Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE FINISH LINE .3 By ROXY ROC KWOO D ' Weather fair, track fa st, point leader cold . This could also be titled, "How to get shot out of the saddle, Ascot style". Sam my Tanner went into the race with 11 str aigh t wi ns . He hadn't lost a race since Se pt. 3. He was paired with Blackie Bruce, a rider who b~ad not won a heat race in 24 tries this year. Bru ce won the race, fai r and square. Tanner got off to a poor start, but following-instead of leadingthe early laps is nothing new to Tanner. The two did not run fast enough to qualify for the trophy dash so Tanner's hopes of at lea st a tie for the all-time one-season victory record were completely gon e. Th e main event still r emained. Sam my was trying for five in a r ow . He finished fifth , mo ving out of sixth pla ce on the final lap. t Haaby A Winner Dan Haaby won th e final for t he fourth time this year . He stands second in points , and this was hi s best ride since openi n g n ight. Haaby and Tanner may be the t op two in the st andings but of late the rider you ha ve t o pass and then ho ld off t o win the m ain event is Guy L oui s. Guy again gave it another re al close go. He led ea r ly and t he n r efused to let Haaby run away . -Th is is th e way it has been the last fe w weeks, Amazin g? No. L ouis has yet to win a ma in event ! His consistent riding and la te season hi g h fin ishes are st art ing to payoff. With five ' weeks to go Guy could climb all the way ' to third in the fin al standings. Bruce is again blowing hot now t hat he has cli mbed aboard the machine formerly ridden by Elliott Schul tz. Blackie has been the Lion tame r fo r some time. Last year he stopped Schultz 's lon g win streak at the mid-season mark, then came back the final night of the season to top Schultz and Tanner fo r the state champion ship title. Blackie, 27, can ride them all. He rode a BSA at Springfield, a Harley at Sacr ament o, a BS A most of the w ay at Ascot and n ow he is moving u p on an Enfield-the fastest Enfield in captivity. Sam my and sponsor are having a t ough ti me gett in g parts and backi ng . Sammy says they are now using spare parts that were first used early in the season . We' would like to be the first to make the pred ict ion that Tanner and Axtell will tea m up with a new brand for '66. Th e name of the brand? Can't say it th is time but Sammy has never r idden under this ba n ner before on the dirt. Haaby says he is ready to pour it on the rest of the way. His in jured teammate Ralph White w as in the stands last F r iday champing at t he bit to get back in action . He'll be ba ck in two weeks. He won the last race of t he season three years ago. F ive races are left . It they run li ke the first five we could have five d ifferent wi nne rs . Th is coul d include first timers such as Bruce an d L ou is. Dick Hammer came back to Ascot last Saturday night and t ook his first ride in a Sp rint car. Dick is anxiou s to get a ride in the cars. Aggie was ba ck down in the trophy da sh circle to presen t t he troph y for the fir st time since h is accid ent. He also says t ha t the third annual victory banquet for the half-m ile and TT rid ers is sla ted Friday night, Nov- embe r 19 at th e G ar d en a Elk's L odge. It will again be open t o the public. If J ohnny Isaacs goe s the re st of th e way without a loss in the novice class he will break all "B" m arks both local and around the nation. I wonde r how old he REALLY is????? LOOKING UP OUR FUTURE BY LILE DAVIS _ l,.. CYCLE NEWS, (Moto rcycle Journal) will "all ow no emotion t o sway its im partial judgm ent ." It w ill be "cool, cri tica l and examining." It will have "impeccable taste," see things "clearly and pr ecisely ," and contain writin g that is "bril lia n ' , 1 pictorial and impressive." . At le ast that's w hat our horoscope says. Now wait a minute . We know w hat you're thinking . You figure there are en ou gh crackpots in this world withou t a newspaper published by believers in astrology. You' r e right. An d we don't believe in astrology. But we do derive am us ement from occa sionally glancing at the forecasts of t he a strolog er. We did th at last week, looking up an