Photos by Richard Seai o
Some of the guys from out Tucson way
found themselves in Nogal es. Mexico. one
sunny day. Having noth ing better to do.
and knowing nothing could be better. they
held a little hillcllmb. Notbing fan cy about
the organization. but the co mpetit io n got
excit ing among the 250c c players .
\\lIen the bi kes wen t ove r the to p, it
was Mike Hotchkiss and his Greeves ahead
of Mike adleyand Vern Sayles' Bultllcos.
Watching the trail bikes scale the slope
was fun for all. Reggie Smith was first.
follow ed by Roger Davis, both riding
Yamaha 80·s.
It was Gordon P airiman and a 500cc
Triumph who be at J ohn Brockett's 650cc
to the top and gave the be nch ra cers something else to talk about at the giant party
that evenln g.
Illke Hotchkiss . left.
made I/ke Jack & Jill .
The Littl e Tra l/b lk e T hat Tried: I think I
can I thlnkl canlthln klcan •••••
Appropriately, the tavern chosen for th e
hill climbers ' party is located in a cave at
thl> bottom of the mountain. Our reporter
reports that "the hillclimb was ok, but the
party aft erward was nothing short of s ens ati onal, Unfortunately, no pictures pf the
party were received .