Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 03 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2 MARCH 26-21TH,1966 WORLD RECORD DRAG MEET Lions Drae Strip, S.. Dleeo Fwy & Allllleda SL See "Cycle Alley~' this week. ROAD RUN - Yuma Prison Run. Call Norwalk Centaurs, (213) area, 964-2674 for Informat ion. SUNDAY, MARat n, 19li& POKER RUN, lst. T racy MIC at Tracy. SCRAMBLES , So. County MIC at Uvas Dam. Dls t. 36 POKER RUN, 3rd. Wonderlust MIC , at Pleasant Hili. SCRAMBLES, lst Foothill Scr ambles at Oakda le. SCRAMBLES - Sprlne Motorcycle Scrambles bJ Grass Valley Sproc· ket Beaders ..d Feather River MoC. 's. On Hwy 20, 25 Miles W. of Grass Valley and 10 miles E. of Marysville. AMA S..t. Class C Traction, 3 No. plates required. Admission S1.00. PRO FESSIONAL TT , San Jose Speedway , Dl st. 36. TT SCRAMBLES-Sportsmen MC. SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, DRAG RACING - Irwlndele r~eway In Irwindale. Trophies plus cash bonus for street aid fuel classe.. HARE SCRAMBLES-Los Ancl..os lst Annual "March Hare" event. Sixty miles. Starts at 10:00 a.m, Limed from Ocotillo Wells on Hlway 71. TT SCRAMBLES-Prospect.,.s MC. at Perr is. Donation $1, entry fee SI plus 25 ~ for ambulance. All lIehtwelpts at 1:30 a.m. Heavy _ Iehts at noon. novice heavies at 2:00 p.m. FRIDAY, APRILIIt 1966 INDOOR SHORT-TRACK Me raorlal Coliseum. Portl ..d, Ore. N.R.A. sanctioned. First race 1:00 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, FLAT TRACK - Start of 1966 nleIIt half-mile su_ at Ascot Park, 1I9th ..d Vermootln Gardena. TT STEEPLECHASE-Ascot Park, 1I9th ..d Vermont In Gardena. Starts at 7 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD HILLTOPPERS NATIONAL HARE & HOUNDS RESCHE· DU LE. Limed from Y at Lucern e, and also from Barstow. 10 a.m. Sharp. Souvenir and fin ishers pin. AMA po ints run. MONEY EUROPEAN SCRAMBLESDon Watkins presents ..other In the series ruanlne each Open Sunday for ' 66. All desert rules ..d rider classification adhered too. Starts promptly at 1:30 a.m. location is limed fro.. Hwys 395 ..d 66 (Phe... Road.) HARE SCRAMBLES-Amerleap FIfty Assoc. IV e 0 t for trail bikes. Two e I as s e s, 55cc .. d lOOcc. 10:30 a.m. start. Limed from the top of Cajon Pass at Summit 1m. SCRAMBLES-Imperlal Valley MoC. at the Calif. MId-winter Falrcrounds In Imperial. Practlce9:00 a.m, First race 1:00 p.m. Class C Traction. No women or children In plls. Dlst 37·A points. SCRAMBLES- lllll Capitol City M.C. at 01lOn SCRAMBLES - Modesto M.C. at Modesto Reservoir DlsL 36. Take Hwy 132 from Modesto to Waterford Limed from Waterford. Assoc. S3.2S entry Includlne ambullnce fH. One loop for trail bikes. Starts at 10:00 a.m. Pick up markers fromW ..vllinn on Hwy.131. ApproL 24.9 ..lies E. of Hwy. 99. 22.3 lilies W. of Hwy. 6. SCRAMBLES -Oilers M.C. Benefit Race for the Boys Club. New track. Umed from Hwy. 101 ..d Imperial Beach Turnoff. Well·watered ..d craded course . TT SCRAMBLES-Los Padres M .C. ROAD RUN-Poker Run. Navy City MoC. at Vallejo. DlsL 36. SIca-up 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. BeltencolI't's MC Shop, 420 Marin SL. Vallejo. INDOOR SHORT-TRACKllemorlal Coliseum, Portl ..d, Ore. N.R.A. sanctioned. First race 1:00 p.m. APRIL 1. 