Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 47 November 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND P38 Gerston Wraps Up West Hare Scrambles Title T he 66th Annual Wilseyville Hare Scrambles—the eighth and final round of the Kenda/SRT AMA West Hare Scrambles (WHS) Regional Championship Series, Presented by Mojo-—couldn't have gone any better for Beta. The Italian manufacturer swept the podium with Joe Wasson winning convincingly, Zane Roberts claiming second and Max Gerston taking the series championship with a cautious third. Going into the race at the popular (albeit dusty this year) venue in the Northern California mountains, Gerston carried a 16-point lead over Wasson, so all he had to do to add a second career WHS title was finish sixth or better. Considering he'd podiumed every previous round—with two wins and five sec- ond-place finishes—that was a pretty safe bet, though with the extremely silty conditions, it wasn't a given, and he rode accord- ingly aboard his Motul/Kenda/Klim-backed 300 RR. Wasson, on the other hand, had to go for it and he attacked the course from the outset, riding his FMF/Rekluse/Fly Rac- ing 430 RR almost angrily, pummeling the 11-mile course in the trees as if it were a sprint, not a marathon of nearly three hours. Having wrapped up the Pro 250 title previously, Zane Roberts tested the Open Pro waters and finished second overall.

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