Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 2019 45 November 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2020 K TM 250 XC TPI RIDE REVIEW P64 A re you wondering if KTM's fuel- injection technology is ready for its most competitive line of off-road motorcycles? So are we! We went to the WORCS event held in Washington this summer to find out if TPI is WORCS-wor- thy and XC-ready. Before we get too deep into the fuel- injection here, it's worth calling out some standout features that make the 2020 KTM XC TPI what it is. This isn't a com- plete list of everything new, but just the highlights of what we appreciate the most. Across the board, the updates to the latest generation of XC-models are great. From the visually obvious graphics and ex- haust system updates to the suspension settings, the 2020 lineup is ultra-solid. A lot of questions come up about the exhaust, and it's truly unique. KTM stamps the 3D pattern into the pipe in- house, claiming it increases the strength of the structure and reduces noise. More impressive to us is the new shape of the system—now more oval as it exits the en- gine—and its higher ground clearance for those annoying rocks and logs we inevita- bly lodge into. The engine gets updates outside TPI, as well. Exhaust port machining dials in timing and a new higher compression cylinder head is on-board. PRIME TIME IS IT WORCS-WORTHY AND XC-READY? WE WENT TO WASHINGTON TO FIND OUT.

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