Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PAGE TWELVE Wedll.. d~. Odobu 5. 1115 FREE 1965 250cc tIllITESA sa.-LD. - .... CUD 10 houn on ellKl_ . Pl_l••• CODIIitioa $600 or beat offal' Will couider trade for c ...... street _chi_ . lB09 Barrington Aw. L.A. 473-3379 __•• asA '61 • 6)Oce • • ".~bln8 buDd . . . or better then _ , aet up f o r Meat n. SpIed. be.d . .. . U.r lower end, Harwon , CoIUna c _. Must . . I L '" n te" $4 95 . Phone 347-3644 WAlf1'ED : Manx esc or a t-Ia r froar brake. eIIll l ate or wr ite W. D. IIem-Mrs . 4647 t.uoox . lwel l nalevood , C. U t . 614 - 334 1 SACIlt n C! SAI.Z - x-.cula te 1964 a..rraOliu 9 _1 11.000 _1 1•• • Auto t r a M. pe-er at.erlna . Ai r . Gol d interior & exterior • ••• t belta . 101 Joa.. St • • Bake rsfield . CaUf . W ANT TO BUT wu l25-8S82 Mode 1 Hn t.. , - DaYiclson . fu 11 dn.. (714) 871 -6563 17xc BlAHOl l CS. he.Uent Al'M...u:A prod racer . $385. - 115c c Puil t.. CSt rOlld raeer, ~Ietely r ebuilt , eucuhte. $400. vill . e ll botb for $ 685 . PIe... vire o E. ~kuk, 1743 Rabton. Sa n Bernardino , CaUf. 92404 HARLEY- DA VIDSON Servica r. Be.t o ffer u kea ( 2LJ) 691·1238 WAN'l'ED EXPDllEJlCED MECHAJlIC , f o r BoadAI ltDt ol:'c ycl e Excellent pay p u n , ina. p l~ o thers . Call IIowIIrd Bayrw., Soutb a a y Ron da , 121 2 S. Pacific Cat. BwJ Redondo a.ach PH - 378 -9257 FOR SAIZ - 2 HD tor cycle 3 &.a11 Tra i le rs . one with rilid axl. $65. 00 . One wi t h a prinsa $85.00 includiaa '65 US. . BU C)'Ciery lac. , 2307 Durf_ . El Monte 448 - 35 77 ~ FOIl 1/ 2 KILE .. m E: • • DOri ce .ntry 10 Asc o t . Pl•• •• phone 843 -4 207 or writ. Eaitb b'uae r. 309 HoU)'VOOd lIay lb. Burbank . C.Uf . ADS WANT , TlADE '41 FORD Piclt Up. Me ed. work for dirt bib Phone 835-5022 , SOMETHING • lor NOTHING • 1937 Harley. 80" Strour . full ebru:.. chopper. will a e ll or tude . $800 ( 213 ) CE 1-1852 S'l'OQ( GOOD RtlNNIJIC Ariel Sq uue rour "Sr 595. a b o _ny uNd BSA and oebe-n. Call lIE 7-1359 THE CYCLE NEWS 19b4 PAltlJA RO lACER, 250cc with fai ring $450 AD Anabei_ we Center . 121 So. Manche.t.r, Anebe1l8. Ca U f . Not really. By filling this page w ith y our wants we stimulate t he economy, pro vide a service for our readers and you become hooked to using our want ads. So hel p yo urself. It's free now, but pretty soon it will cost $2. To insert a free want ad in this newspaper simply write in 25 words or so what you w an t to sa y and mail it to: FREE WANT ADS , Box 498, Long Beach, California Deadline is Monday in our box for the following Wednesday 's ed ition. FOI SALE ''SULTAOO'' l7 5c:c She rpa S . ne w crenk. _ . wheel. bare, tire . $400.00 o r trede fo r 1 Call (114) 613-94S1 ... It for Ion lOll SALE CYCtZ TlAILD.. u rr ie. three b ike•• good. tires. Ucenae . Usbta hooked up $50.00 C.ll 698-0114 ... It for AI Cuzun Be. to Spil POI. SAL! '64 FORD Pi clt up - V8 (Auta-atic ) r adio bauer - l oa K bed $1 500. 