Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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I I I I • Ix THE COPY VOLUME II HUMBER 38 JFormerly MotorcyCle Journal) . CYCLE ALLEY By R. A. EBELING New Drag Record NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HARE AND HOUNDS NELSON AND CONRAD PROVE IT , . Lions Associated Drag Strip: An enthusiastic turnou t of nearly 40 machines wi tnessed a new r ecord by Mou ld er s and Ree se. 12.39-106.64. Those guys ju st can't qu it ! Sunday at Lions saw displayed one of the fin est Harley-Da vidson ensembles eve r ensembled. Owned by Rowland Gr ay, and sponsored by Grays of Artesia, it h ad one of the most unique fr ont for k assembli es ever seen. Entire outfit was fuel injected and jus t plain sanitary. (See photo>. Mil Disharoon con tinued his habit of snatch ing A Gas. He tells me there is a new Harley taking shape in the corner of his w or kshop. I think he plans to unseat "Bla ck K nigh t" Mich ael from hi s fai thful old horse-power. Rick Wa tters ta sted success on his first drag strip outing. By contrast Bill Butler, who has been in ther e pitching since the sport began, won his gold in B gas at 12.35-109.48. FONTANA: EBELING SETS A RECORD DRAGS Your humble correspondent had the pleasu r e of settin g a new recor d for D street, Saturday. Although it was the fastest street 'b ike of the meet, with 14.20 for 92 m ph, the WHIni ng- (Con tinued on Page 8) Eddie Mulder was ahead at check 8, b ut the n what happened? DESERT II • THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1965 Co lum nist Ebe ling 's record-making 350 occupies the p lace of honor in h is den, with trophie s he has 'w o n. Under clear Mojave skies 340 eager' riders ro ared away from the start, somewhere no rth of California City. to begin the San Gabriel Valley M.C.'s Na tional Har e and Hounds. The fir st leg of two miles to the smoke bomb saw Eddie Mulder and Ron Nelson battling wheel to wheel. At checkpoints one and two the positions held pretty much the same. But the pit stop after checks three and four showed our Ron with a clea r lead of two minutes over Eddie, and Richie Thorwaldson hot on tit e i r sm oke pipes. On the second loop Mu lder 'took' Nel son, but at the pit stop aft er check 8 the plume of sand coming acr oss the desert was Ne lson once aga in with an emphatic lead of five minutes over Bultaco-mounted Thorwaldson. And not a sign of Mulder! Thorwaldson did no t survive, being eli mi nated by mechanica l trouble. Cliff Colem an th en mo ved up a no tch to ma ke ' it num ber on e and two for Triumph. That was t he story to the fi nishing line, with Gary Conrad h olding t he thi rd spot on a 250cc G reeves. Se ems Eddie suffered shoc ker trou- (Continued on Page 5) Ron Ne lso n o utran a ll rival s on a 500cc mach ine. Conrad bagged another championship