1966 STAKE SCRAMBLES - BarstowMoC. Entry fee S2. StartInc time, 10:00 a.m. Start Is at Slash X' Cafe, 10 miles S. of Barstow on Barstow Rd. U med from Fwy In Barstow. Event Is similar to Turkey Runs In other sec tions. You slpt throop rifle type peep slpts lined up on next check point. ROAD RUN-IIlckey Mouse Run bJ Pacific Coasters. Call (714) 1973309 for Info. TH URSD AY, MAR CH 3~ 1966 S C RAM B L E S, 11th. Sa linas Ramblers MIC at Salinas. at Prado Park. Gate donation $1.25. Llptwelpts at 1:00 a.m, Ble bikes at noon. Ble bike novices at 2:00 p.m. Llptwelpt entries close at 9:15, heavies at 12:50 p.m., novices at 2:05. Late entries wil l be chareed S5 entry fee. River· side Freeway toward Riverside to Hwy 71. Turn off 71 on Euclid toward Ontario, CO approx. 1.1 miles to Pine. tum rlpt. 1.1 miles to Chino-Corona road, tum rlpt aid continue south to track. MOTD-CROSS SCRAMBLES ACA opener at New Irwin Park Cour... Ne. Santa Ana C..yon ReI. 10 miles west of Corona. Grass , s..d, rouell. Knobbles recommended. FIM rules, full leathers required. Entries close at 10:30. All licenses ok. No pie plate numbers. ROAD RACE-S .. Fr..clsco Chapter of A.F.M. pre_ts National Points Race at Cotati California Raceway 35 miles N. of S.. Fr... elsee 00 Hwy. 101. All classes Includlne production. Track opens 7:30 a.... ROAD RUN - Easter EU Hunl by Ch..nel Riders. Call (213) 3362112 for Info. INDOOR SHORT-TRACK A.M.A. sanctioned Class " A . First race " al 1:00 p.m. Lonl Beach Areaa SUNDAY. APRIL 10th, TT SCRAMBLES-Tucson, at East- side Cycle Park near Tuc_. Callfornl..s Invited. Practice 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. Hwy. aD to Tucson. Go North on Wllmol to Easlslde Cycle Park. POKER RUN - Port Stocklon M .C. run Is cancelled. POKER RUN - Dena Fal~ns MoC. present 3rd Annual Easter Poker Run.Slen'up 9:00 10 11:00 a.m. from Honda Shop on H wy. 4 In Oakley. Entry fH S1.00. L im e d course. Special trophy for Best Decorated Easter Helmet. TT SCRAMBLES-Itl Boots M.C. at Debesa. From 101 South lake Hwy. 10 East throup EI Cajon. Get off Fwy. on 2nd Street COlnl Soutb to Jamac:lla SL Followlne Slnllne Hills slens past country club to Delle.. Rd. Follow Dehesa Inlo Ilarbl_ Canyon. Lime starts at Dehe . SCRAMBLES-Fresno M at Fr · .C. no. 01st, 36·A. SCRAMBLES-Fairfield Eaeles MoC. at Dixon. Dlst. 36. SCRAMBLES - Stanislaus M.C. at Modesto. Dist 36. Watch for details. TT SCRAMBLES - 13 Rebels M .C. Watch for detail s. POKER RUN-Road Ramblers. Call (213) 865-36S5. ENDURO-125 Mile State Champion· ship bJ Polka Dots M.C. at Aubum. HILLCLIMB - Sportsm.. Class Hillclimb at Ospltal C..yon. DlsL 36. SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, H ARE SCRAMBLES - National Championship bJ Simi Valley M.C. Dlst. 37 points. 10:00 a.m. starL Entry S4.25 Includlne ambulance fH. Mall In usine uniform entry bl..k, cia sine date Sprll 10th. Post entry will be S5.25. Tra il bikes ..d side-hacks welcomed. Limed from Callfom la City. LT. WEIGHTS. - Llptwelpt Flat Track at Antioch by W ..derlust M.C. SCRAMBLES-Sprockets M .C. Annual Trl·State S e r a 10 b Ie s In Bakersf ield. SCRAMBLES - 16th Lodl MoC. at Lodl Cycle Bowl. Practice starts at 9:00 a.m. Admission S1.00 ride or watch. 01st. 36. SCRAMBLES - Palo Alto M.C. at FremonL DlsL 36. POKER RUNAnnual "Hidden Destination" event. Trophies ..d awards ealore! Starts at 1:00 to 10:00 a.m. at S.. Yalley H-D Shop, 16113 Sherman Way . Van NuYs. Post entry, S1.75. Mall entries no later than April 17th, to Yalleymen MC. % Hark· leroad, 675 Watson, Simi. Calif. Mall entry S1.50. SCRAMBLES - Salinas Ramblers at Salinas. DIsL 36. The Ring-Ding Went Ring-Ding We got up and c le aned out t he tru c k a bit , and the n J e rry came by . She and Mark went walkin g up the c reek togethe r. Jim and I went down to th e bus dep ot and pick ed up t he lower end for my bike . W drove down to th e bik e sh op to put e th e darn t hing to gether, and I had t o buy a co uple of bearings