Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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VOLUME III NUMBER 10 MARCH 11 THROUGH 23, 1966 fl2YW&. - _. SAN DIEGO SCRAMBLES By Carl Bartlett Last to run in the 250c c c lass , the expe rts put on a sh 0 w at Deh asa on Sunday, which was outs tan ding in feroc it y even for a class which is known for it s hard-ridin g s tars . When the dus t had settl ed, Bill Sil verthorn's Mont es a had won it with two fir sts and a second, ah ead of Harl ey-mounted J ohnny Apple who had a total of one firs t . a second .and a third in t he moto c ross events. The Oilers Motorcycle Club were again the hosts on Sunday at the Dehesa Track near EI Cajon and over 100 scrambles riders competed. They had fine weather and an estimated crowd of 700 watched the show. After the 250c c Expert class was ov er. 1I.1...lm 5111111 ..d llle Husky, wllll 51.rru lor. bKkdrllll. BUCKS AND BIKES SCRAMBLES Larry Haley . Big win n e r at th e monthly money scramhies was Malcolm Smith mounted on the new 250 Husqvarna. I was very im• pressed hy the performance of this machine. Smith not only rode all over the 250 expert class but he led and won the open sweepstake event and no one even got near him. Let's make it known that Malcolm Smith is as smooth as 6-year old Tennessee sippin' whiskey and he doesn't make mistakes. The Husky looked and sounded as cood alter two bours of bard ridinC as It did when It started. The open Su n d ay. non-sanctioned scrambles. hosted by Don Watkins near Phelan. went off very smoothly . As promised. th e course was differ ent from last month. It seems that the word got out that the old course would be used , so some of the would-be hot s hoes, hopin g to pick up some ea sy money, went up to the old course for three weekends and more or less ran a groove in it so deep that you By could almost ride it with no hands. W ell. old foxy Don, at the last minut e, changed the course using some of th e old one and turning off onto the new s ec t ion. Of course. the pro's don't need practic e so they rode it like th ey had been doin g it for years. Shirtsleeve weather has been predominant th e last few we eks in the desert , and I hope that it holds . The 20th or March and each 3rd Sunday or every month. Don Walkins' promotional energies will be devoted to trail bikes and fun bikes. a ramily arfair if you like. Its for people rrom 8 to 80 who ride trail bikes. The day wll1 feature a poker run. bat the balloon and field meet, (NO speed runs) and a very ent ertaining day for all. W know the trail bikes are hurting for a e place to ride and this will help cur e it. There'll be overnight camping and the whole bal l of wax. so come and see. Check th e CN c a len d a r for det ails. (Results on page 12) 250cc PRELUDE TO DAnONA Buddy Parriott R.lph White Jus t a few short ye ar s ago Yamaha was playing th e rol e of unde rdog at the count ry' s top racin g plan ts . Company officials decided that what they ne eded was a li ghtweight machin e wi th lot s of hors epower , s uper b handlin g qualities , and effec ti ve, reliable braking. To fill thes e requirements they dev eloped th e now-famous TD-l. A TO-lA, an i mprove d vers ion of the TO-I . followed . And las t year a s till better mach ine was built, the TD-1B, which sells for about $1.100 . In 1964 and 1965 Yamah as filled the enti re front row at th e Dayt ona Rac e. L ast year Yamahas finish ed 1-2-3-4, 7-8-9-10. After Daytona, Yamaha went on to win '1110:) ''Poag 6u"l 9S" l "ON .!wad Ol'rld a6ojSOd a~~ ·s·n )lIn9 most of the major road ra ce s In its class in 1965. This year several other brands have improved the ir production racing models and the competition should be tougher. A Yamaha press release states that their mana gement people are most enthus iasti c in their support of racing, because like most major automobile manufacturers today. they believe very strongly that this Is the best "research lab" possible . Th ey cite many improvements on standard s tr eet machines which hav e been the direct result or developing winning racing models. Six ractory representatives have be en designated to make certain all th e Daytona Yamahas are in championship ",i"nin g form, The men responsible: Mike