Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 18 May 5

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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COMPARISON P44 2 0 2 0 H U S Q VA R N A F E 3 5 0 V S . F E 5 01 Is bigger always better? Depends. Husqvarna's FE 350 and 501 make that question difficult to answer. BATTLE OFTHE BORE BY JESSE ZIEGLER I PHOTOGRAPHY BY KIT PALMER DO 150-PLUS CC'S REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? F or 2020, Husqvarna's FE line of four-stroke, single-track-slaying woods machines are no longer just street-legal beasts. In line with KTM's enduro offering, there are now trail bikes in the lineup without license plates. In our KTM XCF-W vs EXC comparison a few weeks ago, we showed that the concept of com- promise between bikes with license plates and those without is weak. And if you don't need or want a license plate on your dirt bike, you should save the cash and get the one without. That's simple enough, right? Here, we're skipping that debate (thankfully) and going straight to the hottest question on deck: What size dirt bike should I buy?

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