00 Call 371-38 35 o r 923-9111 . .It for Elaine laUe y BAVE TOO IIJTICED - t he prosre .. he " .ade r n tre Dd o f t:be CaUf. Copbera " tit i on Club" . Di st 131 Scra.tJle . cha-.plon•. J o i n ' . up por t )"Our l oca l .,torcyeI. c l ub TODAY. Calif. Cophers MIC P.O . lox 2575, Bell Cerden•• Celif . CLOSDIC OUT All o f o ur Re tan Dept . All aeta n atock -.J .t be . o l d. Alao u ny peru bine f or t he part. de pa r t1llea t. w • 1' . nov vhole •• l . only . • Anabet. MIC Center , 121 S. Manc hes te r Ave . Anahei., Calif . FOR SALE - "Sharp" 56 Bel Air Chev . V8. Black exterior & intel'ior . lot. of eb eeee • Meke off er Call Bob Hudson TOl -J296 - Low . U e . TAU OVER PAYMENTS $3 4 h ll n t h. 1965 Yal'la ha YDS-3C' o Oll) FASHIONED FIELD HE!T - Oct 10 . 196 5, NO 250cc Iii: leu Sc rambler. Ie .. t ha n 1000 .ile . Phon. (213) 964 - 8241 DUCATI 115cc pr od uctionra.d racer, Alloy .he e la RIa • • •e.t aad hir ing. lars. Dellor to with l'll.,te.. bowl . 10 s rand tach . Avon tire •• clean a nd cheap: J ohn Morey (114) 425 - 2429 TRIUMPH '64 TlOOSC . 500cc Set up fo r de.ert:: AlhIi .. ion . Sou t h of Lit tl. Rock . Colden S tats Frvy _ at to Rout e 6. t ake it 138 thru Li t t l e Rock . t a lLe a r ight on 82nd. then lett on El Tejon. tben right on But le r Weber for 2-1 / 2 .ne. t o field . . . e . AU C1....e. ve l ca.. r a ke d fr.-, ~1fled f o rks •• kid plate. and .are: $125 fir.. (MilLe) pho ne PO 1·3127 1964 12Sec OK&C.A J:.anS.lrOo - Di rt bike. £Xcl eeee, 5300. 496 -9367 FOR SALE '62 J.v. 250cc Hoto Cro••• "built: . ns. ' Mes ne to . $195 - Phone (213) 9&4-4 285 CALlJ'OlUfIA POTORCYCL! lane and e1ltbuaiaat., if l'Ou would like to kee p in touch v ith ft rioua r CWId r.ce . _nt. in the stae:- write : AFH. 1185 ledoa lta Drt_ . Sen Jo.e. CaUf . 95128 LO ANCEL!S area Ro.d r.ce ride r. , Metul n ic. , S • you . r. i nv it.d to . a t ins. of t he Lo. Ans ele. Cha pel' of the Ame r ican Fed e rat ion of Moc01'cyc l la t •• Write : AFH 543 9 Troo.t Ave. , No• Hollywood , Celif. 916 01 SPECIAL CHROHE PLA TED Higb pipe fo r Matcble.a aingl. . $1J .9S Steve Hurd K/C . 1405 01~ic Bhd Monte bello. Cdif . 724-0466 '64 ISA 250 St.rf ire F let t recbr. aev tires. Joe Hunt Mal. leared. for Ascot . Rev top end . 1-\ Aal.l n Cub, $450. lKa Cyclery Inc. 2301 Durfee, £1 Hone:., CaUf. FOR SAL! SET OF TDS-2 Ascot Scra.bler dloy berrell .td. bore no vea l' - no t chr~d . . .Ita offer . I. L. Larson. 8159 E. V.lley Illvd., Apt . Ca lif. 1964 nIUMPH Factory Flat Tracker. just rebuilt luna faat, eKtn par t. " geer ing $~ . or 1 C.ll P.ul afte r lOa. (213) 284-144 7 TACI:JMETD. FOR. ISA $25 .00. 1-3/8 De11o rto Italian CP ca rbora tor v itb r.-ou bowl . $25.00 - .pe. r lun $15.00 - can TH 3 - 0861 63' YAMAHA, Ascot Sc ramb ler •• t r e i sht cu t geers. po ll.hed. thr o ugho u t e nline , So nb ... t &e t. nk. Cla•• " C" t r e ction . $ 500 o r bea t offer- !JC 5-4041 WANTE D: FOTR ON CAMEB.A owne rs diau tia fi.d v i t:b r. ~ n t bu.ia.t • 1963 OONDA DREAM. FOR SALE - Black & Cbr. . . . 7000 • i L Alao 1958 Norton 450. call 638- 1398 or 635-9746 FOIl SALE IUa) Leather Sa d d le ~sa . quic kly d.b1cb_ a ble, ne a rly new $25 - Pbone 319-9894 1964 200cc cu:EVES Square .... rrel - De• • rt ready . e Ktru $3 75. 