Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 03 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME III NUMBER 11 WEEK OF MARCH 24 througll MARCH 30, 19&& ELMORE UPSE:TS DA YTONA GUESSERS By ROIY Rockwood Smiling Buddy Elmore rode Int o t he winner's c irc le la s t Sunday at the fa me d Daytona Int er n ati onal Speedw ay as th e new 200 mile na t io nal AMA cha mpion. It was a mil d up set to man y of th e more t han 15, 000 fan s tha t we re on ha nd to vie w t he 29th . runn ing of the roa d ra c e c la ss ic. It was the fir s t na tiona l vic to ry for the E I Paso e lectric i an who rides .strlctl y road race events. He fi ni s he d 3rd l ast ye a r In the 250cc class at Daytona for his best previous show ing . Th e traveli n' T exan smashed al l previ ous speed re cor ds an d inc hed closer to the 100 mph ave rage fo r the dis tance with a record break in g ti me of two hour s and four minutes for an av erage s peed of 96: 388 mph . Th e ol d rec ord wa s s et by Roge r Reiman in 1964 at 94:833 mph. RAYBORN FASTEST QUALIFIER Yonder comes the thUlldllfln, herd! Looks like, yes It Is. •• Dick Hammer ch.,ln, to the lead, willie the rest of the lOG-mil. championsh ip asp irants snulil. undefthe paint as the ir streamlined modified production bikes, luned to the peak of performance , bellow lustily onto the stralplaway, In hot pursuit. All the pictures on this· pap .e courtesy of Daytona InternaUonal SpHdwIJ, Drawer S. ABOVE: Three , two, one In the 100 mile 250cc championship countdown, left to rlgbt Ralph White, John Buckner and Bobby Winters. The names .e different, but the outcome was the same as last year. RIGHT The 250's shake the florida air like a mass , : horlZllDtal blast-off. Winner W inters has the center, front row st.tln g spot. INSERT: Novice 76-mlle championship winner Walt Fulton Jr. appears j ust a trifle proud of his well· won trophy. Fulton Sr. , background, piobably remembers how It feels. 'JU- :> ' lp t ag "uol 9S1 'oN J!WJad OIYd ~6olsod a~~ 's'n 'liln g The fastes t qualifier was Cal Ra yborn from San Die go who set a ne w on e lap re cord on the pav emen t ov al two day s before the ra ce with a bli sterin g 134: 148 mph on e lap t ime. T he old r e co r d was 133:333 by Ray born's teammate, Mel Lacher in ' 65. Rayborn was close to 4mph faster than th e second bes t man . Dick Hammer . Th e din g-d on g battle started ri ght from tbe drop of the s t ar ti ng n ag with Rayborn ac ross th e line first at th e end of on e lap with a ne w standing start openin g round of 128:571 mph. Hammer was less than one len gth behi nd . Hammer led on I ap two but it was Rayborn in I r o n t again on thre e. Gary NixOll then moved up with th e leaders and lbe lead was changin g thr ee and four times e ach lap with Rayborn managing to nip Nixon for lb e lap money through lap 10. Hamme r fell by tbe waysid e on lap seven witb a blown piston and t he duel was on betw een H-D and T ri umph, Nixon led on lap 11 with Rayborn in front again ( Con tin ued on page 3 ) Portrait of a dark horse winner, 30 years of age, dialed a Triumph to a S3,250 lion's S12,500 Daytona prize pot Buddy Elmore, moneY'maklng share of the last Sunday.

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