Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r I 2 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JUNE3rd. TT STEEPLECHASE-AlIA Class C nlpt rae. at Graham SpeedwaJ. Tacoma. Wash. CLASS A SHORT TRACK - EV'fJ FrldaJ nlpt starting June 3rd. Vall'Jo $pHdwaJ, AlIA· •anct l_d. Time trials at 7:00 p.m., first race 8:30. Ju.t across new brldg. from San 59 mil•• west of Sacramento. SATURDAY, JUNE 4th. BENEFIT SCRAMBLES' HaJward SpeedwaJ. Benefit for r.tarded children of So. Alameda CountJ. SIgnup and pract ice 5:00·7:00 pm. first rae. 8:00 pm. AMA sanction. POKER RUN • Ea.t BaJ Wheels M.C. lSt Annual AMA·.anctloned run• •tart. Irom 00&&1. Diner. San Pablo & W. MacArthur Blvd•• Oakland. Signup 10:00-11:00 am. Short run,scenic route. beautiful trophies. EntrJ I•• Sl.00 . SCRAMBLES • Fames M .C. at Fremont Drag Strip. AMA sportsman . anctl on. Practlc. 9:00-11:00 am., rae. at Noon. Trophle. all classes. $1.50 rid. or watch. POKER RUN • Sonora Pass M.C. In Sonora. 7th Annual ValleJ Cou.. ell run. all blacktop limed lor approx.100 mlle••Slpup 10:00am. at Dave Blrd's " Sonora Fr••ze" t on HWJ 108 we.t 01 CltJ Limit.. Start at 11:00 am. Trophle. to 1-2-3 and man miles. Food at IInl.h. $1.00 entrJ I... SCRAMBLES-Nor. Cal. M.C. at Redwood Acr.. Falrcrounds. Eureka. Sipup 5:00 p.m., praetlce 6:00·7:00 p.m.. IIrst rae. 7:30 p.m. All sportsman classes. 90cc up. Class C tire •• Adml.· slon Sl.50 ride or watch. Call AI Kurth at 443-1031 for further Inlo. TT STEEPLECHASE-AMA Class C night race at Castl. Rock Fair· ground• • Ca.tle Rock, Wa.h. SCRAMBLES - Spon.ored bJ BOJ Scout Explorer Po.t 305 at Madera CountJ Fairground•• AMA program. $1.00 entrJ, $2.00 late entrJ. Signup clo.e. 7:00 p.m•• practice .Iarts 6:00 p.m•• IIrst race 8:15 p.m. Mall entries to Explorer Post 305. 424 So. " A" St•• Madera. CallI. SUNDAY, JUNE 5th. TT SCRAMBLES - EI.I nore. No point•• $1.00 entrJ. Sma ll bike. 8:30 a.m•• big bike. at Noon. Sponsored bJ Irack owner•• MOTO-CROSS • A.C.A. at Irvine. Pits open at 8:00 a,m. Entrle. clo.e at 10:30 a.m.. first ...nt at 12:00 Noon. All classes. FIM moto-cross rule•• ROAD RUN-T. .apln. M.C.Annual Tortol•• & Hare Run. Start. from FloJd Emde ce., 5476 EI Cajon Blvd.. San DI'eo. Sip In 8:30 ti l 10:00 a.m.. post entries $2.00. Mall .ntrle. $1.50. no later than .C•• MaJ 31. Mall to Terrapins M 3211 39th SL. San Dleeo. Calli. 92105. Torphles and dinner• SCRAMBLES - M .C. to be held at their new track. Imperial B. ach just .outh of San Diego. limed Irom Imp. Beach/C oronado turnoll. Palm Av.. to 17th SL, lelt to track. Pract lv. 9:00 am., IIrst rae. at Noon.•• ROAD RACING SCHOOL - For beelnners. Brine Jour machine, hel· met. glov••, goggle. and leather jacket to 12930 P ierce SL. Paco ima (W hiteman Airpark). Conducted bJ Bob Braverman. Steve Gibson, Dav. Hetzler and other member. 01 a••oclated road racing organlzatlons, over pawed 4/10-mlle track with61urns and good·slzed st raight· awaJ, From 10:30 a.m, to 6:00 p.m, $7.50 total lee. ' SCRAMBLES - Capitol CltJ M.C. at Dixon Falrcround•• Dixon(No. CallI). Slenup 10:00 a.m, to Noon. practice Noon to 1:00 p.m•• IIrst race 1:30 p.m, AII classes. short track lor small blk••, lone track lor big bike s, jumps lor both. Rider entfJ $2.00 with In. uranc•• admission $1.50. Call Bruno Romani at 678-S682 lor further Info. HARE SCRAMBLES PICNIC-Po.. derosa Ranch Inn. near Ave. J & 145th SL (nea r HI Vista ). All cia ..... three 12·mlle loops. Inter· club 4-man relaJ race , plu, lree picnic lac llltle s, plen\J 01 .hade. kids' planround, barbecue pits. overnlpt camper. welcome. Trail bl kes at 11:00 a.m•• ble bikes at Noon. club relaJ event at 2:00 p.m. EntfJ fee 53.00. club entrJ $5.00. Limed Irom HWJ. 138 and 90th SL East (near Lllt l. Rock) and from