Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 03 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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12 UO NS DRAGSTRIP Sunday , Mlreh 6 , 1966 Top E.T. & Speed l MwTay & Coole - l r i FUEL CLASS Tri IWnay & CoaIt GAS CLAS S ~.Mille' TTl Wil li. &.tler Hen Barry Sulkin S EET CLASS TR H-D SNv e Kewlsh louis McCutcheon Trl Hon Yom Wa h Magneu Ed Coonft.ld Han Cox E.T. 11.21 12 . 81 12 . 37 17.30 1 0' 3. 13.64 1 ....70 1 3. s. 17.25 SI.InCby. Mar c h 6 , 1 966 MPH 128 .57 106. 64 110. 83 74 . 50 1 80 01. 92.78 93.55 84. 74 73.... CLAS S STOCK CLASS A Pa i T/8 , A Sunday . Marc h 6 , 1 966 T n JOhn Hug_ CLASS 8 Soan Hayn SUPER STOCK CLASS S/ IB Wa l ~ Ellis SIps Norris Ilruce F , MODIFIED CLASS MG/D Sunnyslope Hando C E F ~ton-Cook Han STREET CLAS S A-D Ai Sherwin Trl Woody phlhow.. !hce Smith TrI Han Yam Hon A B C Randall Botelt Dan LnnikawJlc.1 0 E Lana Mok F COACHELLA VA LLEY M . C. HARE SQAMBLE S Febo-uory 27 , 1966 asA I . Urry Bergq uist 2. Bob Ferro Tri 3. Lonnie P-aterson 4 . L.ynn Cole 5 . Ron Fry Tri 6. Bob Dolley 7 . Fred R: I\IG Tri Tri 8. J . Mart ino BSA Gr. Bl.l1 T rall T:'"lTon Mcrgon k 2. Jac k Mcrvan Hod 3 . Rid! Wolden Han tiW'C 60.97 52.32 H~ 1".63 20. 72 H~ Novle:e Sp-ag ue Oon Reed 3. J im OH ioan 4. Ron Wood S. B...y Hurst Am. & Ex. Semi Main I. M;t LOWWIIl 2 . Sid Paine 3 . Gvy lewis 4 . PnKron Petty S. Dick M.e:t. 6 . Jo d: Lambert 7. J «ry Will ingham 8. Bill VerbilC io 9. las Hern 100 Lop Mooln I. Eddie Mulder '2. Dle:k Dcrres teyn 3. Jock Slrrmonl 4 . I-b lon Bast S. Sid PaIne 6. SkIp VonUtelJWen 7. Jode O'Frien 8. Con St'O¥. 9. Doug Cfr idopMr 10 . Trovb Pelton . .1 RE "~ Hon '.1 125 CC Stlvl Me: La ,,; hli" Td Trl Td Tri T d Td Td Td Td Td Tri Td H-O OSA Td Td Td No< Td Td Td OSA Td T d T.t lJJC CC Da\ Jon•• J a rry ....n Da..,. Smith Gol a t. LJ:l ng Be lich L.on g B••ch P....d. n. S.n r:u " ci . oo 5.1' B.rn.rdi no Bul t-e o Han d. Toh. t.1oot H d. on Hond a Toh.t.1oot ' l .nd.,l e L.o. Ang.l• • 5a n1:. Moni c . a .dgndo Torra nc . De•• n. ld. 1'.10. Va r d•• C_ . r J.l l o Holl,ywood No H ollywood S.nta lIa.rb .r. Hond a Duca t! 81,11 t .co Hond a Hon da SU.& uk! C.... Hand. Duc ati Ha nd .. Ha nd .. J oh n Buc kn er W l 1: F'u lton . Roo . r WJ.lcox Jen Gr . be r Di c k Kiloro. TJ.. /'Illcy L.e. ' .n1:on St a'" W . r .g" Td 50 CC CI a .. 11'.1.11 0" Sp ri ng. V .h!o Itoh o ~ . nt . Ana .lt 'u.l1:on . W Tony Nic o. J.. Azu..a Colin J on . . . 50 P• • lld. "e Ho nd , Bruc . Sh a"" Ral ph L.. Cl are:q Bob Gold• • K. n Gardn .r Rob. r t S.yf.rt 1I nni . Lu• • rdi . J . .... Ha r ri. Ro ga l' C: . l \1.rt B.rry h ,yl or Ron a ld I' n. a n Jo.l S. l f 101 .2 3 11. C . H. Wheat 12 . 80bArT bon 13. Dov. Palm. 14 . Mike Kno l. 1S. Ji m Pic In 16. J im Barry 17. Dick Hcrdmey. 18 . Eddie Wirth 19. Dick Hamm . 