Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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----------------------------- e @ JAMES 250ee Villiers § ._--------------------- • Our Want Ads are open to anyone - Private parties , dealers, manufac turers, organ izations, et c. CYCLE ' NEWS reser ves th e right to r efund payment ana rej ect ads which we find objectionable. To insert a Want Ad in thi s newspaper. simply write in 25 words or so what you want your ad to sa y, and mail it with $2 to: MECHANIC NEEDED: • One 01 the lastest growing Agenc ies In So. Calil. needs a highly quali lled mechanic. Top pay, exce llent working cond itions. All bene llts. Apply in person or call Jon AT 849· 7295. Suzuki Fun Center, 515 N. Victory , Burbank, Calli. HELP! MECH WANTEO - Pa rts man BSA, BMW, Hon - Exce llent worklni c'onditions. New shop - year round employment, one 01 So. California 's oldes t establishments Top pay 5 day week. Lebard & Underwood, 221 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra, Calif. Phone: (213) 691-3104. • BULTACO FIBREGLASS SPARES • Complete seats, side pane ls , Iront lenders, Oealer Inquiries Invited. Ca ll Larry Wolflex, 1205 E. Artesia Blvd. , Compton, Call1ornla, Phone 639-5648. 1 WANT ADS, Box 498, Long Beach, California .~ @ .U ~ or Cballenger 250ee . SPECIAL with this (GOOD UNTIL JUNE 30th)_ _ COUPON only W1tb Ne. =BORE 'JOB(Standa rd D1kel PlltDa, rloll. Pins Keeper. $20.111 = •• .80 over) @I~~~~~~ = IIIIIIIIi~§ & - NEW SLEEVE While you Walt ··---30 min Service With New Dykes Piston, rings. Pins & Keepers == $50.00 = w an t Ads received by Monday will ap pear in that Thur sday's edition . FOR SALE - 1965 500cc TRIUMPH. Set up lor desert extended Irame and lorks, Bates sea t , pipes, air c leaner , sk id plate , gea ring road equip., etc. Sharp $880.00. Dick Hansen 6021 Howell St. , La Mesa, Calif. Phone (714) 465-5174. FOR SALE - 63 BONN. TT SPL. Glass tank and many extras. Set up lor dirt, A1; Also 19" BSA Quick Change Wheel $20.00. Duane Miller, Phone: OS 6-6\04 . 1960 BSA CATALINA SCRAMBLER. Excel· lent condition. Extras Include - Alloy tank, lender, engine & transmission plates, gear· lng, reverse meg., high pipe, double dampenIng rods, electrlcs, etc; $600. Call : (714) 454-0673. Harlen W Paul , 7446 Cuvler St. , . La Jolla, Calli. = 100% U fINANCING OAC ~ Open 7 Da y s A ({{/~ OSSA ",,,,,,"f4 Hoclcie's Motorcyc'es 22025 S F igueroaTorrance L_ -HODAKA-~~ --.. Phone 328-1242 ..SA t1?~ - ". ~ •••••• SUZUKI OWNERS······~ CONVERT YOUR 80ee TO A HIGH PERFORMANCE 97ee ~ THIS INCLUDES: • Precis ion Cylinder Boring 1l ONLY • ComDetition Cylinder portlnl • SUZUKI & BULTACO • Speed Equipment, Speed tuning • Beefed up Cylinder New Jumbo Domed Piston New Rines, Wrist pin & Keepers Expert Installation ~ -~ .,.. P $3450 •/ , ~ EXCHAN GE 'k-.. . ~ & WENTERPRISES, INC. 128 SO; PACIFIC AVE. SAN PEDRO 832-534~ ~ MECHANIC POSITION OPEN I e invite you to try Cycl e , • • • News by s ubscri pti on and our -ne w, fast. 2nd c I a ss mall servi ce. Only $7.50 for one year. Top notch Honda mechanic will enjoy the best In working conditions and compensation at South Bay Honda,1212 S. Pac ific Coast Hwy. Apply to Carl L1zlo, Redondo Beach, Calli. - - --. I I I "\ \ \ ~ I LIQUIDATION SALE - New cotton Cobra Demo. and Marusho Demo. - Less than cos t. Also Yamaha, Ma rusho , Montesa - Service Parts lor all makes Sundays 12 to 3 p.m. Phone: 805-495-5617, Glllord Eng'g., 