Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 11 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. 12 P...CIFIC CO ...ST M.C. INC . Roed Rld l"". A.M.A. Sanct . Mee t fi rst Fri. at 8 p.m. and 3rd Sat . at 1 p. m. ea ch monTh, at Sout h Gete Park Aud ito rium Rm. 2, .c9OO South e rn Ave . Sout h Gate. Visit ors Wel come . IS YOUR CLUB L1mD HEH? SencI inf ormati on .. CYCLE NEWS P.O . 10Jl 491 , LOtII 1Hch. Calff . ("' NO THII FUE HIlVICE) AMERICAN CYCLE ASSOC IATION . For ,II rid ers in speedway, mete-c-ess an d road racing , as well as enthusiasts. If you w o uld like to compete or b. associated w ith racing in the capac ity of course pe rsonne l, contact the A.e .A. office, 145 B West Wh iting, Fulle rton. Cslif. o r call (714) 847 ·76 29. GRIPSTERS M.C. Compet ition cl ub . P.O. Box 7:30 Chapman Hall , Place nt ia. HILLTOPPERS MC INC. of Signal Hill, Cal if. AMA Sanct. Meets at 22S5 Cerrito s. side entrence, Sig na l Hill. Thurs. et 8 p.m . Post Meet ing re fre shme nts . Mail add ress : P. O. Box 1746, long Beach, Calif. ANTELOPE RAM BLER'S Me of Palmdale. Ca lif. AMA sa ne. Meets at Jack ', Bod y Shop, 9010lh Sepulveda Blvd .• every 2nd and 4th Tue sday et 8 p .m. Pest-mee ti ng .-M.i1 address: P.O. Bo x 645. Pa lmdale, Calif, Pho ne 9 47.243-C or 947~ A633 . l LOS PADRES MC Inc. of AMA sanctioned com petit ion every 1st and 3rd Thurs. Pres .: Bill l uttrull , Secv .: addre ss: 697 Vine St., Oak 6019-2972. CO l ORAMAS M.C. meet l et Sat . of mon1h at 8 p.m. Contact Frllnk Gerwat, 14263 Hoyt s-; Arle ta . Cal . 899-8329. SOUTHERN C"' L1 F. TRIALS ASSOC I...TlO NEng lish Trial s e nlh usiastl. Secre tar y: Raymond Moreau, 4707 W . 164th St., l awndale. 37(). 8..91 . Ob ~erv er s we lcome a nd needed , RO UGH RIDERS MC of Para mo unt, Calif . AMA sane. Meets aT 8434 Harr ison St. , Pa ramount, ~ · every Thursday a t 8:30 p .m. Mail address: Rough Riders MC, P.O . Box 516 , Paramount, Calif . Phon e ME 3-4368 . THE SOCIABLES M.C. Road riders. Call 324-8 457 for time & pla ce of meeting s. Free coffee & donuts . SCRAMBLERS MC of San Femando Valley. Calif. AMA Sanc. Meet l Resed a Park Clubhouse. Reseda, Ca lif. every Tues . nite 8:30 p.m . Mail Ad dre ss 7514 Reseda Blvd., Reseda. Cillif. Ph. 345-86 78. VENTURA & SANTA .ARBARA COAST RIDERS Meet 2nd & 4th Wed nesday of the , mo nth 8 p .m. al 1346 W. Poplar St. , Ox nard. PACIFIC COASTERS M/C Club, Road club, AMA chartered . Meets every Friday 1 :30 p.m. at members homes. Pow ay. 1670 Duval St.• San Dieg o, Pho ne 262·8100 or 748 ·2152. GHOST RIDERS of Pomona. Calif ., Road Riding Club . Mee ts lst & th o Frida y at 22 31 Conco rd Ave .• Pomo na . Write E. D. Coleman address sa me (714) 623-4676. SAN PEDRO MC of San Pedro, Ca lif . AMA sanc. Mee ts e t Cab rillo Be ach Boath o use, Ca· br illo Bea ch , San Pedro e very Th ursd ay at 8: 00 p.rn . Ma il add ress: 906 Pe sec Del Mar, San Pedro, Calif. Phon e : TE 3.266 1. ORANGE COUNTY MC of Ora nge County, Calif. AMA sanc . Mee ts et clubhouse, Trask & Ne wh ope. Garden Gro ve , Calif ., every Mo n· day at 8 p.m. Mail addreu : Tresk & Ne whope, Garden Grove, Calif. FOOTHILL HAWKS MC. Meet s every Tues. at 8: 30 p.m . at 116 S. 6th St., Monte be llo, Calif. For further info . call Paul at 699-0 298 . SAN GABRiel VALLEY M.C. AMA Sanct . Meets every Thurs . 