Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME III NUMBER 1& lEEK OF APRIL 28 1IIrougll MAY 4, 19&& LETTER ROCKS SPORTS COMMITTEE Tabled from the previous Southern Calirornia Sports Committee meeting. the much-discu ss ed lett er rrom so me or the des ert cl ubs was brought UP. with eac h point discussed and where nece ssary . voted upon in tum. The comple te le tte r is as rollows: To Distr ict 37: March 2, 1966 Here are so me recommendations that a s mall group of desert clubs have put toget her and feel will benefit all the riders instead of a s elect few. 1. Des ignate runs to clubs by appointment following a lett er from the club sta ti ng (A) experie nce . (B) past performance. (C) manpower. 2. All rule changes recommended by the Competition Committ ee , or from the floor, be firs t submitt ed to all cl ubs in writt en form and voted on later, a fter cons ideration by the clubs . 3. Legal equipment shall be optio nal for enduros . This option being left to the disc retion of the s ponso ring cl ub, depending on whether they cross highways or not . 4. Votin g delegat es or a lte rnates only be seated s eparat ely. at the front or sid e of the assembly during meeti ng. dis tinctly apart from the spectators and vis ito rs . 5. Voti ng by roll call or ballot only. 6. Trophy pres enta ti ons should not be allowed at Dis trict 37 meeti ngs. 7. T he Sports Committee monthly minutes shou ld be sent to all member clubs within 10 days followi ng the meeti ng. 8. (A) Ambulan ce s et-up is not practica l. Where does the extra money go? Needs four wheel drive backup. W en proritt (Continued on page 4) The Bearded Ones Beat the Brush By Larry Hal ey Sunda y t he 17t h of Ap ri l. t he Siie Ha ck As sn . dropped the ba nner for 250 rider s to start their Har e Scrambl es 23 miles west of L a ncast e r in the Holiday Hill s ar ea . The weather was like 90 de gree s. and the desert wa s cove red fo r mile s on end with orange poppies. I rode t he co urse early Sa t urda y morni ng , a nd it was a bout 90% new t erritory. The one problem with the course was the d eep bru sh about 1~ feet ta ll. The li me wa s diffi cu lt to see in it. b ut it wa s there and ve ry amp le at that. (Note to othe r de s ert clubs: try li ming your co urse wit h a sidehack someti me. Jus t fa s ten a barrel of li me on the plat fo rm a nd scoop it out. E nd s ac ki ng cho res fo re verl) Some got los t (as a few will ), bu t they fou nd the t ra il again and we nt on to fini sh . The four 23 mile loops . The course had a lot of s and in it . ' and a l s o one t ight . tw i s ting wash t hat you could ride hi gh on t he banks like a roller c oast er. and some cross-g rain te rrain like ri din g a djac ent to t he mount ain dra in a ge ditc hes which a re some 12- 15 ft . deep a nd 20-30 ft . a cr oss. a nd th ere yo u ha ve giant size whoop-de-docs, At the e nd of t he course (aft er topping a s and rid ge ) you could see the pits a nd of course on e has the tendency t o kind of " wick it up" her e , which could be co me E ndover C it y . The gro und had bru s h-covere d mounds in It and you could get airbo rne with ve ry little effort. T he first loop had Di c k Vlck leadIng on his T riumph , with " Hus ky" mounted Malcolm Smit h right on his pipe s . T he second loo p Vick had a bout a I ~ minu te lead over Smith. half-way a roun d the co urse. T he t hi rd loop Smith passed Vick in the s a nd was h b ut VIc k got him bac k on a 2- mile di rt roa d. Malcolm now knew that If he was going to win the ra c e, he would have to put some di s t an c e bet we en him and Vick in the boonie s , s o t hat whe n they got to th e ro ad again . Vlck wou ldn ' t ea t his 250 up with t ha t 650 Tri umph. He did j ust that . flyi ng low. It does n 't s e em pos s ib le to rid e that fa s t in t hat kind of c ount ry . but Malcolm did It and won ove ra ll with Gary Conr ad on a 250 Gre e ve s In s ec ond plac e and Vlc k thi rd pla c e , Mike P at ric k (Norto n) fourt h. giv ing the fi rst four plac e s t o fou r diffe rent machi ne s. TRAIL BIKE REPORT. By Vonna Hal ey The trail bikes did real good. The first one to finis h was Bill Turner rid(Con ti nued on pa ll:e 13) '1!1 ''PftI lIuc>J 0:I 9S I 'ON I! UlJlld a I v a6QI 10d .'''1l d 'S"n ~ ln 9 "A s smoo t hly as t he sproc kets of a la rge clock ," wou ld be a goo d des cripti on of th e way t he a nnu a l Tri-St at e (Ca li fornia Ari z ona a nd Nev ada ) Ch ampionship Scrambl es was run at Sproc ke ts P a rk near Bake rs field la s t Sunday . W an e nt ry or 358 ride rs it was ith tru ly ne c e s s ar y (and doub ly commendable) for the Sprock et s M.C . to run its e vents on schedul e . T her e e ns ued a solid EIGHT " HOURS of rac i ng wit h little le tu p ot he r t han occasional tra ck maintena nce and a sho rt intermission when dra wi ngs wer e held fo r "the s pons ors ' gifts . T he word must have gott en out t hat t he club was giving sp ectacula r t rophies , becaus e rid er s came from as far aw ay as La s Vegas t o compete in t he c ha rity eve nt. All proc eed s went to t he Boy Sc out s of America t his year , a nd it was gra tifyi ng to se e so many top-fli ght rac e rs get behi nd a be nefit run s uch as thi s. Spec tacu lar a ct ion wa s the orde r of the day , a nd many fi nishes were close ones . A s ple ndi d s how of de termination was made by J ohn Antlin , who came back from a c rash on the same t rack in Janua ry to wi n the Ope n Ama te ur rac e. And Ski p Van L eeu wen, leading the progra m. closi ng Op en E xpert e ve nt , sudd enly lo s t on e cylinder wIth two lap s to go. Only skillful de re ns i ve man euve ri ng kept hIm in front of the pack to the finish. (Pix page 19, Results 22) :-=-----..:..::....:.::....::..:.:..::....:::.:..:....:::.:.::..::::...=.:...._- CLOSE CONTESTS AT ASCOT Nicholso n (28) leads Haaby and White (15) In Main Event. Cl os e s t rac in g of t he s t ill-young As cot half-mil e s eason t ook pla c e last F riday ni ght - in all divisions . ~t was an e ve ni ng of ne ar phot o finis nes and last-lap spectacula rs.. p res ented befo re t he most ent nus ta s t ic c rowd of the ye a r. F ir s t to the ch eck e red flag in the Expert Ma in Eve nt was BSA-mounted Sammy Tanner, but his task wasn 't a n e asy one . Alt hou gh he led wire to wire in racking up his 307t h profe s s iona l win , high-rid ing sam wa s ha rassed by fi rst year Ex pe rt J im Nic holson a ll the way (Conti~ued on page 2:1) SAFETY AWARD FROM L. A. COUNTY GOES TO MC CORMACK AGAIN Los Angeles County Supervisor W arren M. Dorn, in ceremonies at the County Buildin g, pres ented a special safety cltation sc roll to the U.S. Suzuki M otor Corporation on behalf of the County of Los Angeles. for the firm's contribution to the welfare a nd safety of the c ounty's more than half milli on motorcycli st s . Accepting the sc roll for U.S. Suzuki was Jack M cCormac k. vice presi dent and general manager of the Santa Ana based firm, and western repres entative of the M otorcycle , Scoote r & Alli ed Trad es Association . U.S. Suzuki received a s imilar awa rd las t year . Super vis or Dorn recently created the Los Angeles County M otor Sports Vehicle Committee . a group of 15 people concerned with motorcycling and other motorized spo rts activities. T his selfgoverning body has been charged with implementing recreational opportunities as well as helping owners of motor sports vehicles. Text of the scroll is as follows : "W hereas . the County of Los Angeles has seen more than hal f a million person s riding motorcycles in the past yea r: and W hereas , the need for proper ins truction in driving , profes s ional riding tips and ideas to encourage sate ridin g wiui a res ultant decreas e in - acci dents and accident produc ing s ituati ons has been recognized by the United States Suzuki Moto r Corporation; and Whereas . a 6~ page book, entitle d " F P.EEDOM OF THE ROAD" has bee n publis hed by the co rporation with the tech nical assis tance or the au tomobile club of Southern Cali fornia and nther outs tanding public and private institutions and individuals as a public s ervice to encourage safety with fun: Now. therefore the United States Suzuki M otor Corporation is hereby commended for its publication "FREEDOM OF TIlE ROAD" and for it s contribution to the safety an d welfare of the motorcycle riders in Los Angeles County. " l si W arren M, Dorn W ARREN M. DORN Supervisor, Fi fth Dis trict

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