Llltle Rock cutoll on HWJ. 14. Call Jack Ro.. (805) 942·0838 lor lur· ther Inlo. • WEEKLY EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT TT SCRAMBLES-SInners II.C. at Bay lIare. Llm.d from Camarillo tumoll and Ventura FWJ. EntrJ fe. $1.25, eat. donation $1.00. Small bores .tart 9:00 a.m.. ble bore at 12:00 noon.. 15...ILE NATIONAL· Hail-mile AMA dlrt track National ChampIonship ..enL Held.lbere, Pa. HARE AND HOUND· Veeas ValleJ M.C•• limed from front of the Showboat Hotel on Boulder HWJ. Start 8:30 am.. entfJ f.e $3.00 AMA· .anctlon.d. all riders welcome. SCRAMBLES • HI Boot. M.C. at D.hesa. From HWJ 101 take HWJ. 80 ea.t throueh EI Cajon. Off FWJ. on 2nd St., .outh to Jamacha St. Follow SInging HIli• •Ign. pa.t countfJ club to Dehesa Rd.. then Into Harbl.on CanJon. Lime start . at Dehesa. ,SATURDAY, JUNE 18th AMA SHORT TRACK • Barstow RacewaJ. Barstow. Novice & Ama· teur onlJ. 5300/4O%purs•• Quarter mil.. 250cc maehlnes, Pit gate open 6:00-7:30 p.m. , n rst race 8:00 p.m, SUNDAY, JUNE 19th. ROAD RACE-AMA Cia.. C eveni at Carl.bad RacewaJ. Carlsbad. Pit eate opea. 8:00 a.m•• closes PROMPTLY at 11:00 a.m. First race 1:00 p.m, Cia.... : Novice .vent. An>./Exp. Llehtwelght. Ble Bike. A.M.A. competition IIcen. e required. A.c. A. SHORT TRACK· Orance co- tJ Speedway. Pit eal. open at 6:00 p.m. First .vent at 8:00 p.m. 50, 100 & 250ic Cia..... Track I. locat.d off the San Dleeo "WJ south of Tustin. across from EI Toro Air Station. • EVERY THURSDAYNIGHT ACA SHORT TRACK-South Gate SpeedwaJ. Pit eate. op.n at 6:00 p.m., clo.e 7:00 p.m. First Event at 8:00 p.m, Profes.lonal Class A rule s, 50cc, IOOcc and 250cc c lasses, Take Flre.tone cutoff east of Lone Beach FreewaJ to GarveJ, south on GarveJ one block to Southern. west on Southern to track. • (the Voice of California) • EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT HALF-MILE FLAT TRACK·Ascot Park. lQrd and Vermont fn Gar· dena. TImelrlal. 7:00 p.m, First race 8:15 p.m. CLASS A SHORT TRACK-Vallejo Sp.edwaJ . Vallejo. AMA·.anctloned. TIme trials at 7:00 p.m. , nrst race 8:30. Just across new bridge from San Francisco. 59 miles west of Sacramento. SATURDAYS DRAG RACE- Irwindale Raceway. 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. TrophIes . plus ca.h bonu.e. for, fu. 1 and eas classe .. Take San Bernardino FWJ••ast to Oranee. North on Oranp which becomes Irwindale Ave•• to RacewaJ. ROAD RUN - 11th Annual Hleh Sierra Run bJ Ac. 01 Clubs M.C. Call (213) 964-2450 lor Information DRAG RAC ING - Lion. Drae Strip. Go for dough. $250.00 prize mon'J to class wInners. Not E.T •• bike aea ln.t bike. Gates open 9:00 a.m., .trlp Is located at 223rd Street, .outh of Alameda. TT SCRAMBLES - Oranee CountJ M.C. at Prado Park. DI.t. 37 point run. Class C tires, leathers . foldIne peg•• Lightweight entrle. clo.e 8:00 a.m•• ble bike .ntrles clo•• 11:30 a.m. Exp. & Am. lIehtwelehts .tart at Noon,all Novlc.s 3:00 p.m. Limed from HWJ. 71 and Riverside FWJ. POKER RUN/FIELDMEET -Comp. CommlUee. Las Veeas . Nev. Bean feed. h.ld at Potosi Flats. Trophies EntrJ fee for all events $3.00. Contact R.g Sheldrlck. 2620 Am· arilio St•• Lo. Vega• • for further Info on this and other N.vada events . SUNDAY, JUNE12th. SUNDAY, JUNE 26th. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS HARE SCRAMBLES • Callf.·Nev. Championship, four 25·mlle laps. Limed from front of the Showboat Hotel on Boulder HWJ. Start lne time 8:30 am. AMA·.anctloned. mall entries $3.00. po.t entrl.. $4.00.Mall entries to Vegas ValleJ M.C., Box 2462. La. Veea., Nev. 6417 N. Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif.90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 2131 From LA. Phones: 636-8844 • P u bl is he d weekly e xce pt th e fir st and last we ek of th e c a lend a r ye ar by C&S P u blis h in g C omp any . P .O. Box 49 8, Lon g Beach, C alifornia. . Charles Clayton . •. .. .. . . . . •••. ••• Ed itor anager Sharon Clayt on .. .. llusines s M Ca rol Sims •••••••••••Managi ng Edilor Gil Brown. . . . •. . . _\dvert is ing Manager Denn is Greene .•......... Pholo Editor Gay T homason•.Circ ulati on Manager DRAG RACING - Lions Drag Strip 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Trophle. and E. T. Brackets. plus sp. clal purse of $250 evefJ 4th Sunday. Strip I. locat. d at 223rd Street, .outh of Alameda. MONDAY, JUN E 6th TV SHOW'Channel 13 at 8:00 p.m. Color rerun 01 1965 Antelope ValleJ Hare Scrambles . SAT. & SUN.,JUNE 11-12 ROAD RAC ING - AFM No. Calli. chapter at Cotati. All classes I.. eluding production race. Prize mon'J for top three. free entfJ If traw.llne 200 mll.s or more. On HWJ. 101 40 mile. north of San Francisco. 1--_1 EVE RY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK ValleJ M at CJc le Land Speed.C. waJ. 14 miles south of ChIco on HWJ. 99-E and Gage Shippee Rd. Pit gate closes s 8:00 p.m. Race. .tart 8:30 p.m. Contact Dick Me AIM, 6633 P.ntJ Rd•• Paradl.e . Calli. for more Info. A SPORTSMANSHORT T RACK · AM sanctlon.d sportsman quarter·mlle at W onvil le 5peedwaJ, Practlc. at. 5:00-6:30 pm, races 7:30 pm. All class... admission $1.50, kid. under 12 fre• • 3·foot trophle •• . CO:'oiT RIBUT ORS: Car l Bartlett. Dale Boll er . W s Coo ley'. Mike Crowley'. e Bob Ebeling, Rohert O. F ee . Larry Hal ey , lIennan, Maureen Lee , .Ioe Lope z , Walt Mahony, George M nes s, a Roxy' Rockwood, J ohn Ramos, Ea rl Rae s el er . P uhlis hed 50 week s a year in Long Beach , Caiiforr:ia . Any pa rt of this newspaper may be us ed without permissi on as long as credit is given. Edito rial contri buti ons . ca rtoons . photo s ar e welcomed and will be paid for upon publi cati on. Self-addressed , stamped envel ope ass ures ret urn . Single Co py P rice 15t Subscriptio ns: One ye a r 2nd clas s mail • . • . • • • •• • ••••• • $7.5 0 Advert ising rate s will be sent on re quest. ~ the National Circuit Billy E rs hi g fi nally arri ve d in Wauke gan , Illinoi s wit h novi ce Bob Mc Elva in 140r, we ek befo re last . T he fellows all got toge the r and decide d to go to W eld, Kans a s . A half-mile was infi sche duled there that week end , M y 14. a Ther e was also a mile runni ng on t he same Sunday, but it was rain ing on F riday night and they all dec id ed not to chance goi ng, as it's a thousand mil es one way fro m Wauk e gan . Th ey all left saturday morni ng, with Phll Haw k, Sid Car lson, J im McMurren and Chuck (-HP") Girls' Racing Class, Anyone? F elt on all goi ng in one truc k and t owing one t raller. What a s i ght! T hey ha d five W e a re t he women rid ers i n Dis her bikes , vari ous t ool boxes, boxe s with tric t #37? San Die go had ei ght giris turn e xt ra par ts and gearing, a bout t hirty out for t hei r "Mother s Day" scra mbles , extra whee ls and tir es, pl us Jim' s do g Las Ve ga s ha s t hei r own women ' s co rnW rnes. Billy and Bob went toget he r, a pe ti ti on cl ub. W in Dis tri ct #37 are muc h e taking onl y Billy ' s BSA and Bob' s Honlarger t han ei t he r of t hese other di sda . At Winfi eld a ll th e boys di d well. tri cts , s ure seems Ilke t here should be Sid ran s econd a nd J im third in their more girls a round. heat. Billy ran second and Phil fourth I have been riding near ly two years in t hei r heat. Chuc k and Bob didn 't get and finally had to go to san Die go to to run. Bi lly made the T rophy Da sh with ride wit h t he women . I attend almost a fas t time and took s ec ond. every race in our district , ready to ride , Th e final went, Freddie Nix , Billy but the women ne ver