Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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==== Volone III, Number 6 • • Week of February 11 t hrough February 23, 1966 OPEN SUNDAYS .QUESTIONED • • • HUNDRED DAY'ENDURO By David Greenfield Settle down in your saddles again all you desert enduro fans, this is no event for you. It's the most fitting title we could think of to describe the ambitious ride which began on Thursday, 10th Feb. by two young Burbank enthusiasts, Mike Hoover and Jim Parks. They set off to ride through the Americas down to the distant Cape of Good Hope and home again . Their outward route takes them down the west coast of South America and the return journey will bring them up the eastern seaboard until the Amazon is reached. There they plan a detour up-river, and thence back towards the U.S. vin Central America. W a tight schedule of one hunith dred days for the entire trip they will (Cont inued on page 3) . At the February District 37 Sports Committee meeting President Jean Carter commented on the fact that some of the riders' wives felt that they would like to see a little more of their menfolk on Sundays. The meeting then voted and passed a resolution that one open Sunday be made mandatory each month for 1967. The seven Enduros scheduled for that year will come under that ruling. So with one open Sunday and one Enduro for seven months, where does that leave the Hare and Hounds, Hare Scrambles, and European Scrambles? If the object is to help Enduros to survive I think it is a wasted effort. They will only retain their popularity if they continue to be fun and are organized in the right way. The meeting also voted and passed a new deal to the effect that Enduro points would no longer count towards District 37 Desert points, This means that the Enduro clubs can no longer expect a guaranteed turnout by the boys going for points even if the event was run in a chicken yard. These clubs will have to put on a better show to draw the crowds. And if big improvements in the lot of the competition riders of District 37 are not forthcoming very soon the conse quences may surprise quite a few people. ASCOT OFF AND JUMPING HAMMER NAILS TT OPENER Centaurs Says Changes Would "Destroy RRC" By R. O. Fee The monthly meeting of the So. Calif. Road Riders Committee opened a motion and second by the Eagles M.C. to adopt the rally rules proposed by the committee for Better Motorcycling (See "Controversy" CN Jan. 13-27, '66). A live ly disc ussion followed. The monarchs contended that such adoption was contrary to RRC purposes and Representative Ames of the Centaurs maintained that any rules would usurp A'>IA powers and if adopted, would destroy the RRC. Centaur Rep. J ones was equally adamant t!t~~ _s uc ~ rules are neces- (Continued on ge 5) HANGING TilES? CHAIPIONSHI' SNAFU DECLARED NO Hilltoppe rs M.C. had everyCONTEST The thing going for them in the desert Sunday--clear skies, cool weather, no dust and a National Championship sanction that brought 300 riders out to compete. Unfortunately they couldn't find the trail. Marked with lime weeks before, the , course crisscrossed old trails and the new lime was indistinost guishable from the old. M confusing was the route over a dry lake. Hilltoooers hares had re-limed parts (Continued on page 3) " or ds a rgest Tote G oat? "To see Chev, powered drag b ike in action at Irwinda Ie. see PClge 8- I • • • I TIGHT BUNCHI - Dic k Hammer leads J a ck Simmons, Eddie Mu lder' and Skip Van Leeuwen in Ascot Expert main Sunday. Photos by Ca rl Bartlett, more photos on page 6 . "PolO:> ' 'P"II llu . 9S I 'ON V. W J8d OIVd 's'n a6 ol'SOd aJ~ • 'l1l n9