Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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---------------------------------------------------------WANT WHAT'S BLACK & WHITE AND READ ALL OVER??? ANSWER: CYCLE NEWS WANT ADS, OF COURSE! ADS Want Ads cost $2 for 25 words or so. per issu e. We guarantee your .ad will be accurate as to spelling, address, phone number, etc. We may rewrite your ad to help its wording (want a picture in your want ad? Send pic ture and $3 extra). Headline in BOLD TYPE $1 extra. 196' NORTON 5QOcc S Ln g l e . perfect I hl pe . r e ad ,. to ride. S trf-e t bLk e . chrc.e fe nde rl . r ed /Blk $,SO. cdl 376-31 60 TUN!l AND SPONSOR WANT!%> : for pr Olll h i nc he ,.ear ! x:pert. ~ UI be wUUng t o travel Oft ",""'-ndl 1964 & 1965 TA."~ YDS - 2 60 res-a, $4) 5 t. $S),. YUl t ake I n, old btb or ac oo t er te trade. The .. bike. ha_ n.... r b.en }Nt ln the dlrt a ad ha_ "I")' l ow .Un. Call l U I or Chiek a t WH 4-1441 or UN ) - 9707 • NEW GO u.a:r. CIa.. C POI SALE 15" l.undapp ana ine : Bendb -so .....1 Carb . St r e.. reUe_d. painted and upbo b t e re d. Lota o f chrc.eo. o ft .r. call CA 4 - 4)20 d.,.1 or CA ·, - sa 80 . _ • • 1961 SL'ZUl:I 2SOcc. Cood eon d lt ion 9.000 .nu. $ 250 . Call 282 -0B"! af ter 6 ~. 1840 S. 8th . St . Alhalabra . snos LVCLln •... ESTEltNS . Ue 42 32 1z'll• • • .. "-_r worn . _d. _huk. on .... u r .,.n tl . $46 Phofte . f t . r 7, . ' 64 IIOII'ON AIl.AS l50cc • beallaat condition - le. . t han 2000 .c tual . U a a • -.a.t • • 11 - Cal l 886-00)4 lES T ROAD AND DIlIT IIICi $450 196' Bultac:o Matado r. U k. _ . aDd a r a al . araa 1ll a t tbb prte-a. !)oQ't .i.. it. call . . .. it rill 10 fa at . PboM (714 ) 'tV 7-1988 FOR SAL!: 6)- 1/2 Auatin Real,. Sp r it a . Perf.ct condition . Hev paint job. cc.Bplete wi t h eee.... orie l. $1.09S. Cdl CU :!-4277 du r L wor lelol n, hours or 288- S897 after 6: 30 FOR SAL!: live -onth old. three raU -ntor-e,.ele tr.Uer. Alk Lng $12S. VU I adjuat to pr~Ld. t or f ou r c ,.c:t .. for ad dit loM l $2S. Cont act Pete a t CU 3- 4 277 • 8_ to SPII o r 288.»97 d t er 6 : 30 _k. I I I I St., Boon. Llle, Ind iana FOI SAL! ' 6 3 HAKL[Y SPU NT H. nat truk or n . l.aced ) t t.el . new engtne and tirel . Ext r a .prockl t a . Work done at Long Belc h Kart-y. Col d _td nak. pain t wi t h a t r i p ing lad _teblJza het-t. Phon. 442-60lJ ",e NlED !XtIA HOR!1" V. n_d I -ntorcyc b ricin wbo waat . to wor k a f ew bour. for . .11ftr, of CTCLI N8IS to loca l d. a lan. Part tt.a hours . ..., OQ Call '91 -2088 or S91-61n I .U. . .. hlila . DO YOU RAVE A Drsr.. Sect, cbair or ulk 1~ 1 , . l at. ' Call u•• _ I n a~lnc for ot Uc. ,~_ Hur. fo r new . taf t . Call S'I - :ZOU 01' 5t l ..6 I U ? ur Want Ads ~re .open to anyone - Private parties, dealers, manufacturers, organizatfons, etc. CYCLE NEWS reserves the right to refund payment and reject ads which we find objectionable. To insert a Want Ad in this newspaper . sirnplv write in 25 words or so what you want your ad to say, and mail it with $2 to: $2 WANT ADS, Box California Long Beach ,498, Want Ads received by Monday wiII $ 2 appear in that Thursday's edition. POI SAL! 