Rocket and ours is a 1964 BMW a few feet , turn, and come back! My so n, R/ 69 S. Both machines were nicely broBo b, had been takin g movies of our deken In with 8000 mil es on the BMW and parture and we went back for the camera! 7000 miles on the BSA. W found new e Th at pac ked away, we took off for realcloth-type suitcases that zi p-close, I could hardly beli ev e it . I said a lit.tIe weigh only 2 Ibs , empty, and our regular praye r, and wondered - were we fooli sh ai rplane luggage weighed 6 Ibs, So , we as many people thought , or the adveneach carried two cloth suitcases on ture rs we believe ourselves to be? luggage racks , plu s the sadd le bags, An adventure it truly was . It was a plus Innumerable M tretch" straps (bless s fai rly WBIm sunny day when we left , and whoeve r invent ed these) whic h hel d we had s truggled Int o the s weaters , everything together, an d a water ca ns ca rves, gloves , and lea ther jac ket s : tee n. W used it everyday on the road. e they had s eemed pret ty s uperfluous . BeW were ra ther proud of our packi ng. e, fore we had gone ten miles . into the To get an idea of how ca refully we Santa Ana Canyon. :oe were wlshmg. we planne d, Irv hid spare parts in the hea dhad worn more clothing. We h~d run Into light, taillight , and air cleaner! And we a pretty stll.f wind, a cold wind, and 1 carried clothes for just about any occetrought Ionglngly of my insulated underston, wea r which everyone had a dvised us to After enjoying the comments of our take , but which we dis carded for lack of frie nds and relati ves, who were sure we room to pack It when not In us e. By the wouldn't make it, the Big Day finall y time we got to the W hItewater Grade, we did arrive . It was time for us to mount had pulled off the road and put on our (Continued on page 5) M OTORCYCLE/ M OTORSCOOTER EXHIBIT A FIRST FOR ITALIAN MANUFACTURERS Fr om Jun e 20 through July 1, 1966, t he pavilion exhi bit building In the allnew Centu ry City comple x will roar to the engines and crowds invol ved in the first all-Italian MotorcyclelMotorscooter exhi biti on ever staged in Los Angeles and in the United States. Under the j oint auspices of the Italian Minist ry for Fo reign Trade a nd the It al ian Foreign Trade Ins ti tute , and wit h cooperation of the Italian Natio na l Association for M otorcycles and Accessories (ANCM A). the exhibition will (Continued on pa ge 6) • !lDBD6 "lie:) 'lI:leas aUDl 'PAIS lI:leag aUGl 'N LU9 • SM3N 31JJ..J : 01 UlmCll l Cl<1 !lClp 01 e to e ut: II - - H3.LSVWJ,soa