and some oth e r junk. Late r on Mark and J erry c ame by the s hop and s he gav e us a fare well ca rd with a bunch of stuff writ te n on the ins id e . It was real ly nice of her. but I can ' t really say I' ll mis s her or something lik e that , c uz I ne ver paid much attention to her. Anyway . I fiDally got my scooter runnin g and rode it aro... d in tbe street by the shop . It was dart< by then, and some old lady came out and tooIl my license Dumber. Ob boy. DO'" I figure sbe'U pbone the cops and tell them my ~tition number! W met a man a t t he sh op. who in vi te d e us ove r to his house for coffee . He told us about his to urs in Europe, which really inspired us. Now we're plan nin g to go to Eu rope by way of work in g on a frei ghte r in a ye ar or two , who knows. maybe we' ll on-"..: Phon..: L.A. T 775·1967 9 •. m. ... 5 p.m. (213) 591-6113 24 hours (213) S91·2OI1 Publi shed weekly exce pt the first and last week of the cale nda r year by G& S Publi shing Company, P.O. Box 498. Lo nz Beach. Californ ia. Charles Clayton... •.. . .. •.. •. Editor Siaron Clayton.•... BusiDess Manager Assistant Editor Maureen Lee Gil Brown • .. ••• •Advertising Manager Jacll Byrd . • •. •.. •.Staff Photographer CONTRIBUTORS: Carl Bartlett, Dal e Boller, Wes Cooley, Mille Cro wley . Bob Ebeling, Robert O. Fee. Dennis Greene, Larry Haley, Bob Krip s , J oe Lopez. Walt Mahony, Roxy Rocllwood . John Ramos, Earl Roeseler . Published 50 weeks a year in Long Beach, Ca lifornin . En tered as 3rd class juail at Lon g Beach Post Offi t"'. Any part of th is new s 'Pape r may be used withou t permission a" loru; as credit is given. Editorial contributions, c-artoons, ph otos will be paid for upo n publication . Self-addressed, stamped envelope assures return. Sin,.l" (;oPT pri..., 15" Sul:Nw-ription~: class mail.. Adverti in. One Yeo.r 3rd $5.00 raletl will be ~nt on rftIUrMt. CYCLE WORLD MOTORCYCLE SHOW - Los Aneeles Sports Arena. POKER RUN - Marin County M.C. Assn. at S.. Rafael. APRIL 3O-MAY 1st, 1966 e nd up go ing around the world. We s aid good bye to the man and his wif e, an d finally s tarted our drive to ward F ort W orth. T e.xas. our nex t d es tination. April 3, 1963 - Wedne sday 1115 En. 19th Str_ long ".ch. C.liforni. 90106 ....: Bo. 491. Loft. "ach, Calif. APRIL 28-30, MAY 1,1966 ROAD RUN-29 Palms Sprlne Tour. SUNDAY, APRIL 17th, Call any numbe r list ed at a road HARE SCRAMBLES - bJ Sidehac:k run event for Info. At last our young racers get und er way agai n , I e a v i n g Arizona and bound for Texas with th eir billes in tow behind th ell panel truell. Mfat new adventures await ? Re ad on ... . (the Voice of C.liforni.) Apri l 4. 1963 I T hursda)' CAMP MUDVI LLE W drove a few hundred mil es, most e of it in the rain . W noticed that we were e going to go close by th e famous Carlsbad Caverns and decid ed we'd go th rough th e caves th e next day . 11 was ra in in g pretty hard when we pulled off the road about half a mil e from the Cave rns . and camped ri ght in a gre at big mud puddl e . I put on my l eathers and unl oaded my bike . planning to go for a ride , but it wouldn 't start. The plu g wir e was s hot, and afte r an hour of trying to fix it in th e rain, I ga ve up. J im an d Mark had the old s to ve goi ng ins id e to keep the pl ac e war m. W cooked e UP so me crud for dinn er and I do mean c rud . W ha ve n' t had a dec en t me al in e days . Boy . 