SeMne , Sam Ishida, Jim Edward. Hank Abe and Mack Furosato. F our of th e na ti on' s be st known rid ers have be en sele cted to repre s ent Yamah a (Continued on Page 8) RRC ADOPT NEW RULES By. R. O. Fee So. California's Road Rid ers Committ ee with a two thi rds maj ori ty vot e accepte d th e rul es and re gulation, en toto. as presente d to the assembly by Cha irmen Gay and Harris on of th e Committ e e for Better Motor cycling. Th e action was taken at the M arch 7th meeting after a lette r from L en Kuchl er, Secr etary of th e AMA was read. He stated that he could find nothing contained in the proposed rul es that co nflic te d wit h AMA rule s or poli cy. The rule s are now RRC by-laws and bind in g on all clubs par ti ci pating in the RRC program. Th e adoption fills a l ong s tandi ng need in the road riding prog ram. Th e eno rmi ty of th e j ob, re writing the applicable AMA rul es and crea ting new regulations pe culiar to th e typ e of competition promoted by RRC clubs was s i gnificant fac tor of th e delay in creating the rule s . Editor's Not e - New RRC rul es will appear in Cycl e News complete as adopted next we ek. BUCKS FOR BOYS CLUB The Ventura County Sheriff" s Junior Club is $350 rich er, thanks to the Dirt Diggers Motor cycle Club. Th e DlrtD lgger s contributed money made at th eir mammoth Hopetown Scrambles event Iast November. and Includ ed the much-discussed Eddie Mulder pos t entry of $ 100 In the total . Sheriff William E. Hill formally acce pte d th e donation from th e c lub. The Junior Boys Club wll1 spend the cash on shoes and clothing for ne edy children and in s end in g them to summer c amp. SHAMROCKS ENDURO Leo 51. G.rm.lo. II 00 10 SIMloo WIN. Mor. pix 00 P.C. 7. th e Open' class novic es pl eased th e crowd as the big bik e be ginn ers s taye d on t he ver ge of disaste r thr ough mos t of their program. Phil Nowak owski s li d to a main e vent win aboard his Triumph wit h Randal Dods on takin g the consolatio n on his Honda. Next was the Open Ex per t , with Travis P etton, heretorore the master al Dehesa spilling in the first tum In heat #2, arter winning the first one. Leo St. Germaine . with a second place to his credit. really wrung his Triumph out to win both remaining heats. Petton, although he gamely finished the second heat with his rear brake hanging up , could only manage a second in tbe last heat placin g him s econd in overall points. Las t to run were powder puffers Carol Goodi ng. Marsh a W itten and Chri s Wanke t and they put on a s how th at pleased the girl-watchers as well as the race fans. Th es e girls . ali Yamaha-mounte d. are improvin g notic ea bly. and now is the time to j oin the fun. ladies , if you expect to be at them. Carol won all three heats with Mars ha a close second. First to try out th e freshly watere d 4/ 10 mile cou rse that day. was a lar ge field of ove r 30 of the 90cc class machi nes, followed by the 175 and 200cc classes . The 200cc Amate ur class had only four ent ries, hut ·Roy Michael too k first place in all three heats On his Bultaco to leave no doubt as to his ability . The nex t ev ent at Dehesa is next weekend on Sunday, March 20. a s crambles by otorthe track Ieasers , the Hi Boot s M cyc le Cl ub of San Diego. (results on page 12) AIway s pop ular wit h riders, t he Shamrocks Enduro feat ured a fine turnout and all proce eds wen t to th e March of Dime s. Th e rout e led up to Red Rock Canyon from Cin co, loop ed back, crossed th e Bak er sfield Hi ghway , went up into th e mountain s and down the Old J ackrabbits sandwash . Th e rout e crossed s tate highways with the co-operation of the Calif. Highway P atrol. The winning team was rrom the san Gabriel Valley M.C., who could boast the Sweepstakes winner. Tom Maxwell , 2 nd place rider Mike Patrick ( both of whom rode Nortons) and the third place man. John Steen on his 500 cc Triumph. Maxwell and P mlck rode so well on schedule that it took a tie-breaker check to seperate them. Patrick, running hot to make up time , lost 19 seconds on the secret ch eck, bot all thre e first placer s had the sam e ofricial s core . 5 points lost. C Resu lts 'on paae 1 2 \ Endura Veler ... Jerry Plat! piKed 171h over' .11 011 his trusty Iblchless• 0=0 • " ,_