Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FRIDAY, MAY 6th. 2 SCRAMBLES-Fresno ••C. p..sents nl&ht scramble. at F..sno. SATURDAY, MAY 7th. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT SATURDAY, A,r il 30th A.C A. SHORT TRACK- Oranc. • county SpHdway. Pit cat •• open at 6:00 p.m, First .Vlllt at 8.00 p.m. 50, 100 & 250cc Cia..... Track I. locat. d off th. San FW)' south of Tu.tln, acro" from EI Toro Air Station. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT HAL F-IIILE FLAT TRACK- Ascot Park, l!3ri and V.rmont In Garden.. TIm. Trial. 7:00 p.m. First rae' 8:15 p.m. SATURDAYS TT RACING- Prof. ..lonal A.II.A. rae.. at Watsonvill. Sp.edway, sant a Cruz Co. Falreround. avery Saturday nleht throueh JUly. Three-star .v.nt. General Adml..lon $1.75: Raclnc .tart. 8:00 DRAG RACE- Irwindale Rac.way. 1:00 p.m, on Saturday•• Trophl.s, plus cash bonus•• for st...t, fu.1 and cas classes. Tak. San Bernardino Fwy• • ast to Dr..c., North on Dranp ....Ich b.comes Irwlndal. Ave.. to Rac.way. SUNDAYS DRAG RACING - Font.... 8:30 on Sundays. Trophl.s and E.T. Brack.ts. San Bamadlno Fwy to Etiwanda to Foothlll ,rlpton Foothill to . trlp. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Drac raclnc every s.cond Sunday. N.xt m..t April 17th. Gat•• op.n at 7:00 ..m. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DRAG RACING - Lions Drac Strip 1:00 p.m. on Saturday•• 9:00 "m. on Sunday.. Trophl.s and E. T. Brackets, plus .p.clal purse of $250 av.ry 4lb Sunday. Strip Is located at 223rd Street, south of Alamed.. APRIL 28-30, MAY 1,1966 CYCLE WORLD IIOTORCYCLE SHOW - Los AnC.I•• Sport. Arena. Thursday April 28th, 7:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.; Friday April 29th. 7:00 p.m. to M ldnlcht; Saturday April 30th. 1:00 p.m. to IIldnlcht; Sund.y M.y lst, 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. INDOO R SHORT-TRACK, A.M. A. .anctloned Cia.. " A". First rae. all:OO p.m. LonC Beach Arena, foot of LonC Beach Blvd. TROPHY PRESENTA TION - The District 37 Sports "Commltt.e will hold annu. 1 trophy p....nt.. tlon at 8:00 p.m. at the V. II. y Gun ClUb, 12651 Osborn. Str• • t, Pa ee lma. Clubs also presenllnc trophies will be the Four Ac••, Lo.tAn p ls ..d Simi Valley. All Inte..sted. are welcome. There will be a live band ..d free refresh ents. FUN·RU N - 2nd Amual Yamaha SafIly A-Go-Go. For Yamaha Own. rs only. Trophies and prizes. c. lebrltles , ..freshm.nts. Free .dmlsslon. 12 noon at Yamaha Int. m.. tlon.1 Corp•• 7733 Tel.cnph Ro.dturn off the Santa Ana Fr..way at SIMIson. APRIl30-MAY 1st, 1966 ROAD RUN-29 Palms Sprlnc Tour to benefit City of Hop.. Everyon. Invlt. d, car entries accept.d. 11.11 deadlln• • April 25th. Sand to, So. Calif. Road Riders Commltt••• 662 A1bona Placa. Pomon a, Calif. Danation $3.00. Chlldrlll und.r 12 $1.50. Post entrl.s .ccept.d. St.rts at Lions Club Station, Bannlnc, C.llforn l.. Ovemliht camplnc at Knott's Sky Park, 29 Palms. Ex· hlbltlons by Ac. of Clubs Drill and 29 p.lms Sky Divers. For addltlon.1 Information c.1I any number on R.R.C. Road Riders C.I.ndar. This Is .. A.M.A. s..c:tlon.d R.R.C. Point Run. SUNDAY, MAY 1,1966 TT SCRAIIBLES-Clrculto Lagun. S. lad• • 1Ia1licall, B.C.llexlco.Cro.. country, 1 mil. track. cl... will race alan.. 3 entrl.s make a d ass. First rac. 11:00 ..m. Info: Benny S..chez, P.O. Box 304. CaI.xlco. C.llfornllL TT SCRAMBLES - Els inore. No points. 8:30 1I bikes. Noon for blC blk.s. Entry faa $1.00 Sponsored by track owners. HARE AND HOUND - Fort SUller M. C. Info: 4085 D••bl. , C. II: 371-4184. Voice of California CREDIT TO CONRAD T he Hilltoppers did a wise thing finishing the one hundred mile National Championship Ha re and Hound where they did, thereb y keeping the ra cers from raci ng thro ugh the crowd of peo ple. including children , an d possibly avoiding serious accidents. Many other clubs have had the same foresight. finishing races outside the pit area. So you can see this was not a fa lse finish as some would like others to believe. Now for some more facts that wer e not quite t rue . 