1 s ure want to go fishing bad. April:l, 1963 - Friday VISITED A CAVE We got up at 6:00, dr e s s ed, got the bik es loaded UP and drove th e half mile UP th e road to th e Caverns. We a te a donu t and coffee for breakfast and s tarted the to ur at 1:30. It was to take 3 an d a half ho urs. (By Jim Asbmore) . Th er e wer e 106 visitors in our. tour. They turn ed the lights out down 10 th e cave. It's th e darkest I've e ve r e xpe rienc ed . We saw a lot of interestin g th ings and HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE POLITICIANS I a m a relativ ely new e nt hus i as t at the sport of motorcy cling. and rid e th e Open Cl ass Des ert Competition once in awh il e und er number 413. I hav e found that mot orlearned quite a bit a"bout how the c a ve wa s cyc li ng is th e hobby that I ha ve been lookformed . Aft er t he tour was over, we decided in g for a long tim e , and therefor e serio usly t o drive on to Fort W orth. th e next bi g hop e th at it will not be c urt ailed to the to wn on our ma p. po int where I can no t enjoy it , by the inW drov e a bout five hour s. and got into e trodu ction of new legislati on and local F ort W orth about elevan . Jus t befor e ge tordin ances. ti ng into W. F ort W orth we met some So . My point in writing to you is to voi ce Calif. surfers, who s ai d th ey wer e goin g e to Day tona Beach. W ttlld them we may . my agreement with yo ur editorial in th e March 10 issue of Cycle :'iews. It is all see them th e re this summer. W spen t th e e important that th e organized segment of th e night in our truck of co urse , jus t beside sport become cognizan t of th e ne cessity the stock yards . to dev elop a close re l ations hip with our local Forestry Se rvice an d furth er to develop an e ff e c t i v e lo bby in the staie legislature, in orde r to insure that the fuApril 6 , 1963 - Saturday ture of our sport will be a lo ng on e . I believe that it is important to ha ve ( By Jim Nicholson) the ri ght publicity and do not wis h to miniFISHING IN FORT WORTH mize th e import ance of public ity per se. But, it seems to me that it alone will not orth, thi s is W drove down to L ak e W e do th e job that fa ces th e sport . It will a pre tty goo d sized lake. W s a w a 34 take mon ey and peopl e s killed in th e "art" e pound ca tfis h th a t was caught the ni ght of influe nc ing thos e in pow er to mak e debefo re . W cleaned UP at a place nex t to cisions whi ch ar e ben eficial to us. I wond er e the lake. if th e 1 a r g e motor cyc le manu facturer s W nipped bottle ca ps for a whil e. t he n would agr ee that th e inv estment (possi bly e packed up some tuna s andwitc hes . put our co- sp onsored by th e American Motorcy cl e fis hi Dg ge ar in oule r an d walked up the Association ) in prof essional public relalake. I asked a man if we could fis h of f tions dir ec t ed at th e sta te le gislature and e hi s pier. He s aid it was o.k. W fis hed other s t ate bodi e s, wouldn't be profitable until about 10:30. Mark was th e only one to all of us . of us who caught anything. It was a small Again. than k you for providing th e catfi s h, but at leasl it was a fish . I had leade rs hi p in this area that you hav e for thr ee fish on my line but nev er hook ed one . th e last few months. 11 was a lot of fun, but was gettiDg pretty JOHN M. LEACH cold , s o we went back to th e truc k. Later EI Monte we went to a bar-type pl ace and watched EDITOR-Your quesUOII Is ooe that all of a boxing match. After a whU e we got tired us in tbe IIPOrt ba..e -.Jered at one tillle and went to bed. ... aaotber. "wily doa't we ba..e a lobbyist ill tbe state wonmc ill our behalf"? CoatiDaed aut week. Fact Is, JotII, ay wter ca be bi8

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