20. Arooil SP'Oks Cov i na Chi . f Gdbra i t h St e ..,e Pede r.on Ste ..,e t;. l b r .it h Ri c h . r d T. ta Ru ••• l l Wo ng J • ••• D. .. ron 1 7!l Claa. 86.79 60.28 H-O TIME I en. how, 22 min. , 36:25 we. - N..- racad T d miuad by 14 sec~ RE 12 5 tc Ru, • • l l W n liJ o MJ'=on Trac y 1 3.71 H~ lOC CC: ' • • t ar".k Ge r a l d W o d, id e o ,J. f f MPH 20.28 23.07 DRAGSTER CLASS ASCOT GRAND AtIX 1 Lap IT - ito'bc:h 6 , 1 00 966 2. Ra nda II Martin Han Han MD /F Ron Knopp A T:""JOJin GAS CLASS E.T. TraYll loom.,. FON TANA DRAG SlRIP FUEL CLASS RESULTS A.H .R.A. WORLD RECORDS Beeline CIoagwoy, Phoenix, Ariz. fltareh 6 . Su zlIki Suzl,lki Sl, i Hand .. 5 ."1:. S.rb .r e Tohat .u Sa n LuJ.. Cb!ap o Toh t ek a wood Toha t a u 175 CC j affr .y Pa .t.rn ..k Lo a Ang.l . S. r ry H.rra. ,," Sant. Ul.n Wood. San tl• •• nte Cl,Il.... r Ci t y R.ick Sh .r. r Don . ld An. al. Sr. . Sant. . Sarba r . [ Z' .i . t ••••r n St..... P.dar.on Lon; Sa a c h Chi . f ' al.b r a ! t h ' ol. t . J a h" Clark. Anah • .ilI . Ya" Y• • a h a V_ ah a Hand. V..lIIa h. Honde Su zuk! V_ah . H nd . a ".ach Ron Gr ant. Hug h M L•• n c Dick Ki l ; roe Ja_e SJ.t a 1I0b Bakl&:e r Jo • • ph Or.inJ. Cpan Ron H.g • • t Fra"c!. ""ur z ' 0 ct •. 7 lira . J eD AI"'1 I D. hMd • .,,. r Dcan•• i d e He nd . V...a ha H and. 2 . YOJhle ltoh 3 . Shrva G lbton 4. FroM Sanio ' IS 6 . Chie f Galbo-ol 'h 7. Gadon Jlln"lng5 8 . St...,. Ga lbraith ~ 0_ Si. .9 3. 54 '"4 'l Wl1ba roC C $ . '" '" > BOD t SO Tony Kat. Ben U O GRA ND PRlX iUCES ow. ra U 12k. ~ 17k a .. 'B Ral~ .B Rlalt s, 11 Roa Gr ant BB l'!'n B" r-Yar r, 24 B. 27. L.C1.roq S ~ ll $ta.... VeLauchl1 n R1eb R....h b .. .. .. ... .. Dole 176 l oa 126 0..... 11 6 80a 126 !on 1215 Boll 1115 ( hnly) ow. _ ll 2:10 - 3 SO .. .. !larr7 •• b ..t.!' e. ED Roll OrtUlt .. 5. Jomes DoflW'an T:""'Ion Gront 2. Lonce W.lI 3. franc is WutZ 4 . Hugh Mclaon S. Rolph laC l.cq 6. James SIn. !)ao. Bu ~harcl . 2. B. S.n B. r " a r d1 ne Har l ey BI,t . na P.rk N erton UncI_ Sunday , Mare:h 6 , 1966 L.o. An; .l•• L. . An; .l•• a r, e. Hayward Sent. Se r b . r . Anah • .ilI T:'""JOftn IWcanar Nor t on Norton N r 1:on o ... Pr94u . Uoo Ia. a U 1:11:". ~r 100 .. ~ 5uz wki GO LD NUGG ET RACE EN No HollywoOd N r t on o "'h i tt;1e r No r to n Prod uc t i on Cl ••• Rac . T. d 'urni•• L. n Abr ... a y Hond a Heind l V• • Alh alllbr a Op.n Cl •• • Hugh Me ~.a " h n B Me: Kal \1h P•••den . Nor t e n Sal'l /'I. t e o Ho nd a S. n F.rn.ndo Hand .. H.y.. erd Hond e Hollywood Co t ~n-Hon Alt .de n. Hond a Han Anchor.g• • U •• k e 500 CC Jo n Gr . b . r S.nt. e Jl'I on! c a Fra• • r M An!ncP\ R. do nd o B••ch e: Frank S cu~rJ. a Gl e nd . l . San f'r a nc i a c Q B. ll fl o•• r A .".... RQJUS l"'Gad ,..... Cot a U Ra~ Sunday . hbrJ&,.,. 2'1. 19158 .n. ,_.1'1. 