00. Can be . een a t Motorcycle SerY1ce Cen te r. 220 E. Huntinaton. Hooroy" n 7-227 4 o r call Dean ha-.aaaen a t Sf 3-1207 RElD SPA TO B.I D!: 160 fenced acre. f o r i de a l CE clu b location. vater. elect ricity . 2 house. need renQ'Y8; t ion. terse barn idee 1 fo r conversion t o club purpo••• • Pr i ce d a t Ie •• tben $400 an acre . 40 a cre. level the reat bUls . can be uaed f o r any kind of .atorcycle ....nt: . Pr ice $ 61,000 .00. dn $6 ,000 . (114) 653 -1145 19)8 lO YAL ENrIEtD . d irt bike. 500c:c tw in . $1 00 1426 S. K1.anie 12. Sane:- Aa.a. Cal U . pbone (714) S41-)6) ' Kn'OKCY CLE SALESMAR v it h e Kperience - lood worlti na condo Sporta Motor S.l.. , 420 S. ar.Dd Bl vd . Ciendale . C81U . (..e Ted) S!Jcc YAMAHA nAIL $175. 00 . 2 c lean lG lS $225 & $27S. - 1964 300cc CUna $3 95. Ace like Sbop llCO E. Art:e.ia , tons "acb. Cal U. ENT NOW for Mxt )'ean Enaenade lJlot:tl Scramble ER. Write : Erni. Arson, 223 w. ea.ino l.eal, Monrovia C.U fo rn1e WANTED - A.J . S. or KetchIe .. forb . 1956 496 - 9367 FOR. SAlZ - ' 65 y... ba a oc c oUer , a peed e q upt: , e Kt:r... All a tock part • • 6 IIlO ina. le f t:. $26 5 - Hr . He•• e QA 4- 2800 - 9 : 30 a. t o 5: 00 p- . & up Al. I.EL SQUAIlE 4 - b c.Ue nt _ch . Cond $600 . or . i ll sh'e t o a .atorcyc l e enthuala.t vba U a q\lSltfied pa ttern ..... ker in e xc ha ng e f or . .kinS ne • pattern . Can be daM durina b b . pa re t t... PboM CL 1- 5319 ' 64 Bu lteco 200cc Sc ra.tJ ler . fa at but USly $3 15. like tra Uer $15.00 - Phone 310-1990 12Sec IDmA. - Xla t: Cond . $300 . - ATT'N CAMEJlA ItJ::S : Trade ·'Ko l l e y" 3.5 lena, l i g bt .tar. f U c. r . st r obe. bipod. !a:ce 11e nt - wUl trade f o r IIlOtorc ycle. Call 6pm - 10 pm JEl-3649 MJTOB.CYCtZ JACXET .be 42 • Uke naw $35 . 00. M W Co-Metic f o r t ra il bike 520 .00. Brand new A.ntt1 uv.try o fficers hi gh lace boot. $ 15.00. ca ll be fore noon ( 213) 255 -2122 J41 -4~ PDlSTRI PD. W AIl'I'm - Part: ts.- i.a our abop. Worlt own ho un , ewnlnss or .... k ends. (;ood . a caa . .ke $10 to $15 per hour. Wlxoa Co. Lona Beacb pbooe 421-0232 au-e- fende r & aide ca-rs f or b il: rear t i re. Se r . llb ler ban d l e bau, Xlnt condo $650. Alao 1962 Barle y S print 2SOcc Rudy too race . .ke offer. DA 3-612 2 1 !AI1T IP'UL 1965 Barley-David.on Elec:tra Clide. Bl a c k. " 'ooJbite - 1495 actual .Ue. - cbeep Phone (11 4) 6 29 -3843 1957 BAlt ETDAVIDSOH, r unn i na condit ion, good fo r L pu u . $100 .00 • pbone 433 -8511 LEAVING FOR SPAI N . Mu.t • .111 125 " Lube" pr od U ''Woru'', Sta nderd e ng ine. $200 . New .pares a ll SEll OR 't'RADE 212 Cla y.mith Cem & .dj. tappit. (53 Mer c ) -S . park , quad alUli . nifo ld, W ber e alum fl yvbeel • clutcb, 53 Ford. box , IhIrn .hifte r. 6 .cI t bat: . ne vI 4 -14 big &e lit tle U rea .& riMe - 51 Pa r d, Fred Cr able, 320 Lealu. Ave • • La Pue nt e . CaUf . 330 ·6117 fo r $650.00. W i t e : Al Spurs, 1891 Pe ppe r Tree r une. S.n Bernardino . C.lif . 01 MJNTESA '65 - 2SOcc - S 11. . 