Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ PAGE TWO - - Thurs•• Sept. 23. 1965 - - THE NEW MOTORCYCLE JOURNAL cipated. will quickly find its way to the fire. Major national and internatio n a l events will, of course, get the cov er a ge they deserve in the new Motorcycle Journal. Circulation of the newspaper will ju m p to 10.000 beginning with this issue. The sta nda r d size will be 12 pages. 'T he new Motorcycle Journal wiII be the independent voice of California m otorcyclists, and woe to those who seek to take advantage of its good na tu re to further t hei r own unscrupulous ends." Chuck warns. A ' Road Scholar' "Instea d of be in g seriou s abou t having fun. the new Journal will be serious an d have fun . Satire and e ven parody wiII appear on our pages. No cow will be so sacred it cannot be milked for an occasional chuckle. " If it has less than four wheels, travels under its own pow er and is important to Ca lifornia, you'll see it in the new J ou r n a l first," says, Chuck, a trained observer on the motor cy cle scene for eight years. He has been fas ci nated with motorcycle life since a 250cc BSA solved his traffic problem in college 12 years ago. "I was," he says humbl y, "the origi nal Pepsi ge neration. "B ut I was outnumbered." Chu ck dro pped out of California to become a "Road Sc h ola r," and toured North America on his Matchless twin, eking out a precarious existence as a professional racer (of sorts) and contributor to the U.S, motorcycle monthlies. "In those days, we had the Catalina Grand Prix to cheer us on ," Chuck recalls . " It was a modern v ersion of the Isle of Man, jus t vi sible from L.A. And despite the conflicting opinions on why the event was killed, I resent the absence of an event like this for Western riders . "With the growing interest in funbikes and cycles all around th e United Sta tes, we in California have big responsibility. We should le ad the way for a nation on two wheels. "The New Motorcycle Journal will help provide that leadership." THE NEW "Tlte Voice of California" Motorcycle Journal 19th Street. Long Beach. Calif. 591-2088 Published by C & S Publishing Company Ch a r les Clay t on Editor S ha r on Clayton , ,.. Business Manager The Motorcycle Journal is pu b lished ev ltry Thursday in long Beach , Californ ia . Any part o f th is newspaper may be reproduced w ithout wr itten consent o f the publ isher, pr ov ided cred it i, gi ven. Edit orial con tr ibut ion s should be ma iled to: The New Moto rcyce Jo ur nal . P.O . 80 x 68 , Hu nt inoton Park. Califor n ia . The Ne w Motorcycle Jo u rn a l will nOf be respons ib le for unso lici ted ma ter i. ls unl ess acco mpa nied by postage. Gilera Moves Gilera, USA, has moved its importing district headquarters from Long Bead! to 5630 E. Berwick, Sou t h Gate. The telephone number in the new, larger quarter is 861-2274 . You'll always see it FIRST the New Motorcycle Journal Looks Like a Hat. • • Cycle Mechanics Class May Be Given in I..A. Officials a t Los Angeles Trade Tech' nical College would like to offer a course in motorcycle mechanics this year, but have not yet located an instructor or enough students to justify t he expense. Sc hool officials today urged any individuals interested in such a class to call the school at 749-7921. Any person interested in teaching a class in motorcycle mechanics or knowing of such a person should also call the school. Prospective teachers must have teaching credentials. Trade Tech is located at 400 W. Washington Bl vd. , Los Angeles, less than a mile from th e ci vic center. If the m otorcycle mechanics class is offered at night, as ex pec ted, the fee would be $2.50 per student. If a day class is offe red, th e fe e w ou ld be $6.50. These fees a re st uden t body membership and registration fees. S ince Trad e Tech is a junior college, it ch ar ges no tuition. Thousands to Enter J Jth Annual Death Valley Tou r Protects Like a Helmet Now th ere's a way to combine safety and smart looks in a protect ive hat to wear for motoring, cycl ing, and sports. Buco Helmet -Hats incorporate scient if ic design princ iples to help reduce head injuries from vehicle and sport accidents. If you don't wear a helmet, play it safe, wear a Buco Helmet-Hat. Send name and address fo r f ree color brochure showing all models and styles for guys and gals. Include ten cents for helmet research report. Dealer inquiries invited. • Outer shell of Bucoron to help dis perse the force of an impact . • Bucolite lin er specially formulated to absorb impact energy. • Head suspension adjustable for com, fort permits venti lat ion. • Hold-down harness for stay-on se cur ity . adjustable, stores as part of trim . • Secondary hold-down at rear for additional stabilization. flips ins ide when not in use • .J 0 S E P H B U E GE L E I SE N CO.. BO X 106 5 N ORTHLAND CE N TE R . SO U T H F IE L D , MICH. *Buco helmets are covered by one or more of the follow ing patents : U.S. Pat . 3015103, 2991478, 3082427,3082428 ,3116490,3116488, and 3137859. British Patent 905358-ot her patents pend in g. Thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts, many riding with friends and families, will pour into Death Valley Oct. 30-31 for the 11th annual Death Valley Motorcycle Tour. Entries for the event should be se n t, w ith a $3 e n tr y fee, t o 12738 S . Paramount Blvd" Downey, Calif., by Oct, 16. There will b e no official start . Gold rush ma p k it s will be mailed on r eceipt of en tr ies and r egistration a t th e AMA booth in Death Valley will begin at 9 a .m., Oct. 30. There will be tours in De ath Valley, en te rtainment, awards f or everyth ing from attractive dress to largest club and from shortest r id er to best flapjack cooker. Every entrant will receive an entrant's souvenir p in . Am ong the sites to be to ured are Azbriski e Point, 20 Mu le T ea m Ca nyon, De vil's G olf . Cou rse, B adwa te r, Scotty 's Castl e and T eles cope Peak - a ll nestl ed in what the Death Va lley Committee calls " th e w eird w onderland of scenic interest - beautiful, fa ntastic, unique De a th Va lley" .

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