VOL- UME 56 ISSUE 49 DECEMBER 10, 2019 P31
Road 2 Recovery Creates Goerke Fund
hree-time Canadian National
Champion and German
Supercross Champion, Matt
Goerke suffered a serious injury
during qualifying at the Interna-
tional Supercross Chemnitz in
Germany last month.
Goerke crashed, fracturing
his spine at the L2 vertebrae
and broke his left clavicle. Ac-
cording to Road 2 Recovery,
"Since the crash, he has under-
gone two surgeries. As of now,
Goerke has feeling throughout
his extremities but is not allowed
to test the movement of his legs
as doctors are concerned for
the stability of his spine. He is
expected to be released from
the hospital in Germany (where
his fiance, Erin, is at his side)
once he is stable enough to fly
home. Once Goerke is home he
will start an outpatient physical
therapy program to help with the
recovery process.
"Goerke has a well-rounded
U.S. medical insurance policy,
but unfortunately they are cur-
rently denying all his interna-
tional medical bills as well as
transportation home to Panama
City Beach, Florida. The two
surgeries and an extended stay
in the hospital is starting to add
up. The team at Road 2 Recov-
ery will continue to help Goerke
and his family fight to get some
of the bills covered by his U.S.
policy. However there will still be
a substantial amount he will have
to pay for out of pocket, and
they continue to grow daily.
"If you are able to help, you
can donate to Goerke's R2R
"As more information comes
available Road 2 Recovery will
update his R2R Fund Page.
Goerke and his family are grate-
ful for any donations and posi-
tive vibes sent his way. You can
leave a positive message for him
on his Road 2 Recovery cause
page. Any and all prayers are
appreciated and needed." CN
Road 2 Recovery
has opened
an account for
injured for former
Canadian MX
champ Matt