astrological an aly sis of the CYCLE NEWS, r eb orn out of the old Mot or cycle J ournal September 21, t he paper is, the refore , Vir go. And before you start laughing, you oug ht to glance at t hat analy sis, t oo. Though ob viously general and frequ ently irrelevant, the descriptions of the Virgo ch aract eri stics are sometimes quite concise an d pertin en t. For in stance, astrologer Evan geline Adams says a Virgo born in the Sept. 13-23 period "has a n atur al tende ncy toward some form of artistic expression that brings pu blic notice." And astro loge r Edward Wagn er says the Virgo "expresses himself succinctly in writing and has a natural ability for anythin g detailed or techni ca l, involvi ng to ols, preci sion in strum en ts or machi nes." Lest you thin k Virgos are perfect (some may be; we are no t ), take a ' look at th e negativ e tr aits of the Virgo. Th e Virgo is "inc lined to let little things overshad ow t he more im portant thing s." He usually "has an ax t o gr in d." His "outlook is a pt to be petty." We at newl y renamed CYCLE NEW S hope to avoid these pi tfalls. W e also hope we will not fall prey to t he ty pical Virgo habit of h aving our "aims in fluenced by so me so -ca lle d material, advantage," as Adams says. We are pleased that astrologers say the killer of most unsuccessful pu bIications-"mismanagemen t and selfindulgence" - are "generally av oided by the Virgo." We are ev en happier th e New Motorcycle J ournal is a Vir go newspaper , n ot a Virgo person. For the human Virgo is ugly. Ad ams says the Virgo is "generally hom el y," with eyes that are "cun ning but hardly ever sympathe ti c," a mo uth that is "small and thin, " a nd li ps that are "very gross;" Th e body is "often ungain ly with t he limbs ill se t." In leafing through this trivia of th e zodiac, perhaps the most stri ki ng and appropr iate comme nt we encountered was the stat ement "The Vir go is one of the signs tliat confers great len gt h of life - if the perils of early CYCLE NEWS - - PAGE ELEVEN infa ncy are avoided." With the help of Its growing staff a nd profession al contribu tors, readers. advertisers and distributors, CYCLE NEWS (for me rly Motorcycle J ourn al) ho pes - and ex pects - to avoid these perils. We are equally ex pectant of long life. FLAT TRACK T.T . JOSEPH BUEGElEl5EN CO BOX lOb 5 NORTHLAND CENTER S OU THF IELD • & ROAD RACE SEATS Best Made Anywhere GUARANTEED M I CH I GAN Also RACING FAIRINGS BROWN FAIRING CO. 13041 P alomar Way Santa Ana, Ca li f. Phone (714) 633-1627 £D KR~ & SON M O lo r c y~te Pari s anel Accessories EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR FOR tit. IIAELLI MOTORCYCLE fPEENPUHT 0." I Tires and Tubes T~"ifNtl ~ · .:'1 ~--FIRST THINK OF FUHPOWBR EQUIPMENT FOR 2-CYCLES ONLY 1857 Merced Stree t EI Monte, ca lifornia 91733 t------------------------------~-~-------·· NOTICE TO NON·SUBSCRIBERS. • • • • • • • How can you be sure of having you r copy of Cal iforn ia's best (and only) motorcycle newspaper every week? 1) you can visit your friendly motorcycle shop and buy one for 15 cents (p lea se, no slugs, pesos or Canadian money) or 2) you can use the coupon here to order your very own edition , mailed to you every Wednesday by machine and delivered by hand on Friday or Saturday. •• • • • • NOTICE TO EVERYBODYNow you can be the first to read what happened th is week by ordering a First-Cla ss mail subscription. P.S., Subscript ion pr ices w ill be going up soon, so send in now, and $ave. • • • • • • For First Cla~s Mail add $5. Tota l: $10 per yea r (50 issues) for new subscribers or renewa ls. Current subscribers, write for First Class rates . I Plea se place my "am.. on your subscription lilt fo r SO ilSve s lone ye.r). Enclosed pl.aM f ind check 3rd or menev order fo r 5S 1 cia.. ma il). I went I Firat el... • • • • • (speedv) mail subs cription to CYCLE NEWS. I hav. e ncle sed a ch«k or money order for S1O. • • • • • • • • •- - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- -------- - ---- - - --- - - ---- - ~ Na me Address City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . Zip Code CYCLE N EWS, . 1185 E. 19th Street, Long Bea ch 90806. ,-

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