Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - VOLUME III, NUMBER 7 - - - -- - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24 THRU MARCH 2 • .. InternationalWes Cooley Comes To California Racing By I alii ve ry p roud an d plea sed to ha ve been appoi nted Motorcycle Director fo r Ri vers ide Inte rnational Raceway and that the ACA has been requested by t he raceway to apply for an international sanction for May 8, 1965. If this date is granted, we will bring a Ste w ard from the F .I.M. to observe a nd okay ihe course and the event. If this event meets F.LM. standards, R iverside Internationa l Raceway will request a World's Championship race in September of this year, just prior to the Japanese Grand Prix, which will make Southern California the most im po rt an t motorcycle racing center in the United Sta tes. A World's C hampionship event with the facilities offered by R ive rs ide and t he ir tremendous promotional ability can undoubtedly become the highli ght o f motorcycling each year. the eooperation of all motorcycle people. Of course, as always, in order to make When I say coope ration, I mea n no petty these events possib le, the International bickering between the A.C .A., the A.F .M. (Continued to page 6) and the Wor ld's Championship, we need ' RAYBORN DOUBLE AT CARLSBAD By Bo b Ebeling DOUBLE- WEEKEND DRAG-FEST " Once upon a time , a long time ago ; a week ago actually ; Irwindale R aceway provided fine facilities and co-operation in t he participation of b ikes at the National drags . The American Hot Rod Assoc. had able and qual ified personnel to supervise the competition. Timmy Powers from Fresno, C alif. handled the cycle pits in great fa shion . A s a result. Mr. Jim B lake. Manager o f Irwindale. informed me that the st r ip would be permanently open to bike s in the near future . When the d ate is known you will be informed by this column. Sprockets get in Gear IRWINDALE NATIONALS That weekend was the scene of a great parcel of luck for Harley-Davidson and Ed McDonald. The final. elimination for Top 'bike was between Ed's st reet bike Harle y and Don McEvoy's Triumph Fueler. The winner collected $350.00 and runner-up $ 100.00. T here was no handi cap sta rt a nd so the crowd figured it was all over with McEvoy on l OP , but when the starting lights began to flash green, Mc Evoy's side turned red! Tom Sid Payne at Bake rsfield Sund ay. Go. Sid ! by ROXY ROCKWOOD It Classy Cal Rayborn zoomed again into the road racing spotlight at Carlsbad Race way last Sunday afternoon in the second AMA sanctioned outing of the season. The Harley-Davidson ace won both the 250ec final and the big bike main event in near photo finishes over Gary Nixon and Dick Ham mer. That double win tabbed Rayborn as the Ca lifornia rider to beat in the coming na - tional champio nships to " 'held at Day be tona, Florida next month. 140 riders showed up to race in perfect weather and were greeted by another record crowd for sportsman road raci ng even ts. Fifty entries in the 250ec class required two heat races to determine the starting positions in the ten lap final. January main event winner Ra lph White shot around the tr ack in the first heat to establish a new i d 9) track record. (C _ ont nue to page , .P K R FUN WITH THE DIAMONDS OE Re port and Photos by Dennis Greene The Sprockets M.C. . got in gear this past weekend and put on a first class IT scrambles at their own track, Park , Northeast of Baker sfield . A good number of District 36A rider s and a full house of specta to rs were witnesses to the action. The track ca n be seen from a busy highwa y, and man y people ju st out for a Sunday ride cam e in to see what was (Cont inued -Whiteman, D en 's rider had moved too soon. and as a result the win automatically went to Ed. What is that old saying abo ut look before yo u leap ? Of course there was more to the dr ag event than l OP bike. World record s were set in all of the classes which had entries and when A:H.R.A. make s the list official I will pass on the info rmation! Class winners were Bill Fleming on his 650 Triumph and Bob Braverm an and the Yamaha which turned in the 12 second bracket at 100 plus mph . Denni s Manning's 450 Hond a turned 12.70 on "moo n gas". Tony Pagl iari trophied with a 305 Honda and Steve Cox did the same on his " litt le one" (Honda 190 ), and there was the Moulde rs & Reese Snortin' Norton ! Rice Motors' Hond a 450 st reet bike took (Contin ued to page 7) By R obert O. Fee Warm temperatures, a cloudless sky a nd the Jewel City D ia m o n ds M.C. encouraged 459 Southland cyclists to ride the D iamonds' P o ke r run Sunday the 13th. Following a direct route from Pasad en a to Simi Valley and the old Corriganville, now called Hopetown, the cyclists had the frontier ci ty to themselves, as it doesn't officially open to the p ublic until J u ly . T he riders filled the main street wi th motorcycles for th e judging contests. Modern dance contests were held to the Honda 150; and Ca ndace Pederson was the music of the "Shags" of Glendale, but most youngest AMA member present. of the riders lazed around the board walks In the club division , the Pacific Coasters of the old movie sets and relaxed. The new of San D iego took the long distance trophy rules developed by the CBM were applied while the Oxnard M.C. captured the largest for the first time to the best dressed conclub and best dressed club awards. tests. The judges felt some proced ural The best dressed riders and machine s changes were necessary, but were otherwise were : Over 1000ec, Del Beauchesne, stock : satisfied . and Gordon Bergholz. custo m. 500 to Winners of the unusual trophies that fea1000ec; Betty McWhorter, stock and Ben tured a Valentine 's theme were : Ron SpenBarrett, custom. Jim Reed took the less cer, Don Larsen. and Jerry Bordeaux; lst, tha n 500ec stock trophy and Bill Thomp2nd, and 3rd poker hand winners. Ruth so n was awarded the custom prize. Blanchard rode the smallest machine, a (Continued to page 6) t • Above : Ed Mc Dona ld at Irwindale. '*!I":> 'y' "ag 6uol 9S l 'ON .l!W Jild Ol'rld 'sn a6o!~O d al ~ '>lI nE Southern Ca lifo rn ia Road Riders on their way to Dia mo nds ' Jubilee.

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