turn out . Ershig, Sid Carlson, Roger Re iman , I know there ar e other women interPhil Hawk , Jim McMurren, W. T . Fufner ested, as I have spoken wit h som e. Sureand Jim O'Dell. When they got ba ck on ly there must be a way of getti ng us Monday they were a ti red , uns hav en altogethe r for a gi rls' rac in g class. bunch. I rea l ize bike sizes might be a proNow t hey all s tar ted to get ready for ble m but a limi t could be put on the the sant a Fe s ho rt trac k on the coming displacement , or a limit on top speed , ednesday night. It was tal nln g again W or even ha ndicap the riders . a nd t hey were all pra yi ng that It woul dn't P owder P uff anyone? rain Wednesday. T he wedn e sday before , EULENE LONG It had been can celled as there wa s snow 1772 3 Be lshi re Ave . on t he t rack. W ould you be li e ve s now in Art esia California .- " ' 'SGS~2747 . -. -the- middle of May ? Well. sant a F e went To Whom it m Concern: ay I would li ke to t ha nk the gift do ners , and t he people who pa rtici pa ted in my be nefit run on t he 29th of M ay. I would a ls o Ilke to t ha nk the Antelope Ramblers Motorcycl e Club , who made the run pos sible . I can't e xpre s s how much I a ppreciate what you a ll have do ne for me. RON NELSON Palmdale FRESNO DRAGWAY - Drag racing every n rst and third SaturdaJ. Next meet June 4th. Gat.. open at 12:00 Noon. off with J im wi nning nlS heat, third In the trophy das h, s ec ond In the fi rst s emi and fifth In t he final. All done on bis self-maintai ned Ha rley Sprint. Sid still does n' t hav e a short track ri de, so up In the stands he went a gain. P hil c ha nge d over to a Sprint , taki ng a fift h in his he at a nd a sixth i n the s ec ond s emi. Not quit e enough to make t he fi nal. Billy too k a fourth In bis he at , a fifth in the das h, a sixth In t he fir st se mi, al so not far up enough to make the final . J i m Ma cElvain ro d e the firs t nonqua li fyin g ra ce a nd &.o t a s e co nd. By F riday th ey had a ll decid ed t o go to a half-m ll e on Saturday; May 21, in Mar ys ville, Ohi o. F rom ther e they woul d go to anothe r half-mile t he next day, Sunday , in Prin c eton, Indiana . The Ohi o trac k was ab out thr e e hund red mil e s hen they got there from Wauke gan. W Saturday afternoon , the promoter s ai d no dice. t he tr ack was too wet. So Sid and J im foll owed P hil, a lo ng wit h Billy and Darre l Dovel in his truc k, to his aunt 's house in SOuthe rn India na, about one hundred mil es from the track at P rinc et on. T hey all got there abo ut midnight unannounced. She put them all up, though , five ra c er s and t hree dogs . Sunday at P rin c eto n it was be autif ul. The s un was out for once. Bob took a fourth in his heat, but couldn't rid e the Novice Main as his Honda had broken a va lve . Irr t he firs t Expert heat Sid was first and P hil was in tbi rd . Phil was second fastest quali fi er of the day , a lmost breaking the track record . J i m Mc Murren "s bike blew i n his heat, putting him. out for the rest of the day. Billy • Sid Carlson paint. ha.tJ number plates. t ook a fourth In his heat. T he Tr ophy Dash went, Darrel Dovel , Dennis Hap le (98h), All en Smith (54), and P hil. BY Main E vent time the track was really fast and had a beautiful cushion. It's really a scary track as it Is only fmeen feet wide. Darrel Dovel took the lead and kept It. Sid ran close behind him. But the bike blew in the third to last lap, as he was getting ready to overtake Dovel. Phil and Billy didn' t start too well, but make time. Phil was really sliding on that cushion and by the en d of the main was third. Billy look the fourth spot with ease . (To Be COlltlnued) oS o .c 0 ll.

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