Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Formerly Motorcycle Journal) .. • PR ICE: 15 CENTS Volume II Number 35 TONY DEDICAYES BSA-TRI BUILDING AMA COMPo COMMITTEE 350cc for '69 Racing • If t · • , • Lord Snowdon and H. G. Sturg eon d iscuss the prod uct. Before several thousand spectators on Tuesday, November 9, th e Earl of Snowdon, husband of Britain 's Her Ro yal Highn ess Princess Marga ret, officia lly dedicated t he new distributing headq uarters being built for Trium ph and BSA m otorcycles in Du arte, Cali for ni a. In addit ion to L ord Sn owd on , othe r pr omin ent fi gures at the de dication include d Don ald H. Kehler , Mayor of Duarte ; Er ic Turner, Chairman of t he BSA Group of Companies, Birmin gham , En gland ; H. G. Stur geon, Man aging Director of the Motorcycle Division of BSA; and Wilbur J . Ceder, At their annual meeting in San Diego last week, the Ameri can MotCom pet ition orcycle Association's Com mittee decided to lim it cl ass C professional engine disp lacements to 350cc beginning with the' 1969 r acing season. This is for flattrack only. This reduction from the present 500cc limit is in line with AMA ef forts to make racing safer without lett ing the excitement suffer. Earli er this year the absurd proposal to raise the limit to 750cc was put forth to lure gullible critics into sympathy with the reduction. Apparently the ruse worked, for only last month the AMA's most articulate detractor was calling in his magazine for this very change. Th e new DOHC Ho nda 450 was okayed for oval racin g. $crambles for Money Purses Next Year The Committee also voted to let spo nsoring clubs pay money pur ses instead of trophies for sportsman scrambles r aces. Only professional novices will be allowed to race with the n on-professional clubmen for m on ey. Th is rule change was de plo red by m ost of th e com m it teemen, but t hey agreed to try it for a year since many mi dwest an d eas tern clubs are exch anging tro ph ies for m oney surreptitious ly. Comm it teeman Earl Flanders ca lls it "Fightin g fire w ith e, k . eM........ A.C.A. WILLOW THRILLER Parriot Plays a Hurrying Game We always like to see a r oad race that has a production class for street cycles, so naturally we were perched on an abr asive vantage poi nt Sunday at Willow Sp r in gs Raceway for the American Cycle Associa ti on's sec on d annual U.S. Grand Prix . It was one of the largest turnouts of pavemen t racers .in the western U.s., according to promoter Wes Cooley . Taking the final event fir st, Buddy Parriott again disp layed championsh ip pavem ent te ch nique, keeping his 500cc Manx ah ead of the bi g Norton twin of Ron Gr ant. The tw o leaders fo ught hard for 29 lap s, but Grant seemed ham pered by insufficient lea ning-clearance and never passed the Manx. Parriott shattered the Willow lap record set by Mike Ha il wood. Buddy was clocked at 1.42:38. J ohn Buckner , with his loose-j oin te d style, left all the screaming 250's in his wa k e. John sh ou ld be r ea dy fo r the European circus any time now. Str eet ma chines bombed off with a L e Mans type start an d afte r a couple of tur ns it was Charlie P alicz on a Triumph 650 all th e w ay. The production r ac e wi nner deserves praise for a beau tiful ride , on a m achine that appe ared b ox stock. Th e race also featured the husbandwife team of Steve and P eggy Scott. Steve won his class on a Suzuki X -6 and P eggy r ode a 90cc of the sa m e m ake to 5th place. Yes indeed, motor cycling is a family thing. C l ","OR A T I O N From left , Eric Turner, Pete Co lma n, H. G. Stu rgeon, W . J. Ceder finis h p lanting the co rnersto ne. Preside nt of Johnso n Mot ors. The ev ent was the only individu al appearan ce by Lo r d Snowdon du ring th e royal cou ple's visit t o Southern California an d evidenced the importance of motorcycle m anufacturing t o British trade as well as his own interest in the two-wheel sport. water." _ Close co mpany in the 17 5-12 5cc thriller It is hoped t hat when Clubs dis# 9 8 Ralph l ecl e rcq(175 Ducati ), just cover promoter s are on to a good barely got p asr Rick Schell's 125 Hon thing, they will return voluntar ily to da at f inish line . a no-money, sports m an b asis . (More photos on centerspread, Resul ts on page 10). SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SPORTS COMMITTEE RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Gene Carter wo n r e-election as Ch airman of the District 37 Sports Committee and Bill Ad ams was gla dly r et ained for another year as Sec, retary-Treasurer at the m onthly meeting in Burbank last Th ursd ay ni ght. Repr esen tatives from the m ajority of ac ti ve Southern Ca lifornia competition clubs als o vot ed in Casp ar Gri ef as next ye ars Vice President and a five-m an competit ion comm it tee consisting of J im Bronson , Darwi n Ballard, Bud Gowin g, Cal Ma kela an d Larry Reed . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1965 Road Clubs Hash Out 1966 Sports Calendar The committee principle of co-op eration proved its worth Monday, November 1st, as 37 r oad riding motorcycle clubs met and made up the 1966 Road R iders Com m it tee Spor ts Ca len dar. Club seniority an d established events deter m ined the prefer ence of the ch oice date s with many clu bs compromisi ng to acco modate ot hers. The Calendar has thir teen overnight tours, 15 poker runs, one fi eld m eet, an Easter egg hunt, an d a turkey shoot. As usual the first ev ent of the (Continued on Page 2) Tanner Storms To Ascot Victory; Hammond Wins Amateur Crown Sammy Tanner came from b ehind for the secon d straight week t o win his 13th ma in event of the season last Fr id ay night at Asc ot. Tanner won it th e hard wa y, finishing third in his heat, the n havin g to win the sem i to sta rt in th e ma in . Starting fro m the n ext-to -last position in th e back ro w of t he 10-man main, Sam swung t o the ou tside and int o fourth pl ac e on the first lap. He moved up to third on the seco nd la p, fought a brief duel wi th Guy Louis arid to ok sec ond on lap three . He chased Eddie Hammond for t he next si x laps before catching him in t he south turn of la p nin e. Hammon d didn't wilt once Tanner took the le ad , though. The leadin g A mateu r stayed right behind the three-time eight-mile natio nal champi on the rest of the way. L oui s fin ished t hi rd and Dan Haaby fourth . With on ly 11 amateurs signe d in for the race, track officials de cided t o run them with the ex perts. F or Ham , mo nd, the decision was a bonanz a . For J im Nicho lson it was disaster. Hammond started the night wi th a narrow 42-point lead, but he w on his heat over L ouis and Tanner , beat L ouis, Haaby and Bruce Holland in the trophy dash and fin ished sec on d in the main t o boost that lead to ' 142 points. Nich olson ran fifth in h is heat, last in the semi ma in and didn't make the m ain . Hammond thus, cinched the amateur point championship for 1965. He has 1,888 t o Nich olson's 1,746 with on ly one week t o go. J ohnny Isaacs won his 13th main eve nt of the sea son, whipping P ete Bodette and Ron Kruseman in the eigh t- lap .novice final for h is 37th Ascot victory of the season. Isaacs earlier won his heat and the CYCLE NEWS trophy dash . He has the sec ond high est wi n total on the t rack t his year. Tanner has won 44 r aces. Isaacs turned the fastest single la p by a novice in 1965 when h e r ode the second lap of his heat in 24:13. (Results on pag e 10)