304 riders had 100 miles to pass and beat Ga ry Conrad in this National. But instead, Gary caught and passed all riders that were ahead of him and finished the race first with second place man quite 'a number of yards behind him. Gary has won runs overall in the past, including other Nationals, so you can see this was no fluke. Also t he finish was less than ¥.! mile , not 1¥.! from pit. I am sure t hat Ga ry, with his 250cc, had to ride ha rde r to win ove rall than did the big bore machine riders with all their horsepower. If a hig bore had finished the run first. there would have been nosquawk.Someone has to get 2nd. Check the records - the re is no one in Los Angeles District 37 riding liteweight or big bike with a better start! win rec ord. So let's give credit where credit is due . My sincere congratulations to Gary Conrad. NICK NIC HOLSON N. Hollywood EDITOR - As our des e rt reporter wrot e " G a r y des erved the win" . and the e xtra mile was our tl'POl:raphical error. P erhaps we s hould hav e s a id " the Cl ub did a goo d job on the run , . but failed to brief the rid ers on the finish location '" The fell o ws rode hard even though it was the second time around. IIO TO C RO SS S C RAM BL ~ C.A. . vailt at Sycamore Park ar. .. Course will be ch"Ced from last .venl. Gras s, sand, etc. , knabbll s riCO" mend.d. Full leathers. All IIc. ns. s acc.pted, no pie plate s. Locat.d In th. S.nt a An . Canyon Just off the FrHway, 10 mll.s W of Coron.. ••t Entrl•• clos. at 10:30 a. m. CROSS COUNTRY - Tiny Be.r Run, American Fifty, CIas••s: 0-65cc. 66-45cc. 86-120cc; 75-mlle run. Limed from Summit at top of Cajon P.... sta rts 10:30 am, CROSS-COU NT RY - Tlt.ns II.C. at M iramar. 50-mile Europe.a-type scr.mbles. No Cia.. C plates . Sports Comm. num only. Limed from Genesee and M iramar Rd•• apprex, 2 ml l es •• st of HW)'. 101 and M iramar. Entry f. e $2.00. Pract lc. 9:30. st.rt 10:30. HAL F·II LE- 1st Northern C.llfor· nla h.lf-mll. of th. season. AIam.. da County F.l rerounds In Pleasanton. SCRAMBLES - Salinas M.C. at S. lInas Club Grounds. No machln. under 2OOc:c permltt.d. Practlc. and slen-up 9:00 "Ill' to 11:00 lLlII. Slen-up .nds at 11:00 a, m. All rldars and III" chines MUST comply with A.M.A. and Dlsl. 36 rules. Adml..lon, $1.00. Informatlon: Bob Waym... 324 N. lIaln StrHt. S.lIn a, Calif. EN DURO - Explorer Post 305 4lb Annu.1 Chlcklll Enduro. First bike out at 1O:0la.m. Starts and finishes at Yosemite Forks LodC'. Bass Lake turnoff, 3 miles No. of Oak· hurst on Hlehway 41. Entry f••• $3.00. Sand to Explo..r Post 305, 424 So. "A" M.d.ra, Calif. Post entry $4.00. While scores are figured at the end. chicken dinners will be served for $1.75 each. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1966 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING - Motorcycl. Racers , Inc. , UAW Union Hall, 5250 •• Imperl. 1 Hwy. , Los Anc.les. ProI.sslonal rac.s, tuners, sponsors and I~ terested parties . re Invited to attend. Topics under dlscu ..lon will be Class C purses on the West Coast, new sportsman rUles, procedures, cubic Inch displacement, upcomlnc MRI banquet. etc. A CASE OF LIBEL? My attention was directed recently to the first issue of "The Wild Breed," a near·pornographic girly magazine published in studio City. This magazine, which like all its comtempories offers to the reader naught but sex and sensationalism, co ntains a 14 page photostory on the Hells Angels and other outlaw motorcycle groups. T he photog ra phs used were suppos ed ly obtained secretly at a gathering of these beastly ty pes a nd the read er is led to believe that t he s e are candid picture s showing the Hells Angels. Satans Chauffeurs etc. in t heir nat ural ha bitat. To this I have little objection, thou ghI' m a bit ti red of the constant ex· posure of the skeleton in motorcycling's collective closet. 