'S9 IAtfCHERO V8. )52 en&ilM. Crvh-o· _tlc tranl . lulon. radio 60 h«ater . bl& lwd . V er,. l oad eon dlt1oa $900 . d.,.. CA 4 - '320 or . . .. CA 7-S 880 HONDA 2SOce SCJrNo!IIZI. '64. e xce llent con d i tion and ..n,. ntr . . 55 25. c . !lh - Phon . a. 6.6785 OPDfI lIC " 51 SHOP 60 . a n t t o bu, uaed . . 1_ taur a D ha rd .. a t I rinda r a ll o Illow e. ... Cal•• a ) . d !ekarsf hld Sal •• • Se rt1C1. 118 ~tuC ItIJ !ek.raf i ald . CaUf. PboDa 1A 5- 43 26 r------------------------------------------~ USETHIS COUPON : I I FASTES SHORT TRACK HONDA Ln th l eountr,. • e x. T TOlIl C. t ... Ext r l 9 Ib f r a_ . 4th Ln Nl tional ' 6 2. BaIt o ffer. lu.. W ittinghill. 212 H. St h h PICTUltS AlfY'ONE! Fo r ule. Argu. C-4 e...ra with l1& 6 n • • h atr. Ct-nt. Ball 60 Rowell JOO .I t t I Ude pr oj e e t or c c.p l e t. witb ler ••D. $100 .00 phon. ( 714) 525-0618 TN'WIA I ID! RS ASr. lOUI DEALE I About AU.' ..... f't r o eb r pin for fOUr SOc c l' _ha. Pl u• • •,. o t her . ~ h l lor lure wl nl . 'TuT1 wLna , Sd • • a.,. 41 10 '-ntnluta Aft . l\lrU._ . CaUl . $250.00 111iA.ID FOI TH! UTURM (No que nlon • •• ked ) or f or i nfonaatlon I. adlns to t hl r e turn of thl follovlns -nt orcy ch in r ...onahle c ond l tion . . t o h n Oc t 12. 196 5. '6 5 Tr l wrp b SOOc: c d i rt .add wLt h Dun l op t r ia l tire • • Co l d and whl te tank. Allo,. fend e n. h i8 h pl,.. on lef t lide. ln c o-p hte I t a nd ard c ondit ion.. CaU l . 11e.n.. '3119450. Eng. 1H)776O . f r _ ,noole . Contac t Linn Boo th , 522 v, Cen ter St . PlIc entle. CaUf. Ca ll 5:la- 9S05 "W pald f or l t ln f\O l1 • • nd had no theft inl .," e TUDE lLATHEItS 60 HEtJU:T• • hl 6-3 /4 • • hirt 311. pant. 3h ;1O. ":'rade f or Scu ba l e a r . t ank. _ t . u it eee; Phone 1176- S182 eW I. ln the _ t dvelt . W l l up pl,. -nther-tn-l_. wUe U Ind k t d• •• co lla t er a l for part owner .hip . Wrtte or c a ll L,..ll Shi re r , Box S20 1. M bon. ~ t ee, .d ..-alu a at $ )6 f or the bl& rid.r. 384-64S6 ( 213) Alk f or !lll . WANTED, PRE-WORLD WAR II l iKES I will P.' c . lb f or Pr l W orld W 11 _tor cyc l .l . u r . n,. . .ka a nd -.d. l . So l ook La JOU IU. .. lad ca ll . . ri t h dll er tpticm of what you hIIw . after Ss- u11 (714) TV 7- 19 11 11 I I I I .. WRITE AD HERE - ENCLOSE CURRENCY WANT : ADS I I NAME · · · · · . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I I I ::RESS .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . : ~~E ........................ I I I I I I I I I I I I -- --- --- ----- -- - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -~

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