250 CC Toahio I t o ,", Santa An . Slootzu ki S ta.., a Gib . o n No Hol l ywood SIootz.ukl Jama. D.mron Siln Be r na r di no Su zu ki IOtlorg. Walk er S.nt a Barba ra T_llI ha II1.nd <,/orl Ducat! P.t. "'e u e r L.awr. nce Hyna n P.l_ da l. Su zuk i l So P• • a dan. T.III CharI• • A e . ..nd.r Al t a d . na Duc a ti J . rry Bail.y Stevan Richatt. Golat . Va• • h . [ • • ry K!. . Co.t. M . . a Due:at! 350 CC D.iek Kilgr o . J;me .. B..rt.olo• • J ohn Cl ar k. 2 50 CC CI a " Hein L.a Pu. nt . Y. ... n. Or a ng . SI,I&uki . M nt e l ei r o Yalll ha a S..nt. a Monic. Duc etJ. H.y.. a r d Hond . Sillnt .. Bill b e r a Hend e r /'Ion_ ant. Se M •••• V. 1'l lriuy. Va• • ha ~:~e:;cWe i l 1 75 CC 'rank Salt'" Loa AnVa l •• De•• naida ED . ..,., Di.l&: l U voa Boll 3S> La_n .. PrlcU lane '00 Hon 3BJ ow. ra11 SOO .. - Opell .. .. e. 7. Ran Hag... , 8. Froser McAtl inch B• 9. Oick KIIgrOI e. PM 1 V..u nn-. Nor J am: ' B 8yrt:In " a ro ll.ll'WOr tb BSA B., e. BO 1. tba;r V. h . .. _a t SXl Rl lb ..rd; Carre ra 8' os. 010 e-bou Trl aso Bob 1 1ab Arl en lor "'" RATES: $50 per year (SO issues) for any single business listing . BIG CITY SALES, 714 W. Florence, ALLIED CYCLE SALES - 6S68 Lankershim Blvd., North Holly. Los Angeles 752-6723. New II< Used wood. Call 765-6111. BSA • BMW JOHNNY GIBSON MOTORCYCLES M /Cs. Complete machine shop. INC. 901 W. Whittier Blvd., La Dealer. Complete II< Efficient Parts Small II< large cylitider boring. M IC Habra, phone 691-2661. Competent II< Service Departments. High Class Parts II< Accessories. sales and parts. Service for all line of Accessories. makes. Triumph, Yamaha, Bultaco. TEX II< BEA BRYANT'S, 1535 W. .. Manchester, Los Angeles 47. Hours ED KRETZ II< SONS CYCLE SHOP, .. . ... _.. . 9-6 Tues. thru Sat. " Wh ee l lacing 417 E. Garvey Ave., Monterey our specialty." Matchle.s Yamaha. Park. AT 0-8244. Triumph, Honda, BMW and Suzulci. Complete parts HONDA OF GLEJI'DALE, ··'Where and service. Expert tuning and meCRENSHAW HONDA, THE Down· you meet the nicest people." Large chanical work. town Honda Dealer. Very comstock of parts. Finest mechanies plete parts and service depts. All and courteous personnel. Sure LE BARD II< UNDERWOOD, 221 E. makes used bikes, free delivery. would like to meet you at 905 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra, phone Across from Crenshaw Shopping Colorado St. in Glendale, just a· 714/879-8252 or 213 /691-3104 . Center. 4132 Crenshaw Blvd., Los cross From Bob's Big Boy. 246-2461. "Service is our middle name:' BSA, Angeles. (213) 292-0478 . Honda, BMW. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP, 22420 Del Valle, Woodland Hills. DI 8-7865. HARLEY·D."-VIDSON IN LOS AN· Your friendly neighborhood dealer MACKLIN'S MOTORCYCLE SERVo ICE- 11675 E. Firestone, Nor· GELES ( Rich Budelier Co. ) 2531 for BSA, Honda and Bultaco. Com· walk . 864-7468. Hodaka sales and S. Main Street, L.A. RI 9-6235 . plete parts II< service dept. service. "Largest H·D service and parts headquarters in U.S.A." Call for pickup or delivery service. NOR.\{ REEVES-DOWNEY, 9536 E. Firestone Bh·d. 869-0600. Dow· ney area's only BMW dealer. Com· plete parts and service dept. -- _. --_.