1' , Blue - c Up o n ber•• tun.d pipe. CIa •• ··CO' tire. . . .n y e Ktra. $100. Call afte r 5p11 - Except Wed & Thun . (114) 84 1-0511 WAIITED - Na. addrea. or phone no. of anyone who cen inatall web. in YDS -3H ' 65 Ascot Scr.mbler .teel linera AT 1-3681 19)8 TKICKPII neD. CUll - $SO.OO - be.ka t: u.e, e_ryt:binl t:bare . Pra. end wheels cOllllpletely t:osether. Engine Rotbi. . broken: Write : Cycle Rew. P. O. lox 49 8 . LonS . eel o r cdl 591-2088 frIM 9 -5 aosIZ! 194 9 Rot Sbot Roadster, Braja ' Equip . ne v di.c brake • • extra tir.e, v beela . and .Uc pe ru . a ll for $200. Can EX 3-1968 1964 iIlNDA 30S cc. Su pe r Hawk - 200 0 . i l e a , new co nd iton - . c r.lllble r ba ra , 3 .50 Jl 18 Dunlop tire Allo y . prock.e t:. r .c i na v. l Ye . prinS. - Bl ack $650 . (u ke vood) 42 1· 6 238 FOR SALE: 305cc lKJNDA lOAD Race r · Comp1. t . v i t h c lip · on bar. , H , C c.•. ported head . IIlesap hone . Avon ..Cr .en.pot. ... vide • • l.c t i on of .procket•• Very r alhble . Coing to c oUege . Pr i c e d va ry n e.ona b l e . Cau Er nie (2 13 ) 241 -11B2 LADIES DO YOU B.m! a f un bike deily fo r t rana . Our e ditoria l de p t would like t o . peek to you ull The IN Motorcycle JQurnal 591- 2088 500cc liSA ' 59, Like nev , race $ 500 . phone 539 - 2780 FOR SALE: DAy tona 013 00 Helmet • • i ze 1. Candy a pple, i ncludinS 2 bubbles , 525. W bc o J a c ke t e with det.ecbeble co ller, .be 40 $30 . being leatben . Call 162-4891 .1_• • FREE POl SALE: CAMPa. 19&4 C.b 0 Td 8\ foot. \ cab a-r . sleep. 4 . ce nte r dinette • • to_. o_n. broiler , 151 ice box.•• ialt. urao doo r •• 16 sal . . t:. r . A-I Cond. - Muat .eel. $795 . BorundaS• • DAda 7-9331 big ca rbo '64 MAl a) FUT TI.ACI:Ell : Rev Platon r l 1\8•• lover .nd & tires . $300.00 or be.t offe r • .ust •• 11 call 'e rna ndo ( da,.) 645-6600 (e ve.) 931-5119 ROAD B.ACIltC FRA!f! , w he ~ la . tires . brake •• ta nk.. ••a t " fa i rinS a ll in OM beeutiful .how bike . ".dy f o r a ny engine up to 2SOcc - $300. C.ll w. nake.lee - (213) 861-8S45 beve the co rrec t info on your club. Are you liated1 ca ll Cycl. N .... 591-2088 Art!I.'ITION CLUaS: Do _ To insert a free want ad in this newspaper simply write in 25 words or so what you want to say and mail it to: FREE WANT ADS , Box 498 , Long Beach , California Deadline is Monday in our box for the following Wednesday 's ed ition. Name Address State CUI . FIBB.E-Cu.sS NUMIl!l. PUoTES. 10 x 12 ·' C" $6.00 per Doz. Sc r amb les $ S. OO - Min order 1 Doz . Cl o.e o ut: ··Cyc le -Up'· ho ls t - on l y 3 le f t - va . $149 Sale price $119. Li t .ra tun on re que.t. B.ea Hull , 1303 1 Iv,. Aft , Etiwanda , CaUf . 91139 IDmA ' 65 SUPER HAilE. - 30!Jcc 6 1 n IUMPH 500cc, in good .bape vlll t:rada for good 250c c two stroke or .ina le 4 .troke or cub Pbone af ter 6p11 J E 1-3649 t he r e . ult. f r Olll t:he Cl; er •. Obj a ct: c la • • • u it m a ga i n.t Tra i d . Contact Bert Steva r c, 2 1113 H11 1aide Dr. Topang. phon. 455 -1 961 . WA T A DS

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