Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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VOLUME III NUMBER 23 WEEK OF JUNE 16 through JUNE 22, 1966 • • LIONS ROARS SAT & SUN .. l l . . ,. By Dick Pearson Samy Tanner did it again! The red and white clad BSA ace from Long Beach, Calif. again upset Grand National Champion Bart Markel to score his second straight National win on pafor Extra warm weath er was on ta half-mile track! _ By Bob Ebeling Tbis weekend will be a run [or tbe money at Lions Associated Drag Strip. Sunday the 19th bas a [at 250 (two bundred and fifty) dollars up [or the winners at LADS. If I had two wishes for the coming we ekend one wo uld be for good l uck to all c ompetitors , two is for a maximum turnout of s pec tators and competitors alike a t L i on s . Tho s e who attend wiII s e e the hotte s t battl e yet stag ed be tw e en multie ng i ne fuelers , s i ngles on fu el and s upe r- fa s t ga s se rs . One e xt ra wi ll be a view of the ne w Alf Hagen, s uper- light weight dra g fram e imp or t ed fr om E ngland. T hi s is being brought here by a well kn own San Fran ci s c o rid e r. One hundr ed and twent y four miles offi c ial for Irwindal e Ra ceway. Now per hour is the new A gas rec ord at t heir immediate goa l Is to rais e th e miles L ions , set by Dick Rios ' twi n en gine per hour and ba ck up the 9.8 9 elaps ed Tr iumph. This bike is t he s ame well time they turn ed la s t week. known "Two T imer ,· usually run on fuel , t hat has gained the t itle ' King of Big Incbes Bike s," Th e Two T imer had been Reaching for a maximum in inches switched to gas for the ben efit of a has been a common goal for many dra g novic e rid er and despite tr embling hand s bike bullder s and thr ee s uch a t tempts a nd knockin g knees it mana ged to secure wer e present at the " Cyc le Alley " of t he record. both Lions and Irwind ale , Murray and Cook's twin e ngi ne J oel Peterson bad specta tors and "Flu stration, · i n all of i ts F oothill c ompetitors lea ni ng over the fe nc e to Cyc le Cent er ' s colo rs, turned in a top wat ch his initial trials on t he new twi nspeed of 151.51 and back ed up within engi ne BSA we hav e expec te d for some two per cent , t he ir previous week ' s (Co ntinued on pa ge 5) rec ord of 153.33 . Thi s makes the record t he a nnual runnin g of the 15-mile Na ti onal at Heid elberg, j ust outside Pitt sburgh, Pa., and a full fie ld of Amateur a nd Ex pert rid ers were on ha nd to do batt le before a capacity crowd tha t pushed t he 15,000 ma rk. Marke l ope ned the show with revenge from the Elkhorn, Wisco nsin nati onal , beating T an ner by one length in t he hea t race . T he ot her two hea t wins went to F red Nix and Gary Nixon , In th e heat won by Nix, some ' ove rrid ing on hi s part near ly eliminated C hris Draa yer when Nix full- bored the first year Expert and nearly se nt him into the wall. Both riders stayed on the ir wheel s to finish the ra ce and a d(Continue d on pa ge 8) WAUGH STILL CRITICAL Bud \Vaugh, Expert #18 x, remai ns in critical con ditio n at Gardena Hos pital followi ng a n accident at Ascot last Friday night. While .competi ng in an Expe rt hea t race, Waugh's t hroltle app ea red to stick as he neared the end of the back straightaway. He collided wit h the rider ahead of him, unl oad ed, a nd wa s hos pitalized wit h severe head injuries. s till unconscious , waugh's condition was reported unc hanged at pres s ti me. Sc rambles Under Light s at Made ra By John Ramos saturday , June 4th was a beautiful a nig ht for rac ing at M dera County F airgrounds. Th e AMA sporting sc rambles eve nt, sp ons ored by Boy Scout Explo re r p ost 305, drew 131 ride rs an d 1500 spectators , a nd the "C"-s hap ed CO urse wa s in fine shape and well maintained throughout the evening. An a bundance of heavy equipmen t was on ha nd to do t he j ob, inc l udi ng two tractors, a drag, a wheel-packe r and a mammoth water truck. E xci ti ng ra ce s ens ued in a ll divi s ions, with biles of 120cc and under running to gether. Novi ce bantamwe ight honors we nt to Hodaka-mounted J im Owen, who came from behind for the win; the n J oey P etz moved up from t hird to ta ke t he Amateur/ Expe rt bantam weight go, a ls o on a Hodaka. Tbey Tried Hard The lightweight Novice final was ha rd-foug ht to say the least. Fo ur riders unloa ded during the srx -Ia pper , whil e Randy Smith an d his Honda staved off the remaining opposition. P lenty of le a d-s wappi ng t ook pl ac e i n the lightweig ht Amat eur/Exp ert (Continued on pa ge 8) S0886 'JIIIII~ '!plllaB 211' 'PAIB lPaB 2111 'N LI,)! :0'1 WD331 13A1l3p 0'1 3 /qe un 11 - - 83.LSVIf.LSOd