1000 Oaks , Caillornla. FOR SALE: 350 Honda, World Record holder , street and drag bike. Owned by R. Ebe ling. Guaranteed trophy winner as custom or drag. $600.00 or pickup truck 01 equal value. Phone 966·1891. I I ' :: I· ~ I 'ti I ~ .. I I I HONDA MECHANIC WANTED AT ONCE I ~ ~ J I ~ : 1 Exce llent working cond itions. See or ca ll, Honda 01 Glenda le, 905 E. Colorado St. , Glendale, Calli., phone 246-2461. I \ ~ ~ J ~ I c3 ... I rJi ~ 1 FOR SALE - 250 HONDA SCRAMBLER.New alloyed tank, magneto, new pis tons . Bates seat. $600.00. See the blke to apprec iate It. Bob Hogan, 4707 Don Plo Dr. Woodland Hills, Call I. Phone : 0 1 7-1675. . . . ce z '" ! :: E AHA 80cc. 1965 YAMAHA 125cc & 1964 YAM Almost new. $625 lor both. Call AT 7·2555. Mike Faiella, 1104 S. Walnut St., San Gabriel , CallI. ~ ~ o (,,) I ~ I I :c ,) JOURNEYMAN r MECHANICS AND LOT BOY NEEDED Experienced men wanted lor top notch pos itions. Good pay and line working conditions , paid vacations and hospita lization Insurance. Mechanics we supply your unllorms. Interested? Apply In person at Norm Best Motors, 8461 W. Commonwealth Ave., Buena Par k, Calif. Phone 521-3642. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED to report Cycle News Irom N. Calli., Oregon & Utah. Prolesslona l rates. Write to Carol Sims, c/o Cycle News, 6477 N. Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90805. For your new ~ .---------------------------, ~~P,!IJ YAMAHA I $2 I I WRITE AD HERE I ENCLOSE CURRENCY Headline in BOLD TYPE $1 extra. . picture $3 extra I I Name...................................................................................... : Address.................................................................................. I' . I City I I I I I I • I I I I I I • • I . State . WANT ADS. Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. '"' • Full & Complete Stock 01 Vllllers Parts at the Lowest Prices in Calif. LANDEFELD MOTORS 10106 S. Nonnandie Los Angel es PL 6-3333 (Near CenturY) . =:;t 111 11 111111 11111111111111 OJ II urn IIIII'U II II ~II nn Ul~1Il1)TfI nn 111111111 111 ~!..IIIIIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII 0111111111 u:= 61 MATCHLESS APACHE 650 TWIN , Street equipped. Good condition. Have to see to apprec iate. Call (213) 284-1561. Larry Lane , 1316 Date, Alhambra, Calif. LARRY HALEY COVERED THE LAST DESERT event and took action pictures. Were you there? II so, I may have a picture 01 you available in black and while or coior. Look lor the Cycle News truck at all dese rt event s. watch lor your riding number marked on an enve lppe hanging on the si de 01 the truck, or contact me at P.O . Box 813, El M0 n t e or ca ll 444-3445. Club and group shots on reque st. (be =.1 111111 111111 1. 11111111 111111 " 11111 1•• 11111 ••• • '.,. " 'III" ' I I" " " "II" "IIIIIIUfltllll l lllllll lllllllllIIIU'.IJlllllll nl~ I I I I~.'a\ ~ SEE HARRY FOSTER MOTORCYCLES II 10425 SO. VERMONT AVE. 754-2811 I I I Sun., May 29th - Fontana Raceway I -GO fAST- Bob Sirkegia n and his BSA Mark II win the Street Class again - E.T. 14.45 Speed 98.36 ! I I I • I , I I ._--------------------------~ With BSA and Bob Sirkeg ian Tun ing Drag Bikes our Specia lty In lact Bob tunes so well, that hi s complete ly steek, gas burnI ng, BSA Mark II Is turn ing laster E.T's than some of the Dragster Class W inners! BOB SlRKEGIAN MOTORCYCLES - Parts" Sales'- service·- New _. Used Pb.e 338-7010 15006 E. Amw Hwy., Baldwin Park, Calif•