8 p.m . et 5343 Peck Rd . EI Monte. Mail address: 13210 E. Emery Ave ., Baldwin Park. ED 8·5605. OAKLAND MOTORCYCLE CLUB, Road & Co"", pet ition Club , Meets everv Wed nesday at 1116 ~ 36th Street, Oakland, Cal if. 8 p .m. Since 1907 devoted to "" fety and courtesy on the road . '0 FOUR ACES MC invi te yo u ou r meet ing any Thur sday night at 8 :00 c.m. in the Field Ho use be hind the ball d iamond No rt h Ho lly wo o d Pa rk on Chand ler Street. Four Ace s MC, 823 1 langdon Ave ., Apt. 15. Van Nuys, Calif . SANDBLASTERS MC of Rid gecrest. Mee ts eve ry Thursday. Mail address: P. O . Box 5709 China lake. Calif . NORWALK CENTAURS M.C. 12630 Whinier Blvd .• Whinier. Meet l st Thurs. of mon th , ride nigh ts on other Thursdays. Open for mem be rship, visitors welcome . DYNA~MITES Me of EI Mont e, Cal if. AMA sene . Mee h at 12359 Felipe , el Monte every Tuesday at 8 :30 p .m . Mail address: 12359 Felipe , £1 Mont e . Calif . Phone : Gl 8.J567. SIDEHACK ASSN. of Southern Calif . AMA chartered . Meets at The York Club . 7210 So. Western Ave ., l os Angeles every 1st & 3rd Monday at 8:30 p .m. Mail add ress: 101261/2 Mounta in Ave ., Tujunga. Calif . VICTOR McL"'GLEN MOTOR CORP . of Hcllvwood. Calif .• AMA sene. Meets at Washington & Ma in. 2531 Sou th Ma in St., t e e- Ange le s eve ry Tuesday at 9 p .m. Mail addreu : 485 3 W. 1311t s-, Hawtho rne . Phone: 72 2-4651. Ride rs other Write Ca lif . 13 REBelS M.C. AMA se nct. since 1939. Street & competition club . Meet every Wed . 8 S)m. . at Shell Motors . 3346 w ood . 638 -4864 . VALLEY TRACKERS MC of Sepulveda, Ca lif. AMA sene , Meets at 9010 1/2 Se pu lveda Blvd. every Monday et 8 p .m. Post Meet ing . Ma il add ress: c/o Don Meffso n, P.O . Box 3367. Gran ade Hills, Ca lif . Fwy. t o Alameda, south one block then left to the Strip. Qualifying SUND AY. NOV. 21. 1965 starts at 9:00 a .m. (Every Sunday). TURKEY RUN - 21st annual in POKER RU N - Leaves at 10 a .m. Fresno by Fresno M.C. (all dirt). from 15515 S. Western Ave. SCRAMBLES - A t Corcoran by TURKEY RUN - Long Beach HonDusters M.C. da 's annual Th anksgiving ride . TurCABLE CAR EN DURO - First ankeys, trophies and other prizes. F ree nu al by San Francisco M.C. on Pencoffee and donuts at start at 5101 insula. Atlantic Blvd . Post entries $1 by noo n Satu rday . Ch eck in time is 9 a.m . GRAND PRIX SCRAMBLESSunday . Big bikes and sweepstakes top off weekend of dirt act ion at Corrigan- .. FRIDAY. NOV. 26. 1965 ville (Hopet own). Entries closed early SHORT TRACK RACES - South for this event. 15,000 spectators exGate Seas on Cham pionship. Last pected. compact race for AC Aces this year. HARE AND HOUND - So. Cal $1 admission. M.C. hosts riders in the desert. EVERY OPEN SUNDAY TURKEY HARE SCRAMBLES PRACTISE - On the Perris Track, Presented by the So. Cal M / C. Win onl y on Sundays when no competiyour Thanks giving bird. Limed from tion events scheduled. $1 per rider. Mojave. SUNDAY. NOV. 28. 