1 do strenuously object to two rather good drawings on page 16 and 22 . These drawings. taken it appears from racing photographs , s how a pair of motorcycle racers in situations typical of the di rt track contests. It is bad enough that dra win gs s uch as these ap pear in conjunction wilhthe outlaw ty pes but these dra wings distinctly show the bikes with the numbe rs nin e a nd twelve emblazoned on the front and side of the machines. Any moto rcycl e enthusiast knows tha t these"numbe rs belong to Gary Nixon an d Eddie Mulder. Th es e two highly respected members oflhe racing fraternity can be identified by these numbers as s urely as they could by a nick·name. Bing Crosby has his pipe and golf cl ubs. Jack Benny uses a violin. Liberace wouldn 't be his smooth, silky self without a candleabrum. Hugh Hefner would be lost without the rabbit symbol of his magazine arxl empi re . These men and the i r associates would not stand still for such slande rous use of the symbols which represent them. We should not let libel such as this magazine is guilty of go without notice. Allhough I'm not sure t hat the evi· denc e is strong enough to obtai n a j udgment in a cou rt of law . I a m s ure that if Messrs . Nix on and Mulder. and perha ps Motorcycl e Rac ers Inc orporated wer e to file suit for li bel t he publi s hers of T he W ild Breed and all others wit hi n hear- TT-STEEPLECHASE-A.cot Park In Garden.. 189th SI. and Vermont In Gardena. Starts at 7:00 p. m . SATURDAY-SUNDAY MAY 7 and 8th. ROAD RUN - Trav.l ers M .C. 3rd Annu.1 Spaeheltl Run. M.II entries close May Ist, M.II to Travelers M.C.823 W Vlst . W.y, Vista, Call. foml.. Fee Is $2.25. P ost entry: $2.75. Kids under 12, $1.00. Starts at McKnlehts Chevron Station, 810 E. VI.ta Way, VIst a, Dinner start· Inc at 5:00 p.m. Saturday. Check·ln deadlin. , 6:00 p. m. Saturday. ApproL 100 miles of paved road. Camplnc with open fI .. s. SUNDAY, MAY 8th. TT SCRAMBLE,S - E.sts lde Cycl. Park In Tucson. C.llfornlans iavlted. Practic e from 9:00 a. m, 'til noon. HW)'. 80 to Tucson, turn off on Wilmot to E••ts id. Cycl. Park. SCRAMBLES - Dunes SpHdway. Hausar, O..con. 7 miles North of Coos Bay. N.R.A. Sanctlon.d. R.. clnc .tart. 1:00 p.m. HARE SCRAMBLES-Barstow M .C. Disl. 37 points. 9:00 ..m• •tart. Limed from Freeway about 5 mll.s S. of ear.tow. Entry Is $3.25 Iaeludlnc ambu larlce fee. All benefits for th. Elks Lodp Cr I p p l ed Chll*an Flllld. ROAD RUN - Mothars Day Run by Norwalk Rock.ts. C.Il : (213) 8639106 for Info. SCRAMBLES-Sprockets ..C. Scran~ bl.s .t BaIl.rsfleld. SCRAM BLES- HI Boots II.C. Dah.... at SPORTSMAN HILLCLIMB-San Jo.e Dons II.C. at Hall Ranch, Uvas Dam ..... VIrCln hili . Starts at 1:00 p.m. 200cc ..d up. A.II.A. Sanc:tioned. Information: J.M. Barrldp. 343 Jerome SI.. San Jose , Calif. FRIDAY, MAY 20th MOTORCYCLE MOVIES,Ir.santed by Cycl. Hoover HICh School Auditorium, San Dleco. First show, 7:00 p.m. Adv..ce tickets $1.50. Write Cycle News, Box 498, LonC Beach. C.IIf. 90806. ing would quickly learn that there is a difference between the outlaw gangs of recent notoriety and the decent, res pec table citizens that make up the overwhelming maj 0 r i t Y of moton:yclists. They would learn too , that we will not tolerate being indiscriminately classed with this des picable hoodlum element within our :,port. GEORGE B. MANESS Monterey Park EDITOI!-We don' t appro ve of barratry (using the courts for ot her than thei r purpo se) but a fe w stem l ette rs to th e publishers might ca use them to think twice a bout it ne xt ti me. Cycl e racers are more cl osely asso ciated with th eir na tional number s than an y other s ports rigures thes e da)·s . - (the Voice of Califo rnia) 6477 N. Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Phone: 423--0431 (Area CItIe 213) P ublis he d we ekly e xcept the first and last we ek of the calendar year by C&S P ubl is hin g C o mpany . P .O . Box 498 , L o n g Be a ch, C al i fo rn i a. Cbarles Cl ayt on Editor Sharon Cl ayt on .••• Bus ine s s M ager an Carol Sims M anaging Editor Advertising M anager Gil Brown. Deon is Greene P hoto Editor Gay Th omaso n.. Circ ulation Manager J ac k Byrd Staff Photographe r CONTRIBUTORS: Carl Bartlett . Dal e es Boll er, W Cooley, Mike Crowl ey , Bob Ebe ling . Robert O. Fee, L arry Hal ey, Herman . Joe Lopez, Walt Mabony , Geo rge Maness . RolY Roc kwood , J ohn Ramos, Earl Roeseler. Pu blis hed 50 weeks a year in Long Beac h, California. En tered as 3rd class mail at Long Beac h P os t Offi c e. Any part of this ne ws pap e r may be used wi thout permission as long as credit is given. Ed itorial contri butions , cartoons . photos are welcomed an d will he pai d for upon publicatio n. Self-addre ssed , stamped envelope assures ret urn. 15e Singl e Co py Price Subscriptions : One Year 3rd class ma iL. S5. 00 Advertis ing rates will be sent on request. plan to go to Eu rope . Jim and Mark plan to too . That's if we ever get hack borne, which we planned to be in Dec ember , sometime. April 19. 1963 - Friday IMPERSONATOR Again Mark and I went to "work. We didn't like our work the first couple of days but now we are getting to like it. Maybe because we got paid today. We later drove down to our lake a nd cleaned up, th en went down to a dri ve-i n to eat. As we pull ed out of the dri ve-in we saw John running towards us (he's the guy who thinks Jim A. is Mickey Rooney's son). He said he got dates for us tomorrow. He a lso said he could get Jim a job in a the ater whe re he works , as a ticket taker. This kid would do anything for us , especially Ashmore. J IIII As hlllore takes OYer: April 20, 1963 - Satu rda y THE WICKED, WICKED WAYS OF J. ASHMORE J im Nicholson takes pen in hand a gain to contin ue the tales of our rovi ng adventurers . April 18, 1963. ODD ANIMALS I slept outside last night at least for a whil e. until it started to rain. While we were fishing we noticed some animals in the water. T hey looke d like heave r but Jim and I think they are large muskrats. This is just a little dried up lake by the place we camp . 11 is kind of pretty because there are lots of tre es. and the lake is full of all kinds of weird fish. and big old bullfrogs . Getling off the s u bj e c t , we are planning to work for about th ree more weeks then we will go to Michigan . We will stay the re about two or th ree weeks . then drive around the Canadian side of th e Great Lak e s and hac k do wn to Vermont an d to La conia. we hav en ' t deci ded ye t whethe r we will go to Florid a ne xt winte r or go back to Californi a. Afte r a couple of ye ars from now. I We got up at 10:30, we were supposed to be at John's house at 9:00. We went to a drive-in movie last night hen we got to John's and ove rslept. W he had given up hope that we were coming (a nd felt had). T he whole house went nuts over me be cau s e of my dad. 1 never fell so stupid in my life . They were asking all sorts of Questions about dad a nd Hollywood . I had no hope of ans wering ri ght . so I told them what sounded good. I bad to start to work at 4:00 and had to hav e a suit. They got out a bunch of c lothes , I tried them on. non e of them fit. (She said she would MAKE one fit .) We went to the shop to fix the sleds. We got them both running. One man said he was going to bet on Mark tomorrow. Mark took me to John's to get set for work. Jim stayed at the shop tn hen I got to work work on his bike. W J ohn s howe d me what to do, then he int roduced me t o all the g i r I s t ha t worked t he re as J im ROONEY. All the girls think it's great t o work wit h me. After work th e boss' son· J oe a nd I (Conti nued on page 15)

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