Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 02 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME III, NUMBER 4 • • CBM REPORTS FOR 1965 The Committee for Better Motorcycling is a small group of dedicated riders who are aware of the pressing nee d of public relations with the news med ia an d the public. Any person wanting to WORK to improve the image of motorcycli ng is invited to join the committee. Contact Robert O. Fee, Co-ordinat or, Committee for Bett er Motorcycling, 395 So. White Ave ., Pomona, 91766. The Committee for Bett er Motorcycling under the co-ordination of Robert O. Fee durin g 1965 undertook many helpful projects . Some were successful, others failed and a few are still "in the works." FEBRUARY 3 THROUGH FEBRUARY 9, 1966 1. MUSEUM TOUR: Sunday, january 10th, 22 moto rcycl ists spent the day at the L.A. Co . Museum in a "favorable exposure to public view." This was successful. 2. GOODIE BAG STUFFIJliG: Through post card solicitation of various manufacturers, 26,131 items were secu red for th e City of Hope "goodie bags" g iven at the 29 Palms Tour. Also successful. 3. RIDER EDUCATION : Was to' be a booklet of ridiol': hints and tip s for beginning cycl ists. Su zuki published their " F reed om of the Road" while the CBM project was in work. Project abandoned. 4. TOASTMASTERS SPEAK ; Speakers to visit high school Driver Education Classes and lecture on safety and courtesy of mo( Continued on page 6) THREE IMPERIAL VALLEY HARE SCRAMBLERS BOMB ACROSS THE SAND. IM PERIAL VALLEY HARE SCRAMBLES On ly 34 riders lined up to sta rt the Imperia l Valley Motorcycle Club's Hare Scrambles nea r El Ce ntr o last SundayhaU the usua l turnout. Rain along the coas t and snow in the mountains probably accoun ted for th e sho rt entry list. But down in the desert "oys ter beds", where the 60- mile course was laid ou t, wea the r stayed perfect for hare scrambling. Through the first loop, Niles Ussery ( 650 T riump h ), Bill Silverthorn ( 250 Mont esa ) a nd Don McCarley on the new H usqvarna 250cc works scra mbler threw • • MUDDY NUMBER PLATE MAKES MIDDLE RIDER ANONYMOUS. BUT THE BREAD ON THE PERRIS SUNDAY SANDWICH IS 1152 PAT DALE AND JOHN RICE. FOOTHILL HAWKS MUDBATH • • • .. By Maureen Lee The Foothill Hawks hosted at a very muddy Perri s 00 Sunday. You've seen pictur es of En glish mot ocross events in their "winter season"? That was Perris . Riders and machines were totally covered in some cases a nd long were the lines at the hoses by the end of the day. Those who d id ride seemed to be having Bultaco mounted Dave Smith and j im Berry couldn't believe their eyes when th ey reali zed who on what, was lea d ing them. ( Results on page 12 ) (P hoto s on page 6) By Roxy Rockwood W e've been around fo r seaso n openers before but never for two events a t th e same time . IN DOOR WI N S UP FOR G~ABS Down Long Beach way, this Saturday nig ht, nobody is cast as the pre-race Favorite . It will be th e first time indoors on concre te for one and all. It may look more ( Con tinued on page 6) a terrific show . Th en Niles destroyed a shoc k, Silverth orn go t off and McC arley relaxed to win the first Ameri can race for the Swed ish brand ( since man y years) with a five minute lead ove r the rest of the pac k. On ly half the sta rters man aged to cross the finish line. (Continued on page 4) (Results on page 12) more fun than usua l at a race, especially JACK McCORMAC:K IN GROUNDBREAKI NG CEREMONIES WITH LOVELY SHARON HENDERSON the lightweight bri gade. Prob abl y be cause the ir mach ines remain truer to a scrambler than the heavyw eight boys. Only one of th e heavyweight Top Ten rode-the oth ers declined for a var iety of reasons-but the track was exactly Bob Bailey's cu p of tea. He just blew them all off and remai ned one of th e cleanest ride rs of th e day. john Rice on a 305 Ho nda gave him a brief battle in one mota, but that big Triumph with all those poni es 'I:llS naturally the winner. Number plates were impossible to read and classes were real ly combined so mixups had to happen, but none funn ier th an Amateur rider Keith M.ashburn riding by a really hones t mistake in the 200 AmExp M. in and winning it on his C ilera. (Ph otos on p'l/(e 6 and 7 ) NEW SUZUKI H.Q. C roun dbreak ing ceremonie Ior U. s. s Suzuki 's new $1,250,000 nMiona l headq uarters took place at Sa nta Fe Springs rece ntly. Mayor Grace Wilson a nd a score of civic officials joined Suzuki's j ack McCormack, Shozo Hash imoto and Don Brown in a unique ceremo ny that marks the constru etion of a new landmark in California arch i( Continued on page 5 ) PATHFINDERS AT THREE ROCKS AGAIN - - - -- - - -1 • BIG WEEKEND IS HERE AT LAST ! JACKRABBITS AT MOJAVE Chief deli ght in store for the 251 start ers in the jan. 23rd Scrambles at Mojave was their favorite, fierc e downhill sand wash. And this obstacle had to be seen to be believed. Smooth, fast and rooster trails too, it has a one thou sand feet drop in abou t a qu arter mile stretch I Eddie Mulder seized th is opportunity to show how to ride such a testing stretch, but the man of the run was undoubtedly Ron Nelson. The co urse was four lap , of ( Continued on page 5 ) DOWN THE PONTIAC GTO BOB BRAVERMAN IS THE RIDER. It is only a short passing of time which separates us from the two greates t week ends in motorcycle drag racing. Th e first will be three days February 11,12, IX 13th, ( Conti nued on puge 10 ) • ...-- / By Ray Hauck " It's pretty hard to report thi s race" writes Ray, ,"as I w as compe ting in it. That is, I started and ended up in a deep can yon too pooped ou t to finish. We had 185 riders sta rt th is Three Rocks Scra mbles on a beau tiful day. It was soon evident that this one was not going to be easv About 8 miles ou t was a sand hill th ai ' had to be taken on a slant. It was impo ssible to ~o stra igh t over . Runn ing along the side of th e hill proved to be too mu ch for man y riders , including you rs trul y, and at one time th ere looked to be about SO bik es down. "Half way thro ugh it was evide nt th at ( Continued on page 8 ) ( Photos on page 7)

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