1965 DRAG RACES - Li ons Associated Drag Strip hosts all two-w heel clasROAD RIDE - Golden Stat e M.C. ses. Levis ok in street class. Fu ll Wishing Well Run. Call (213) 794leathers for gas or fuel. San Diego 5933 for information. day). Elimin ations start at 7 p .m , J ... -t . ·:----~m~©iiiirm-----:=m::':---1 ~ ~B OOl;rnm _ PO . . . . . . m ;~~ _£lIiitWiiJ!::iz~~~~;;,~~~ " Please send me CYCLE NEWS for the coming year. $5 Payment is enclosed. Bill me later. Ii", CYCLE NEWS ;. publ;ohed weekly ax cep' and I.., .wee k of calendar yea r. Subscri be rs w ith in SO miles of los Ange les ge t the ir papers o n Friday o r Safurday. For dis ta nt areas add $5 fo r fast First Cia.. delivery. Ndme Address City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . Zip Code . ~- Century Blvd., Lvn- TRINITY TRAILSTERS Me, INC. Mee ts 1st Wed . & 3rd Sun . at 6:30 p .m. at Kiser Bros . Cycle Shop. Ma il add ress: Box 177 , Willow Creek, Calif . CALENDAR OF ,EV ENTS. , co- o o CHAPARRALS OF CALIF., Meets Wed ne sday of ea ch month et Moto rcycle Good ies, 13446 LekeBellflo wer, Calif. 442 -1646 . SUNLAND SHAMROCkS MC of Sunlen d, Celif. AMA sene. Meets ev ery WednesdllY et 8:15 p .m. at th e Sunland Par k Recreat ion CenTer In Sunland. Mail add ress : P.O. Box 515, Sun land, Cali f . ROYAL RIDERS MC INC. of El Mont e, Ca lif . AMA san c. Mee ts at 10814 Brya nt Rd., El Monte, eve ry Monday 8 p .m.- f irst meet ing of month closed. Posf.meetin g club run during activity ecn te st . Shuffl e bo ard and skill poo l at clubhouse . Mail eddr e,,: 10814 Brvent Rd.• EI Monte, Calif . Ingl e wood, SOUTHWEST 1st & 3rd 7:30 p.m. at wood Blvd ., NOMADS MOTORCYCLE CLUB m eet second Thurs . of eeeh month . For Info rmati o n ca ll FR 9-3.564, o r wri te 1717 Wallacot1 St., Redondo Beach. Calif. DIRT DIGGERS MC of Santa Mon ica, Calif . AMA SlInc. Meet , Every Wed . lit 8:30 p.m. t: at 2029 "h Pont ius Rd., W. los Angeles. Ma il addre ss: 8921 11th Ave ., Ing le wood. Ph. O R B·2868 . ,- THURSDAY. NOV. 18. 1965 • SHORT TRACK - Sou th Gat e Raceway ho sts top American Cycle Ass ociation ri ders, starting at 8 p .m. Take Long Beach Freeway to Firestone Boulevard, Firestone east to Garfield Avenue, Garfield south to Southern Avenue and Southern west to the track.. . . <. _ .;) FRIDAY. NOV . 19. 1965 ASCOT VICTORY BANQUET Gardena El ks Hall. Tickets on sale at door . SATURDAY. NOV. 20. 1965 GRAND PRIX SCRAMBLES Li ttle bi kes slide and'ny around r ough natural course at old movie town, now owned by Bob Hope. First day of two-day Dir t Di gger M.C. classic. To get ther e from Venture Fwy, take Topanga Canyon Rd. (# 27) North to Hwy 118, west past Santa Suzana and look for scr ambles on right. DRAG RACES _ Fuelers, gas and street bikes of the 2-whee1ed variety blast off at 1 p.m. at the Fontana Drag Strip. Go out the San Bernardin o F wy. to Et iw anda turnoff, n orth to Foothill Bl vd., then right on F oothill to the strip. (Every Satur- Ven tura County. club o nly. Meets of each month. Phil Todd. Mail View, Cal. (80S) MONARCH M.C. 901 N. la Brea, Ca l. 671 ·7609. SO . CALIF. ROAD RIDE~S COM "I lnEE. P.O . Bo x 2107. Alhambra, Ca lif. Me ets 8 p.m. 1st Monday e ach month . Pruden tial SV

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