Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 05 February 4

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2020 HONDA CRF250RX R I D E R E V I E W P82 passer taking advantage of the inevitable ground inspection of others. It's just survival when it gets this way and we survived! Here are a few standout performers from the bike. THE CLUTCH After the first few turns and spastically flopping through the trees, I was sure the day would end with a clutch as toasty as my continental breakfast. There is simply no way around nearly murdering the poor plates in these condi- tions. Since I was aware of this early, 80% of my bike control attention went to keeping my hand off the damn clutch lever. Still, there were times it was hammer the clutch or sink, and I chose to hammer. The clutch certainly faded, but a few turns on the quick adjuster gave me some bite back and when I felt comfortable enough to release it, I was happy to back off the tension, too. I don't know how much life is left in the stack now,

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