there and you look ahead
and you look for it. District
is a really important part of
reading terrain.
When you first started
with the Honda rally
team, they kept saying
you took to rally "like a
duck to water." Would
you say that navigation
is something that came
naturally to you?
The navigation did not come
naturally. That stuff is so hard!
I'm not a perfectionist at navi-
gating or a perfectionist at rid-
ing dirt bikes. There's always
going to be someone better,
but I learn literally something
new about navigating every
time I train or every time I go
to a rally. Things are always
advancing, things are always
getting harder or better, so I'm
no perfectionist. But it's defi-
nitely not natural. I don't think
it's natural for anybody.
As for the roadbooks,
they changed up the for-
mat a little by giving them
to racers in the morn-
ing instead of the night
before, which you com-
mented you prefer.
I think getting the roadbook
in the morning is badass! It
(Below) There
was no shortage
of stunning
landscapes in
the deserts of
Saudi Arabia.