- ---__.__ _ - ---.. ._--.- AWARD MOTORS INC. Dealer S. E. CHUBBUCK H·D SALES for Triumph , Bultaco . Suzuki Home of the Road Riders. ·We and Ducati. Speed tuning. & Specialize in Personalized Senice." complete engine wo rk . Beach 1361 E. Walnut St., Pasadena. area racing headquarters. (213 ) SY_2·1300. Open 6 days a week •. 1680 SPORTS LIFE ( Roehr Bros. ) 341 N. Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Glenoaks Blvd .• Burbank. 842-4847 (7 14) 6<12-<13<13. Dr 849-4921. U.S. Distributor for Van Tech motorcycles. Ducati, Nor· BUENA PARK YAMAHA, 6871 Beach ton, Matchless, Hodaka, Royal En· Blvd., in Buena Park, naturally. field, James, Vel., Yamaha, OSSA. 522-8036. ··We service what we Monte.a. Open 7 days a week 9-9. sell:' Yamaha, Hodaka, Ossa. Com· plete welding and repair shop. SPORTS MOTOR SALES- 420 So. Speed tuning. Brand Blvd., Glendale. 243-1704. S.I.S. Motorcycles-wholesale-re. HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPORTS, tail-riding and racing accessories. Orange County's IarJ:est Honda dealer. We service what we sell. 13750 Beach Blvd.. Westminster. TELL THE.\{ YOU SAW IT 893-7566 or 430-4448. IN CYCLE NEWS ROBERT M. LAW M IC SALES II< SERVICE, 239 :-;. Anaheim Blvd. (fonnerly Los Angeles St. ) Anaheim. (714) 533-1309. "W e specialize in after-sales service." Tri· umph, Yamaha, Greeves. A. J. LEWIS- 400 S. Atlantic Blvd., East Los Angeles. 264-0544. Com· NORM REEVES-ANAHEIM, 224 plete machine shop. "1£ you want N. Anaheim Blvd. 535-3647. Orange it special, we make it special." County's biggest Honda·BSA dealer. Triumph and Yamaha. Complete parts and service dept: ARTESIA CYCLE CEJIo"TER- Ya· SKIP FORDYCE '-fOTORCYCLE maha, Hodaka Sales-Service all CENTER. "We·ve been told its makes, speed tuning, 19210 S. PioAmerica·s most complete and mQll. neer Blvd., Artesia ( 2 13) 865-1152. em motorcycle center." Honoa, Harley·Davidson II< Triumph. Main DALE BROWN MOTORCYCLES, at 14th Sts. in Riverside. OV 4-4747. 2441 Long Beach Blvd ., Long Beach. 427-8941. Ducati, Norton, Bultaco II< Mustang. Complete parts BARNES CYCLE SERVICE - HO· II< service. Ask about our discount DAKA. We service all makes of motorcycles. 1535 La Cadena Dr., club. Riverside. ( 714) 684-8830. CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CEJIo"TER. Rental • Sales II< Service. Yamaha, Minni-bikes, Totegoats, Motorcy· c1e trailers, Custom acees . See us ._ . .. _ . . ..__ , before you deal. We buy, sell, and trade. 15721 S. Atlantic, Compton, Calif. (213) NE 6-1957. HARRISON RENO-Bank financing, GlLERA OF LONG BEACH Dealer low-cost insurance. HONDA, BMW, for Suzuki· Royal Enfield· Gilera. LAM BRETTA sales and service, Custom racing machines built to parts II< accessories. 208 E. Base specs. Vcry competitive prices. Del Line, San Bernardino. T U 9-0504 . Orto carbs our specialty. Zl

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