OHV Advocator Clark Collins Passes
he OHV advocacy community
lost one of its great champi-
ons and pioneers. Among many
things, Collins was the co-found-
er and former executive director
for the BlueRibbon Coalition.
In the mid-1980s, Clark saw a
need for OHV recreationists to
become substantially engaged
in grassroots advocacy to have
a voice in the national land-use
debate and to challenge a bar-
rage of trail closures created by
new Wilderness legislation or
administrative non-motorized land
"For some unexplained reason
in 1990, Clark took me under
his wing and became my mentor
and friend," said Don Amador,
Blue Ribbon Coalition co-founder
"He made sure I knew that ac-
cepting the call to become a
professional OHV advocate—as a
career—would be filled with a lot
of 'challenges.' I remember Clark
as a happy warrior. He enjoyed
the politics of OHV and encour-
aged me to develop my advocacy
skillset by working on political
campaigns, serving on boards,
running for elected office, writing,
working on legislation, supporting
sustainable trail management pro-
grams and working collaboratively
with diverse stakeholder groups.
"I got a chance to visit with
Clark over the phone several
times where we had fun talking
about old times such as host-
ing the Breakfast of Champions,
working Capitol Hill, doing a trail
ride, challenging bad travel deci-
sions, or defending good travel
decisions in court, etc. I know
Clark really appreciated getting
phone calls from many of off-
roading enthusiasts over the last
few weeks that were in his large
circle of close friends.
"Godspeed, Clark Collins." CN
Long-time OHV
advocator Clark
Collins (front left)
passed away.