Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 03 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, THIS WEEK THE NOIIADS II.C. HOSTED SCRAIIBLERS AT THE DAII. VICK OVER FERRO AT 4·ACES MOOSE CHASE PRADO SCRAMBLES By Maureen L ee Davi d Ham out ran everybo dy i n th e 250 Ex pert clas s wi th some good racin g gain g on behin d hi m to decide the runner up other positions. Ji m Hunter, as tride the Ed Fu lbri ghttune d and owned Goldstar dominated the 500 Exp ert cl ass and too k a thi rd on his own twin i n t he Open d i vi s i o n , Guy L oui s, Roy al En field -mount ed was second behind the fl yin g Triumph of Bill Ri l ey . Ril ey pi cke d his way t hrough the rough with uncanny abili ty and appeared to be goi ng as fa st as he alway s does. never giving the others a chance to gain on him. 250 ri ders turned out for a beautiful day to ride th e Annual Moos e Run host ed by T he F our A ces. Th i s cl ub is primarily a TT club, but they put on one of the best limed , well organized desert events around. T hi s run was rough tough and seperated the man from th e boy in a hurry. It had one sand hill that had 100 rid ers strun g out al l over th e side of it on th e fi rst loop. Th ose who got there the firs test made out lik e bandi t s. Dick Vick got the l ead with Bob F erro pushing hard, Mulder was in third place for th e first loop and at chec k thr ee on second loop i t was s till tha t way. Mul der snatched the l ead in to th e pits on the third loop. While he stopped and had his hands taped becau se of blisters. Dick Vick took the l ead back "agai n and held i t over F erro but onl y by yards. Mul der fell way back; his hand s were givi ng him trouble. Later he sai d he " just couldn' t hang on GOOD it was too much." . t T hi s was no rac e for those who blist er asily. T he 27 mile, thr ee loop course as rocky as they come and it was mai nly i der ability that count ed. The results for the Moose Run which appear on page 12 are unofficial because some of the riders were discovered out MULDER CONQUERS CONCRETE 3RD STRAIGHT ~ ..J <: ::: ~ 0: <: ..J ~ en ~ o ::: 0. c:l :i! ~~~.•~"'~'~~~~ -• o~ E-< ~ to ..... ,;;; . '. DICK VICK (IN FRONT) LED BOB FERRO BY JUST THIS MUCH. on th e cours e Saturda y before the run . Their numbers tak en down by the spunserin g cl ub and they will be submitted to the 37th District Sports Committee for possible pro te st. Needl ess to say the Four Aces are proud of their job. It was a good run and the club members are hereby commended for a fine job. Eddi e Mulder swept to hi s third st raight main event win l ast Saturd ay ni ght in the new typ e of raci n g that i s breaking al l attendanc e marks . T he third i ndoor short track event at L ong Beach Ar ena again produced anot her record crowd and a record in door purse to the riders . Fans poured in like there was no tomorrow and were greeted by 120 riders who were ready to do or die for the whopping $3400 purse ! Money man Muld er won every thi ng i n sight af ter coming within a whisper of mis sing the show due to a faulty engine in t he early elimination heat races . When the regular action was ready, so was Mul der as he won his semi , trop hy das h and m a in event. He then topped off the evening by wi nning a special mat ch race over easte rn i ndoo r champ, Gary Nixon. Mulder was boxed in early in the final but again stuck his front wheel low to the pole to get by for the win with a new record for the third straight time in the 15lap feature main event . Nixon posted th e f astest eliminati on heat rac e time but fell off in th e regul ati on heat rac e and el im i nated him self fr om COLUMNIST ROCK WOOD (RI GHT ) INth e r est of t he program. TERVIEWS ACTO R WAYN E . Action was again fast and furious wi t h many spect acular spills and slides . Gl en der s. Holland actually opened the door to Mounce zero ed Ralph Whit e wi th the tw o the main lobby and stuck hi s fron t wheel sliding all the way to the wall. Afterwa rds into the foyer. He remounted, shook the in th e pi t area , Whit e punched Mounce for hay out of the engine and was back for bringi ng hi m down . I t is a shame th at the restart. P aul Conserriere was knock ed down spor tsmanship declines as the purses for the third strai ght tim e but was unhurt. in creas e. Bruce Holland look the hay baies and Sammy T anner and Di ck Hammer failed to the wall full bore to miss two fallen n- Continued on page 10 WE TAKE YOU NOW TO LIONS,,, LEF T : THIS BE AUTIFUL ARI EL APPE ARE D AT LIONS DR AG STRIP RECENTLY, LOOK CL OSEL Y, IT' S SUPERCHARGED. RACING Despite anoth er lightweight sc rambles bei ng held the same day , the Nomads still had Quite a good turn out of both bi g and small bik es as Pr ado on Sunday . The re Nere very few 100cc class ent ries, most were at Perri s for the li ght wei ght s-onl y races reported elsewhere in this issue. T he tra ck is still rough i n places . causin g th e usual share of complaints from ri ders who pre fer P rado's cus tomary hard, fas t surface. But we expec t i t 'll be s m o a t h again once the wat er tabl e l evel drops underground. In some pl aces the wat er is so near the sur face that it's like w alking on foam rubber. PIE PLATES OK AGAIN . Anot her message from your Distr i ct 37 Competiti on Committee. Seems th ey ' ve changed thei r mi nds on that pi e pl ate business we reported on last week. If you don't have y our regular number y ou can rid e one sc ramble s wi th a pie plate, but . when y ou S i gn up yo u must fill out you r application for y our number on the sport and pay for it ri ght there. Results on page 12 :;....;...; _ SAN LUIS OBISPO HI MOUNTAIN ENDURO SWEEPSTAKES TO EKINS By Carl Bartlett Sunday, F eb. 20th J;he Cal Pol y Campus i ll San Lui s Obispo was the cente r of attracti on to enduro rid ers as t he scene ofthe 16th Annual Hi-Mountain End uro. Host club, the Cal P oly Penquins has only 11 active members but did a cre di ta ble j ob handling the run of 144.9 miles , direct ed by D ave DeVoi d. Satur day ni ght t he rid ers receiv ed th eir instructions and were th en sho wn movi es, thei r bikes being park ed i n th e campus farm shop where wel ding f acil ities and other tools were av ai l able. Some ent rants had to make us e of these to (Continued O page 4) n Cycle Alley ~ B es t el apsed time at Li ons drag meet was set by R as l aw s ki at 11.88 . In a fin al elimination for A gas M . D i sharoon was staged against R aslawski. D i s h had mec hanical pro bl ems i n the ear lier part of t he day and i n a hu rr i ed ef f ort to end th e a ilm ent , a mag ne to was borro wed fr om a s oo rt s t er street . bik e . When th e engine wa s fired it sounded go od and bo th c ompetitors mov ed t o t he s tart ing lin e f or t he mo ment of truth. The start i ng ligh t s fl ashed gree n and the s moke f rom Dish aroon ' s tire pr ov ed th e pro Di em was solved . But it was not enough , f or th ere was an ev en greater plum e of smoke and ac ce l erat ion fr om Raslaw ski ' s bike . R as l aw ski won , t urning i 1. 99 seconds and 107 .7 8 mph. (Continued on page 4) Th is was " my kind of weekend" ai th e '/lIo:J '~,va8 8u01 9S l ·ON J!WJBd O IVd .,6 o!SOd 'S' n at ~ ~ I na

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